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13,246 bytes added, 17:04, 15 December 2021
|Image= [[File:Omega.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1883|12|17}}
|College= [http University of Kansas]
|Location= Lawrence, KS
|Homepage= [http Omega Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Omega Chapter]
'''3,589 649 initiates (as of June 20172018)'''
==Highlights of 2011-2019==
From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:
==Highlights of 2012==
==Highlights of 2017:==
Throughout this past year, January 1, 2017 to December 15, 2017, the Omega Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma has focused on bettering our rituals, encouraging members to become more involved, and focused on the ideals that are important to us. We had a ritual specialist come to our house and give us some background on exactly where our ritual came from and many important aspects about it. Our Chapter was awarded Chapter of the Year, which was chosen by the Panhellenic association. Our scholarship board continued to give out scholarships to deserving applicants. We have also continuted "Kappa of the Week" which is a tradition we do every Monday at chapter.
Our event chair planned had many successful events this year year, which included Roaring 20s, 'Tis the Season, Maskeyrade, Phi Delt Wedding, Monmouth, and of course Mom's and Dad's Weekend. All live-ins have been very helpful with cleaning, parking, and working with our House Mom. We had a successful initiation filled with lots of joy and excitement. We have maintained our standing as 4th on the Hill for our academics. Our Standards Committee has improved and strived at bettering our Chapter as a whole. We partcipated in Rock Chalk Revue this past March, and we were paired with Phi Delta Theta. Our theme was "Cut It Out" and we received many awards such as Best Leading Actress. Our 3rd annual Nacho Night was a huge success again this year; we raised $6350 and can only hope that the success of this event will increase in the future. Girls also are involved in many other organizations around the Lawrence area, such as Natural Ties, Kennedy Elementary School, Tree Lighting, and other philanthropic events.
Campus: The University of Kansas is always striving to improve their campus. The recently finished Earth, Energy, and Environment building is modern and includes many new lab areas for students to use. They also finished building new dorms on Daisy Hill for additional student living areas. They have also begun building a new Union next to Allen Fieldhouse in order to make it in a more centralized area.
Nature of the Chapter: The bathroom renovations were finished and all live-in members have been very pleased. We also got new Wi-Fi with better connectivity and areas of the parking lot were fixed that were causing issues. Our Academic Committee started a new tradition this past year called a Raffle Drawing. For every "A" on a test or a paper, you get a ticket with your name on it entered into the raffle. Then, a couple times per semester, two names are drawn and the winners receive gifts for their hard work. Kappa has always been a very active part of our campus and we do everything we can to present out Chapter in the best way possible.
This past September we continued with our Nacho Night Kappa Kick-Off Event. Each member was required to sell 6 tickets and we raised $6350 overall, which is over $200 more than the past year.This year we took a different approach and decided to split our proceeds between 4 major philanthropies. We chose the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Research Foundation, Children's Mercy Hospital, Mark Miller Foundation, and the Kappa Foundation. In the spring, our philanthropy was Reading is Fundamental at Kennedy Elementary School. Every girl donated 4 children's books that were given to them at the beginning of this year. This is such a great opportunity to give back to our community and to give kids the opportunity to read.
Our Chapter chose to donate to those 4 organizations because they were all more than deserving of the money and it gave Kappa the opportunity to give back to multiple organizations. The CRPS research foundation is especially important to our chapter because one of our senior's moms suffers from this awful disease, and since there is no cure for it, donating to research for it is an excellent way to help. The other 3 organizations were more than deserving of the donations as well and we took many options into consideration before deciding upon them.
==Highlights of 2018==
Throughout this past year, January 1, 2018 to December 15, 2018, the Omega Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma has focused on bettering our rituals, encouraging members to become more involved, and getting more involved with our philanthropy. We have reeducated members on our ritual and put in a lot of practice to improve our formal chapters. Our scholarship board continued to give out scholarships to deserving applicants. We have also continued "Kappa of the Week" which is a tradition we do every Monday at chapter to recognize and praise each others accomplishments.
Our event chair planned many successful events this year year, which included Roaring 20s, 'Tis the Season, Kappa Krush, Phi Delt Wedding, Monmouth, and of course Mom's and Dad's Weekend. All live-ins have been very helpful with cleaning, parking, and working with our House Mom. We had a successful initiation filled with lots of joy and excitement and we happily welcomed new members. We have maintained our standing as 4th on the Hill for our academics. Our Standards Committee has greatly improved and strived at bettering our Chapter as a whole. We participated in Rock Chalk Revue this past March, and we were paired with Beta Theta Pi. Our theme was “Rock Chalk Rec” and we received awards such as Best Leading Actress. Our 4th annual Nacho Night was a huge success again this year; we raised around $6,500 and can only hope that the success of this event will increase in the future. Girls also are involved in many other organizations around the Lawrence area, such as Natural Ties, Kennedy Elementary School, Tree Lighting, Student Alumni Leadership Board, and other philanthropic events.
[[File:The Girl Cave Omega.png|thumb|The Girl Cave, located in the lower level of the house, is big enough to hold the whole chapter for meetings]]
Kappa’s new house mom has been a great addition to Omega Chapter. She has been very involved to make sure that logistics are running smoothly. The live-ins have bonded and are sad to see their time living in our beautiful Chapter passing by. Omega Kappas have gotten involved on campus and in the community. This year, girls have joined clubs, student groups, and have pursued jobs both on and off of campus. Our Academic Committee continued the tradition this past year called Raffle Drawing. For every "A" on a test or a paper, Kappas got a ticket with their name on it entered into the raffle. Then, a couple times per semester, two names were drawn and the winners received gifts for their hard work. Kappa has always been a very active part of our campus and we do everything we can to present our Chapter in the best way possible.
