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Zeta Zeta

14,219 bytes added, 17:36, 31 October 2022
Highlights of 2022
|Image= [[File:Zeta_Zeta.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1982|02|20}}
|College= [http Westminster College]
|Location= Fulton, MO
|Homepage= [http Zeta Zeta Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Zeta Zeta Chapter]}}
'''Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, Founded 1851'''
==Highlights of 2020==
The Zeta Zeta chapter returned to Westminster College for the Spring semester of the 2019-2020 school year on January 13th. Just a few weeks after this we had our first formal of the new year on February 1st. This formal was 1920’s themed to celebrate being in 2020. This was a great way to connect with each other after winter break. On February 20th, the chapter hosted a Kappasta philanthropy event. Our chapter, as well as other sorority and fraternity chapters donated different pasta and students came and bought it for dinner. All the money raised from this went to The Special Learning Center in Jefferson City and Reading is Fundamental. This leads us to March 23rd which was the day that campus closed due to the COVID-19 virus. Classes went to a virtual format for the rest of the semester which meant some changes for our chapter. Because we could not all be together, we began having virtual chapters in order to carry out our matter of business. Obviously COVID brought about changes that no one was expecting. Having to do chapter virtually and being away from each other for months was not easy, but our bond with each other only grew stronger as we got through the tough times together. Coming back for the Fall semester of the 2020-2021 year we knew that things were going to look different. Three of our members also received scholarships from Kappa for the school year. We knew that we were not going to be able to have formals, philanthropy events like our annual golf tournament, no intramural and no LC visits. Although this was sad were able to look at the bright side and are still able to grow and be together in one way or another as a chapter. Classes started for the Fall semester on August 12th. That week we had work week and began preparing for our hybrid recruitment. Recruitment started on the 21st with our virtual open house on Zoom. The next day we did a virtual philanthropy day also on Zoom. The next morning, we were able to do an in-person preference day in small groups with masks and socially distanced. That evening we had 12 girls run down the hill and then we got 4 COB the next day. They were pledged in the following Monday and they started new member programming. We then had initiation on October 4th. Because we have such a small chapter we were one of the only chapters that were granted permission to have initiation in person which was the closest thing to normal that had happened all semester which was really great. For Founder’s Day on October 13th, we had a virtual zoom call where we played Kappa trivia games and had the chance to talk to past Zeta Zeta alumna and hear about their experiences as a member of Kappa and ask her questions. Later in the semester we were able to safely follow CDC guidelines and have a sisterhood bonding event where were we carved pumpkins together before Halloween. During our last chapter of the semester, we had another safe sisterhood bonding event where we had a Thanksgiving dinner together. After we ate, we made tie blankets to give to the children at the Special Learning Center in Jefferson City. This year we also had three of our members receive scholarships through the Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation for the 2020-2021 school year.
==Highlights of 2021==
The Zeta Zeta chapter of Westminster College returned to campus on January 18th for the spring semester. This semester appeared different than our previous years due to Covid when it came down to events. We did not have our annual winter formal. Throughout this semester we tried to incorporate many sisterhood bonding events and more philanthropy events because of this.
On February 7th our chapter got together after chapter and made blankets for our local philanthropy, The Special Learning Center located in Jefferson City.
On February 18th, our chapter participated in a philanthropy event for Alpha Gama Delta(Child hunger and Muscular Dystrophy Association).
On March 21st our chapter got together and made baskets to donate to The Special Learning Center. We put easter themed gifts together in a basket for the kids.
On March 31st, the chapter hosted a Kappasta philanthropy event. This is when our sorority and fraternity chapters donated different pasta sauces and students came and bought it for lunch. All of the money we raised went to The Special Learning Center in Jefferson City and Reading is Fundamental.
Our chapter unfortunately was not able to go to our local philanthropy this semester, so our philanthropy chairman found a local group called Spring Team who was ecstatic for volunteers. Our chapter really enjoyed this new philanthropy event, so we would try to as often as possible. On February 27th, March 20th and April 10th our whole chapter went out and helped cleaned the stream bordering our campus. Our chapter chopped down honeysuckle trees and picked up trash around campus. (Honeysuckle trees kill all plant life surrounding them and take over). Throughout the rest of the semester our chapter
On April 13th we participated in Cupcakes for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Kappa Alpha Theta. April 18th-25th our chapter set up a book drive through Amazon. We collected books and then donated them to a local school in Fulton. On April 21st our chapter participated in Kappa Alpha Orders philanthropy event.
