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There was an 1885 Convention with Hillsdale; it’s theme: “Our relation to each other, our relation to other fraternities, our relation to Kappa,” and ending with “we met a number of fraternity gentlemen and passed a pleasant hour or two before train time,” … the forget-me-not was adopted as chapter flower … the arrival of The Key was cause for excitement … “as long as the members are ‘just what we want’ we are contented to have only a moderately large chapter.”
In February 1927, the only rush party was almost an unqualified success: "Nothing happened to mar our fun unless one might call burnt bouillon disagreeable." That year the chapter president, Rachel Swift, "broke down under the strain of rushing" and went to the hospital. "Rae has never been real well," the correspondent to The Key confided. In April, Rae was still confined to her home, but her friends were allowed to visit. "...our sympathies are with anyone who has to stay in bed when spring becomes a reality." In October, The Key letter reported, "Xi chapter will greatly feel the loss of our loved sister and formed president...whose untimely death deprived us of an influence which has mean much to us." The chapter's death must also be recorded. In 1944, The Key reported four pledges and a “traditional pledge party for Tri Delt.” On June 3, the chapter graduates were guests of the alumnae and were presented, in the name of Xi, with $100 and two war bonds. A donation to the Rose McGill Fund was to be made in the name of Xi and the association. There was no talk of the chapter’s closing, but a search of the Proceedings of the Fraternity for that period reveals the recommendation “ … that Xi Chapter be put on three months’ probation from the date of the President’s visit May 4, 1944, and inasmuch as Xi Chapter has voluntarily voted to surrender its charter at the close of the college year June 1944, it is further recommended that Council follow the procedure for disbanding the chapter as set out in the bylaws, Article XIII, Section 8B.”
“The history of every chapter depends upon its college, and the college depends upon the community in which it is located … We feel we have added to the roll of Kappa Kappa Gamma many fine women, some of the brilliant, all of noble purpose.” (The 1870-1930 History of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity)
*Both are acceptable pronunciations. In classical Greek, the sound is probably an aspirated “k-s” somewhat like the “ks” in “quacks.”