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Gamma Xi

4,237 bytes added, 17:29, 15 December 2021
|Image= [[File:Gamma_Xi.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1925|05|08}}
|College= [http University of California, Los Angeles]
|Location= Los Angeles, CA
|Homepage= [httphttps://wwwucla.wixkappa.comorg/uclakappa/kkggammaxi Gamma Xi Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Gamma Xi Chapter]}}
Gamma Xi had a very eventful year! The first event of 2020 was Officer Leadership Training which took place on Sunday, January 5th. The next day, at Monday night's meeting, all the new officers were installed. Our new officers were: Lizzy-Labeeuw Anderson (President), Sydney Brown (VP-Standards), Mary Dover (VP-Academic Excellence), Allison Herbst (VP-Organization), Anna Melnyk (Secretary), Tamar Ervin (Treasurer), Regan Finch (Marshal), Jade Sebti (Education Chairman), Skyler Seamons (Event Chairman), Madison Moneymaker (Risk Management Chairman), Maeneka Grewal (Membership Chairman), Katrina Simons (New Member Chairman), Julia Fry (Panhellenic Delegate), Kendall Bottrell (Philanthropy Chairman), and Lauren Haight (Public Relations Chairman). Maya Jones was the House Chairman for the 2019-2020 school year and Gabby Martin is currently the House Chairman for the 2020-2021 school year.
Later in January, we hosted students from 122nd Elementary School for “A Day in the Life”. To celebrate Kappa’s Sesquicentennial (150 years), the Minnie Stuart Van stopped at 744 Hilgard on February 6th. We had a great day learning about Kappa’s history and meeting alumni! Everyone was very excited to explore the van, which was filled with Kappa artifacts and history. Live-ins, non-Live-ins, Advisors, and Kappa alumni all stopped by to explore the van, celebrate 150 years of Kappa, and share Kappa memories. In addition to the Minnie Stuart Van, our chapter continued to celebrate 150 years of Kappa throughout the year. At Monday night meetings, members learned about Kappa’s history! Additionally, we highlighted Kappa’s 150-year celebration on our Instagram page. Throughout the year, members shared their favorite Kappa memory, favorite part of Kappa, why they are thankful for Kappa, etc., on Kappa’s Instagram story. Lastly, we celebrated Kappa’s Sesquicentennial during Formal Recruitment. We connected with Gamma Xi alumni and collected photos/videos from their time in Kappa. Our Preference round video displayed the lifetime friendship Kappa provides through alumni’s photos, videos, and group testimonials. Later, during the Winter quarter, we COB’ed eight great girls who joined PC’19. Before the pandemic, we had a fun quarter filled with social events and sisterhoods! However, due to the spread of COVID-19, Gamma Xi members had to transition to online school for the Spring and Fall quarter.
Academics is something very important to the members of Gamma Xi. We had many study parties before midterms and finals during the winter quarter. Even though classes were moved online during the Winter quarter, we were able to remain dedicated to our academics. During the Spring, 44 members achieved a 4.0 GPA, we had no members on POC, and we achieved the highest chapter GPA in Gamma Xi history! Additionally, KKG had an average GPA of 3.878, which was recognized for being above the Panhellenic average. Gamma Xi was also recognized at the Convention. Gamma Xi won two awards at Convention: “Chapter/Advisory Board Relations Award - Honorable Mention” and “Finance Award - Honorable Mention (Housed Chapter).”
The house closed for the Spring quarter. However, it reopened for the Fall quarter. The house remains open at half-capacity with live-ins following strict COVID guidelines/safety precautions. Room 18 in the house is designated as the quarantine room, should any live-in have to quarantine. Thankfully, no members of Kappa have had COVID while living in the house. For the safety of Caroline Carolyn (house mom) and all members living in the house, non-live-ins may not enter the house.
At the end of September, Gamma Xi members participated in “Kappa Kamp” via Zoom to prepare for Recruitment. Formal Recruitment was also held via Zoom due to the pandemic. Although it was our first virtual Recruitment, it went very smoothly, and members were still able to portray their love for Kappa to PNMs. At the end of Formal Recruitment, we got a full pledge class of 50 amazing members. Of the 50 members in PC’20, eight are legacies, and four are Gamma Xi legacies! To celebrate the new PC, a virtual Bid Night was held the same day as the preference round. All the existing members dressed up in blue and welcomed the new pledge class. It was a fun night full of celebration, bonding, and virtual games! Only a week later, Gamma Xi decided to do COB since there were many amazing girls. Although there were over 20 girls interested in joining KKG, Gamma Xi decided to COB two girls who we felt were a great fit for the chapter.
