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Beta Mu

17,166 bytes added, 13:54, 2 February 2022
Highlights of 2021
|Image= [[File:Beta_Mu.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1901|04|05}}
|College= [http University of Colorado]
|Location= Boulder, CO
|Homepage= [http Beta Mu Website]|Media= [http Media related to Beta Mu Chapter]}}
'''4,101 239 initiates (as of June 20162018)
Phyllis Brinton Pryor, 1984;
Marjorie Cross Bird, 1990;
Joanie Cook Cohen, 2018
Despite the financial problems of a large house, the immediate future is bright. Renewed interest and fast increasing membership may signal a swing back to fraternity and the obvious advantages of congenial group living. A new unity and spirit pervades the chapter, and once again actives and alumnae share common goals of excellence.
==Highlights of the 1980’s==
The 1980”s found Beta Mu active on campus as well as enjoying each other’s company. The “preppy’ look was in, with corduroy pants, espadrilles and Izod shirts with the collars up. Saturday Night Live was popular on television as well as General Hospital. Landline phones were still in use and members who did not have phone service in their room would have to use the pay phone. The Beta Mu sun deck was often in use during warmer times of the year.
In the early part of the decade, the chapter faced some academic difficulties. With help from the Fraternity, the chapter was able to re-focus and move forward. Additionally, several chapter members dealt with anorexia and bulimia issues. In the latter part of the decade, Beta Mu and the entire Colorado University campus struggled with the effects of alcohol abuse. When a young woman died after attending a party hosted by Beta Mu and Kappa Alpha Theta, the Fraternity felt it necessary to place Beta Mu on probation for not properly following risk management guidelines.
Greek life continued to thrive at CU throughout the 80’s with the Greek groups participating in Songfest and each other’s philanthropies. The campus was active politically, with many Kappas making their voices heard on a variety of issues. The city of Boulder offered much to the students at CU, such as hiking at Chautauqua, skiing or snowboarding, and the Polar Bear plunge at Boulder Reservoir.
==Highlights of the 1990’s==
The 1990’s saw Beta Mu continue to do an outstanding job with recruitment. In 1992 the chapter was 170 members strong, with members from 30 different states. The new member classes hosted their annual Chili con Kappa events and the chapter held their very successful Kick for Craig soccer tournaments for the benefit of Craig Rehabilitation Hospital. Other philanthropic events included their annual Easter Egg Hunt, the Chinook Clubhouse Frisbee Tournament and the Race for the Cure.
A number of Beta Mu members were able to attend the Something of Value program, hosted by the Greek community at CU. This program helped participants clarify their personal values and the values of the organizations to which they belonged. The chapter also was responsible for helping the Greek community to understand the risk management necessary to have a safe social event.
Throughout the decade the chapter held numerous sisterhood events, including a Kappa Career Workshop, house appreciation dinner, and a chapter retreat at the YMCA Snow Mountain Lodge. These events served to remind the members how important it is to care for each other and enjoy each other’s company.
==Highlights of the 2000’s==
This decade saw significant changes in recruitment for the Colorado University campus. In 2005 the Panhellenic system moved recruitment from fall to the spring. Unfortunately this resulted in fewer women participating in recruitment and negative publicity surrounding the Greek community. While Beta Mu continued to recruit successfully, they did feel the pressure of filling the large chapter house. At one point, a portion of the chapter house was closed off. In 2008 the decision was made to transition back to a fall recruitment period. Large new member classes once again became the norm.
In an effort to reach out to the Boulder community, Beta Mu worked with the Boulder Alumnae Association to hold a KKG Haunted House. The chapter opened its chapter house to the community with trick or treating, face painting, arts and crafts and games. Over $2000 was raised for Reading is Fundamental and Boulder Reads. In 2005 the chapter held a Cajun Dinner where the funds raised were given to a Hurricane Katrina relief fund. In addition the chapter hosted three Kappas from Tulane University for a semester following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Philanthropy remained a strength for Beta Mu throughout the decade.
Beta Mu was honored to have the highest GPA among the Greek women’s groups several times throughout the decade. The chapter also hosted Professor Desserts, inviting favorite professors to the chapter house. However, towards the end of the decade, the chapter ‘s academic standing dropped, there were attendance issues and the chapter was having difficulty keeping its senior members engaged with the chapter’s activities. The chapter responded by setting new goals and putting new systems in place to counter these difficulties.
==Highlights of 2011==
The Samantha Remington Angel Heart Foundation is an organization that is very close to our heart at Beta Mu. This organization helps families afford organ transplants, something that could get very expensive for many people. It was started by one of our sisters and her family and we were very excited to be able to support her family.
==Highlights of 2017==
2017 brought new changes to the University of Colorado. The University has set a goal of bringing in the largest freshman class in CU history; consequently the university has started several building projects in order to increase its capacity for students. New student learning facilities and dormitories are under construction to handle this boost in size.
