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Beta Tau

1,963 bytes added, 12:38, 2 February 2019
Highlights of 2017
disabilities to explore Greek Life, apply for 2018 Spring Recruitment, and welcome all to our beautiful
==Highlights of 2018==
Over the past year, Beta Tau has strived to become more active in our community and take
a stand on events that are impacting our world. In the Spring, senior Zoë Swainson
organized to have our chapter take part in the White Ribbon Campaign Walk for the Vera
House, which is a domestic and sexual violence service agency providing shelter, advocacy,
and counseling services in the Syracuse Community. This fall, many members participated
in OTTOThon with the help of Katie Bisbee, who was on the executive board. At this event,
members were able to dance for 12 hours and raise money for Update Golisano Children’s
Hospital. In addition, three of our members, Kenza Bouanane, Dani Vasquez, and
Mackenzie O’Dell, who volunteer at the RISE Center, which is a nonprofit that helps refugee
and immigrant families in Syracuse, introduced the organization to our chapter, and many
of our women have gotten involved in the past few months. This holiday season, Beta Tau
participated in a Salvation Army Present Drive, and collected 70 toys and $500 worth of
pots, pans, and other kitchen supplies for those in need.
Beta Tau has also strengthened ritual appreciation and has continued to emphasize the
importance of sisterhood events. On Founder’s Day, the whole chapter came together and
celebrated with an archive presentation put on by our Marshal, Kayla Mattocks. Kayla also
organized a few ritual review sessions in order to make sure everyone knew the words to
each song, which was a fun gathering. Our sisterhood chair, Kenza Bouanane, has organized
a few sisterhood events throughout this year to strengthen our friendship and participate
in fun activities together, including apple picking and workout classes. Our VP of Academic
Excellence organized Kappa Kareer Day in the fall, where we learned helpful tips on how to
land our dream internships, and heard from a panel of seniors about their previous
internship experiences.
==Highlights of 2020s:==

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