On April 20th our chapter was honored the Drosten Cup award. This award combines outstanding service and scholarship. Our chapter holds the highest-grade percentage on campus competing against all other organizations and clubs.
Our chapter returned to Westminster College for the fall semester on August 12th. We immediately started work week and prepping for a great recruitment. For sisterhood bonding during recruitment our chapter all participated in a planner party where we had snacks and wrote down assignments in our planner for the upcoming semester. We had 14 girls move onto our floor to live this whole academic year. During recruitment we started with floor tours on August 16th and then recruitment lasted until August 29th where we welcomed 8 new lovely members at our Jungle themed Bid Day celebration. Our members were pledged in the following day and then began the New Member Programming.
On September 25th we held our annual Kappa Klassic golf tournament where we grossed $8,575 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation.
October was busy as always for our chapter starting it off with initiation week. On October 3rd we had our Big/Little reveal then exactly one week later we had a wonderful initiation on October 10th. We had all the parents of our new members join us in a lunch celebration this afternoon. Following this we celebrated Founder’s Day as a chapter by bonding and eating ice-cream floats in our lounge. We later in the month had our first formal event after a year of not having one! We enjoyed our annual fall Kappa Krush formal which was themed Dynamic Duo. To end this month, right before Halloween, our chapter participated in Trunk or Treat for The Special Learning Center on October 28th.
For an end of year event, we held our annual transition day where we discussed how to better our chapter and how to help our future CC members and all of our members. Then the following week we held Thanksgiving as a chapter for a sisterhood bonding event. Throughout this semester our chapter strived for involvement with clubs and events such as intramurals. We also held ourselves accountable for our academics. Having one member receive a scholarship from the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation is a huge accomplishment for us as well.
==Highlights of 2022==
The Zeta Zeta Chapter of Westminster College returned to campus on January 17th, 2022, for the spring semester. Right off the bat, we decided who to focus our partnership with for our new, and exciting, National Philanthropy, Mental Health Awareness. We picked NEDA, National Eating Disorders, and we were immediately eager to start planning ways to help this organization. We had three girls receive scholarships from the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation for the upcoming academic year. For such a small chapter, we feel as if this is a huge accomplishment and couldn’t be more thankful. Our chapter also received the highest grades awards for the academic year. Our Marshal also implemented a improved “golden hanger award” to a member who dressed the best in key clothes! This was set in place for encouragement for girls to continue wearing key clothes the day after ritual events to class. The award switched to a necklace that the girl gets to wear that week, if she pleases. We also started off the new year with a group visit to The Special Learning Center, our local philanthropy, in Jefferson City on February 2nd, 2022. This was a great way to start off our philanthropic participation for the upcoming year.
We held our first formal of the year on March 4th. This was “Night in Nashville” themed, and the girls all had such a blast. This was a great first sisterhood bonding event that we partook in. Shortly after this, we began participating in other chapters philanthropy days. In March we participated in Alpha Gamma Delta’s Mac and Cheese cook off, where funds went towards Child hunger and Muscular Dystrophy Association. In the middle of March, we participated in Kappa Alpha Order’s and Beta Theta Pi’s Greek philanthropy week. We also donated, but not participated in, Cupcakes for Court Appointed Special Advocates for Kappa Alpha Theta.
Right before spring break, we hosted our annual Kappasta Philanthropy event. This event is when other sororities and fraternities on campus donate different pasta sauces and students come and buy a bowl for lunch. All the money we raised went towards The Special Learning Center and National Eating Disorder Awareness. We raised in total around 600 dollars.
