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Gamma Alpha

21,814 bytes added, 17:14, 15 December 2021
|Image= [[File:Gamma_Alpha.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1916|09|23}}
|College= [http Kansas State University], formerly Kansas State Agricultural College
|Location= Manhattan, Kansas
|Homepage= [http Gamma Alpha Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Gamma Alpha Chapter]}}
'''Gamma Alpha, Kansas State University (formerly Kansas State Agricultural College), established in 1863, Manhattan, Kansas'''
'''23,960 090 initiates (as of June 20152018)'''
'''Charter Members:'''
Jessie Althea Alexander, Clara Merle Beeman, Mildred Branson, Frances Ewalt, Helen Fearl, Louise Fielding, Teresa Goodwyn, Hazel Groff, Gladys Grove, Rembert Harshbarger, Vivian Herron, Ruth Lucile Hill Hobbs, Adelaide Julia Holmes, Ann Howard, Edna Hope Klein, Emily Lofinck, Nina Mae Powell, Juanita Reynolds, Meta Viola Scheaff, Ruth Simpson, Mary Bell Van Derveer.
'''Outstanding Gamma Alpha Alumnae'''
'''Fraternity Council Officers:'''
Marilyn Nichols Bullock, Vice President 1996-1998, Director of Alumnae 1994-1996, Director of Membership 1990-1994; Marjorie Moree Keith, Director of Philanthropies 1978-1982; Arma Jo Smith (Northup), Field Secretary 1947-1949; Sally Denton (Van Artsdalen), Field Secretary, 1953-1955; Krista Harms, Traveling Consultant 1985-1986; Emily Haake (Brandjord), Leadership Consultant 2006-2007; Amelia Roudebush (McCormick), Leadership Consultant 2005-2006
'''Additional Outstanding Gamma Alpha Alumnae:'''  Arma Jo Smith (Northup), Graduate Counselor 1945-1946; Gay Linvill, Graduate Counselor 1976-1978; Donna Towers (Hemingway), Graduate Counselor 1979-1981
This year we hosted three philanthropies. The first one was Sundae Funday, the second was Cupcakes with Kappas, and the third was Kappacino. Sundae Funday is an ice cream social in which we partner with Gamma Phi Beta and have students from the university pay a entrance fee but then they can have as much ice cream as they want. We raised around $1500. Cupcakes with Kappa was very successful, because people wanted to see the renovations to our house. We raised a few thousand off of that philanthropy alone. Finally Kappacino was another hit this year because college kids love coffee. We sold out all three days. We raised $400 dollars Kappacino.
==Highlights of 2016==
Twenty- sixteen was a fantastic year for the women of Gamma Alpha Chapter at Kansas State University. Our all house GPA was ranked in the top three for Greek houses at Kansas State. We hosted three fantastic philanthropies, Sundae Fundae, Kupcakes with Kappa, and Chili with Willie. This year’s recruitment was fantastic and we welcomed 49 wonderful new members into our house. We are proud to call them our new sisters and they fit perfectly into Gamma Alpha. Twenty-sixteen was Gamma Alpha’s 100th anniversary and Manhattan, Kansas welcomed over 700+ Gamma Alpha alumni back to Manhattan to celebrate. There was a luncheon for the active and alumnae, house and campus tours were provided by active members, and the active members enjoyed a formal date party in the evening. Complete renovations were completed in the kitchen and first floor during the summer of 2016.
Our campus is continuing to grow in size and with that we were excited to cheer on the newly founded Kansas State women’s soccer team during their inaugural season. Our university faced several challenges this past school year, but the university is continually improving and changing to fit the needs of our student body. We also welcomed a new university president, President General Richard Meyers. The Gamma Alpha chapter is continuing to grow in size, we currently have 185 active chapter members. This is our house mom, Mom Juls, fourth year and she has been a wonderful part of our house for the last several years. She loves attending events that feature Gamma Alphas, hearing about our day, and saving us from a bad haircut. This was our cook, Liz’s 18th year and she provides great nourishment and advice for all the women in the Gamma Alpha house. The women of our chapter are very busy balancing schoolwork, jobs, and extra curricular activities in addition to being a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma (aka the best sorority on campus). We have a twitter, Facebook, and Instagram account to help promote our chapter and philanthropies even more; as well as where members can post about just how special Kappa really is. At Kappa’s National Convention over the summer we also received the award of excellence in chapter management.
