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Zeta Sigma

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|Image= [[File:Zeta_Sigma.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1989|04|22}}
|College= [http University of North Texas]
|Location= Denton, TX
|Homepage= [http Zeta Sigma Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Zeta Sigma Chapter]}}
'''834 University of North Texas, Denton, Texas'''  '''Zeta Sigma Chapter: Founded 1989'''  '''Charter members:'''  '''1,035 initiates (as of June 2014December 2020)''' ----------------------------------  '''Some of Zeta Sigma’s Outstanding Members:''' (If you have chapter alumnae who have received recognition in any of these three categories, please list them with the date(s) of recognition.)  '''Fraternity Officers:'''Amy Benbow (Riccardi), Traveling Consultant, 1995-1996; Erin Balint (Hogue), Province Director of Chapters, 2009-2013 '''Fraternity Loyalty Award:'''  '''Fraternity Alumnae Achievement Award Recipients:'''  '''Additional Outstanding Zeta Sigma Alumnae:'''Annaliese Limb, Chapter Consultant 1992-1994; Courtney Russell (Chamblee), Chapter Consultant 2003-2004 ==University of North Texas History==The University of North Texas (UNT) was founded in 1890 as Texas Normal College and Teachers’ Training Institute. Joshua C. Chilton, the founding president, leased facilities above a hardware store on Denton’s square to establish a teacher training institute. The university has had seven names through the years:1890 Texas Normal College and Teachers’ Training Institute1894 North Texas Normal College1901 North Texas State Normal College1923 North Texas State Teachers College1949 North Texas State College1961 North Texas State University1988 University of North Texas Incoming students score well above the national and state averages on the SAT, and choose UNT for the quality of its programs, many of which are nationally and internationally recognized. UNT “firsts” through the years include the first jazz studies program in the U.S., the first accredited master’s program in applied behavior analysis in the world and the first and only PhD program in art education in Texas. Denton is a college town of about 122,000 people located 40 miles north of Dallas and Fort Worth. The 900-acre campus includes 168 buildings and Discovery Park, a 300-acre research facility.  ==The Early Years:== On November 28, 1988, Kappa Theta Delta local sorority at the University of North Texas (formerly North Texas State University) became Zeta Sigma colony of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Eighty-three young women began their Fraternity education program in preparation to be installed as Kappa’s 118th chapter during formal ceremonies on April 21-23, 1989. UNT’s enrollment in 1988 was 23,000 with new facilities and programs being added to meet the ever-expanding student population. The Greek system began as locals in the late 1940s. In 1988, there were seven National Panhellenic Conference sororities: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, Pi Beta Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha; two Pan Hellenic Conference sororities: Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta and one colony. In the first expansion effort in a dozen years, Kappa Theta Delta formed in 1986 and quickly developed as a chapter with high standards, community and campus service, good scholarship, philanthropies and high ideals. The Panhellenic voted to expand its fine organization by selecting three NPC groups to make formal presentations to the Expansion Committee and Kappa Theta Delta. Kappa Kappa Gamma was selected and was proud to welcome such outstanding women into its circle of friendship.   ==Highlights of the New Millennium==  Zeta Sigma held a car wash at the local Chili’s in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The members raised more than $2000 which was donated to college-age children whose parents were hurt in the tragedy. The good deed was then mentioned on local television news broadcasts. The year of 2004 proved to be a noteworthy and eventful year for the Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The spring started out with a bang. The chapter participated in the annual Greek Week with Sigma Chi. The chapter excelled at the spring Greek Awards Banquet where it ranked first in intramurals, received runner-up in academic excellence and, most importantly, was named chapter of the year.  The members participated in an adventurous mixer with Sigma Nu. The theme was a scavenger hunt, and it was mounds of fun. The date party for the spring was held at Trail Dust and proved to be a hit. Sisterhood had an enormous impact on the chapter, and the members had the privilege to join with its sister sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha. The chapters came together and attended a North Texas basketball game which was filled with action and excitement.  In January, the chapter presented the Denton Police Officers with cookies, labeling it “cookies for cops.” It was felt that it was necessary to recognize the officers for their hard work and dedication in the Denton community. The members also personally designed valentine cards for residents at a Denton nursing home. The elderly were overwhelmed with joy when they received their special cards. Spring semester wrapped-up by having an event with Sigma Phi Epsilon. We went to Parkland Hospital and engaged in recreational games with the children. It was a fun and rewarding experience all around.  The summer of 2004 was downtime for the majority of the chapter members, but Zeta Sigma was definitely not in the shadows. At the National Convention, Zeta Sigma excelled among the chapters who attended. It received the Ritual Award and runner-up for both Recruitment Excellence and Panhellenic Involvement. Since Zeta Sigma was one of the youngest and smallest chapters there, this was an incredible honor and even more special.  In the midst of a lot of excitement, the building of Sorority Row at North Texas was in the process of becoming a new home for the chapter. The chapter members moved in at the first of August and were surrounding by chaos, yet worked through it and made the 2004 Recruitment one for the record books, taking 31 new members.Immediately after, Zeta Sigma leaped into the fall gracefully. The members had the pleasure of visiting with Leadership Consultant Elise Hammond for several days. She consulted with the members in the areas needed, and left each one with a positive outlook on the remaining semester. Homecoming was a huge success. Zeta Sigma participated with Delta Sigma Phi. The chapter’s overall spirit and creativity paid off, when it won the Scrappy Award and $500. The chapter house dedication and opening ceremony soon followed which was memorable and fun. The chapter participated in a paint war mixer with Lambda Chi Alpha. Sisterhood was strong, and having the new home helped make it outstanding. Members had a slumber party/movie night which was a success. Zeta Sigma’s sister sorority was Chi Omega, and the two groups attended a soccer game together. The chapter’s philanthropy was a whole new ball game in the fall, having been changed at National Convention to RIF (Reading is Fundamental). The chapter had the opportunity to read to young children at the local Barnes and Noble. Bar-B-Que for Books was the chapter’s main fundraiser, providing bar-b-que for guests in exchange for a friendly donation. More than $1000 was raised for RIF. The chapter participated in Kappa Sigma’s Adopt a Block event. Once a month, the two groups came together to clean up campus, making sure it continued to look beautiful. Zeta Sigma’s intramural teams once again proved to be excellent by placing second in basketball and football. The year ended with Kappa Formal, hosted at the Texas Motor Speedway. Overall, 2004 left memorable tracks on the heart and foundation of Zeta Sigma Chapter. Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma was established in 1989, making it the youngest chapter on the North Texas campus. Although it remains the youngest sorority out of the six groups on campus, Kappa definitely has made its mark and held its own among the rest, winning Chapter of the Year, Chapter Progress, and Chapter Involvement awards at the annual Greek Awards Banquet. The chapter was one of the largest on campus and continued to shine amongst the rest. The year 2005 was an amazing one for the Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Members participated in Greek Week with Lambda Chi Alpha and received much recognition at the Greek Awards Banquet. The chapter was honored with the Involvement Cup, Spirit Award and Advisers of the Year Award.Kappas held a mixer with Chi Omega, Delta Sigma Phi and Sigma Chi. Also, a good time was had by all at the Texas Rangers game date party. In the fall, Zeta Sigma had a Mardi Gras-theme date party with sister sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha. The chapter also had an outdoor adventure with the Sigma Phi Epsilon with a camping-theme mixer. The chapter closed 2005 with a fabulous formal at City Place Convention Center in Dallas. The event was themed “A Night at the Oscars.” Philanthropy events thrived this year. The chapter participated in a mentoring program at Hodge Elementary in both the spring and fall. Through our Bar-b-que for Books event, the chapter was able to donate more than $700 in games, books, activities, supplies and crafts to the children at Hodge, as well as $1,200 to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation in Zeta Sigma’s name. Because