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Delta Omicron

23,951 bytes added, 01:06, 16 May 2022
Highlights of 2021
|Image= [[File:Delta_Omicron.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1946|05|18}}
|College= [http Iowa State University]
|Location= Ames, IA
|Homepage= [ Delta Omicron Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Delta Omicron Chapter]}}
'''1,659 906 initiates (as of June 20132018)''' '''Charter Members:'''Dorothy Elizabeth Bonnell, Elizabeth Faye Collins, Dorothy M. Crawford, Barbara Ferguson, Lorraine Lee Guernsey, Betty Lou Hall, Patricia Ann Hedge, Helen Marie Hochriem, Myrllin Lee Huff, Eleanor Anne Lagoni, Carolyn Ann Mitchell, Nancy Nix, Ethelyn Julia Scott, Evelyn Marie Scott, Virginia Sharp, Rosalie Fergueson Thomas, June Marie Welch, Ruth Noi Wright.
'''Fraternity Council Members'''
Colleen Blough (Tallman), Traveling Consultant 1986-1988; Jill Lansing (Edsen), Traveling Consultant 1997-1998; Kylee Deterding, Traveling Consultant 2001-2003; Allison Bernard, Leadership Consultant, 2011-2012; Mattea Rainforth, Chapter Consultant, 2014-2015, Province Director of Chapters- Epsilon North, 2015-2016
Additional Outstanding Delta Omicron Alumnae: Elva Allen, Graduate Counselor 1965-1966;Morgan Hulick, Leadership Consultant 2018-2019, Ritual/History Specialist 2018-
From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:
==Highlights of 2012==
The 2012 calendar year was very eventful and exciting! We started out the new year with the transition of the new officers to the chapter council. At this time, most of the chapter was busy with Varieties (a short musical). We were paired with the men of Delta Tau Delta, the women of Alpha Delti Pi, and the men of Acacia. Many of the girls in our chapter also helped out with Dance Marathon which raises money for the Children's Miracle Network. After Varieties was over, Greek Week was quickly approaching. We were paired with the men of Lambda Chi and Phi Delta Theta. We did very well in Lip Sync and earned the People's Choice Award. We also participated in tournaments, olympics, Polar Bear Plunge, and banner. We ended this eventful week with our annual philanthropy Kappa Kakes. As always, it was a huge success and the proceeds went to the Children's Miracle Network. Shortly after our philanthropy, we had Mom's weekend. It took place at our chapter house where our moms and us participated in a fulfilled weekend that included different things such as brunch, a silent auctioning, and jewelry making. We ended our year by earning one of the highest honors, Presidents Award.
Iowa State University has a beautiful campus, thriving in a variety of activities, organizations, and clubs that are large led by the student body. Iowa State provides endless opportunities for students to get involved in leadership positions. Iowa State also has a very strong Greek community that offers 15 different sororities and 27 different fraternities for students to become a part of.
==Highlights of 2013==
This previous year, Delta Omicron chapter received a cumulative 3.23 GPA, which increased from 3.12 the past semester. Along with this, we had 52 girls on Dean’s list as well as four girls with a 4.0 GPA. We participated in Yell Like Hell for Homecoming and received 2nd place overall, and won first place in community service. In the Spring, we also were involved in Lip Sync and Varieties and these were very fun for our chapter to be involved in. This year we held our annual philanthropies, which are Kappa Fiesta in the Fall and Kappa Kakes in the Spring. Both of these events were successful, and the money raised goes towards Reading is Fundamental as well as the Children’s Miracle Network. Challenges this year included re-vamping all of the chapter council positions and adding new and exciting programs that would get our chapter members involved and engaged.
There have been no drastic changes on our campus recently, besides our VEISHEA weeklong celebration of the various colleges of Iowa State University. This celebration will be re-vamped and changed in the future to promote Iowa State University tradition and community. As for the overall nature of our chapter, we are moving forward in leadership as well as friendship, and are trying to work towards overall respect of one another and more involvement in general from the chapter members.
