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Epsilon Omicron

30,393 bytes added, 17:35, 14 June 2022
Highlights of 2021
|Image= [[File:Epsilon_Omicron.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1975|02|15}}
|College= [http University of California, Davis]
|Location= Davis, CA
|Homepage= [httphttps://kkgatucdavisucdavis.wixkappa.comorg/kkgatucdavis Epsilon Omicron Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Epsilon Omicron Chapter]}}
'''Number of charter members: 13'''
'''Charter members:'''
Ann Marie Began, Saundra Marie Brown, Catherine Ann Collings, Linda Marni Kurtzman, Linda Jeanne Maxson, Debra Ann Pevehouse, Susan Ellen Reynolds, Leslie Katherine Rhody, Susan Dee Schultz, Kathryn Prescott Sebenius, Susan Marie Tranka, Patricia Gail Vivado, Nancy Jean Winslow.
 '''1,288 482 initiates (as of June 20142018)'''
'''Fraternity Council Officers:'''
Denise Rugani, Traveling Consultant 1989-1990; Province Director of Chapters 1995-1998; Regional Director of Chapters 1998-2000; Director of Chapters 2000-2004; Vice President 2004-2006; Fraternity President 2006-2010, History Chairman 2012-2014; Bylaws Chairman 2014-present; Laurel Apperson (Rosa), Traveling Consultant 1998-1999; Jen Stolp, Traveling Consultant 2003-2004
As a whole, Epsilon Omicron has shown that it will continue to grow and expand under our Kappa ideals and traditions. The women of our chapter have shown to be beautiful, brilliant, caring and respectful young women, always wearing our letters proudly. We are so excited about our new member class and we cannot wait too see what 2014 will bring to us.
==Highlights of 2014==
2014 was an incredible year for the Epsilon Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at UC Davis. We continued to strengthen our sisterhood by the successful philanthropies we put on, fun sisterhood events, as well as welcoming our newest pledge class. Winter of 2014, we began the new year with our Kappacino philanthropy. We teamed up with the fraternity Sigma Chi to help us raise money that all went to Reading is Fundamental. We raised about $800 and had about 400 in attendance! In addition to Kappacino, in the spring we had our first ever Kappa Karnival. This was the first time ever doing this philanthropy and it was a huge success! This philanthropy helped us raise about $1,200 with half of the money going to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and the other half going to the Taylor Family Foundation. This philanthropy was a great turnout for our very first time running it! In the fall, our lovely sisters, along with our newest pledge class, ran our Kappacino philanthropy once again, selling coffee from Dutch Bros and baked goods to all who attended. This Kappacino was very successful as well, raising $632 and having around 300 in attendance for our Reading is Fundamental philanthropy. Planned for Winter 2015 is our Kappa Dash, a 5k run/walk to benefit the Taylor Family Foundation. Our chapter is also in the midst off planning a Girl's Academy for Spring 2016. This will be our first ever Girl's Academy event for our chapter. Epsilon Omicron is extremely proud of the dedication and care that all our sisters have put into this year of philanthropies, helping them to be as successful as possible.
Our sisters of the Epsilon Omicron chapter have showed their Kappa Kappa Gamma pride by competing and winning in events other Greek chapters have put on. Eunice Lin won first place in TKE Sweetheart, a pageant competition supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Ariana Cesare also received first place in Theta Chi’s first ever G.I. Jane competition, which raised money to support our troops. Our chapter also won Arrowjam, which is a dance competition put on by Pi Phi’s philanthropy. We also received second place in Greek Week, which is an inter-Greek competition series. At Convention this past year, our chapter received five awards. The first being Excellence in Chapter Management Award and then honorable mentions for: Recruitment, Academic Excellence, New Member Program, and Risk Management. Our chapter also improved on our history awareness as our Registrar set up a history of Kappa Kappa Gamma museum that could be viewed in our Kappa house. We also began giving wellness facts during meeting through our Risk Management position. Epsilon Omicron also reached out to show our support to the Kappa Kappa Gammas at UC Santa Barbara after the shooting in Isla Vista, giving them flowers and our love.