of our service at Hodge Elementary, Denton Independent School District honored the chapter with an Adopt-a-School plaque. February proved to be a very exciting month for the chapter’s philanthropy. The chapter organized Kappa Kisses in which members filled buckets with Hershey’s kisses and gave them to the Denton Police Department and Denton Fire Department to show appreciation of all the wonderful things they do. Members also donated supplies such as trash bags, toilet paper and laundry detergent to Cumberland Children’s Home. The chapter also hosted an Easter egg hunt for the children of UNT’s faculty in March and a good time was had by all who attended.In fall, the first chili cook-off was held in conjunction with parent’s weekend. From the proceeds of the chili cook-off, the chapter was able to donate $210 to Reading is Fundamental. Chapter members also collected baby supplies such as diapers, formula and food for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.Sisterhood was also very strong this year. Two sisterhood events were held – a comedic hypnotist show in the spring and movie night at Denton Movie Tavern in the fall. At both events, the chapter had a fabulous time and grew closer as sisters. Zeta Sigma also participated with its sister sorority, Alpha Phi, in the spring by painting flower pots for nursing homes. During fall recruitment, the chapter gained 34 beautiful new Kappas. The chapter was visited by Leadership Consultant Amelia Roudebush. She was a great help to the chapter in the areas of New Members, Standards and Vice President of Organization. She also helped the chapter’s election process – going over the election of the nominating committee as well as parliamentary procedure. Her visit was most enjoyable.Kappa Kappa Gamma participated in homecoming activities this year with Sigma Chi and Alpha Tau Omega, includingYell Like Hell, which was a very fun and spirited event. The three groups also built a fabulous float, and their hard work and creativity paid off when they won Most Outstanding Greek Entry. The chapter held a Founder’s Day celebration at the chapter house. The event educated, as well as offered a good time, to the members of KKG.  One of the main challenges Zeta Sigma faced this year was maintaining members. The chapter really worked on member retention this year by updating the new member program which had a really positive affect. Also, members attended a recruitment and retention workshop hosted by the university. This workshop brought insight on how to keep your organization at a high point while keeping members active and happy. The chapter was very successful in mastering this challenge as 33 out of the 34 fall 2005 pledge class members returned for the spring Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma had a great 2006. The chapter participated in Greek Week with Sigma Nu and received much recognition at the Greek Awards Banquet. The chapter was honored with the excellence in service award and also earned the highest Panhellenic grade-point average for 2005.The members had a fabulous time at the date party, a semi-formal on a boat. Zeta Sigma also had a fun mixer with Sigma Nu before Greek Week. It was a great way for the chapter to meet all the men before the week of festivities. Another mixer was held with Delta Sig. In the fall, Kappas had many social events to keep their calendars booked, starting with the Owl-O-Ween date party. Everyone enjoyed dressing up in costumes and dancing the night away. Members also carved pumpkins with Theta Chi. The pumpkins added a spooky touch to Zeta Sigma’s beautiful chapter house.Homecoming festivities kept the members very busy. Kappa partnered with Sigma Phi Epsilon to build an amazing float, commemorating Denton’s famous Fry Street. The group also participated in Yell Like Hell at the homecoming bonfire, which was fun and exciting. The chapter held a mixer with Sig Ep to get to know them better before homecoming. Lastly, the chapter closed out 2006 with an amazing formal at the Fort Worth Zoo. Kappa kicked off the philanthropy events in February with the delivery of hand-made valentines to nursing homes in Denton. April was a colorful month with our Easter egg hunt in front of the UNT Willis Library. In order to benefit Reading Is Fundamental, children’s books were donated by each participant. September was a very busy month for Kappa’s philanthropy events. Book bags were painted and filled with books for children in Denton. In addition a jar was passed around at each meeting to donate half of the proceeds to RIF and the other half raffled off to one of the members as a donating incentive. October was equally as busy with Boo Bash. Even more books were collected when it was a required pass to attend the Owl-O-Ween date party.Beginning with the second-annual Kappa Chili Cook Off, the chapter raised more than $1,500 as well as collected hundreds of books. Follow this landmark event, Kappa donated three full Thanksgiving meal baskets including gift cards for a turkey for families in need. The chapter ended the year by delivering more than 30 dozen cookies to local police and fire departments in decorated containers and baskets. Sisterhood was very strong. Standards put on two amazing sisterhood events. In the spring, the chapter had a 1970s-theme meeting and were surprised with a sisterhood event – roller-skating! Decked out in ’70s gear, the ladies of Zeta Sigma had a fabulous time skating and eating junk food. Also, in the fall, the chapter had a movie night. The members had fun sitting around in their pajamas watching Christmas movies. Zeta Sigma also participated with its sister sorority, Pi Beta Phi, in the spring by having a pool party. The ladies enjoyed getting to know one another and laying out in the sun. In the fall, the chapter hosted a Panhellenic bingo night and enjoyed meeting girls from the different chapters on campus. During recruitment, the chapter worked hard and gained 28 beautiful new members. The chapter was visited by Leadership Consultant Mary Sheridan. She was a great help to the chapter and really helped in updating the chapter’s bylaws and standing rules. Her visit was most enjoyable. A Founder’s Day celebration was held at the beautiful Kappa chapter house. A pinning ceremony that included several alumnae made for a memorable occasion. Adding to the excitement, it was discovered that one of the alumnae is a direct descendent of Founder Hannah Jeanette “Jennie” Boyd! Everyone present felt connected to Kappa’s history, and it was a day to be remembered.   In 2007, Zeta Sigma Chapter excelled in all aspects that encompass Greek life. The year started out with a bang with Greek Week in which Kappa partnered with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and Delta Sigma and Kappa Alpha Order fraternities. The groups’ team won the Greek Games aspect of the week and got to know each other very well. The chapter excelled at the Greek Awards Banquet where it won awards for All-Sorority Academic Excellence, Spring and Fall Semester Academic Excellence, Best New Member Class GPA, Excellence in Service and Intramurals. The chapter also received awards for President of the Year, Greek Woman of the Year and Chapter of the Year. Zeta Sigma won Most Outstanding Chapter in Theta Province at Province Meeting, the chapter’s most prized award during year. In the spring we put on life programs dedicated to helping the members succeed. These programs ranged from a discussion on women and alcohol where a local police officer and doctor came in to discuss the effects of alcohol, to a question-and-answer period with a local gynecologist discussing the new HPV vaccination. In the fall, the chapter presented the Museum in a Box from Headquarters to show Kappa history to the new member class. Social events for 2007 were unique and memorable. In the spring, the chapter held an ‘80s-theme bowling mixer with Theta Chi. Everyone’s outfits were naturally hideous and should have been left in the ‘80s. Later in March, the chapter had a casual date party at a Texas Rangers baseball game and a popsicle party with Zeta Tau Alpha before the North Texas spring football game as we supported our team. The chapter continued its tradition of Owl-O-Ween with Chi Omega and held a fantastic Halloween-theme date party and mixer in one. A Twister-themed mixer was held with Kappa Sigma and a tasty Thanksgiving dinner was enjoyed with Sigma Chi. Both were great, and the chapters got to know each other better. The chapter hosted a wonderful “Pretty in Pink” party with Alpha Delta Pi and Delta Gamma, its sister sororities. The members socialized and looked over Mary Kay products while getting to know the ladies from other chapters. The last event this fall was the chapter formal, called Twilight Ball. It was held at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. The night was filled with delicious food, beautiful scenery and great dancing. This past year Zeta Sigma participated in numerous philanthropy events. In the spring, the members participated in the campus Shack-a-Thon. The chapter built a shack out of cardboard and lived in it for 24 hours to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Zeta Sigma won Best Greek Shack at this event. Zeta Sigma with the help of Alpha Phi Omega put together a wonderful past favorite, Battle of the Bands. The groups brought in great bands and helped raise awareness for Friends of the Family, a local battered women’s shelter. Another memorable moment was the fourth-annual Easter egg hunt which included a petting zoo. It was great to see all the children’s