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Delta Gamma

29,151 bytes added, 16:14, 17 December 2021
Highlights of 2021
'''2,695 724 initiates (as of June 20172018)
In February 1985, Delta Gamma hosted the Delta Province Meeting in conjunction with the Lansing–East Lansing Alumnae Association.
==Highlights of the 2000’s==
Delta Gamma maintained an active presence in philanthropy events around campus through the remainder of the 2000’s. They also saw additional home improvements in the 2009-2010 school year including updated bathrooms, kitchen, alcove, and plumbing. At the 2009 Province Meeting, they were honored to receive awards for the Most Improved Chapter and Most Philanthropic Chapter. The celebrations continued at convention in the summer of 2010 were they also received an award for Greatest Improvement.
==Highlights of 2012==
The organizations our chapter raised money for and donated hours to were Reading is Fundamental and they Boys and Girls Club in Lansing. We did this through our Hungry Hungry Kappapillar event and through our Carnival for The Boys and Girls Club. We love supporting these organizations! We think it is so important to encourage reading and literacy. We want these children to have the best opportunities when they grow up.
The chapter maintained ties with the community by supporting their local Boys and Girls Club with a book drive and carnival. They have also received several notable awards at the Greek Gala including President of the Year in 2015 and Scholastic Excellence Award and Greek Woman of the Year in 2016.
==Highlights of 2017==
Overall, our chapter is a tight knit group of amazing and intelligent women who care about each other and want to continue the success of our chapter as a whole. We always support each other and push each other to reach our highest potential as individuals and as a chapter. Although the Delta Gamma chapter has faced some changes this past year, we have successfully accomplished any goal we set and have overcome many challenges that are thrown our way. The changes and challenges we have faced have made us even closer and stronger as a chapter. We all hope to continue down this wonderful path through 2017 and are so excited for what the year will bring.
==Highlights of 2019==
This past year our chapter has been able to grow through many barriers we faced. We had many fun sisterhood events including renting out the movie theaters to see A Star is Born and Hustlers. We also had sisterhoods that included boutique stores coming to the house and allowing girls to shop! In the spring our philanthropy chairs organized a great volunteering opportunity where as a chapter we were able to go to a local boys and girls club and read with them and do crafts for the afternoon. Our chapter faced challenges with officer transitions as most of council was changed throughout the summer. Much of the first month of school was trying to regroup and organize to make sure recruitment went well. Our recruitment chair did an excellent job making sure Kappa values were apparent throughout recruitment. The membership selection process also went much smoother than in years past. In October our chapter participated in safe Halloween which is put on by all of Michigan State's Greek life. This year in November we had a new philanthropy event that was extremely popular. Our philanthropy chairs created Kappa Arcade and rented out a local arcade in Lansing for the evening. The event was a huge success and they were able to raise around $1,500! Also in November we initiated our new members into Kappa Kappa Gamma! Initiation went smoothly, we as a chapter definitely have areas to work on regarding our ritual practice but I think we are on the right track! Attendance was high at initiation which is good as we as a chapter sometimes struggle with out attendance. As we move into next year as a chapter we are looking to have another successful recruitment, which I think we will as we have an awesome team for next year! We are looking to improve our ritual to make sure everyone in the chapter is knowledgeable regarding ritual. Lastly, our main goal coming into the year is to have very smooth officer transitions.
There haven't been any drastic changes on campus other than we got a new university president. They are working on modernizing the campus so there has been lots of construction. Our chapter is growing, we had a large new member class which is amazing. We also have been working very hard as a chapter to work on getting off warning of probation. We have made strides with our attendance which I think has been improving. We have plans to continue to work on our ritual and improve our knowledge of it.
RIF. Literacy and being able to read is a fundamental. Going through life without the ability to read can put severe hardships on an individual. We want to work in the community to promote reading and improving the numbers of individuals who know how to read.