In light of the revived movements against the racial injustices faced by African-American communities, our DEI committee was formed in June and has been meeting consistently in efforts to educate our members on how the Greek community has failed to welcome individuals of all backgrounds. In doing so, our own chapter has evaluated how we have contributed to these intolerances through our mere involvement in the historically racist system of Greek Life. As we move forward to create change within the greater Panhellenic community, we are encouraging open discussion surrounding race and forms of intersectional privilege among our members. Before recruitment, the Gamma Xi DEI committee led a training on inclusive recruitment practices, as well as worked with Chapter Council and Kappa Nationals to dissolve the legacy system within Gamma Xi. Beyond recruitment, the committee has continued to implement the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion by planning specialized program meetings to further educate our members on the disparities in our community and the actions needing to be taken to propagate social justice movements. In addition, Gamma Xi has fundraised for organizations such as the “I Have a Dream'' foundation, which works to grant access to higher education for students in under-resourced communities. It is important to note that Gamma Xi is not only focusing its efforts to promote the importance of racial diversity, but our committee has also directed its attention towards the LGBTQIA+ identifying community and other marginalized groups. The Gamma Xi chapter is committing to changing Greek Life for the better so all individuals, no matter what race, ethnicity, sexual identity, and disability status, can find a home in Gamma Xi.
This year Gamma Xi was very excited to celebrate Kappa’s 150th anniversary. At the beginning of the Winter quarter, on February 6th, the Minnie Stuart Van stopped at the Kappa house for the day. Everyone was very excited to explore the van, which was filled with Kappa artifacts and history. Live-ins, non-Live-ins, Advisors, and Kappa alumni all stopped by to explore the van,celebrate 150 years of Kappa, and share Kappa memories. In addition to the Minnie Stuart Van,our chapter continued to celebrate 150 years of Kappa throughout the year. At Monday night meetings, members learned about Kappa’s history! Additionally, we highlighted Kappa’s150-year celebration on our Instagram page. Throughout the year, members shared their favorite Kappa memory, favorite part of Kappa, why they are thankful for Kappa, etc., on Kappa’s Instagram story. Lastly, we celebrated Kappa’s Sesquicentennial during Formal Recruitment. We connected with Gamma Xi alumni and collected photos/videos from their time in Kappa. Our Preference round video displayed the lifetime friendship Kappa provides through alumni’s photos, videos, and group testimonials.
==Highlights of 2021==
This year at Gamma Xi Chapter, we held virtual meetings from Jan.1 until the beginning of Fall
Quarter. Chapter Council meetings and Chapter meetings were either virtual or sent via email.
For Winter COB Recruitment, Fireside & Initiation was held virtually for the new members and
the President, Marshal, New Member Chairman, and VP of Standards sat in separate rooms in
order to socially distance themselves from one another. We informally recruited the new
members successfully. The goals for Gamma Xi’s Chapter Council for the upcoming school year
of Fall 2021 was to successfully do a hybrid format for Formal Recruitment as well as keeping
the Chapter’s house open on The Row. This past Fall, all 50 members were able to move into
the Chapter’s house and have remained socially conscious to social distance and to adhere to
the proper COVID-19 guidelines. Moreover, Chapter meetings, as well as Chapter Council
meetings, have been held at the house in person. Chapter operations have been consistently
adhering to COVID-19 precautions and have worked tirelessly to ensure the health and safety
of each member of Gamma Xi. Initiation this year was held in person at the house and advisors
and alumni were able to partake in Ritual at both Fireside service as well as day of Initiation.
Gamma Xi successfully initiated 62 members on Saturday, November 6 at 11am and has
welcomed its new members with open arms. As of November 15, the new Chapter Council has
been elected by Gamma Xi’s members and these new officers will start their term in just a few
Chapter Philanthropy
Gamma Xi Chapter supports mental health and well being as our philanthropic focus because
kids are inspired to achieve their goals and our members work tirelessly to ensure that these
children receive quality support. Mental health is a very important factor, especially in young
children’s lives, and therefore Gamma Xi has made it a priority to ensure that the kids we work
with are supported. Gamma Xi has also supported Kappa Kares which raises money in the Fall
Quarter to help support mental health awareness and donates this money to organizations
who need it most. This past Winter Quarter, the chapter raised $8,853 towards mental health
and well being organizations and this past Spring Quarter the chapter raised $3,552 towards its
designated organization of choice. This past Fall Quarter the chapter raised $1,360.70 towards
Kappa Kares.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Our DEI Chairman, Michaela Anderson, held multiple DEI presentations during the year at
Chapter meetings and she held various sessions for open questions about everything related
to DEI and our Chapter. She also put together anonymous surveys for peoples’ concerns and/or
questions. Gamma Xi also had members attend a Panhellenic presentation concerning DEI.
During the time of Halloween, specifically, Michaela made a DEI presentation for the entire
chapter concerning what is right/wrong when dressing for Halloween and she reviewed how to
steer clear of anything that would be a DEI issue. Our PR Chair, Julia Rowe, also made sure to
present to the Gamma Xi Chapter about what is allowed on social media and what is
inappropriate and/or a DEI issue. The members of Gamma Xi Chapter were consistently
informed about DEI issues and/or concerns surrounding Greek Life.
Sesquicentennial Celebration
Our Education Chairman, Remy Clayman, held an informational meeting about Kappa’s 151st
Anniversary for our entire Chapter and had six volunteers read a script that taught Gamma Xi
about the history of our founders and the symbols that embody Kappa. We also had a fun
game of Kahoot that allowed our members to truly grasp the history of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
This year, Gamma Xi Chapter held a hybrid format for Formal Recruitment and our members
worked hard during Rush to prepare, all while being socially distanced and being safe. Pictured
below shows our members during Recruitment and being COVID-19 conscious, while preparing
for the week of Rush.

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