Gamma Alpha participated in two very strong philanthropies. Our first one was in the spring and we called in Sundae Funday. We partnered with Delta Sigma Phi and we hosted in ice cream bar, which allowed students at Kansas State to create their favorite treat while raising money for a great cause. We raised over $2,500 to go to our philanthropy. Our second philanthropy, Kupcakes with Kappa we held in August after school started. We invited Kansas State students to enjoy a house tour of our newly renovated house as well as eat delicious cupcakes! For this philanthropy we raised over $2,000 that went towards our philanthropy. Our final philanthropy, Chili with Willie we held in December. We partnered with PIKE and served chili at our house for Kansas State students, Willie the Wildcat our school mascot also made an appearance at this event. For this event we raised over $9,000 that went towards our philanthropy. We chose to suport the organizations because we wanted to give back to the Kappa Kappa Gamma community as well as the Manahattan community.
==Highlights of 2017==
[[File:Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 12.06.36 PM.png]]
Our chapter has achieved many successes over the past year. In the spring semester, we were recognized as the chapter with the most women to achieve a 4.0 GPA and placed second in grades overall with a 3.476. Continuing our steadfast reputation of excellence, we also won Homecoming Week in the fall with our partners of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Pi Kappa Phi. Our chapter took 1st in Paint the Ville and 3rd in Pant the Chant as well. We created a float for the parade, embracing our theme of Honolulu, as the overall theme was Purple Pride Worldwide, with different cities for each pairing. The win was a surprise to our chapter, but incredibly exciting to be a part of.
[[File:Gamma Alpha Mural 2017.png|thumb|Gamma Alpha Mural 2017]]
Date parties were held each semester with the spring semester starting out with a jungle date party and later, our annual formal, Sapphire Ball, was held at the Discovery Center in Manhattan in April. In the fall, we had one in September with a theme of "When I Grow Up" and later our semi-formal in December at a barn outside of Manhattan with a theme of "Barnyard Ball."
Our chapter had many fun sisterhood events throughout the year, including a Valentine's event, a Halloween party, and a Friendsgiving. Members also enjoy spending time with one another by hanging around the house, lounging in the informal, and taking Sonic runs. Our house mom, Jules, and our cook, Liz, continue to be steadfast presences in the chapter and serve as support systems for all the girls in the house.
[[File:Gamma Alpha 2017.png|thumb|Gamma Alpha 2017]]
Kansas State University has continued to grow and expand over the past year. Renovations continued to take place all over campus, with the Union being completed in the spring of 2017 and Seaton Hall in the fall of the same year. Our chapter continues to be held in high regard on campus, albeit affectionately nicknamed the "Kappa Kappa Grandmas," which many of our members whole-heartedly embrace. Our house mom, Mom Jules, and our cook, Liz, continue to serve the chapter and provide advice, motherly wisdom, and the occasional haircut. As a whole, our chapter has continued to take pride in our strong heritage and flourish as the years go by.
Philanthropy remained a consistent theme for our chapter, as we participated in several philanthropies each semester. In the spring, we did our annual book collection at Mom's Day and later donated the books to a local elementary school as part of our organization's dedication to Reading is Fundamental. We also had a new philanthropy called Kappa Con Queso where we sold tickets to an all-you-can-eat event with chips, queso, and salsa. It was held at the house and was a success. In the fall, we participated in the annual C. Clyde Jones Fun Run, which is held in honor of our Kappa "grandfather," C. Clyde Jones, who is often seen at chapter dinners or enjoying spending time with our members. We won the trophy for Most Sorority Participants. We also co- hosted Fall Fest with Delta Sigma Phi at their house. It was a fun event with fall themed games and snacks. We rounded out the semester with our second annual Chili with Willie philanthropy, and this year we invited Delta Upsilon to host it with us. It was a success and the money raised went to the Rose McGill Holiday Fund.