To celebrate founders day we had a pizza party and cake before chapter. Our chapter all came to the house and ate together before we had our council meeting and our chapter meeting.
==Highlights of 2020==
Chapter Summary
In January, the year began with meetings with the whole chapter regarding Greek Week, and recruitment practices. Chapter meetings were held on each Monday at 7 pm and the Council met at 6 pm before the chapter meetings.The chapter participated in watching a movie together in the house in January as a sisterhood event. The chapter held a sisterhood event in February at Title boxing in East Lansing for sisters to join together in a kick boxing class. In February, the chapter purchased and donated books, writing supplies, and tools to The Boys and Girls Club in East Lansing for part of our philanthropic involvement. In March, Pre-COVID, the chapter held a fundraiser at Foster Coffee to raise money for our philanthropy. There was also a Zumba class for seniors to attend. Pre-COVID, the chapter joined together for Greek Week, where we joined up with two fraternities to raise money for The Boys and Girls Club. Sisters participated in rehearsing for song fest which is a campus tradition where members in Greek life pair together and come up with dances for many weeks, before it was cancelled due to COVID. Sisters also were eager to donate and participate in The Greek Day of service in March, before it was cancelled, but continued to donate. The chapter also planned and organized Kappa Carnival which is our chapters Philanthropy event that other sororities and fraternities come to at the Kappa house to raise money for our philanthropy, but was not able to happen due to COVID. The chapter had planned for a Mom’s Day at the end of March which was cancelled due to COVID. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the council continued to meet to work together and plan for a virtual semester and for the upcoming Fall semester. In May, the chapter sent in videos to make one large video for the seniors who were graduating, and gifted them a basket with gifts inside. During this time, the chapter had virtual meetings to discuss recruitment, ritual training, and Bid Day for the fall semester. The chapter decided on a theme of Hello Kappa, and began preparing for recruitment by learning about how to talk with girls, the ritual songs of Kappa Kappa Gamma, and how to present yourself. In August, when the chapter returned to campus, we began preparing for recruitment by having several virtual meetings. With virtual recruitment, there came a lot of changes.The president and recruitment chairs came up with guidelines, rules, outfits, and advice for this new way of recruitment. The chapter prepared to use Zoom while in bump groups to talk to the girls who were in recruitment. The chapter also created videos from girls living in the house to show around their rooms and favorite parts of the house/Kappa. Our philanthropy chair also created a virtual scrapbook video to show off our philanthropy. In September, Kappa Kappa Gamma welcomed 43 new members. The process of recruitment went very smoothly. In October, our chapter worked with another fraternity Phi Gamma Delta in a competition to raise money for our philanthropies, where we would all participate in a 5k race. The race was cancelled because of COVID, but thousands of dollars was raised. In November, the 43 new members were initiated virtually where alumnae joined as well. The initiation process lasted about an hour long and was done by the Chapter President, The Marshall, and The New Member Chair.The 150th anniversary of Kappa Kappa Gamma was celebrated with a virtual zoom call to share experiences In November, we also installed our new council for 2021.
Chapter Philanthropy
What organization does the chapter support? This chapter supports Reading is Fundamental, Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation , and the Keifer Foundation
Why did the chapter choose this organization? The chapter chose these organizations because we support all three philanthropies throughout the year in different ways. We support The Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation because they encourage the sisters to get involved and fund aid to sisters and who need financial support. We support Reading is Fundamental because as sisters we can make a difference by helping undeserved kids learn to read and provide them with books. We are able to provide kids with support with their literacy issues and provide proactive solutions. We support the Keifer Foundation because it is very personal to one of our own sisters whose family created the foundation. We support this foundation because it helps spread awareness for the dangers of distracted driving and this foundation brings the sisters together.