Social events included our formal at Riverside in the snow and an ice skating sisterhood in Louisville. Valentine's Day brought a semi-formal event at Absinthe on Pearl Street. Spring Formal was held at the Denver Aquarium in April. In September we had Dad's Weekend. We went to the football game with our dads and had a special Father Daughter Dance on the patio of the Kappa house.
Soon after we concluded our fall recruitment, where we welcomed 101 new members, our chapter operations were suspended. In October the Fraternity placed the chapter on probation for one year. While chapter operations are again moving forward, we are working hard to instill a new culture and attitude in our chapter.
==Highlights of 2018==
2018 started with an officer retreat in Leadville, CO, with the new Chapter Council establishing goals within the framework of the guidelines of the chapter's probation. A new member retreat was also held so the new members could become better acquainted.A special program, Start with the Why, was held for the chapter to help us better understand the purposes of our organization. The chapter also reviewed its risk management procedures.
The Fall 2017 pledge class was initiated in February 2018. Then a COB recruitment was held where the chapter pledged twenty two more members. Their initiation was held after spring break. In the fall of 2018 117 new members were pledged and they were initiated in November with more alumnae coming out to help than ever before.
The social events were amazing, including a spring formal at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science and a winter formal at Red Rocks. We participated in Greek Week and the annual Theta KATWalk. A Galentine sisterhood and an alumnae tea rounded out the calendar.
CU recently elected a new student government comprised of mainly Greek members. In addition, the Panhellenic has invited Phi Mu to join the Panhellenic community.
Philanthropically, Beta Mu supports Reading is Fundamental in the fall term and then votes on a different philanthropy for the spring. In the spring of 2018, the chapter held a Kappa Koncert, raising $10,000 on behalf of the Denver Children's Hospital Oncology Department.
==Highlights of 2019==
The newly installed chapter council had their first formal chapter and formal. Our winter formal was Met Gala themed, and was held at Red Rocks park and amphitheater. When the new chapter council returned from winter break, they went to Estes Park for their weekend retreat. Then, we formed new committees and had our first committee meetings. Ritual Reviews were held for both PC '18 and PC'17. We held a Valentines for Veterans sisterhood, where actives made Valentines to be sent to veterans in the Boulder community. We had Mom's Weekend, which had yoga classes, trunk shows, and a brunch. In April we held our spring philanthropy, Kappa Koncert, which had Win and Woo performing, and supported the National Heart Association. Our spring formal was held at the Denver Aquarium and its theme was "Under the Sea." We held a goat yoga sisterhood, where members got to go to a ranch and do yoga with baby goats sponsored by Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga. We held a senior send-off where we celebrated our seniors before finals week.
In August, new live-ins moved in, and we completed work week, where we bonded a ton as a chapter. We welcomed our new members in early September at our "Kappa Love" themed bid day. On October 19, we initiated 114 new members. Shortly following, we held our "Halloween House" philanthropy, opening the Kappa house to families in the Boulder community to make crafts, play games, and trick-or-treat through the halls. This event was unique from past years because we reserved the first hour of the event for autistic families, making sure to create a low-sensory environment for them. We held Dad's weekend and had an awesome BBQ for girls and their families. We elected a new chapter council and helped them transition during our November Date Dash at the Fox theater. We ended our semester with a great formal at Temple Nightclub in Denver, and with a few super fun finals week sisterhoods!
Last spring, CU held student government elections where a number of Kappa actives were elected, as well as other members of the Greek community. This summer, we held a mock recruitment with the recently founded CU Phi Mu chapter. It was a great opportunity to help support the first new chapter at CU since 1951. Additionally, a lot of active members are involved in Greek Sustainability on campus, where they do walkthroughs of the houses to ensure we are making conscious environmental decisions as a chapter, and to encourage healthy living habits. Lastly, we had two members of our chapter recognized by the University of Colorado Boulder Panhellenic Association. Hayley Reynolds was awarded Panhellenic Senior of the Year and Natasha Badger was awarded Panhellenic Woman of the Year, a monumental achievement.
Beta Mu supports the Boulder Reads branch of Reading is Fundamental (RIF) in the fall semester and our spring philanthropy is voted on by the chapter, so it varies each year. Our chapter prides itself on our ability to have members voice their philanthropic passions for our spring philanthropy. We chose Boulder Reads because it connects to Kappa's national philanthropy as well as our own Boulder community.
Beta Mu celebrated Founders Day with nearly a dozen alumnae, performing the Founders Day ceremony. The ceremony was followed by a brunch made by our Chef Tony. We plan to continue our ritual reviews to emphasize Kappa's history, values, and accomplishments and celebrate our Sesquicentennial anniversary.
==Highlights of 2020==
Beta Mu has had an outstanding year, especially given the obstacles due to COVID-19. This year we held a few awesome in-person events early in the year including a "Keys and Kites" dessert party with Kappa Alpha Theta and a self-defense training for all member education in February. We also held our Kappa Kappa Gals Weekend (renamed from Mom's Weekend to be more inclusive for our sisters) during which we had pop-up shops, an event at Wonder Wonder art museum in Boulder, and a few exercise classes for girls to do with their guests. In March, we held a spring initiation to officially initiate Ashley Bradbury, who transferred to Boulder. Once COVID-19 hit, we began to have online movie nights every few weeks, and we had one of our members lead a virtual yoga class.