The money we raised from our philanthropies went back to organizaitons, that we, as Kappa, support. The books raised from Mom's Day supported Reading is Fundamental and we held an event at a local elementary school where we read books and had snacks with local elementary school students. Donating back to the Rose McGill holiday is meaningful to us, as we believe in supporting our fellow Kappa sisters.
[[File:Gamma Alpha sisters 2017.png|thumb|Gamma Alpha sisters 2017]]
==Highlights of 2018==
[[File:Gamma Alpha house.png|thumb|Gamma Alpha chapter house]]
Our chapter has accomplished many different things over this past year. In the spring semester, we achieved our goal of going from fifth in grades back to placing second in grades with a GPA of 3.560. Continuing our streak of achievement in Lambda Chi Alpha's philanthropy, Watermelon Bust, in the fall, we tied for first place. During homecoming week, our chapter took 4th place in Pant the Chant and 2nd in Paint the Ville. Our partners for Homecoming were Sigma Phi Epsilon and Acacia. We created a float to support the overall theme of Little Apple, Big Entertainment. Our float resembled "Coachella" to go along with our theme of Beyonce. We all had an incredible time supporting our chapter, with the help of our new members, we were very excited for the week.
[[File:GA football game.png|thumb|Gamma Alphas support KSU football]]
At convention, our chapter received the Recruitment award and Honorable Mention in Chapter Management. Date parties, a semi-formal and a formal were held that brought our chapter together for nights filled with dancing, good music and a way to build friendships and sisterhood. In the spring, we had a date party with a theme of "Kappa Time Machine", where people dressed like different people or groups of people of the past, present or future. Our formal was "Monmouth Formal" with Pi Beta Phi, which was held at Flint Hills Discovery Center. In the fall, we had "Blues and Bowling " at the Kansas State Bowling Alley, decked out in jean outfits and following in November, we had our semi-formal with a theme of "Maskeyrade" at the Wareham in Manhattan.[[File:Kappa Spirit GA.png|thumb|KKG spirit!]] Along with date parties, we had a few sisterhood events that continued to build these sisterhood bonds. Our chapter had a Valentine's event, a Halloween party and a Christmas party. We also had two big philanthropy events that included a Trunk or Treat at the Manhattan Public Library and Kappa KDntinental, that we hosted with Kappa Delta with a breakfast bar. Our members enjoy spending time watching movies in the informal, hanging out on the side porch of our house and making cookie bake or Sonic runs. Our support system at the house consists of our house mom, Jules, and our cook Liz. They continually pour out their love and genuine care for all of us by listening to us and giving us advice. Our chapter is so thankful for the both of them.
[[File:GA mom daughter.png|thumb|We love our alumni!]]
Kansas State University has continued to grow as a campus and school over many years. There are new organizations and resources popping up for students to utilize. The Union has been renovated and we gained a few new restaurants and food options to choose from. Our biggest loss on campus was a fire that broke out at Hale Library, a primary study spot for all of our students. Fortunately, our campus has opened up a few buildings and provided resources to make up for the loss of our library. Our chapter, specifically, remains to be held in high regard on campus, still being referred to as the "Kappa Kappa Grandmas". We take pride in our influential members on campus, involvement in the community, our strong relationships with alumni and the heritage that still continues throughout the walls of our home. [[File:GA in front of house.png|thumb|Together in front of the house]]
==Highlights of 2019==
This past calendar year was full of new memories and accomplishments for our lovely little Gamma Alpha chapter. For the 2018-2019 school year, our chapter was awarded the title "Sorority of the Year" out of the 13 sororities we have on K-State's campus. Panhellenic awarded our chapter with this title because of our heavy involvment on K-State's campus, high academic standing, and strong retention rates during recruitment. Our chapter has often placed in the top percent for panhellenic academics on our campus, but this past spring semester, Gamma Alpha placed first. We love our chapter and take pride in these accomplishments, however, many of us believe there is always room for improvement.