faces when they hunted for more than 300 eggs in the chapter house backyard. Kappas also donated books to a local elementary and even helped stuff a bus for a local school district. In the fall, Zeta Sigma hosted its third-annual Chili Cook-off which raised more than $2,000 and more than 500 books which were donated to Reading is Fundamental. Kappas participated in many collection drives ranging from book donations that helped local schools, to Barbie and toy drives to donate to local abuse shelters. The chapter collected canned food to help local food banks and created reading kits to help English-as-a-second-language students. Zeta Sigma members wrote pen pal letters to an entire third-grade class at a local school to help with their reading and writing skills and baked cookies for the Denton police department. This year Zeta Sigma was very involved with giving back to its community. This year was also big for sisterhood including a movie night and the senior pledge class’ wine tasting night. This allowed the members to bond during a relaxing evening with their sisters. The chapter created the Support Bra Award and gave this to a sister who went above and beyond and supported her sister. This year, the members pushed to make an overnight sisterhood retreat and created an amazing night at Kamp Kappa which saw the whole chapter sleepover at a sister’s ranch where members bonded over the campfire while making s’mores. In the fall, Zeta Sigma had an amazing Barbie-theme recruitment. The chapter pledged 26 wonderful women and was able to keep all of them through initiation. Zeta Sigma hosted an inspiring Founder’s Day where six alumnae received their 50-year pins. The event educated, as well as offered a great time for all ladies of Kappa. The chapter participated with Sigma Nu for a James Bond-theme Homecoming and received honorable mention for their amazing float. The intramurals teams were unstoppable. In flag football, Kappa won the sorority league and played hard in the final all-campus championship game. This was the only game in which the team was scored upon. In volleyball, the team had a record of 7-0 in the regular season, and made it to the final game of the sorority playoffs. In soccer, the team was 6-1 in the regular season, and won the sorority championship game, 5-0. The Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma experienced another fun-filled and excellent year in 2009. Starting off the year, Zeta Sigma participated in a Valentine’s Day mixer with FIJI in which they played bingo and other games. Zeta Sigma also participated in all of UNT’s annual Greek Week events with Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Sigma Gamma Rho and Omega Delta Pi and was awarded prizes for the best banner contest and also for giving 100 percent in Greeks Give. During the Greek Awards, the Zeta Sigma Chapter was honored for Academic Excellence, New Member Academic Excellence and the Intramural Award and was also named Organization of the Year on the UNT campus. Zeta Sigma was the recipient for Outstanding Achievement in Active-Alumnae Relationships for Theta Province in 2009 and was also proudly represented by a finalist in Ms. Greek UNT, benefitting the philanthropies of Phi Kappa Sigma. Zeta Sigma also participated in a wonderful Board Gamer Mixer with the members of UNT’s lacrosse team and teamed up with Chi Omega for its annual Halloween mixer termed “Owl-o-Ween.” The spring semester was very eventful in terms of philanthropy for Zeta Sigma. In January, Zeta Sigma donated 600 books to The Nelson Center and read with the children there and also made a donation of 900 books to Success for Life Through Reading; a campus-based group at UNT. In February, Zeta Sigma participated in its annual Reading Is Key event to benefit RIF. In March, Zeta Sigma participated in The Missy Project, a foundation dedicated to raising money for research on brain aneurysm diseases also known as BAD. Members took shifts taking donations and selling bracelets supported by the foundation to help raise money. Zeta Sigma raised $2,000 and was featured in the Missy Project Newsletter as Silver Level Sponsors. Zeta Sigma also collected donations and supplies for Camp Cope, a camp that benefits children from military families by teaching them coping skills while their loved ones are away. Zeta Sigma also held its annual Easter egg hunt in April for members of the Denton community as well as Kappa alumnae in the area. Zeta Sigma also participated in many other philanthropy events for other Greek organization such as Alpha Phi’s red dress gala, Delta Gamma’s Anchor Bowl event, Chi Omega’s Frats at Bat, Alpha Delta Pi’s Mock tails, Zeta Tau Alpha’s Skate-a-Thon, Sigma Chi’s Derby Days and Kappa Sigma’s Scottish Rite Christmas Decorating. Other areas of Greek philanthropy in which Zeta Sigma participated were Alpha Phi’s Pancake Phiest where Zeta Sigma was named Queen for the most participants as well as Shack-a-Thon which benefitted Habitat for Humanity. The Zeta Sigma Pickers also had a very eventful year this year. The lovely picker ladies sang at the Mr. Pi Phi pageant, at Founders Day at the Southern Methodist University Kappa chapter and at Barnes and Noble in Highland Park for the Dallas Alumnae Association, benefiting RIF. The pickers were also very fortunate to sing in benefit of the ASPCA, even meeting Doris Roberts from the hit show “Everybody Loves Raymond.” In the fall, Zeta Sigma held its annual Chili Cook-off benefiting RIF as well as Couture for a Cause, a discount designer purse auction that also benefited RIF. Twenty-nine beautiful ladies were added to the Zeta Sigma Chapter this year. Recruitment was revamped with new songs, an extra day of recruitment and ‘80s-theme decorations based on the “Love Kappa” recruitment theme.The Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma had a very successful and rewarding year in 2011. The spring semester started with Greek Week events. KKG was paired with Sigma Phi Epsilon and Omega Delta Phi. At Greek Awards, Kappa received the involvement cup, the intramural award for the seventh year in a row and the excellence in service award. The chapter’s annual Reading is Key event was held at Riviera Elementary School, benefiting Reading is Fundamental and the local children of Denton who participated. The chapter held the annual Easter egg hunt where children from around Denton came to a local park and enjoyed a petting zoo, costumed bunny, and of course an egg hunt! The ladies of Zeta Sigma stayed busy during the spring by participating in, and winning first place in, Sigma Chi’s Derby Days. Zeta Zigma also participated in many other events such as Shack-A-Thon where the chapter partnered with Sigma Chi and won. After such an exciting spring, fall was just as eventful. The semester started with a great recruitment where the chapter added 25 new young ladie. Next up was a super-hero-theme Homecoming where we partnered with Delta Sigma Phi and Phi Kappa Tau. Kappa performed a Superman-theme dance, made a beautiful spirit wall and constructed a Super Scrappy-theme float which received honorable mention in the spirit parade. Owl-O-Ween, which was hosted along with Chi Omega, was so much fun and showcased some of the most inventive costumes ranging from a bag of jelly beans to the Spice Girls. KKG also held the seventh-annual Chili Cook-off that included live music, a pie-eating contest and of course plenty of chili to taste. The event was held before a UNT football game during tailgating, and all entry fees and book donations went to support Reading is Key. Next, the chapter competed in the Josh Abbot Band sorority contest where sororities from across the country competed to win a private concert and a contribution to their philanthropy. Zeta Sigma was overjoyed to win second place and receive a $1500 contribution to our philanthropy! Many members also attended Alpha Phi’s Pancake Phiest and Kappa Delta’s Quesadilla Night to help support these other sororities’ philanthropies. A holiday-theme sisterhood event, complete with cookie decorating and watching the movie “Elf,” helped the members to get into the holiday spirit and to grow closer as sisters. The year came to an end with a truly spectacular Alice-in-Wonderland-theme formal held at Texas Motor Speedway. The decorations were beautiful, the food was delicious, the music was good and the time spent all together was even better.   
==Highlights of 2011==
'''Campus:'''The University of North Texas is a steadily growing and exceptionally diverse university. It is composed of students from all walks of life making for a very friendly, open minded and intellectual student body. UNT offers many different programs for students to get involved in and many resources for students to better themselves and their academic career.
'''Chapter:''' The Zeta Sigma Chapter has become a very successful and well known chapter on the UNT Campus. We are constantly working to better ourselves and this chapter in order to make Kappa the very best it can be.
==2013==Owl-O-Ween, our fall date party hosted with the ladies of Chi Omega, featured sisters and dates in creative costumes such as garden gnomes to a bobsled team. Homecoming followed, where we were paired with the gentlemen of Kappa Sigma and Pi Kappa Phi. Our theme this year was Once Upon a Homecoming, and our team created a float and a dance routine to the theme of the Brothers Grimm. Kappa held a great sisterhood event, featuring an etiquette teacher who showed us the ropes of business etiquette. We learned how to dress for interviews and how to network with professionals.
