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Delta Iota

48 bytes added, 21:26, 30 May 2022
Highlights of 2021
Delta Iota supports the St. Jude’s Dream Day Foundation who sponsors an annual Fishin’ Galore Day right here in south Louisiana. This organization was founded by a Delta Iota Kappa and we are happy to continue to support and attend the event each Spring!
Delta Iota donated a third of its fundraisings from the Kappa Klassic Golf Tournament to the KKG Foundation and another third to Mental Health America. We look forward to exploring the opportunities our new Fraternity Philanthropy brings to us in the upcoming spring semester.
In the Spring of 2021, we held a chapter wide DEI Programming event that was very informative on properly including diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in our chapter events, as well as our in individual lifestyles. This fall we changed our DEI chair into a slated Director position and Peyton Harvey was elected as our first ever DEI Director in December of 2021.
This year, LSU held a hybrid Recruitment in order to comply with our state COVID-19 mandates. The first round of Recruitment was a virtual video experience for the potential new members and the following three rounds were smaller in-person parties. All LSU students were required to get a COVID vaccine in September, or test bi-weekly and receive a negative test, in order to attend LSU. We wore masks at all events until the state mask mandate was lifted in early November of 2021. This has definitely been a challenging year, but thankfully we have been able to safely hold in person events and are able to get to know our wonderful new members.
[[File:DI 2021.jpg|thumb|In front of our house]]

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