Our chapter made it one of our goals this year to increase community involvment and support of our panhellenic brothers and sisters. Our Trunk-or-Treat philanthropy event was a huge success last year so we decided to continue the event. We partnered with the Manhattan public library to raise awareness for Reading is Fundamental (RIF), as well as give candy to families in the surrounding area and investing in the community around us. However, this year we invited other panhellenic and community organizations to join us at our Trunk-or-Treat event so we can support our community together. We are blessed to have so many self-motivated women in our chapter and because of this were able to have several additional philanthropy events. We put on the "KKBee" spelling bee at one of the local town coffee shops to raise money for RIF. We hosted a "Kappa Karwash" event at our house, and participated in the "Reading is Key" event as well as various book drives throughout the year. We are so thankful to have such warm-hearted and hard working young women in this house.
We may be hard working, but we also love some good ol' Kappa Kappa Grandma fun. Our formal this year was "Choose a Mister for Your Sister". Our women got to set their sisters up on blind dates for our formal event, it was a great way to meet new people and expand our Kappa community. Semi-formal was just as exciting with its theme, "Kappa Cotillion", and as always, we kept it Klassy.
We said goodbye to PC'15 and welcomed our new PC'19 women this year, but some things never change like our beloved house mom, Mom Jules, and house cook, Liz. We cannot talk these women up enough, they are phenomenal and make living in the house the experience of a lifetime. From Bachelor watch parties, ginger bread house decorating, outdoor movie nights, and frat boy Fridays, there's never a quite moment at 517 Fairchild Terrace and we are so thankful for the people that have provided us with this amazing opportunity to live with so many women we love. We are so excited for another year of memories.
Kansas State University is still known as one of the top college towns in the nation and our campus continues to grow. K-State has broken ground for our new Multi-Cultural Student Center that should be finished within the next few years. Similarly, the construction of the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF) has made immense progress. We are so thankful that Hale Library has reopened the first floor after the fire that occurred two summers ago. Our students have enjoyed the study space that has provided and look forward to seeing the finished product. Kappa continues to be help in high regard on campus and plans to continue deepening our involvment with organizations outside of Kappa. Our members plan on investing in the Manhattan and Kansas State community to give back to the wonderful people who have given us so much love and support.
Our chapter supports Reading is Fundamental through local support. We chose this organization because we wanted to support this organization that we enjoy being apart of each year. We always love working with young children learning how to read and seeing our donations of books in the elementary in Manhattan being put to good use. We believe in empowering young people to pursue education and learn to love learning. Our chapter stands by the belief that you have to learn to read in order to read to learn. We love working with young students in their pursuit of learning and walking alongside the future generation of our society. RIF is a wonderful organization that provides us with so many opportunities to do that. We are so thankful for the educational privledges we have received and love handing those gifts down to the next generation of leaders and life long learners.
We also wanted to give our semester donation to nationals with the money collected for our philanthropy in the fall.
Every year we invite Gamma Alpha and various Kappa alumni to our house for our Founders Day celebration that takes place the Sunday after initiation weekend. We had a great turn out of alumni this year and enjoyed donuts, cider, and coffee to celebrate the new members and honor the women that founded our beloved organization.
==Highlights of 2020==
This past calendar year was full of many new memories and many new experiences for our sweet Gamma Alpha chapter. Our chapter is known for our heavy involvement on campus. We have many women who are involved in campus organizations ranging from K-State Student Foundation, Cats Cupboard, K-State Proud, Student Government Association, and the K-State band and Classy Cats (dance team). One of our won Gamma Alpha women was voted to be the 2021 K-State female Student Ambassador! [[File:Marissa Lux - 2021 K-State Female Student Ambassador.jpeg|thumb|Marissa Lux - 2021 K-State Female Student Ambassador]]
Our women are also involved in volunteering around Manhattan and even amidst COVID our women found a way. These volunteer opportunities have ranged from Big Brothers Big Sisters, nursing homes, and local food pantries. We were able to hold 1 philanthropy event over Instagram. We raised money with CrowdChange boards for Reading is Fundamental (RIF). We raised $638 for RIF, collected 80 books with our book drive to give to Manhattan schools, $200 were donated to KKG Foundation, and despite the pandemic, our Gamma Alpha women donated 289 hours of community service projects in 2020.