Over the past year, the strong bond of sisterhood has continued. Epsilon Omicron did a fantastic job planning fun events for our sisters of Kappa Kappa Gamma, as well as planning events with other sororities to strengthen our Panhellenic relations. For just our Kappa sisters, adventures included: private shopping at Brandy Melville, trips to downtown Davis to enjoy some sun and food at the farmer’s market, supporting our Aggie sports teams, movie nights, and also sisterhood potlucks. To improve our Panhellenic relations, we had a sisterhood picnic with the lovely girls of Alpha Phi and Delta Gamma, also well as a night of ice cream and fun with Alpha Phi. Our sisterhood bond continues as our chapter looks for fun and creative ways for us to all come together! We have welcomed a new group of beautiful, fun Kappa girls into our chapter. We initiated the new 50 members at the Davis Kappa house on November 22, 2014. It was so incredible to see the large amount of girls who went Kappa, showing another huge success for the Epsilon Omicron Chapter.
UC Davis Panhellenic has also been investigating the start of a new sorority on campus. That would mean 9 chapters, instead of 8 that girls would go to during recruitment. This change is still very preliminary though.
As a whole, Epsilon Omicron chapter has shown that it will continue to grow and expand under our Kappa ideals and traditions. The women of our chapter have shown to be beautiful, brilliant, caring, successful, and respectable young women, able to always wear our letters proudly. We are extremely excited about our new pledge class and cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store.
Our chapter, Epsilon Omicron, holds our meetings in the chapter room of our Kappa house in Davis. This house is chapter owned. We also occasionally have meetings that take place in a university owned facility.
Since 1975, when our chapter was founded, so was our house. Since 1975, it has been remodeled with more bedrooms, a larger chapter room, and a remodeled kitchen. We are able to have some of our members live together in our chapter owned house. Only nine girls total can fit into the chapter home. This is the only chapter home we have lived in as the Epsilon Omicron chapter.
==Highlights of 2015==
2015 was a great year for the Epsilon Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at UC Davis. We continued to strengthening our sisterhood by the successful philanthropies we put on, fun sisterhood events, as well as welcoming our newest pledge class. Winter of 2015 we began the new year with our Kappa Dash philanthropy, a 5k run/walk to benefit the Taylor Family Foundation. We raised around $1,225 and had great participation from the Davis community. In the Spring, we had our second Kappa Karnival and raised $1,525 benefitting the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and the other half going to the Taylor Family Foundation. The philanthropy had great participation from Greek Life and was tons of fun for all who attended. In the Fall, we will team up with the fraternity Sigma Chi for our philanthropy Kappaccino to help us raise money that will go to Reading is Fundamental. This will be our first philanthropy with our lovely new sisters, with coffee from Dutch Bros and baked goods for all who attended. Our chapter also is now in the midst planning of a Girl's Academy for Spring 2016. This will be our first ever Girl's Academy event for our chapter. We already have started tabling events at Lee Middle School in Woodland to recruit young girls. Epsilon Omicron is extremely proud of the dedication and care that all our sisters have put into this year of philanthropies, helping them to be as successful as possible.
Our sisters of the Epsilon Omicron chapter have showed their Kappa Kappa Gamma pride by competing and winning in events other Greek chapters have put on. Our chapter participated in Arrowjam, which is a dance competition put on by Pi Beta Phi’s philanthropy. We also received first place in Sigma Chi’s Derby Days, which was a week long competition that our entire sorority was highly involved in. Kappa also won awards for their programing events and advisors at a Panhellenic Awards night. Our chapter also improved on our history awareness as our Registrar set up a display of past scrapbooks made to be viewed in our Kappa house. Members of Epsilon Omicron also have been very involved in the upcoming political campaign, by making clubs and inviting all members to become more educated and involved.
Over the past year, the strong bond of sisterhood has continued. Epsilon Omicron did a fantastic job planning fun events for our sisters of Kappa Kappa Gamma, as well as with other sororities to strengthen our Panhellenic relations. For just our Kappa sisters, adventures included: day trips to beaches and Tahoe, trips to downtown Davis to enjoy some sun and food at the farmer’s market, supporting our Aggie sports teams, ice cream nights, and also sisterhood potlucks. To improve our Panhellenic relations, we had events with Pi Beta Phi as well as Kappa Alpha Theta. Our sisterhood bond continues as our chapter looks for fun and creative ways for us to all come together! We have welcomed a new group of beautiful, fun Kappa girls into our chapter. We initiated the new 47 members at the Davis Kappa house on November 21, 2015. It was so incredible to see the large amount of girls who went Kappa, showing another huge success for the Epsilon Omicron Chapter.