At this year's Greek Awards ceremony, several Kappas were honored. Tatum Amarell won the award for Panhellenic Senior of the Year, Molly Little received the Outstanding Scholar award, Lyndan Wall won Panhellenic Woman of the Year (the second year in a row that a Beta Mu has won this award!), and Hannah Pogue won Exec Member of the Year. Our chapter goals shifted significantly as the pandemic took over to be geared more towards inclusivity and diversity as well as putting greater importance on implementing ideas from chapter members.
In the fall, we put on a virtual work week and recruitment where we extended bids to 115 women. We held virtual chapter meetings on Sunday nights as well as intermittent ritual reviews throughout the semester leading up to our fall initiation. On October 24, we initiated 113 wonderful women from the 2020 pledge class! Following our chapter's initiation, we were included in Gamma Beta's (University of New Mexico) initiation ceremony to initiate the two women who were not able to make it to our original ceremony. Finally, in November, we transitioned to a new chapter council, who are eager for the next year! Despite the difficulties that this year presented, Beta Mu has had a wonderful year and has adapted well to virtual events and rituals while keeping members engaged and interested.
Beta Mu supported two philanthropies in 2020: Reading is Fundamental (RIF) and Brought to Reality (BTR). We chose RIF to support with our fall philanthropy not only because it is the nationally supported philanthropy of KKG, but we also think there is a need for greater literacy resources for kids in the Boulder community and all over Colorado. We chose BTR to support with our spring philanthropy because it is a locally founded organization whose primary mission is to support teens' mental health and prevent teen suicide. This is an organization that resonated deeply with many of our members.
To include DEI initiatives in our programming this year we held an online crowdchange fundraiser to benefit the Bail Project and Communities Against Police Brutality. We sent those who donated $20 or more a free art print. We held a virtual diversity and inclusion programming during our work week prior to recruitment which included information on microaggressions, privilege, and how to support and advocate for people of color. Throughout the year we have maintained a steady social media presence regarding our support of creating an inclusive and equal chapter. Our member, Emma Bramer, created a club focused on Greek life improving and enhancing diversity and inclusion.
To celebrate Kappa's 150th anniversary, we held a virtual "birthday party" for Kappa where members did trivia about the history of Kappa and its founders and other games. Additionally, Kappa history was included in ritual reviews throughout the year and the sesquicentennial was mentioned and highlighted.
==Highlights of 2021==
Beta Mu has had a great year and transition from a year of online events to in-person events. Early this spring we held several virtual sisterhoods, a socially distant philanthropy (with masks too). We also were able to hold a senior recognition event in-person which was so exciting! We held an in-person recruitment and provided a virtual option as well. Recruitment went extremely well, and we are so excited to have PC 21 in our sisterhood. We had several teams of Kappa’s participate in other Greek houses philanthropy events and won in the volleyball tournament for Kappa Sigma. We held Initiation at the end of October and had a wonderful Inspiration period filled with a study night, craft night and a night at the movie theater. We had a great Dad’s weekend in November and had a tailgate BBQ. Then we had our fall philanthropy, Kappa Concert. Lastly, we just finished voting on the slate and are so excited to swear them in next chapter.
We supported the Colorado ProfessionalFirefighter Association as our philanthropy because one of our sisters was extremely affected by a California
wildfire. Ella Berglund, our RISK chair, lost her home during her junior year of high school due to the Sonoma County wildfires in California. In order to support this organization, we held a Kappa Carnival with games, food, and donations!
This fall we supported Kappa’s philanthropy by hosting Kappa Concert. We had a DJ who attended the University of Colorado Boulder perform and we held the concert in our parking
lot! We raised about $6,000 and had so much fun supporting our philanthropy!
In the first year of implementing a DEI chair at beta mu our chapter created and executed more Diversity training than ever before, more conversations about equity than in years past and has overall created a more inclusive kappa community. Over the past year Abby developed ideas ranging from education theme of the month where resources would be sent out each month to promote awareness and learning round a certain educational topic. Moreover, during our fall semester, she brought in a former Beta Mu to talk at chapter about how to fit DEI in at Kappa which really resonated with the chapter. Besides those initiatives strides have been made to create an open environment where people have felt comfortable approaching our DEI chair about changes to make.
Because our school requires vaccinations, we had a little bit of an easier time with COVID-19 this semester than we did last semester. Our recruitment was held in person with masks, and we held virtual party options as well. For Initiation we held three ceremonies to split up the pledge class into smaller groups and have less full capacity. We have made sure to take precautions of wearing masks when people were uncomfortable or feeling sick. We have also held virtual chapters when members felt sick.
==Highlights of 2022==

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