------After returning from Spring Break, our chapter hosted an Easter Egg hunt. This was an exciting way to get together for another sisterhood bonding event. Going into April, during Alumni weekend, on April 9th, we allowed any Kappa Alumna to come visit the kappa lounge to look at old scrapbooks and memories from their time at Westminster. We engaged in old stories while eating around a charcuterie board. Following that night, some active Kappa’s attended the Women of Westminster ceremony dinner. The President of Westminster recognized significant women and shared his plans for building sorority houses in the upcoming years. We were fortunate to say that a Kappa Alumni, was the main guest speaker! '''Note Also, during April, we participated in Delt’s car wash philanthropy event for JDFR. To end the month, we were able to Chapter Marshal:''' host the first annual Sapphire Ball since covid. This was bittersweet for all the members who have not had one the past two years. This event was located at a local Winery in Jefferson City. To end the year, on May 14th, we said goodbye to 9 lovely senior members at the graduation ceremony. We had one Kappa graduate receive the Westminster College Alumna Association Outstanding Senior Award. Please refer Over the summer, we had one member attend the National Convention in Palm Springs, California. She had an amazing experience meeting different active Kappa’s and alumni from different chapters. She sat in on business meetings regarding the Bylaws, as well as educational sessions to your better our chapter archives including .  Our chapter meeting minutes returned to Westminster College on August 17th to prepare for work week and recruitment. We had 12 girls move on the floor for this academic year. For the week of recruitment practice, we held different themed dress up days for practice, a pajama party, and back issues a photoshoot on the hill. Both of ''The Key'' these allowed our sisters to get closer to fill one another. Also, this year, Westminster developed a new schedule for recruitment, and it consisted of informal and formal events during a two-week time span. Panhel hosted a diversity meeting right before our first informal pre-recruitment event, on August 21st, which consisted of smoothies and coffee at JCI. We held two other mixed informal events with the other two sororities as well as facility tours and Meet the Greeks in any gaps the Quad. Recruitment lasted until September 5th when we welcomed 7 lovely new girls during our Mad Happy themed Bid Day celebration. Our members were then pledged in two days later and began their New Member Programming facilitated by our New Member Chair.  On September 16th, we had one member fly to Ohio to attend the above historical highlightsLeadership Academy Retreat. This member learned leadership skills regarding vision, grip, relationships, confidence, and adaptability through various programs as well as outdoor activities. If your This member had a blast and reported back to the chapter archives are not completesharing her experience.  On September 28th, The Center of Faith and Services partnered with Stream Team, please research your university librarya organization we used as our local philanthropy when Covid was occurring, so all Kappa members attended and helped clean up our campus newspaper and yearbook archives Stinson Creek. On September 21st, we baked Oreo balls for Alpha Gamma Delta’s bake off in order to support their national philanthropy.  October was a busy month for Kappa. We started the month off with our annual Golf Tournament on the 8th. We raised a total of $5,600 for newsworthy information about your chapterNEDA and Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. Please double check your work Immediately following this, we all begin practicing for accuracyinitiation. Contact Our Inspiration week started off on October 16th with Big/Little reveal and ended on October 23rd with initiating 6 new girls into our chapter Advisory or House Board as well as a banquet for lunch. For Founder’s Day we all got together and sang Kappa songs and bonded. We pushed off the Ceremony to happen the first week of November due to all the chaos during October 14th. Right after initiation, we immediately were visited by an LC worker. Emma, the LC worker, provided amazing advice to better our chapter. She spoke with all memberswith a position over zoom, sat in on one of our chapters, and held a closing meeting on October 27th. Also, local Alumnae during the week of the 23rd-27th it was Body Positivity Week. Going along with our national philanthropy, NEDA, National Eating Disorder Association members, or your Province Director we decided to host a programming table in JCI during the week to educate body positivity to fellow students around the campus. To end the month, on Halloween, we participated in CAB’s event of Chapters for assistanceSpooky Sidewalk. We decorated a truck and passed out candy to kids who live in Fulton on Westminster Hill. Your efforts will ensure a complete Throughout the year, we saw our new DEI officer go above and beyond at fulfilling her position. She incorporated numerous education sessions, one every month, in order to educate our chapter on Diversity, Equity, and accurate history Inclusion. Moving forward to the last two months of your chapter 2022, we plan in November to create baskets for the SLC kids for future generations Thanksgiving. We also soon will be hosting elections and transitions to enjoy!new positions.
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