UC Davis Panhellenic has also been investigating the start of a new sorority on campus. This year they voted and decided that they will take applications for a new chapter. In the upcoming years, there will be one to two new chapters.
As a whole, Epsilon Omicron chapter has shown that it will continue to grow and expand under our Kappa ideals and traditions. The women of our chapter have shown to be beautiful, brilliant, caring, successful, and respectable young women, able to always wear our letters proudly. We are extremely excited about our new pledge class and cannot wait to see what 2016 has in store.
Chapter Philanthropy:
What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Epsilon Omicron, has traditional raised money for Reading is Fundamental, Taylor Family Foundation, the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and Rose McGill. We also are raising money for our event, Girls Academy.
Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?
Our chapter chose these organizations because we believe in supporting other Kappa members, as well as Kappa Kappa Gamma’s philanthropy. We chose the local, Taylor Family Foundation because past sisters at Epsilon Omicron had a special connection to it and worked at the camp themselves.
==Highlights of 2016==
2016 was an amazing year for the Epsilon Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at UC Davis. We continued to strengthen our sisterhood by the successful philanthropies we put on, fun sisterhood events, as well as welcoming our newest pledge class. We started off 2016 with our annual Winter philanthropy, Kappa Dash. This is a 5K run/walk to to benefit The Taylor Family Foundation. This year we had great participation from UC Davis students and the entire Davis community, and were able to raise nearly $1,000. In the Spring, Kappa put on our annual Spring philanthropy, Kappa Karnival. This was a fun event to raise money for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation as well as The Taylor Family Foundation. In all, we were able to raise $560 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation, and it was a great way to bring the Davis Greek community together for a wonderful cause. Finally, in the Fall Kappa partnered with the fraternity Sigma Chi to host our annual Kappacino. This helped us raise money for Reading is Fundamental, with Dutch Bros and baked goods for everyone who attended. It was our first philanthropy with our wonderful new pledge class, and was a huge success, as we were able to raise $1,114. Currently, our chapter is planning for Girls Academy in the Spring, which will be at Douglas Middle School in Woodland. Although our Girls Academy from last year did not work out, the chapter is more excited than ever to make this as successful as possible, and we have already begun fundraising for this event. Epsilon Omicron is extremely proud of the time, dedication, and care that all our sisters have put into this year of philanthropies, helping them to be as successful as possible.
Our sisters of the Epsilon Omicron chapter have showed their Kappa Kappa Gamma pride by competing and winning in events other Greek chapters have put on. First off, our chapter participated in Arrowjam, which is a dance competition put on by Pi Beta Phi’s philanthropy. Also, for the second year in a row, we received first place in Sigma Chi’s Derby Days, which was a week long competition that our entire sorority was highly involved in. These events were a great way to strengthen our Greek relationships, as well as help support fellow Greek philanthropies. Our chapter has continued to improve on chapter history, with our Registrar displaying scrapbooks for all our sisters to look at in our Parlor Room. As the presidential election was in full swing, our sisters became actively involved in political campaigns, encouraging fellow students to vote, educating fellow members on different issues, and being active members of different political clubs on campus.
As well as welcoming a brand new pledge class of 45 beautiful new Kappas, we had an amazing surge in sisterhood over the past year. Our chapter had many wonderful sisterhoods that were a great way to increase sister bonding, and act as a great way to strengthen our sister friendships. Some of our fun adventures included: trips to Walnut Creek for private shopping at Brandy Melville, expeditions into downtown Davis to explore the famous Davis farmer’s market, hanging out with our sisters at Davis athletic events, and even a fun filled Halloween themed chapter meeting, where the sister with the best costume won a fun prize! With so many new members in Kappa this year as well as fun sisterhood events, the sisters of Epsilon Omicron continue to strengthen our sisterhood bonds, showing another huge success for our chapter.
As a whole, Epsilon Omicron chapter has shown that it will continue to grow and expand under our Kappa ideals and traditions. The women of our chapter have shown to be beautiful, brilliant, caring, successful, and respectable young women. We cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store for us, as we are so excited about our beautiful new pledge class, and all the amazing philanthropies, sisterhood, and events our chapter has planned.
Our chapter, Epsilon Omicron, holds our weekly meetings in the chapter room of our Kappa house in Davis. This house is chapter owned. We also occasionally have meetings that take place in a university owned facility.