==Highlights of 2014==
Over the past year, Delta Omicron has accomplished very much. We have set many goals throughout the year, and one by one we are meeting and exceeding these goals. One of our goals was to raise our chapter average GPA. We increased our chapter GPA by .07 to reach a chapter average of 3.32. Another goal was to become more involved in the Greek and Iowa State community. Since this goal has been set, we have had many members of our chapter join Blood Drive Committee, STARS, dance marathon and many more. Four Delta Omicron members were even elected to be Rho Gammas in the upcoming formal recruitment, which is double the amount we had in the previous formal recruitment! We have participated in many Greek Events including LipSync for Greek Week and Yell Like Hell for homecoming. Our philanthropies are said to be the best on campus. At our fall all-you-can-eat nacho bar philanthropy, Kappa Fiesta, we raised over four thousand dollars to go towards the Reading is Fundamental organization and Kappa Foundation. We also raised a large amount of money for The Children's Miracle Network at our spring philanthropy, Kappa Kakes. Our chapter also attended an elementary school carnival and played games with young children who received tickets that they could redeem for children's books we donated to the carnival.
We hold our chapter meetings in our chapter room in our chapter owned facility. Delta Omicron is fortunate enough to have a very nice house with yearly renovations thanks to our awesome parent foundation's donations :)
Our chapter house has been around for many, many years. However, within the last decade, a new floor was added to the house allowing more women to live in. Every summer we get new renovations of our choice (within reason). For example, a third level was added, a new wing was added, a patio was added, and other minor changes as well. As of right now, around 65 women can live in our chapter owned home.
==Highlights of 2015==
One of the biggest challenges that our chapter faced this year is our warning of probation that we were placed on last August. Since then, we have made tremendous growth as a chapter. We made a list of goals at the beginning of the year that we wanted to focus on as a chapter council. These goals consisted of making the chapter more aware of Kappa’s Bylaws and Standing Rules and values, creating more efficient use of committees, and to work on our sisterhood. Since then we have met these goals by having monthly sisterhoods, reading passages of the Bylaws and Standing Rules during chapter meetings, and using delegation in our committees.
Another one of our goals as a chapter was to be more involved in the Greek community and to make a name for Kappa on campus. We had four Rho Gammas from Kappa for formal recruitment, many members on ISU Blood Drive, and many members on the Iowa State Dance Marathon committee. One Kappa was also just elected to be the Vice President of Judicial Affairs on the Collegiate Panhellenic Council. We are continuing to become more involved in the Greek and non-Greek community within the next couple of years as well.
A recent change in our chapter is the retiring of our beloved Mom Miller. After 31 years serving as the Kappa house mom, she has retired. We will miss her dearly and hope to get a new house mom just as caring and loving as her! The nature of our chapter is positive, involved, and fun. We recruited over 50 new members between formal recruitment and informal recruitment, and many of them spend a lot of time at the house and enjoy being around such a great group of girls.
One recent change on campus that many girls in the house appreciate is the Starbucks that was just added across the street from Kappa. At any given time, there is a Kappa in Starbucks ordering a drink before class or even studying. Starbucks is a great study spot and being so close to the house, there are always girls studying there. Above that new Starbucks, new apartment buildings have been added. These nice, fully furnished apartments are a popular hangout spot that many Kappas enjoy. A lot of women choose to live in these apartments because they are so close to the house and it makes it very easy for them to stop by any time and just hang out.
Chapter Philanthropy:
What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?
Delta Omicron has been actively involved in donating money to Reading is Fundamental, Kappa Foundation, and Children’s Miracle Network. We continue to hold our fall philanthropy, Kappa Con Queso, which benefits Kappa Foundation and Reading is Fundamental. This year we raised a record breaking amount (over $7,600.00) to be donated equally to Kappa Foundation and Reading is Fundamental. Our spring philanthropy, Kappa Kakes, partners with Iowa State Dance Marathon to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network. At this event, we invite members of Dance Marathon to come and set up a table for the guests to donate. In addition to that, we also have a lot of women participate in Dance Marathon, raising even more money for the Children’s Miracle Network. We also participate in a smaller service event, Kappa Karnival, at a local elementary school where we play games with kids and they receive tickets that they can then cash in for books.
Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?
We wanted to support Kappa Foundation because of what it does for Kappa Alumni and current Kappa Chapters. We believe that Reading is Fundamental is a very good organization that encourages literacy in children and adults and we think that this is a good cause to donate to because we also have a strong belief in literacy. Partnering with Dance Marathon and donating to Children’s Miracle Network is also something that we have a strong desire to do. Children’s Miracle Network is a great organization and helps a lot of children and their families, and we think it is great to be able to help with that.
==Highlights of 2020s:==
'''Chapter Convention Awards:'''
==Highlights of 2016==
This year, the Delta Omicron house board was fortunate enough to send 11 chapter council members to the National Convention which was held in San Diego, California. At convention, Delta Omicron received an honorable mention for our recruitment.