We included diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in our programming this year by having a diversity, equity, and inclusion chairwoman on our council. She will be working alongside her committee of members from each grade and class in the chapter to bring the chapter closer. She will be having conversations and holding meetings regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is coming up with ideas for educational lessons for the chapter. We also participate in the campus community programs regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Our chapter celebrated Kappa’s 150th anniversary by having a zoom meeting with alumni Starting in January
2021, the new council of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gamma Chapter took on their new roles. Our
chapter was put on probation in December, so it was a big transition in beginning our journey towards
creating a stronger chapter and getting off of probation. Our council had zoom meetings with
Nationals within the first couple weeks of January going over our action plan for the semester. We
had goals for our chapter to create a more respectful environment, working on following rules and
creating guidelines, working together on exercises and activities, to build our communication skills,
and creating sisterhood events to make our chapter more united. Within January, we started having
meetings regarding Greek week and recruitment practices for spring recruitment. Our recruitment
was held at the end of January where we were able to add 7 members to our chapter. This was done
on zoom. Chapter meetings were held on zoom each Monday at 7 pm. Council meetings were held at
6 pm on Sunday’s. Our chapter collected donations of books, writing supplies, and food for the boys
and girls club of East Lansing. The chapter had a sisterhood event during the semester where the
chapter went bowling together. The chapter joined with Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity by creating
sweatshirts for Team Continue to raise money for one of their philanthropies. The chapter joined
together for Greek Week where we were paired with two fraternities to raise money for the Boys and
Girls club. Sisters participated in making blankets with the fraternities to donate and rehearsing for
song fest which is a campus tradition where members in Greek life pair together to come up with
dances for many weeks and raise money for philanthropies. Another important philanthropic event
our chapter hosted was the drive in movie for one of our Philanthropies The Kiefer Foundation which
is very special to our chapter because it was created by two sisters in our chapter. The drive in movie
was in East Lansing and the movie was the parent trap. Sweatshirts for the foundation were sold,
alongside tickets that were available for anyone to purchase. Many people attended this event with
people in both Greek life and not. In March, the 7 new members of Kappa Kappa Gamma were
initiated on zoom, with the president, new member chair, and marshal. In April, we had the senior
send off event held outside of the Kappa house with food and their senior gifts. It was very special and
the seniors all had matching hats and enjoyed their time. When the semester was finished, the
chapter continued to have zoom calls regarding our upcoming fall recruitment, sisterhood zooms, and
planning for our upcoming year with philanthropy events, and other events we wanted to have at
Kappa. The chapter council continued to meet every week to discuss our action plan and our goals for
the upcoming year while trying to get off of probation. During this time the chapter continued to
meet and work together to plan our recruitment schedule, bid day, and have ritual trainings. Our
chapter decided on our bid day theme as 1800-Kappa, text me when you go Kappa and we began
having virtual recruitment practices with learning about how to talk to PNM’s during recruitment, the
ritual songs sung during recruitment, and how to present yourself. In August, we began having in
person recruitment practices held at the Kappa house. We were preparing for virtual days and in
person days. We practiced talking to other girls, learning and singing the songs, the layout and
orientation of where everyone would be during recruitment, and organizing our bump groups. Our
philanthropy chair created a video used during our virtual philanthropy day to show off our amazing
philanthropies. During our recruitment practices, we did a lot of team building activities and had a
workout with a trainer during our practice to allow our sisters to stay active and let out some stress.