==Highlights of 2017==
2017 was an amazing year for the Epsilon Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at UC Davis. We continued to strengthen our sisterhood by the successful philanthropies we put on, fun sisterhood events, as well as welcoming our newest pledge class. We started off 2017 with a brand new event for our Winter philanthropy, Kappa Karaoke. This is a karaoke event open to not only the Greek community, but all the students of UC Davis, in order to benefit The Taylor Family Foundation. This year we had great participation from UC Davis students and the entire Davis community, and were able to raise nearly $1,300. In the Spring, Kappa put on our annual Spring philanthropy, Kappa Karnival. This was a fun event to raise money for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. In total, we were able to raise $1,000 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation, and it was a great way to bring the Davis Greek community together for a wonderful cause. Finally, in the Fall Kappa partnered with the fraternity Sigma Chi to host our annual Kappacino. This helped us raise money for Reading is Fundamental, with Dutch Bros and baked goods for everyone who attended. It was our first philanthropy with our wonderful new pledge class, and was a huge success, as we were able to raise $2,000. Epsilon Omicron is extremely proud of the time, dedication, and care that all our sisters have put into this year of philanthropies, helping them to be as successful as possible.
Our sisters of the Epsilon Omicron chapter have showed their Kappa Kappa Gamma pride by competing and winning in events other Greek chapters have put on. First off, our chapter participated in Arrowjam, which is a dance competition put on by Pi Beta Phi’s philanthropy. Also, we participated in Sigma Chi’s Derby Days, which was a week long competition that our entire sorority was highly involved in and raised money for Huntsman Cancer Foundation. These events were a great way to strengthen our Greek relationships, as well as help support fellow Greek philanthropies. Our chapter has continued to improve on chapter history, with our Registrar displaying scrapbooks for all our sisters to look at in our Parlor Room. As the presidential election was in full swing, our sisters became actively involved in political campaigns, encouraging fellow students to vote, educating fellow members on different issues, and being active members of different political clubs on campus.
As well as welcoming a brand new pledge class of 48 incredible new Kappas, we had an amazing surge in sisterhood over the past year. Our chapter had many wonderful sisterhoods that were a great way to increase sister bonding, and act as a great way to strengthen our sister friendships. Some of our fun adventures included: Kappa Kamp with smores and a bonfire, expeditions into downtown Davis to explore the famous Davis farmer’s market, hanging out with our sisters at Davis athletic events, and even a fun filled Halloween themed chapter meeting, where the sister with the best costume won a fun prize! With so many new members in Kappa this year as well as fun sisterhood events, the sisters of Epsilon Omicron continue to strengthen our sisterhood bonds, showing another huge success for our chapter.
In the recent months, wild fires in California and the surrounding Napa area have been causing disaster and tragedy for so many families. Our chapter raised money for a gift basket of necessities for a member of our own chapter whose family was evacuated from their home due to these relentless fires. We also participated in many other Greek philanthropies who were raising money for those affected by the fires.
Also this year, our chapter won Greek Day for having the most participation and effort in the Greek Day activities. This meant a lot to our chapter because it showed how important connecting with our community is to us. We have also begun mandatory sisterhood events which we found brought our members closer together than ever before. Another accomplishment we have recently achieved together was winning the Powder Puff competition that is put on by our Greek community, exhibiting our chapter's ability to work well together and accomplish what we put our minds to.
As a whole, Epsilon Omicron chapter has shown that it will continue to grow and expand under our Kappa ideals and traditions. The women of our chapter have shown to be beautiful, brilliant, caring, successful, and respectable young women. We cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store for us, as we are so excited about our beautiful new pledge class, and all the amazing philanthropies, sisterhood, and events our chapter has planned.
Unfortunately, the Greek community at UC Davis battled a sexual assault case this year which left many students wanting to make a change in our system. The manner in which our chapter, united with other sororities and fraternities on campus, banned together in order to make a difference with this issue has shown a dramatic amount of growth in the Greek community. We united together to take a stand and to make actual changes in the way the system handles sexual assault and how students view it. We implemented more sexual assault prevention classes for the entire Greek community as well as initiated many difficult, yet necessary, conversations that the community needed to have in order to recognize this issue.
Our chapter has traditionally raised money for Reading is Fundamental, the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, the Taylor Family Foundation, Rose McGill, and Girls Academy. We also require our members to have one hour of community service each quarter in order to support and grow closer to our own Davis community. Recently, the chapter volunteered at the Boy and Girls Club in Sacramento where we had the opportunity to meet and inspire young, under privileged children.