Delta Omicron has been working very hard this past year to work towards our goal of being awarded the Fraternal Award of Excellence. This award provides recognition for chapters that excel in a plethora of different areas which are of priority for sororities and fraternities. We will not find out however if we have been awarded this award until the Spring of 2017.
This year there was a new addition to the Iowa State Greek Community. Delta Gamma sorority was added and recruited this Fall. They are in the process now of building a chapter facility in which members will be able to live in starting next academic year. Our chapter is growing very fast. We now hold weekly chapter meetings on campus as opposed to in our chapter facility. In August of 2016 we got a new house mom, Gail Sheluga. She was a Kappa here at Delta Omicron in the 1970's.
This year was a major change facility wise for Delta Omicron. We are a fast growing chapter, and this year we were actually too big to host our weekly chapter meetings inside our chapter room here at our facility. Starting in January, we began to host our chapter meetings on campus to allow for more room for members. While this was a sad and tough change to implement, it definitely is worth the change to allow for a more comfortable, spacious chapter setting in a classroom.
Delta Omicron for the past few years hosts two annual philanthropies; Kappa Con Queso which is in the fall and Kakes for Kids which is held in the spring. Kappa Con Queso is an event held here at our house, with an all you can eat nacho bar. All funds raised are donated to the Kappa Foundation to help other Kappa's across the nation in need, and the Reading is Fundamental foundation to help children's literacy promotion. Kappa Kakes is our spring philanthropy which is also held here at our Kappa house, and it is an all you can eat pancake bar. All proceeds raised for this philanthropy go towards the Children's Miracle Network. Alongside our two annual philanthropies, Delta Omicron takes a trip out to the local Collins- Maxwell elementary school here in Iowa to help host an event called Kappa Karnival. We put on a carnival for students in the community to come and play games and their prizes earned are books.
Delta Omicron believes it's important to support organizations local to Iowa State. One way we do this is through one of Iowa State’s largest student organizations, Dance Marathon. As it ties with Reading is fundamental, Dance Marathon supports children in need that are located specifically in Iowa. The University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital directly affect families at Iowa State in our Greek Community and so we have developed a strong relationship with Iowa State Dance Marathon. Our annual spring philanthropy is continuously successful due to our support of DM and our pancakes are anticipated throughout the Greek community. Many Kappas attend the event in January and as our chapter puts an emphasis on participation, our membership genuinely enjoys fundraising and attending the big event.
==Highlights of 2017==
This past year, Delta Omicron has accomplished many goals throughout our greek community, and within our chapter. Our first recognition as a chapter this year was at Vespers when Kappa Kappa Gamma was awarded the Best Academic Programming out of all other sororities in our community. This award was based off the hard work of the 2016 Academics Committee and advisor. Through their efforts, and continued this year, our Academics Committee help women struggling academically in a one-on------one setting, create positive programming for the entire chapter, and celebrate with a scholarship brunch each semester. Our current Vice President of Academic Excellence, Elizabeth Garzon, continued this academic programming through Major Captains and a motto focused on finding your personal mentor on campus. This hard work truly paid off when Delta Omicron increased its overall GPA by .17 after the spring semester, making us the 4th highest GPA in the community. At the beginning of this fall semester we participated in primary recruitment, where we maxed out our total, and recruited at record return rates.Throughout the week our membership chairman focused on sisterhood and relationships with one another. This value based recruitment (and lots of coffee) was a huge part to our success of welcoming a new pledge class of 46 sisters. A goal of our chapter council at the beginning of our term was to improve our Alumni relations. What started as a goal on a piece of paper, soon was executed by our Public Relations chair with our first ever Alumni Event. This event was held at our university alumni center this fall, and the evening consisted of desert, speeches, pictures, trivia, storytelling, and of course, Oh Pat. Following the event, alumni were welcomed back into our home for a house tour, and a trip down memory lane. '''Note Our chapter has an amazing shared sisterhood and morale is as good as ever! We were excited to Chapter Registrarspend more time together in our basement after seeing all the amazing renovation thatwere made over the summer! [[File:DO basement renovations 1.png|thumb|DO 2017]] [[File:DO basement renovations2.png|thumb|DO 2017]] [[File:''' DO basement renovations 3.png|thumb|DO 2017]] For our chapter meetings, each monday we meet in a room on campus. We can no longer hold our chapter meetings in our house because we have outgrown our chapter room. The rooms on campus that we our meetings in are typically