Our chapter also attended the virtual zoom recruitment speaker session to prepare for recruitment. In
September, Kappa Kappa Gamma welcomed 54 new members. The recruitment process went very
smoothly and we did not get fined at all during it which was very awesome for our chapter. In
September, our chapter held a fundraiser and philanthropy event at the LugNuts baseball stadium in
Lansing for the Kiefer Foundation where tickets were sold to anyone who wanted to come, and hats
were sold with the Kiefer Foundation logo on them to raise donations. The two sisters in our chapter
who created this philanthropy were able to be on the field with their parents to talk about their
foundation and it was very special. It was a huge turn out for the game which was amazing. In
October, our chapter attended other philanthropy events for other chapters to show our support. We
also had a virtual sisterhood event on zoom to get to know the new members. In November, the
inspiration week began for the chapter preparing for initiation. In November, the 54 new members of
Kappa Kappa Gamma were initiated in person at the Kappa house during two days. The first day was
the fireside service, and the second day was a combined service of the red and white room. In
November, our council sent in applications for the awards for the Greek life gala where we …… In
November we held a philanthropy event at an art studio for our chapter along with anyone who
bought a ticket to raise money for our new philanthropy Mental Health America. In late November
the council prepared for the slating of the new council where applications were filled out by chapter
members for each position. The New council was slated.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, The Kiefer Foundation, Mental Health America. The chapter chose to support these organizations
because we support all three philanthropies throughout the year in different ways. Our chapter loves
supporting multiple philanthropies because we believe there is a lot that we can do and help create
changes in different ways for different organizations. We support the Kappa Kappa Gamma
Foundation because it encourages sisters to get involved within the chapter and nationally for Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and fund aids to sisters, and provide financial support. We think It is very important to
help our sisters and provide the care and assistance for them. We support the Kiefer Foundation
because it is a foundation that was created by the family of two of our sisters which makes it even
more special. We support this foundation because it helps spread awareness of the dangers of
distracted driving and the consequences that can occur because of distracted driving. This foundation
brings our chapter together because we support our sisters very much and want to do as much as we
can to prevent distracted driving and make people aware of what negative effects occur from it. This
year we began supporting a new philanthropy, Mental Health America. We chose to support this
philanthropy because mental health is so important for people and we as a chapter agreed that a lot
of people are struggling in their lives, and we want to help those people in any way we can to make
people feel better again. We are very excited to be supporting this new philanthropy because our
chapter values staying connected, asking the hard questions about how we are doing, and being there
for one another to make sure our mental health is good.
Our chapter supports Kappa’s Philanthropy by funding aids to sisters to support and assistance them financial support. .
We included diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in our programming this year by having a DEI officer on our council. She worked alongside her committee of members from our chapter in each pledge class to bring the chapter closer together
and have an understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our chapter and in life in general. She
has had many conversations and held presentations during chapter for all members regarding
diversity, equity, and inclusion by providing facts and examples. She attends meetings with the
University to gain more knowledge on these subjects and to bring more information about it to our
chapter. She has come up with many educational lessons for the chapter and has had our chapter go
through training. Our chapter participates in the campus community programs regarding diversity,
equity, and inclusion. She also posts on social media on our Kappa Instagram to further people’s
awareness of these topics.
Our chapter operations were affected by COVID-19. Our events and activities were held
with a mixture of both in person and virtual. Our spring recruitment was done virtually along with the
initiation of the new members. It went smoothly on Zoom. Our recruitment in the fall was held both
virtually and in person. I believe it went very smoothly for both virtual and in person. The in-person
recruitment was very special with singing the ritual songs, doing the door chant, and being able to talk
with PNM’s face to face. All chapter members and PNM’s had to wear masks at all times. Our
initiation service for the new members in the fall was held in person in between two days. The fireside
service was held on Friday night, and the combined service of the red and white room was held
on Saturday Morning. The combined service was split into two groups of about 25 members in
each service because of COVID-19 guidelines and to make the space less full so people were most
distanced. It was a very special service for the new members and I believe having it in person really
gave the new members a true understanding and importance of our chapters ritual. Our philanthropy
events have been held in person which has made attendance numbers very high. We have followed and current members of the chapter to celebrate Kappa Kappa Gamma and share our experiences and the memories we have made. We also posted on our social media accounts with current members and alumni sharing our best memories of Kappa Kappa Gamma, why we love Kappa, and what Kappa has brought to our lives. People were able to speak about the friends they have made and the opportunities it has brought them.