Our year came to an end with our fall formal, held at Ashton Gardens, with a beautiful Night in Paris theme. The food was great, and spending time with sisters was even better. The Zeta Sigma chapter Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma had an amazing year and all of the hard work paid off. Sisterhood was strengthened through sisterhood events, philanthropy went above and beyond with raising money and awareness, and Kappa’s presence at UNT and in the Greek community was outstanding.  The University of North Texas is a steadily growing and exceptionally diverse university. It is composed of students from all walks of life, making for a very friendly, open minded, and intellectual student body. UNT offers many different programs for students to get involved in and many resources for students to better themselves and their academic career. ==Highlights of 2014== The Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma had an extremely successful and rewarding year for two thousand and thirteenfourteen. The spring semester started right away with Greek Week eventsEvents. KKG was paired with the gentlemen of Pi Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Kappa Sigma. The chapter won for the most participation at the food fundraiser that was held at Fuzzy’s.  In February, the chapter held a Valentine’s Day sisterhood event. We decorated cakes where half of the room was anti-valentines and the other side was pro-valentines; the girls had a lot of fun and there was plenty of sweets and sisterly bonding to go around. Zeta Sigma won basketball intramurals for the second year in a row! The ladies of Zeta Sigma participated in The Big Event where we helped plant new grass around Lake Lewisville for community service. The chapter also held there first annual Kappa Krawfish. Kappa AlphaKrawfish is a late night food event held to raise money for our philanthropy, Reading is Fundamental. Greek week We are proud to say that the event was a huge success! On top  The last thing we did before the spring semester came to an end was have our date party at the Dallas Stars game where they cheered them to victory. After an exciting spring, fall was just as eventful. The fall semester started off with rewarding the entire chapter with getting to throw pie at the chapter council members since they met their GPA goal of winning Greek a 3.14. After a long and tedious weekof recruitment, Zeta Sigma also got forty-two beautiful new members.  The first big event the chapter took part in, the new member/ scholarship/ parent appreciation banquet, allowed the the 14 girls who received 4.0s to be honored with pearls for their badges. The chapter also joined with their sister sorority, Delta Gamma, to support their philanthropy Service For Sight by making Braille Books for children. During the National Hazing prevention week at UNT, a banner competition took place, where we won awards first place. The chapter went above and beyond our previous semesters of athletic accomplishments winning first place in football intramurals, 1st place in soccer intramurals, and second place in volleyball intramurals.  The chapter also had their most successful homecoming to date with placing third overall! During the circus themed homecoming week, each girl participated in events all over the campus, placing first in the powderpuff football game, third in the homecoming float, and third in construction. The girls were very proud of Maria Perez, and the President of Kappa, Laura Peavey, who were nominated for Homecoming court for UNT. This is the first time two women have been nominated from the same sorority, and the chapter progress awardwas proud to announce that are very own Maria Perez won homecoming Royalty.  This year we also celebrated our 25th anniversary on campus, and we had a reunion at the house for all the alumni to join all of us and reminisce on all the reasons we love Kappa. Zeta Sigma is also pleased to announce our second annual Kappa Kolor Run was a huge success, raising over $1000 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. This year came to an end with a truly spectacular Sapphire Ball at The Stonegate Mansion in Fort Worth, where the girls had a wonderful time and were asked to come back for future events!  Lastly, but certainly not least, program one of our very own sisters, Andrea Lefton, was elected first Vice President for the University of North Texas Panhellenic council. The Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma truly had an amazing year award and runner up all the hard work paid off. Sisterhood was strengthened, philanthropy went above and beyond with raising money and awareness, and Kappa’s presence at UNT and in the Greek community was at an all-time high.  Campus: The University of North Texas is a steadily growing and exceptionally diverse university. It is composed of students from all walks of life making for a very friendly, open minded and intellectual student body. UNT offers many different programs for students to get involved in and many resources for students to better themselves and the involvement cup awardcommunity. Chapter: The Zeta Sigma Chapter has become a very successful and well known chapter on the UNT campus. We then are constantly working to better ourselves and this chapter in order to make Kappa the very best it can be.  The Zeta Sigma Chapter holds their weekly meetings in the Chapter Room of our sorority house. The House is owned by the University of North Texas. The Kappa Kappa Gamma house at the University of North Texas was built in 2003. The house is owned by UNT and 24 girls, including the president, can live in the house. Every girl gets the opportunity to live in the house. The house at UNT is the only house that the Zeta Sigma Chapter has had.   ==Highlights of 2015==The Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma had a very successful and rewarding year for two thousand and fifteen. Here at Zeta Sigma we have had plenty of accomplishments this year. When it comes to holding our sisters accountable for their actions, we excel in that because there is equal treatment of all members when it comes to standards. Positive standards and the reinforcement of positive spirit and morale we have noticed has been on the rise this year, whether it be through rewards or spotlighting a sister for her actions. Through interactive and exciting sisterhood events we have see new friendships flourish and grow strong with the bonds of Kappa. 2015 was a wonderful, philanthropic year for the ladies of the Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. In January, the ladies passed out pencils that were blue and said “Have a Great Semester-KKG!” They handed them out on the Onstead Promenade and were able to provide UNT students with something on their first week on classes to wish them well! In February, the Kappas sold carnations on campus for those last minute Valentine’s Day shoppers and wrote Valentine’s to Veterans during their weekly chapter meeting. In March, the annual University of North Texas Big Event was held where UNT organizations are assigned a task to help out the Denton community all on one day. Our chapter was assigned to help replant a garden in Lewisville and clean up the annual Easter Egg Hunt area surrounding it. March was also the month that the 1st Annual Kappa Kookout took place! It was an exciting late night food event at Cumberland Children’s the Kappa Kappa Gamma House. Guests were treated to a brisket sandwich, potato chips, a pickle, brownies, and a drink! The chapter room was decked out in BBQ/Texas theme and the ladies wore their cowboy boots and bandanas. We had a blast hosting over 300 students in our home and raising over $3,000 for Reading is Fundamental! We also had a book drive at the event to lower the price of admission and raised around 75 books. In April, Hawk Elementary in Dentonhelped Kappa host their very first Reading is Key event. In the library of the school, first graders were invited to participate in several reading and writing stations that the Kappas were in charge of. They read “The Duckling Gets A Cookie?!” to the students and helped them make bookmarks and Venn diagrams. At the end of the event, they got to pick out their very own “Click, Clack, Moo” book to take home for themselves. The 2nd Annual Kappa Krawfish was hosted at the end of April in the UNT Sorority Courtyard on a Friday evening. Advisor, Veronica Abshire, and her father and sister helped to cook the 200 pounds of crawfish for the guests and did an excellent job! Homemade seasoning, the outdoor game cornhole, and a table full of desserts helped make the night a success. $2, where 000 was raised for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation! The spring semester closed out with the Kappas completing over 1,300 hours of community service, the most we gave have had in several semesters. Over the summer, several girls continued their philanthropic efforts by volunteering at summer camps and church camps. When the fall semester started, the ladies hit the ground running! During work week for Fall Recruitment, they collect canned goods to be donated to the Denton Community Food Shelter. They “adopted a block” through the Adopt-A-Block program at UNT and were assigned the area near the Athletic Center to clean up throughout the year. In September, a family weekend brunch was held during the University’s Family Weekend. They had a wonderful spread of breakfast foods for family members, friends, and boyfriends to eat while they waited out the rain that was happening outside! The brunch was philanthropic because they asked family members to bring canned goods in lieu of a payment for the food. These cans would be used during the Homecoming community service event, “Canstruction.” Kappa Kappa Gamma was partnered with Pi Kappa Phi and successfully built a replica of the McConnell Clock Tower out of over 2,500 packages of ramen and canned goods. During the Homecoming Parade, instead of passing out candy to the children watching with their parents, books were passed out! There were over 300 books passed out that day and it was wonderful to see the children get so excited about getting their very own book to take home! In October, the ladies partnered with Delta Sigma Phi to help them pull off the 3rd Annual Frightmares at the Maple Street Sanatorium. The haunted house took place on Thursday and Friday night and the overarching theme was an insane asylum. The Kappas dressed as patients, nurses, and children and donned bloody makeup that made them look extra scary. The event nights were a success and over $1,500 was raised for Reading is Fundamental. Also in October, the Kappas volunteered back at Hawk Elementary at their Literacy, Math, and Science night, once again being in charge of several stations located throughout the school. The last event that the ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma hosted in the fall semester was the Project Linus event. On December 1st, the Kappas opened their home to all of the Panhellenic women on the North Texas campus to help make fleece tie blankets for childrenaround the Denton and Dallas area. They had a hot chocolate bar, played games sweet treats, and watched a holiday movie as they tied blankets with their Panhellenic sisters. There also was an area for ladies to make donations to the Presbyterian Night Shelter to help themduring the holiday season. The Kappas ended the semester with over 1,500 hours of community service completed! They had an amazing year and can’t wait to continue giving back to the local community and to the national philanthropies, Reading is Fundamental and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation.  