Taylor Family Foundation is a significant organization for our chapter to be a part of because two of our members work at the camp and spend countless hours with the children who are a part of this cause. Also, a Kappa alumni of our chapter had a sister attending the Taylor Family Foundation camp which is how we originally began supporting this cause. Our chapter believes in supporting other Kappa members as well as our entire organizations' philanthropy, which is why we are excited to support all these organizations.
==Highlights of 2018==
2018 was an amazing year for the Epsilon Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at UC Davis. We continued to strengthen our sisterhood by the successful philanthropies we put on, fun sisterhood events, as well as welcoming our newest pledge class. We started off 2018 with one of our newest philanthropies, Kappa Krush. This is a social event open to not only the Greek community, but all the students of UC Davis, in order to benefit The Weave Foundation, a charity that donates to human trafficking in the Sacramento area. This year we had great participation from UC Davis students and the entire Davis community, and were able to raise nearly $1,500. In the Spring, Kappa put on our second annual spring philanthropy, Kappa Karaoke. This was a singing event to raise money for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. In total, we were able to raise $1,300 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation, and it was a great way to bring the Davis Greek community together for a wonderful cause. Finally, in the Fall, Kappa partnered with the fraternity Sigma Chi to host our annual Kappaccino. This helped us raise money for Reading is Fundamental, as well as donate to the Camp Fire relief, with Dutch Bros, Yerbas and baked goods for everyone who attended. It was our first philanthropy with our wonderful new pledge class, and was a huge success, as we were able to raise $2,200. Epsilon Omicron is extremely proud of the time, dedication, and care that all our sisters have put into this year of philanthropies, helping them to be as successful as possible. Our sisters of the Epsilon Omicron chapter have showed their Kappa Kappa Gamma pride by competing and winning in events other Greek chapters have put on. First off, our chapter participated in Arrowjam, which is a dance competition put on by Pi Beta Phi’s philanthropy, and ended up placing 3rd. We, also, participated in Sigma Chi’s Derby Days, which was a week long competition that our entire sorority was highly involved in and raised money for Huntsman Cancer Foundation - in this one we ended up coming in 1st place. These events were a great way to strengthen our Greek relationships, as well as help support fellow Greek philanthropies while also having a little fun on the side. Our chapter has continued to improve on chapter history, with our Registrar displaying scrapbooks for all our sisters to look at in our Parlor Room. As the presidential election was in full swing, our sisters became actively involved in political campaigns, encouraging fellow students to vote, educating fellow members on different issues, and being active members of different political clubs on campus. As we welcomed a brand new pledge class of 37 incredible new Kappas, we had an amazing surge in sisterhood over the past year. Our chapter had many wonderful sisterhoods that were a great way to increase sister bonding, and act as a great way to strengthen our sister friendships. Some of our fun adventures included: expeditions into downtown Davis to explore the famous Davis farmer’s market, photoshoots in new, adventurous places, hanging out with our sisters at Davis athletic events, and even fun-filled Halloween and Christmas themed chapter meetings, where the sister with the best costume won a fun prize! With so many new members in Kappa this year as well as fun sisterhood events, the sisters of Epsilon Omicron continue to strengthen our sisterhood bonds, showing another huge success for our chapter. In the recent months, wild fires in California and the surroudning Paradise area have been causing disaster and tragedy for so many families. Our chapter raised money through our Kappaccino philanthropy to donate to those affected. We also participated in many other Greek philanthropies who were raising money for those affected by the fires. Also this year, our chapter won Greek Day for having the most participation and effort in the Greek Day activities. This meant a lot to our chapter because it showed how important connecting with our community is to us. We have also begun mandatory sisterhood events which we found brought our members closer together than ever before. Another accomplishment we have recently achieved together is being the back-to-back champions of the women's PowderPuff Flag Football competition that is put on by our Greek community, exhibiting our chapter's ability to work well together and accomplish whatever it is we put our minds to. As a whole, Epsilon Omicron chapter has shown that it will continue to grow and expand under our Kappa ideals and traditions. The women of our chapter have shown to be beautiful, brilliant, caring, successful, and respectable young women. We cannot wait to see what 2019 has in store for us, as we are so excited about our beautiful new pledge class, and all the amazing philanthropies, sisterhood, and events our chapter has planned.
'''Describe the recent changes on campus and describe the chapter’s overall nature.'''
