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Epsilon Omicron

2,603 bytes added, 17:35, 14 June 2022
Highlights of 2021
==Highlights of 2021==This year was successful given all the obstacles that were overcome. In winter and spring, virtually we hosted sisterhood events and senior membership experience. Additionally, we had programming covering sexual assault, resume writing, mental health, and a variety of topics. With in-person instruction in the fall, our chapter was able to maintain some normalcy and traditions. We had in person initiation, recruitment, Founder’s Day, Kappacino (philanthropy event) Presents, Big-------------------------Little, and '''Note Formal. Our chapter’s goal this past year was to Chapter Registrar:''' increase involvement and we found great success Please refer from the chapter with increased involvement in sisterhoods, community service, and philanthropy. Traditions and rituals surrounding initiation with bigs writing letters to your chapter archives including chapter meeting minutes the littles and back issues of The Key the littles having a bonding night prior to fill initiation was reinstated with the in any gaps -person initiation. Ritual and history werealso prioritized with ritual reviews and Founder’s Day by teaching the members the songs and phrases of both initiation and formal meeting that was lost during the pandemic. We supported WEAVE, which is supports women who are victims of sex trafficking and domestic abuse in the above historical highlightsSacramento area. If your We also supported National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). After Kappas across the U.S. and Canada expressed wanting to support mental health initiatives, Kappa Kappa Gamma officially refocused our national philanthropy to supporting mental health organizations. Out of the list of suggested organization, our chapter archives are not completevoted to support the National Eating Disorders Association. This cause is very important to us as many of us know someone who suffered from an eating disorder or have ourselves. In the winter and spring philanthropy, with virtual learning we raised money through fundraising members as we participated in walk-a thons. In fall quarter, we raised nearly $7, please research your university library000 at our annual Kappacino event where we serve coffee and donuts to members of the Davis community. Through this event, campus newspaper we received donations through ticket sales and yearbook archives t-shirt sales as well as donations from each member’s individual fundraising for newsworthy information about your the event.  This past year we added a DEI officer to chaptercouncil. Please double check your work This position was added last fall quarter, but this was the first year with the position and I was a success. She hosted programming covering implicit biases and had a presentation for accuracy. Contact the chapter Advisory or House Board prior to recruitment to remind the membersof Kappa’s values and inclusivity. She also collaborated with the public relations chair to post social media awareness posters to spread the message of diversity, local Alumnae Association membersequity, or your Province Director of Chapters for assistanceand inclusion. Your efforts will ensure a complete  Winter and spring quarters were held virtually with chapter and accurate history of your chapter council meetings held virtually. There were also virtual sisterhoods and senior events that took place virtually. Fortunately, for future generations fall quarter, we were able to resume in person instruction which meant in person Kappa events as well. I was able to enjoy!get the chapter more involved in ritual by hosting ritual reviews to learn songs and have in person initiation. Also, recruitment, big-little, initiation, presents, Founder’s Day, Formal, and philanthropy were all able to be in person since they occur in fall.

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