For events, Kappa Kappa Gamma had plenty a date party at Hyennas Comedy Club in Downtown Dallas. The ladies enjoyed listening to Heather McDonald, who is known for her role in White Chicks, and her appearances on Chelsea Lately. During football season, we tailgated with many different fraternities such as Delta Sig, Sigma Chi and many more! We loved the food, friends and fun times that we had while during the Mean Green football season! We finished the year at The Stonegate Mansion in Fort Worth, for the Fall Formal that was themed “Poker and Pearls”. There was a DJ, photobooth and different tables to play at such as blackjack, roulette and slot machines. This year was filled with fun events for Kappa Kappa Gamma! This past year for Zeta Sigma has been the best yet in the area of academics. The chapter achieved its highest GPA yet with a 3.18, which was a 0.04 jump from the previous semester. All together, we had a total of 36 girls make a 4.0 over the last year as well! Since this has been our highest GPA so far, the VPA surprised all of the girls with a donut party one of the mornings during work week. In the spring of 2015 there was a smart cookie party where all the girls were divided up by major and then they could meet with each other and eat cookies! This allowed everyone to get to know and exchange contact information with other girls in their major so they could use each other as a resource. Lastly, in the Fall, the chapter had their annual banquet. All the families and friends were invited to a nice dinner to recognize the girls who made the Dean's List and President's List. For the girls who made the President's List, they were rewarded with a pearl for their badge. Overall, it was a very successful year for the Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Throughout the year, the chapter strived to stay very involved in other Panhellenic events besides just our own. This was done by attending different philanthropy events such as Alpha Phi’s Pancake Phi’st and Chi Omega’s Chiochella. The chapter also held a sister sorority event with Alpha Delta Pi. During this event we bonded with our Panhellenic sisters by painting balloons filled with paint and throwing them on banners that said “ADPi loves KKG” and another saying “KKG loves ADPi”. This made an cute decoration that both chapters hung outside their houses. We all had a great time this semester getting to know other people and always look forward to meeting new girls throughout Panhellenic. The University of North Texas recently had a soft opening for the new Student Union. The Union is place for students to study, eat, have classes, and much more. The Chapter’s House is currently getting updated. The house has received new furniture in the foyer and new chairs in the chapter room. In the near future, the house will also be getting a coach and curtains. The ladies are excited and thankful for these new additions. Chapter Philanthropy: What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community? Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and Reading is Fundamental. Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support? National Philanthropy  ==Highlights of 2016==Kappa Kappa Gamma had over five girls service on the recruitment team this past summer. We held our annul events as well as participated in many different Pan, IFC, and other Greek councils events. Our overall goal this was to grow in our sisterhood, to achieve this goal we held multiple different sisterhood events that were a big hit!Our campus this year was overall stable, not much change. The overall nature of our chapter is great. We are involved on and off campus and have really created a positive name for Kappa Kappa Gamma on the UNT campus.Our chapter is very involved with the Adopt a Block program that is offered at UNT. We spend about 2-3 hours each Friday cleaning and picking up trash in our spot on campus. Our chapter meets right in our Zeta Sigma house in the chapter room every Monday night at 6:30. I would recommend our most recent president Christa Irvin. She did an amazing job as our president this past year and I believe she has some great stories to tell.We have a ton of awesome photos from this year on our social media accounts. We try to highlight all our events and special sisters on our Instagram each month.   ==Highlights of 2017==  During the spring semester of 2017 we got a wonderful pledge class of four super involved and amazing ladies. We had an event at the house called Kappa Kookout where we sold tickets to the community as well as the UNT campus for barbecue served at out Chapter house. At this event we also accepted donations of coloring children's books for us to donate! We held our first Kappa Kappa Chino event on the UNT campus where we handed out coffee to students and took donations for the KKG Foundation. As for social events, we had a super fun date party where sisters and their dates dressed up as their favorite TV show characters. Everyone had a great time and amazing costumes! Overall this semester was a success and left everyone feeling excited and positive for fall recruitment.This past fall the Zeta Sigma chapter got the most amazing pledge class we could ever hope for. The 32 ladies have already made a huge impact on our chapter by being involved, dedicated and passionate. Throughout the semester we have done numerous philanthropic events benefiting RIF and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. We held our second Kappa Kappa Chino event on campus where sisters handed out coffee to students on campus and accepted donations for the KKG Foundations. We held our first annual Kappa Kabana event at our house where we served tacos to the public after them buying tickets and/or donating a children's book. The event was super successful! We also had some great social events this fall semester including Owlween (a joint date party with Chi Omega) and our annual Sapphire Ball Formal. Our Event Chair did an incredible job with both events. Our chapter has continued to be heavily involved on the UNT campus in a variety of organizations and leadership positions.Describe the recent changes on your campus and describe the overall nature of your chapter.The University of North Texas campus is ever growing and changing. There is construction going on all around campus for new buildings and dorms. Our chapter is excited for the various changes happening on campus. The overall nature of our chapter is happy, dedicated and involved. Which is shown through our positive recruitment and our successful events.Chapter Philanthropy:What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?As a chapter we have spent a lot of time volunteering at a local elementary school by reading to go second graders and working events that the school puts on for the students, including books fairs and literacy nights. We also do donation drives for children's books that we then use to read to the students and donate to the school's library.Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?Being involved in the Denton community is just as important as donating our efforts to organizations aroundthe country. Volunteering at Ginnings gives Zeta Sigma the opportunity to take 30 minutes out of their day to pour into the life of a student, share their love for Reading, and encourage them that they can do anything they set their mind to do.Chapter Facility:In what kind of a facility does your chapter meet? Please attach a clear photo of where you typically hold chapter meetings – whether in a classroom, chapter house or elsewhere.We hold chapter meetings and other events on our house on the UNT campus. Attached is a photo of the outside of our house.Oral HistoryAre there any current members, alumnae or advisers from your chapter that you recommend for the Fraternity’s oral history project? We are looking for Kappas with stories to tell – funny chapter memories, great professional achievement stories, heartwarming stories of how Kappa has helped them, etc.We would recommend Ashley Hagrove, Julianne Bergen, Paige Sennet, Murae McCumber, Lexi Skjolsvik, and Veronica Abshire (advisor).PhotographsAre there any interesting photos in your chapter’s archives that you would like to share with us?I have attached a few photos that we would love to share with you all!   ==Highlights of 2018==  In the year of 2018, the Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma grew in unimaginable and exceptional ways. We won awards at our university for New Member of the Year awarded to Ivalis Guajardo (the second year in a row Kappa has won this award!), Cross Council Unity, and Academic Excellence Spring 2017. At the national level, we took home the Risk Management award as well as notable recognition and mentions in a other categories. We hosted a wide range of philanthropy events this year including our third Kappa Kappa Chino event for the KKG Foundation, Kappa Kookout benefiting RIF, and we brought back Kappa Kolor Run where we raised thousands of dollars for RIF through Crowd Change! We faced some challenges this year right at the start, when we were unable to take a spring new member class, which stalled recruitment season until the fall, but we came back with a heightened moral and stronger sisterhood and recruited a fall new member class of 29 girls. A great accomplishment by itself followed up by an amazing initiation season where all 29 girls of our new member class were initiated into the Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. We became more involved this year with the other four Greek life councils that exist at UNT and began building and strengthening our bonds by participating in each others events and supporting each others philanthropies and causes. We worked hard to improve Greek unity on our campus, and we can proudly say that hard work is paying off. This year's political climate really encouraged the sisters of Zeta Sigma to get involved, speak up, and educate themselves on their environment and what ways they can make a positive impact in the community. We really wanted to focus on preparing our members for the world beyond Kappa, and with the encouragement of our Chapter Council members and the educational resources provided by our university, we are able to better prepare and inform our sisters in ways never seen before.