[[File:Delta gamma 2020 1.jpg|thumb|Delta Gamma 2020 1]]
[[File:Delta gamma 2020 2.jpg|thumb|Delta Gamma 2020 2]]
[[File:Delta gamma 2020 3.jpg|thumb|Delta Gamma 2020 3]]
==Highlights of 2021==
Starting in January 2021, the new council of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gamma Chapter took on their new roles. Our
chapter was put on probation in December, so it was a big transition in beginning our journey towards
creating a stronger chapter and getting off of probation. Our council had zoom meetings with
Nationals within the first couple weeks of January going over our action plan for the semester. We
had goals for our chapter to create a more respectful environment, working on following rules and
creating guidelines, working together on exercises and activities, to build our communication skills,
and creating sisterhood events to make our chapter more united. Within January, we started having
meetings regarding Greek week and recruitment practices for spring recruitment. Our recruitment
was held at the end of January where we were able to add 7 members to our chapter. This was done
on zoom. Chapter meetings were held on zoom each Monday at 7 pm. Council meetings were held at
6 pm on Sunday’s. Our chapter collected donations of books, writing supplies, and food for the boys
and girls club of East Lansing. The chapter had a sisterhood event during the semester where the
chapter went bowling together. The chapter joined with Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity by creating
sweatshirts for Team Continue to raise money for one of their philanthropies. The chapter joined
together for Greek Week where we were paired with two fraternities to raise money for the Boys and
Girls club. Sisters participated in making blankets with the fraternities to donate and rehearsing for
song fest which is a campus tradition where members in Greek life pair together to come up with
dances for many weeks and raise money for philanthropies. Another important philanthropic event
our chapter hosted was the drive in movie for one of our Philanthropies The Kiefer Foundation which
is very special to our chapter because it was created by two sisters in our chapter. The drive in movie
was in East Lansing and the movie was the parent trap. Sweatshirts for the foundation were sold,
alongside tickets that were available for anyone to purchase. Many people attended this event with
people in both Greek life and not. In March, the 7 new members of Kappa Kappa Gamma were
initiated on zoom, with the president, new member chair, and marshal. In April, we had the senior
send off event held outside of the Kappa house with food and their senior gifts. It was very special and
the seniors all had matching hats and enjoyed their time. When the semester was finished, the
chapter continued to have zoom calls regarding our upcoming fall recruitment, sisterhood zooms, and
planning for our upcoming year with philanthropy events, and other events we wanted to have at
Kappa. The chapter council continued to meet every week to discuss our action plan and our goals for
the upcoming year while trying to get off of probation. During this time the chapter continued to
meet and work together to plan our recruitment schedule, bid day, and have ritual trainings. Our
chapter decided on our bid day theme as 1800-Kappa, text me when you go Kappa and we began
having virtual recruitment practices with learning about how to talk to PNM’s during recruitment, the
ritual songs sung during recruitment, and how to present yourself. In August, we began having in
person recruitment practices held at the Kappa house. We were preparing for virtual days and in
person days. We practiced talking to other girls, learning and singing the songs, the layout and
orientation of where everyone would be during recruitment, and organizing our bump groups. Our
philanthropy chair created a video used during our virtual philanthropy day to show off our amazing
philanthropies. During our recruitment practices, we did a lot of team building activities and had a
workout with a trainer during our practice to allow our sisters to stay active and let out some stress.