Unfortunately, the Greek community at UC Davis battled a sexual assault case this year which left many students wanting to make a change in our system. The manner in which our chapter, united with other sororities and fraternities on campus, banned together in order to make a difference with this issue has shown a dramatic amount of growth in the Greek community. We united together to take a stand and to make actual changes in the way the system handles sexual assault and how students view it. We implemented more sexual assault prevention classes for the entire Greek community as well as initiated many difficult, yet necessary, conversations that the community needed to have in order to recognize this issue.
'''Chapter Philanthropy'''
'''What organization does the chapter support?''' Our chapter has traditionally raised money for Reading is Fundamental, the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, the Taylor Family Foundation, Rose McGill, and Girls Academy. We also require our members to have one hour of community service each quarter in order to support and grow closer to our own Davis community. Recently, the chapter volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club in Sacramento where we had the opportunity to meet and inspire young, under privileged children.
--------------------------'''Why did the chapter choose this organization?''' Taylor Family Foundation is a significant organization for our chapter to be a part of because two of our members work at the camp and spend countless hours with the children who are a part of this cause. Also, a Kappa alumni of our chapter had a sister attending the Taylor Family Foundation camp which is how we originally began supporting this cause. Our chapter believes in supporting other Kappa members as well as our entire organizations' philanthropy, which is why we are excited to support all these organizations. '''Note to Chapter Registrar:Facility''' Please refer to your Our chapter, Epsilon Omicron, holds our weekly meetings in the chapter archives including room of our Kappa house in Davis. This house is chapter meeting minutes owned. We also occasionally have meetings that take place in a university owned facility. However, we really enjoy the opportunity to spend time at the Kappa house and back issues of The Key to fill gather in any gaps the place that we all consider to be home.  ==Highlights of 2021==This year was successful given all the obstacles that were overcome. In winter and spring, virtually we hosted sisterhood events and senior membership experience. Additionally, we had programming covering sexual assault, resume writing, mental health, and a variety of topics. With in-person instruction in the above historical highlightsfall, our chapter was able to maintain some normalcy and traditions. If your We had in person initiation, recruitment, Founder’s Day, Kappacino (philanthropy event) Presents, Big-Little, and Formal. Our chapter’s goal this past year was to increase involvement and we found great success from the chapter archives are not completewith increased involvement in sisterhoods, community service, please research your university libraryand philanthropy. Traditions and rituals surrounding initiation with bigs writing letters to the littles and the littles having a bonding night prior to initiation was reinstated with the in-person initiation. Ritual and history werealso prioritized with ritual reviews and Founder’s Day by teaching the members the songs and phrases of both initiation and formal meeting that was lost during the pandemic. We supported WEAVE, campus newspaper which is supports women who are victims of sex trafficking and yearbook archives for newsworthy information about your chapterdomestic abuse in the Sacramento area. We also supported National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). After Kappas across the U.S. Please double check your work for accuracyand Canada expressed wanting to support mental health initiatives, Kappa Kappa Gamma officially refocused our national philanthropy to supporting mental health organizations. Contact Out of the list of suggested organization, our chapter Advisory voted to support the National Eating Disorders Association. This cause is very important to us as many of us know someone who suffered from an eating disorder or House Board have ourselves. In the winter and spring philanthropy, with virtual learning we raised money through fundraising membersas we participated in walk-a thons. In fall quarter, we raised nearly $7, local Alumnae Association 000 at our annual Kappacino event where we serve coffee and donuts to membersof the Davis community. Through this event, or your Province Director of Chapters we received donations through ticket sales and t-shirt sales as well as donations from each member’s individual fundraising for assistancethe event. Your efforts will ensure  This past year we added a complete DEI officer to chapter council. This position was added last fall quarter, but this was the first year with the position and I was a success. She hosted programming covering implicit biases and had a presentation for the chapter prior to recruitment to remind the members of Kappa’s values and accurate history inclusivity. She also collaborated with the public relations chair to post social media awareness posters to spread the message of your diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Winter and spring quarters were held virtually with chapter and chapter council meetings held virtually. There were also virtual sisterhoods and senior events that took place virtually. Fortunately, for future generations fall quarter, we were able to resume in person instruction which meant in person Kappa events as well. I was able to get the chapter more involved in ritual by hosting ritual reviews to enjoy!learn songs and have in person initiation. Also, recruitment, big-little, initiation, presents, Founder’s Day, Formal, and philanthropy were all able to be in person since they occur in fall.

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