We also had UNT is a mixer with Chi Omega making Easter cards very diverse campus, and filling eggsfrom that diversity, our members have a unique position where they can see various perspectives. Later in the spring we participated in Fashion Speaks Autism in which we brought in vendors such as Lilly Pulitzer, Vineyard Vines, Brown BagOur faculty and staff have been increasingly committed to making sure student voices are being heard, and Mad Jewels and they sold their merchandise, donating some of their profit are constantly engaging with Greek life to Autism Speaks which is an organization that benefits autism research. KKG also participated find ways in Alpha Delta Pi’s Mocktails which is a philanthropy event where teams participate they can improve to make the most tasteful alcohol free drink along with the themebe more accepting and inclusive. Kappa also participated in UNT Big Event which is As a campus-wide community service event that chapter, we participate in, are full of girls from many different backgrounds. Each member is unique and it's always comes from a lot of fun! We were assigned to help at spirit horse therapeutic center where we helped them different upbringing, with landscapingtheir own views, and various passions. Another highlight from the year was our second place win for the Josh Abbott Band contest we won $3With such diversity, there is always worry it may cause tension,000 and t-shirts and Josh Abbot Band came to but our house girls are very accepting and performed! Kappa held many sister sorority events that bonded respectful about the entire chapter. The first sisterhood event where the girls went camping and bonded over s’moresdifferences between them, creating fun kappa related songs and we admire each other such fun memoriesmore because of those differences. Then Kappa had When there is a disagreement, it becomes a sisterhood event where they had positive learning experience. Being this way is not only helping us move towards being a blast roller-skating more inclusive chapter, but also preparing girls with the necessary skills to excel later in life. Our campus and got chapter community is a common reason as to know one anotherwhy these girls go Kappa and stay Kappas.
After such an exciting spring, fall was just as eventful. The fall semester started off with a Top Gun themed Homecoming where we were partnered with the gentlemen of Sigma Chi, Omega Delta Phi and Iota Phi Theta. Kappa performed a Top Gun themed dance, and constructed an amazing Top Gun float in the shape of an airplane which received honorable mention in the spirit parade. Kappa also participated in Spooktober held by Phi Kappa Tau in October. We got most participation and third place overall! Owl-O-Ween, which Kappa hosted along with Chi Omega, was so much fun and showcased some of the most inventive costumes ranging from a bag of Jelly Beans to a couple dressed up as Cat-Dog. KKG also hosted the 9th annual Chili Cook Off that was hosted at Rockin’ Rodeo including raffle ticket winners, a pie eating contest, Gamma Foundation and of course plenty of chili to tasteReading is Fundamental are our two philanthropies.
All of We chose these Philanthropies, not only because they are the philanthropies supported by Kappa at the entrée fees and book donations went to support Reading is Fundamental. Our chapter had a total of over 2national level,500 hours of community service this semester! KKG but also held a prom dress drive in because we can see the fall with Sigma Lambda Gammaimpact that our service provides right here at home. We also had a roller skating mixer with the gentlemen of Alpha Tau Omega! Kappa went get to Denton’s after school program and read to the kids children at a book of local elementary school and build not only their choice and had fun coloring afterwards. Kappa literacy skills but also held an All-Greek Scholarship presentation with the gentlemen of Phi Gamma Delta to help students with their upcoming finals self confidence and tips for studyingself esteem through Reading is Fundamental. The year came We also are very thankful to an end with a truly spectacular Winter Wonderland themed formal at Texas Motor Speed Way. The decorations were beautiful, the food was delicious, the music was good, and the time spent all together was even better. The Zeta Sigma Chapter KKG foundation because it has provided to many of Kappa Kappa Gamma truly had an amazing year our own sisters who have been struggling personally and all the hard work paid offfinancially. Sisterhood was strengthenedWe will continue supporting these causes, philanthropy went above and beyond with raising money and awareness, and Kappa’s presence at UNT and as they do so much for the communities that we live in the Greek community was at an all-time highthat unfortunately would otherwise be overlooked.
'''Campus:'''The University of North Texas is a steadily growing and exceptionally diverse universityChapter Facility 903 W Praries St. It is composed of students from all walks of life making for a very friendlyDenton, open minded and intellectual student body. UNT offers many different programs for students to get involved in and many resources for students to better themselves and their academic career.TX -
The Zeta Sigma Chapter has become a very successful and well known chapter on the UNT Campus. We are constantly working to better ourselves and this chapter in order to make Kappa the very best it can be.
OwlOral History We are looking for Kappas with stories to tell (e.g., funny chapter memories,professional achievements, heartwarming stories of how Kappa has helped them, etc.).Abby Batterton, Paige Sennet, Charlotte Loewes, Ashley Hargrove, Megan Brackeen,Veronica Abshire, Ivalis Guajardo, Lexi Rutter, Hayley Worstell, Alexis Owens, Julianne Bergen, Kendall York, Allie Pope, Kaitlin King, Paige Lowe, Jena Williamson,  ==Highlights of 2019== In the year 2019, the Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma shined at the University of North Texas under Erin Gossett’s Presidency. We received The Chapter of the Year Award, Most Improved Scholarship, Program of the Year (Kappa Kolor Run), Cross Council Unity, Fall Academic Excellence, New Member Academic Excellence, Greek Woman of the Year (Paige Sennet), and New Member of the Year (Rachel May), with Kappa receiving the New Member of the Year award for the third year in a row! These are all awards given to us by the University of North Texas Greek Life, an extremely high honor! Seniors Paige Sennet and Charlotte Loewes also each received the Golden Eagle Award,the highest honor a student can receive by the University of North Texas! In the Fall, Charlotte Loewes was also given the honor of representing the Student Alumni Ambassadors on the UNT homecoming court! We are so proud of our amazing, and high achieving Kappa Kappa Gamma members. By the community, we were awarded the “Adopt A School” award from Denton ISD for our philanthropic relationship with the local elementary school, Ginnings. With the Spring of 2019, we gained 13 Zeta Sigma Alumnae! We are so proud of Kelly Burke, Abigail Batterton, Kennedy Garinger, Megan Brackeen, Rachel Duban, Paige Sennet, Samantha Lawson, Kendall York, Allie Pope, Katy Baca, Rachel Dean, Kristian Cardenas, and Rachel White. Many of these amazing women have started careers in their respective fields or have continued their higher education in graduate school! In August of 2019 we recruited 29 amazing new members and then initiated all 29 sapphires into our chapter that October. Our Membership Chairman, Haley Arnold put on an amazing 2019 recruitment that ensured multiple legacies coming home, and women of value finding their place in Kappa Kappa Gamma. Our Marshal, Ivalis Guajardo put on the ultimate inspiration week, filled with a Big and Little Dinner honoring our new members, inspiration week shirts, and general education about what being a Kappa woman means. In the Fall, we also gained 6 beautiful alumnae members, Lisbeth Giron, Lindsey Whitt, Charlotte Loewes, Baylee Dehoyos, Noor Geoffery, and Nabha Tariq.  