The ladies of Gamma Alpha are also Kappa geniuses. Our spring 2020 semester all chapter GPA was 3.7, ranked above the all sorority average for K-State. This put us in 5th out of 13 of the sororities that are on K-State’s campus for grades.
Recruitment looked very different this year, but our girls are resilient and can adapt and prosper through anything which was shown in our retention rates and outcome of recruitment. [[File:PC 17 during 2020 recruitment!.jpeg|thumb|PC 17 during 2020 recruitment!]] With COVID, our recruitment ended up being completely virtual, along with Bid Day as well. We pledged 39 wonderful women into our chapter this year, staying close to last year’s numbers despite the pandemic. We are so grateful we were able to hold initiation in person this year. We initiated 38 strong and wonderful women into the Gamma Alpha chapter. [[File:Bid Day 2020!.jpeg|thumb|Bid Day 2020!]]
[[File:Bid Day Fall 2020.jpeg|thumb|Bid Day 2020]]
[[File:Big Little Reveal.jpeg|thumb|Big Little Reveal]]
Unfortunately, K-State’s Homecoming also was put all online, but Kappa’s presence and involvement did not dip at all. We received second place in homecoming this year with our partner AGR! We are so proud of this achievement especially during the pandemic.
One goal our chapter had was to strengthen the sisterhood we were already building. We were very lucky and able to have our Mom’s Weekend and our “Kappa Kappa Galactica” date party before the pandemic hit. These were both hits with so much dancing and fun with our sisters.
After school went all online, our chapter got very creative in different activities we could participate in to strengthen sisterhood. We were able to hold our semi-formal in late November with only Kappa’s and it was a wonderful night of laughs, dancing and sisterhood. [[File:2020 Semi-Formal at the Kappa House!.jpeg|thumb|2020 Semi-Formal at the Kappa House!]] There were many online activities with lots of conversations and even a zoom call celebrating our 2020 spring graduates and showering them with memories and love we had for them. This year could not have been as fun and wonderful as it was without our house mom, Mom Jules, and house cook, Liz. These two women put the ladies of Gamma Alpha first and went above and beyond to make this year the best it could be. We are forever grateful for them. There were so many Bachelor watch parties, movie nights, dance parties, and side porch hammock hangouts that were so special and intimate this year with our sisters. [[File:Hammocking on Kappa's side porch on a beautiful spring day!.jpeg|thumb|Hammocking on Kappa's side porch on a beautiful spring day!]]
We are so thankful for the moments this year brought, the ability to slow down and appreciate the time we have, and the people who helped support our chapter to thrive in such a difficult time. We are so excited for another year of memories at 517 Fairchild Terrace.
Gamma Alpha supports Reading is Fundamental for our philanthropy. We believe in strengthening and empowering the youth to pursure their education and learn a love of reading. Our chapter stands by the belief that you have to learn to read in order to read to learn. We love working with young students while they pursure their education and being there beside the next generation of our society. RIF is a wonderful and powerful organization that gives us so many opportunities to do just that and give back to the community. We are so grateful for the education we all have received and are continuing to receive and love giving back to the next generation of leaders and life long learners.
This year, Gamma Alpha was very active and aware of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. We encouraged respectful and open conversations about DEI. Chapter Council decided to implement a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion position in the 2021 calendar year when we could have more discussion about what this position would look like and what we would expect of it.
Due to Covid-19 guidelines and the safety of the women living in the Kappa house, our Founder’s Day and 150th anniversary celebration were held over zoom. It was encouraged for women to come to the Kappa house and have cookies and cider and conversations, if one felt comfortable, about Kappa’s history and legacy that was left for us from alumni. A fun “What Kappa Founder Are You” quiz was created to dwell and learn just a little bit about the founding Kappa’s and their personalities. It was a fun way to learn about their lives and how we are all still so connected and alike even 150 years apart.
==Highlights of 2021==
==Highlights of 2020s:==

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