This past September we continued with our Nacho Night Kappa Kick-Off, raising around $6,500. Each member was required to sell 6 tickets and we raised thousands to donate to the charities that were selected. Our proceeds were divided and sent to 4 charities. A majority of the proceeds went to The Lauren and Kathleen Oliver Memorial Scholarship Fund, in honor of our sister’s family members. As a Chapter, we were honored that we could donate to help a fund so close to our hearts. The other charities that we divided the proceeds between were Susan G. Komen of Greater Kansas City, supporting The Brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon, and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. In the spring, we had one philanthropy event for Reading is Fundamental at Kennedy Elementary School. A group of Kappas went to the elementary school to read, make bookmarks, and interact with the kids. At the end of the events the kids got to pick out a book to take home. We carried this into the fall, completing four more similar events. This is such a great opportunity to give back to our community and to give kids the opportunity to read. Our Chapter chose to donate to those 4 organizations because each one has a special meaning to us. The scholarship as well as the Susan G. Komen fund directly affect current Kappas and their families. We are always looking for ways that we can give back to our sisters. The donation to The Brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon went to help one of their members recover after a terrible incident. With great importance behind each organization, Kappa members were highly encouraged to raise as many funds as we could to supplement them to our greatest extent.
The Univeristy of Kansas is always striving to improve their campus. The recently finished Earth, Energy, and Environment building is modern and includes many new lab areas for students to use. This building has lots of study space that Kappas used during finals. The athletic department and KU endowment are working together to fundraise for the proposed renovation of the Memorial football stadium. The Burge Union has been completed by Allen Fieldhouse, housing many events and get togethers for student groups across campus. The University of Kansas hired a new head football coach for the upcoming 2019 season, and Douglas Girod has become active on campus as the Chancellor.
==Highlights of 2019==
Three council members attended convention this past year and they brought home various insights and tips that we have implemented into Omega chapter. We celebrated one of our members going to Law school, another getting accepted into detal school, and a third getting accepted into Pharmecy school. Omega chapter is proud of our womens' academic focus and love to celebrate every achievement. One of our members had an article published in the University's newspaper, The University Daily Kansan. Many women have accepted shcolarships through our donors and alumni scholarship committee for their involvement and achievements. Women have also travelled abroad to Italy, the UK, Australia, Austria, and other various countries to widen thier breadth of knowledge. While we miss them here at Omega, we are so proud of thier courage and love to hear about their expereinces!
Over winter break Omega chapter's dining room was renovated. Our members are loving the fresh new room and we are thankful to our House Board! The School of Journalism here at KU went under renovations in 2019. They recently open it up to show off thier improvements. The school now provides many more study spaces for students to work at and a new boradcasting room. Omega women are eager to use these new study spaces on campus. Omega chapter's nature is kind, determined, and fun-loving. Our women are dedicated to their studies and love to be involved on campus, as well as kind-hearted individuals.
We supported the KKG Foundation, LOKO Organization, and Reading is Fundamental. This past year we also supported the Sam Serrano fund. The Omega Chapter chose these orgainzations because we want to help our sisters and we enjoy Kappa's philanthropy, RIF. We donated to the Sam Serrano fund in memoriam of one of our member's sibling. This donation was close to home and affected every chapter member. We are eager to support our sisters in any way that we can.
We held our founders day ceremony at Omega chapter. Alumni's attended the ceremony and we recognized a past chapter president for her dedication and achivements during her time at Omega chapter. Our current members were eager to volunteer to perform the Founder's Day ceremony, and our Kappa Singers performed as well.
The Minnie Stewart Van visited our chapter and our members had a great day exploring it and learning all about Kappa Kappa Gamma's history. The virtual reality provided our members with a deeper appreciation and insight and into Kappa's founding. Our chapter is planning on learning and teaching more about Kappa's history and ritual in 2020.
==Highlights of 2020==
Pre COVID-19, we were able to have our Kappa Krush date party and our scholarship dinner honoring everyone from fall 2019. Once the pandemic hit and we were no longer on campus, we had an “at home” mom’s weekend where everyone enjoyed the extra unplanned time we had with our moms, since we couldn’t all be together in Lawrence. Our Fall Formal Recruitment was all virtual this August and we are so excited to welcome in PC 20 during these crazy times. [[File:Omega Bid day 2020.jpeg|thumb|Omega bid day 2020]] This fall we were able to run safe philanthropy events like a school supplies drive and a few restaurant percentage nights. This year was a strange one, but we tried to make the most of it!
[[File:Omega with masks.jpeg|thumb|Omega with masks]]
[[File:Pref night with masks.jpeg|thumb|Pref night with masks]]
[[File:Omega Zoom meeting.jpeg|thumb|Omega zoom meeting]]
[[File:Omega thank you.jpeg|thumb|Thanking supporters]]
This year we collected and donated school supplies for The Lawrence Schools Foundation. This is a local foundation and we are helping students and teachers in our area. It’s a great organization to work with and see the change we are making in our own community.
We added a DEI officer this year and she is very excited to start working with all of us and bringing new ideas to our chapter. During chapter council and chapter meetings we are all very open about current events in our world and it is always great to hear everyone’s thoughts and have open discussions. Our PR chair was very good at staying updated on topics and keeping all of us aware as well.
We watched the virtual celebration of Kappa’s 150th anniversary. At chapter we talked about how thankful we are for Kappa and the friendships and memories it has given us.
==Highlights of 2021==
==Highlights of 2020s:==

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