In regards to our philanthropic efforts, Kappa volunteered over 1400 hours. Many of these hours were spent at Ginnings Elementary in Denton, Texas. This is a local title 1 school close to our campus, at the elementary school, bi-O-Weenweekly Kappas will go and read to the second grade classrooms. Weekly, Kappas will also go and volunteer at their GEMS program, where we mentor the 5th grade girls about morals, growing up, being kind, confidence, and the value of education. We also volunteer at the school dances acting as chaperones/dance partners/ decorating committee/food servers. Being active and contributing members of our community is extremely important to us and we are so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to be hands on while making our difference. Kappa has made tremendous connections with the children at this school, with both our lives and the children’s lives changing for the better. In April we held our first ever Grilled Cheese and KKGs event! This event was hosted at the Kappa house and helped us raise over $1878 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and Reading is Fundamental. In the fall , Kappa hosted Kappa Kolor Run for the second year in a row, with an amazing turn out! The 5K was hosted on campus with many people in attendance, raising over $4100 for both RIF and the KKG foundation. We were so proud of our philanthropy chairman, Kaylie Davila, and the efforts of our entire chapter to raise a huge amount for the philanthropies we care so much about! Prior to the Kappa Kolor Run event, we also had a Reading is Key event at Ginnings Elementary. The entire 2nd grade was able to come to their library and have Kappas reading to them while they enjoyed snacks provided by our chapter. We sent every child home with a book, with over 120 children in attendance. Everyone had so much fun and it was a great way to start the week! Socially, we enjoyed many great times together as a chapter! We had our first ever KKJean date party , hosted by our amazing event chairman Michelle Olvera. Everyone wore all jean attire and went to the LSA rooftop to enjoy a meal and dancing! This April date party was a final hurrah for many of our graduating seniors, and a great way to connect before summer came. In the Fall, we had our beautiful November formal at the Reunion Tower hosted by our event chairman Megan Taylor. This was so much fun and the food was a hit with all of our Kappa sisters and their company! Many funny superlatives were given out and it was a great night for all of us to have time together. In December, we joined Sigma Chi in a holiday themed mixer! This included a bonfire to roast marshmallows, snacks, and the movie Elf on a projector. Our Vice President Academic Excellence, Lisbeth Giron, hosted an amazing end of semester event for us at the Alamo Drafthouse movie theater in December as well! We got to enjoy a meal together and watch the Grinch in our pajamas after a long semester of hard work! Within the Kappa Kappa Gamma walls, our connections with each other grew stronger than ever. This is something we have at times struggled with, but have gained so much peace and understanding among each other. Our above and beyond education chairman Cassandra Leissler put on multiple amazing programs for us this year. We participated in the ladies EME program, Aspiring to a Higher Ideal of Sisterhood. This presentation really made a difference in our chapter, and many girls felt comfortable speaking their mind in this safe space. We also had our own University’s office of Chi Omegadiversity and inclusion come and speak to our chapter as well. These programs expanded our chapters minds, hearts, featured and ears to what kind of support our sisters need. It is not always to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, but in order to gain perspective, we must sit and listen to those around us, something the Zeta Sigma chapter has gained and benefited from so much over this last year to ensure we are a chapter everyone is proud to say they are a part of. Cassandra consistently went the extra mile for our chapter, so that the women in our chapter and dates the women we strive to recruit display the values of Kappa Kappa Gamma in creative costumes such a way that every sister feels needed, necessary, and loved in that space. We have surely cultivated a sense of empathy, kindness, and compassion towards one another in this 2019 year that will last beyond it. With the University of North Texas consistently undergoing construction, the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma often can be found in every nook and cranny of the campus that isn’t under construction. Some of our favorite spots include the University Union, the BLB, Willis Library, and newly redone Sage Hall! Within our own space, the Kappa house chairman, Carson Harrington has been consulting her decorating committee about the renovations that will be done to our house kitchen in the summer of 2020! The Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma supports Reading is Fundamental, and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation.Why did the chapter choose this organization? Although these are both organizations allocated to us by nationals, we have a great sense of pride and love for them both. We have made RIF into our own, and feel the impact we make through our volunteers at the local elementary school. Our outstanding Education chairman Cassandra went all out for our Founders Day celebration! While celebrating 149 years of Kappa, we also celebrated our own 30th anniversary of the ZetaSigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma! Cassandra rented out tents that were put in the sorority courtyard, catered Jersey Mikes, and provided decorative cookies. Our entire chapter was in attendance, including many alumnae members that returned for our celebration. We hosted our Founder’s Day celebration the day after our Fall ‘19 class was initiated, so they also got to participate in their first closing ritual, and what a special one it was! We are so excited to celebrate Kappa’s 150th anniversary next October! We are already gaining excitement as garden gnomes we have learned that the Minnie Stewart Van will be visiting us the first week back to classes this upcoming January 2020! Everyone is excited to come and kick off this 150th year with the Van! We have elected a bobsled teamwonderful Education Chairman, Gabby McComb for the 2020 year, and we know she will put on a beautiful 150th Founders Day for our Zeta Sigma Chapter! ==Highlights of 2020==During 2020, the Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma was presented with many new obstacles as we faced a global pandemic. However, our sisterhood only grew stronger under Sheridan Smith’s Presidency. This year we received Chapter of the Year for the second year running, Program of the Year (Reading is Key), Greek Women of the Year (Ivalis Guajardo), Spring 2019 Academic Excellence, 2019 All Sorority Academic Excellence, and Standard Fraternal Excellence. These awards were presented to us by the University of North Texas Greek Life. Senior Ivalis Guajardo was also crowed Homecoming followedQueen while representing North Texas 40. These members are known as the “Top 40 Leaders” on UNT’s campus. Zeta Sigma takes pride in Ivalis for her dedication to this chapter and her love for campus life. As Zeta Sigma took on fall 2020, we experienced an all new virtual recruitment. However, New Member Chairman, Madeline Menefee held a wonderful bid day over zoom. We celebrated our new members with the theme House of Blues. After bid day, Madeline Menefee went the extra mile to hand deliver goodie bags to our new members to make them feel special during this time. Shortly after, Madeline and Marshal, Hannah Gonzales set up a drive-by where new members could safely pick up their new member pins. That following October, Hannah Gonzales held a virtual initiation where we welcomed 21 sapphires into Zeta Sigma. This fall, we also gained one new alumna, Emma Cawthon who previously served as Public Relations Chairman in 2019. In 2020, the Zeta Sigma Chapter at the University of North Texas continued to support the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and Reading is Fundamental (RIF). While these two organizations are allocated to us by nationals, we continuously are impacted by them and take pride in both organizations. To raise money for Reading is Fundamental (RIF), our sweet Philanthropy Chairman, Emery Nolan set up a Kendra Scott giveback where 20% of the proceeds went to RIF. This was a nifty way for family and friends to shop virtually or visit the Kendra Scott store, while following CDC guidelines. From this event, we raised roughly $400. Zeta Sigma also actively volunteers at Ginnings Elementary which is a title 1 school located in Denton, Texas. Typically, Kappa’s visit the campus bi-weekly to read to second grade classrooms or volunteer at numerous events (e.g. school dances or the GEMS program). Although, due to COVID-19, visitors were paired not allowed to visit campus this year. However, this obstacle did not stop Philanthropy Chairman, Emery Nolan. She found a new way to impact the students at Ginnings, where she set up an Amazon Book Drive with books selected by the gentlemen Ginnings librarian. This year Education Chairman, Gabby McComb put together an exceptional Founder Day’s, celebrating 150 years of Kappa . During this virtual event, Zeta Sigma also celebrated 31 years here at UNT. It was a special event where we reconnected with alumnae and advisors, paying tribute to the women who created our favorite things about KKG. Although we did not hold a date party or formal this year. Event Chairman, Maggie Morley continued the tradition of superlatives by presenting them at our last chapter of the year. This was a fun way to include Zeta Sigma’s traditions while we experienced an altered school year.This year, due to COVID-19 most events were held virtual, through zoom. Although we made the best out of it by holding vitual sisterhood events (e.g. virtual movie nights, game nights, and Pi Kappa Phitrivia). This semester we also revised the chapters standing rules which was orchestrated by secretary, Gaylee Goldston. Gaylee also safely held composites in the house. This was the first time PC 20 viewed the house since Recruitment was held virtually. Our However, New Memember Chairman, Madeline Menefee held a wonderful bid day over zoom, where our theme was House of Blues. Even though we did not have a formal this year , Event Chairman, Maggie Morley continued the tradition