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Delta Phi

3,372 bytes added, 21:24, 16 December 2015
Highlights of 2014
Outstanding Academic Advisor - Chris Boyatzis (Bucknell Greek Awards, Spring 2014), Outstanding Junior Award - Rachel Wahl (Bucknell Greek Awards, Spring 2014)
Special Events:
The Delta Phi chapter was able to participate in numerous special events throughout the past year! We joined with the brothers of Sig Chi for an extremely fun and relaxing yoga class! We also partnered with the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega for an educational nutrition event. The president of Bucknell University, John C. Bravman, spoke to us at chapter about issues surrounding our campus culture and provided each council member a copy of Sheryl Sandberg's, Lean In, a book that provides advice on how women can succeed and work towards a gender equal society. In June, two of our sisters, Janie Whelan and Julia Pilzer attended the Kappa Kappa Gamma convention in Texas and had a blast meeting fellow sisters nationwide! This fall Barbara G. Martin, Bucknell’s Compliance Officer & Title IX Coordinator, spoke to us at chapter about the process of a sexual misconduct cases here at Bucknell and informed of the resources available to us surrounding sexual misconduct.
Philanthropic Involvement:
The ladies of the Delta Phi Chapter have been active participants in various philanthropic endeavors this past year. Our annual Kappa Kisses philanthropy event last February raised over $500, which was donated to Reading is Fundamental, the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, and the Madison Holleran Foundation. Kappa Kisses is a weeklong sale of Hershey kisses that students can send to each other along with a small valentines note. It always proves as a fun way to celebrate Valentines Day and is a great way to express appreciation across the Bucknell community! We are currently planning this years Kappa Kisses event and are hoping to sell out just like last year! This fall we had a successful book-drive over parents weekend and were able to donate over a hundred books to local libraries. We also held Kappa Klassic, our annual soccer tournament, and had an excellent turn out with multiple teams participating from each fraternity and sorority. The tournament brought out everyone’s competitive spirit and successfully raised $2,211! We donated our impressive earnings to Reading is Fundamental as well as two charities close to our sister’s hearts: the ALS Association and Gillian Reny’s (a survivor of the Boston Bombings) Stepping Strong Fund. In collaboration with the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon we hosted a wing-eating contest, which was a fun yet messy way to raise money for our respective charities.
Chapter Goals:
Our goals for the upcoming year include upholding strong chapter management by reviewing and familiarizing ourselves with the Chapter Bylaws and Standing rules in a more consistent manner. We also hope to incorporate more programming in the upcoming year and take advantage of the wonderful resources Bucknell offers in order to educate our chapter.
Academic Excellence:
The ladies of Delta Phi recognize the importance of scholarship and work hard each semester to achieve their academic goals. In the beginning of each semester we each set individual GPA goals, which if met, are recognized and rewarded in our chapter meetings.
Our chapter meetings are held in Bucknell University’s owned Art Building. The Delta Phi Chapter occupies a suite in the Bucknell owned dormitory, Hunt Hall. Eighteen sisters can live on the suite at a time, however there is a large common room accessible to all Kappa Kappa Gamma sisters despite where they live on campus. Kappa Kappa Gamma is one of 7 sororities who occupy this dormitory.
==Highlights of 2015==
We had another great year of here at the Delta Phi Chapter. This past spring semester we were pleased to announce, yet again, our chapter’s overall GPA had increased, putting us at an overall 3.57! This surpassed both the all Greek and all women average GPA on campus, putting us in 2nd place out of a total of 7 sororities on campus. Seniors were celebrated during our final chapter this spring with letters from their parents expressing how proud they are of their daughter’s accomplishments at Bucknell University. It was a bittersweet end to another great semester. This fall we hosted yet another successful faculty luncheon, where our members invited their professors for a sit down lunch. It served as a great way for our sisters to connect with professors outside of the classroom and meet other Kappas! A fellow Kappa alumnus was gracious enough to come to speak to our chapter about her career path and possible career opportunities at Trunk Club, where she is currently employed. It was so generous of her to take time out of her day to talk to us and just goes to show how our chapter continues to support one another beyond gradation.
We had Delta Phi members represented in all of the following honors societies for the Spring 2015 semester: Alpha Lambda Delta, Mortar Board, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Omega, Psi Chi, Sigma Tau Delta, Beta Gamma Sigma. Our advisor also earned, Advisor of the Year, our chapter earned the Academic Excellence Award, and our President Rachel Wahl won the Individual Pillar of Excellence award.
Describe the recent changes on your campus and describe the overall nature of your chapter.
On September 4th we welcomed 47 new members.
Chapter Philanthropy:
The women of the Delta Phi chapter have been eagerly participating in philanthropy events all across campus, all while helping to run our own exciting events over the past semester. In September over Parents Weekend here on campus, we encouraged parents to stop by the Kappa Kappa Gamma Suite to bring with them from home new or gently used children’s books. The support was overwhelming, as we were able to collect over 300 children’s books to donate to various locations around the local Lewisburg community.
On October 4th, we held our annual Kappa Klassic Soccer Tournament. Almost every Greek organization participated and signed up at least one team, and in many cases, sent multiple teams, while non-Greek organizations participated as well! In total, over 35 teams signed up for the tournament, helping us raise approximately $3,725. We were thrilled with this grand total, of which 25% went to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, 25% to our national philanthropy, Reading Is Fundamental, 25% to The Jimmy Fund, which will help support one of our sister’s fathers in his fight against cancer, and 25% to Cycle for Survival, which helps with the fight against rare childhood cancers.
Our chapter has even extended our charitable work beyond just our own fundraising events. Besides participating in other Greek organization’s fundraisers, our Kappa’s have volunteered in our local elementary schools, community garden, food bank and more. Many members of our chapter have even orchestrated their own charity events, which our chapter has been eager to both attend and support.
==Highlights of 2020s:==

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