Our chapter also attended the virtual zoom recruitment speaker session to prepare for recruitment. In
September, Kappa Kappa Gamma welcomed 54 new members. The recruitment process went very
smoothly and we did not get fined at all during it which was very awesome for our chapter. In
September, our chapter held a fundraiser and philanthropy event at the LugNuts baseball stadium in
Lansing for the Kiefer Foundation where tickets were sold to anyone who wanted to come, and hats
were sold with the Kiefer Foundation logo on them to raise donations. The two sisters in our chapter
who created this philanthropy were able to be on the field with their parents to talk about their
foundation and it was very special. It was a huge turn out for the game which was amazing. In
October, our chapter attended other philanthropy events for other chapters to show our support. We
also had a virtual sisterhood event on zoom to get to know the new members. In November, the
inspiration week began for the chapter preparing for initiation. In November, the 54 new members of
Kappa Kappa Gamma were initiated in person at the Kappa house during two days. The first day was
the fireside service, and the second day was a combinational service of the red and white room. In
November, our council sent in applications for the awards for the Greek life gala where we …… In
November we held a philanthropy event at an art studio for our chapter along with anyone who
bought a ticket to raise money for our new philanthropy Mental Health America. In late November
the council prepared for the slating of the new council where applications were filled out by chapter
members for each position. The New council was slated.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, The Kiefer Foundation, Mental Health America. The chapter chose to support these organizations
because we support all three philanthropies throughout the year in different ways. Our chapter loves
supporting multiple philanthropies because we believe there is a lot that we can do and help create
changes in different ways for different organizations. We support the Kappa Kappa Gamma
Foundation because it encourages sisters to get involved within the chapter and nationally for Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and fund aids to sisters, and provide financial support. We think It is very important to
help our sisters and provide the care and assistance for them. We support the Kiefer Foundation
because it is a foundation that was created by the family of two of our sisters which makes it even
more special. We support this foundation because it helps spread awareness of the dangers of
distracted driving and the consequences that can occur because of distracted driving. This foundation
brings our chapter together because we support our sisters very much and want to do as much as we
can to prevent distracted driving and make people aware of what negative effects occur from it. This
year we began supporting a new philanthropy, Mental Health America. We chose to support this
philanthropy because mental health is so important for people and we as a chapter agreed that a lot
of people are struggling in their lives, and we want to help those people in any way we can to make
people feel better again. We are very excited to be supporting this new philanthropy because our
chapter values staying connected, asking the hard questions about how we are doing, and being there
for one another to make sure our mental health is good.
How did the chapter support Kappa’s philanthropy? Our chapter supports Kappa’s Philanthropy
by funding aids to sisters to support and assistance them financial support. .
We included diversity, equity, and inclusion
initiatives in our programming this year by having a DEI officer on our council. She worked alongside
her committee of members from our chapter in each pledge class to bring the chapter closer together
and have an understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our chapter and in life in general. She
has had many conversations and held presentations during chapter for all members regarding
diversity, equity, and inclusion by providing facts and examples. She attends meetings with the
University to gain more knowledge on these subjects and to bring more information about it to our
chapter. She has come up with many educational lessons for the chapter and has had our chapter go
through training. Our chapter participates in the campus community programs regarding diversity,
equity, and inclusion. She also posts on social media on our Kappa Instagram to further people’s
awareness of these topics.
Operating in a Pandemic
How did your chapter operations change due to COVID-19 (e.g., how did it affect
recruitment, initiation, etc. Were events/activities held virtually?). Share what you have done
this year. Our chapter operations were affected by COVID-19. Our events and activities were held
with a mixture of both in person and virtual. Our spring recruitment was done virtually along with the
initiation of the new members. It went smoothly on Zoom. Our recruitment in the fall was held both
virtually and in person. I believe it went very smoothly for both virtual and in person. The in-person
recruitment was very special with singing the ritual songs, doing the door chant, and being able to talk
with PNM’s face to face. All chapter members and PNM’s had to wear masks at all times. Our
initiation service for the new members in the fall was held in person in between two days. The fireside
service was held on Friday night, and the combinational service of the red and white room was held
on Saturday Morning. The combinational service was split into two groups of about 25 members in
each service because of COVID-19 guidelines and to make the space less full so people were most
distanced. It was a very special service for the new members and I believe having it in person really
gave the new members a true understanding and importance of our chapters ritual. Our philanthropy
events have been held in person which has made attendance numbers very high. We have followed

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