of superlatives by presenting them at our last chapter. Initiation also looked different this year, as it was Once Upon a held virtual. This Fall, we initiated 21 new members into Zeta Sigma. Not to mention, the 2018-2019 Marshal, Ivalis Guajardo was crowed as HomecomingQueen, while representing her organization North Texas 40. Plus, Ivalis is also the President for this organization. We are so proud of Ivalis for her dedication to her impact project and her love for campus life. Last but not least, our philanthrophy event, Reading is Key was awarded Program of the Year. Other Greek Awards that we won were Spring 2019 Academic Excellence, 2019 All Sorority Academic Excellence, our very own Ivalis took home Greek Women of the Year, Standard Fraternal Excellence, and last but certainly not least Chapter of the Year. Chapter Philanthropy We support Reading is Fundamental and Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. While these two organizations are allocated to us by nationals, we continuously are impacted by them and take great pride in both organizations. To raise money for Reading is Fundamental (RIF), our team sweet Philanthropy Chairman, Emery Nolan set up a Kendra Scot giveback where 20% of the proceeds went to RIF. This was a nifty way for family and friends to shop virtually or visit the Kendra Scott store, while following CDC guidelines. Zeta Sigma also actively volunteers at Ginnings Elementary which is located in Denton, Texas. Due to COVID-19, visitors were not allowed to visit campus. This obstacle did not stop Emery. She found a new way to impact the students at Ginnings, where she set up an Amazon Book Drive with books selected by the Ginnings librarian. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion VPO, Amanda Zimmerman and Panhellenic Delegate, Sophie Barrera constantly provided educational and inclusive opportunities to the chapter. For example, we had a Pride Alliance Training, a Hazing Awareness Presentation, and a Be Bold Leadership Workshop. During Domestic Violence Awareness month we were presented with a PowerPoint. This included helpful resources, statistics, and warning signs. Sesquicentennial Celebration Zeta Sigma celebrated Kappa’s 150th anniversary over zoom. Our Education Chairman, Gabby McComb held this special event where alumna and advisors were welcomed. During this event we paid tribute to the women who created all our favorite things about KKG, while reminiscing on old times. Photographs[[File:41DAF492-0D49-413B-887F-6B44E0551433 Zoom Days.jpeg|thumb|Zoom Days]][[File:21A74FC0-23E8-4565-AAFE-60A164CCD7C1.jpeg|thumb|Kappa times]][[File:BDB8B4CF-679B-48AD-A543-031A5427902A.jpeg|thumb|Big Sis]][[File:6226319F-7F14-4CAE-8DBA-BCA73C5C8E0E.jpeg|thumb|Sisterhood]]  ==Highlights of 2021== The start of 2021 was wonderful for the Zeta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Although we were in the middle of the pandemic, we still were able to have a meaningful semester in Kappa Kappa Gamma while also keeping our sisters safe! Our Vice President of Academic Excellence, Katie Workman, started off the semester with a virtual Planner Night for our sisters to attend. Katie was also able to schedule multiple study nights throughout the semester with the University of North Texas Delta Gamma chapter, as well as a study night with the Kappa chapter at the University of Tulsa. We were able to get 2 wonderful young ladies through the Continuous Open Bidding process, which was run by our Recruitment Chairman, Karley Dykes. We had a virtual Bid Day, which was Blue & Blue themed!  Our Vice President of Standards, Paige Saucer, organized a Galentines Day Card Pick up, where our Chapter Council wrote cards to sisters, and they were able to pick them up outside of the house. Although we were not able to go to Ginnings Elementary to read to the second graders, we were able to have a float Giveback Night at Torchy’s Tacos to support Reading is Fundamental and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. In March, our New Member Chairman, Haley Billasano, held a dance routine virtual Big Little Reveal for our new members. Our Risk Management Chairman, Allyson DeLuna, was able to always keep the chapter informed on the ever-changing recommendations to keep us safe throughout the pandemic. Our Education Chairman, Madeline Menefee, helped put on an important DEI programming event, called “Are You Ensuring Everyone’s Asked to Dance?,” as provided by Kappa Headquarters. We sold stickers and the proceeds were donated to the theme Denton County Friends of the Brothers GrimmFamily non-profit organization. Our Marshal, Julia Schmelter, had our Ritual and History District Specialist, Leslie Porter, hold a Zoom call where she talked all about Kappa Kappa Gamma’s wonderful history, as well as our own Zeta Sigma chapters’s history during inspiration week. We were able to do a partially in-person, partially virtual initiation service. We held a virtual Yoga and Meditation event planned by our Vice President of Standards, Paige Saucer.  In April, two of our seniors, Ivalis Guajardo and Amanda Zimmerman, received the Golden Eagle at the Eagle Awards, the highest award a student at The University of North Texas can receive. One of our juniors, Julia Schmelter, received the Outstanding Student Volunteer Eagle Award for her dedication to helping others. Our chapter won a donation to our philanthropies from our attendance at the United Sisterhood events run by the University of North Texas’ Panhellenic Executive Council throughout the semester. We held a great virtual Jeopardy Night with our sister sorority for the semester, Alpha Delta Pi. Towards the end of the spring semester, we were able to start having more in-person events, put on by our Event Chairmen, Caroline Bounds. She planned fun painting events with both an in-person and zoom option for all of our sisters. We were also able to do hybrid (partially in-person and virtual) Recruitment Workshops in preparation for Formal Recruitment in the Fall, led by our Recruitment Chairman, Karley Dykes. We had a sisterhood eventthat was a Mental Health Seminar with a guest speaker, featuring an etiquette teacher who showed us run by Paige Saucer.  At the ropes end of business etiquetteour spring semester, we gained 19 Zeta Sigma Alumnae members, Ivalis Guajardo, Emily Berlin, Ida Serraon, Gabby McComb, Hannah Gay, Lexi Lea, Taylor Griffith, Amanda Zimmerman, Caroline Coker, Ally Pigmon, Meghan Flood, Carson Harrington, Isabella Parish, Megan Shumway, Sheridan Smith, Emery Nolen, Madison Bellinghausen, Logan Eidson, and Macie Smith. We learned how were able to have two senior ceremonies that were hybrid, to dress accommodate all the seniors we had graduating as well as UNT guidelines. In the fall, our Recruitment Team consisting of Karley Dykes, Rachel May, Caroline Bounds, Madeline Menefee, Riley Garrett, Kailey Grassi, Nicolle St. John, Sydney Bell, Gaylee Goldston, and Faith Mitchell, all helped us get ready for interviews Formal Recruitment throughout Work Week! We grew even closer as sisters and how were all able to reflect on our time in Kappa Kappa Gamma and what it means to us, so we were feeling very excited to network bring new members into our sisterhood. We gained many wonderful new members through the Formal Recruitment process combined with professionalsCOB. During Recruitment, we had our Pickers sing for all of the potential new members, led by Sydney Bell and Madeline Menefee. Our New Member Chairman, Haley Billasano, planned our Bid Day and we were elated to see all of our new members run home to us!
We were able to pair with fraternities to have tailgates before the football games, and we always had a blast at these events! Our year came Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chairman (a new position to an end with our fall formalChapter Council this year), Sidney Lobel, held hosted a Hispanic Heritage Potluck at Ashton Gardensthe house, with a beautiful Night in Paris themeas well as other DEI presentations throughout the year. The food was greatIn October, we had our Founder’s Day Celebration, planned by our Education Chairman, Madeline Menefee, and spending time with sisters was even better. The Zeta Sigma Chapter where we celebrated 151 years of Kappa Kappa Gamma had an amazing year and . Madeline also brought in a guest speaker to talk to the chapter about Women’s Health, which we all of really enjoyed. We ended the hard work paid offsemester with a ceremony for our graduating seniors. Sisterhood was strengthened through sisterhood events, philanthropy went above and beyond with raising money and awarenessWe gained 2 Zeta Sigma Alumnae members, Paige Saucer and Kappa’s presence at UNT and in the Greek community was outstandingMaggie Morely.
The University Overall, the Zeta Sigma chapter of North Texas is a steadily growing and exceptionally diverse universityKappa Kappa Gamma had an unforgettable year in 2021. It is composed of students from all walks of life, making for a very friendly, open minded, We are excited to keep our chapter flourishing and intellectual student body. UNT offers many different programs for students to get involved in and many resources create an even stronger sisterhood for students years to better themselves and their academic careercome.

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