large lecture halls without windows. Please refer Historically, Delta Omicron has held philanthropic events to raise money for Reading is Fundamental, The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, and Dance Marathon. Not only did we continue to hold successful events for these amazing foundations, but also introduced a Coffee and Donut even to raise even more funds for Dance Marathon. In total, we raised $7,133 for our philanthropies this last year. In addition to your our chapters philanthropies, we also raised money with our Greek Week Pairing, Alpha Tau Omega, and Triangle Fraternity, for a total of $24,934 worth of donations to the Iowa Special Olympics. [[File:Delta Omicron 2017.png|thumb|DO 2017]][[File:DO Philanthropy.png|thumb|DO 2017]][[File:DO chapter.png|thumb|DO 2017]][[File:DO chapter fun.png|thumb|DO 2017]][[File:DO chapter fun 2.png|thumb|DO 2017]][[File:DO Bid day 2017.png|thumb|DO 2017]] [[File:DO football fun 2017.png|thumb|DO 2017]] ==Highlights of 2018== This past year, Delta Omicron has accomplished many goals not only within our chapter archives including , but in the greek community as a whole. Our first recognition as a chapter meeting minutes occurred in the Spring of 2018 when Kappa Kappa Gamma was awarded the title of Best Academic Programming and Best Social Justice Programming out of all of the sororities in the Panhellenic Community at our Vespers ceremony. These awards were due to the efforts of the 2017 Academics Committee and the Social Justice Chairman, who each implemented positive programming in order to better support our members and back issues educate them on how to be successful in different facets of ''their lives. The Key'' Academics Committee continued to help women struggling academically in a one-on-one setting, celebrated academic successes through a scholarship brunch each semester, and implemented the Major Captain mentorship program along with a yearly motto to fill inspire our Chapter’s academic endeavors for the year. We also had a few of our women receive individual awards in any gaps the Spring Katie Nawrocki received recognition as the President of the Year and Elizabeth Garzon received recognition as Outstanding Service Woman. Over the summer, Delta Omicron was given the Standards Award at the Kappa Kappa Gamma National Convention due to the positive standards programming that our Standards Committee has implemented in the past few years. Delta Omicron also participated with Alpha Phi, Pi Beta Phi, and Farmhouse to compete in the above historical highlightsannual varieties musical competition where we won first place overall as well as multiple caption awards. If your  At the beginning of the Fall semester, Delta Omicron participated in primary recruitment where we maxed out on our total and recruited at record return rates. Olivia Danner, our membership chairman, made both spirit week and recruitment a fun experience for everyone as we focused on values, sisterhood, and relationships with one another. This value based recruitment proved to be a huge success as we welcomed 44 new sisters into our chapter archives are not complete, please research your university libraryand managed to have 100 percent new member retention throughout the new member period and the first semester. The rest of the Fall semester was full of fun as Delta Omicron held a very successful philanthropy, Kappa with Queso, and performed well in traditional Homecoming activities. Our public relations chair, Julia Beswick, also held our second annual alumni event at the Iowa State alumni center, which consisted of dessert, conversation, stories and lots of laughs. Our chapter has a consistently strong sisterhood and morale remains high among the women of Delta Omicron! Greek life on Iowa State’s campus newspaper continues to be looked on in a positive light as the members of the sororities and fraternities on campus work hard to change negative perceptions that can sometimes accompany the greek community. Delta Omicron supports Reading is Fundamental, the KKG Foundation and Dance Marathon. Year after year Delta Omicron thoroughly enjoys supporting these organizations. Kappa with Queso, an all you can eat nacho bar, and yearbook archives Kappa Karnival, an elementary game night where children win books for newsworthy information prizes, are put on to support Reading is Fundamental and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, and Kakes for Kids, an all you can eat pancake breakfast, is put on to support Dance Marathon. Our chapter loves that we are able to experience first hand the difference that we can make in the lives of children through the Karnival and Kakes events. [[File:Delta Omicron 2018.jpeg|thumb|Delta Omicron 2018]][[File:Delta Omicron - KKG convention.jpeg|thumb|KKG convention award]][[File:Bid Day 2018.jpeg|thumb|Bid day 2018]][[File:KKG Convention.jpeg|thumb|Chapter awards]] ==Highlights of 2019==  ==Highlights of 2020== ==Highlights of 2021==This year Delta Omicron accomplished a wide array of tasks and continued to grow as a chapter. In the spring semester, we were awarded the second-highest GPA in the Panhellenic community out of 16 chapters. Our academic presence also flourished within the chapter by continuing our Geek of the Week programming, academic progress planning to support our struggling members run by our VPAE Lauren Swegle and her committee, and continuing to be active our kappademics Instagram page to hold contests, support, and motivate members during a trying time. Our chapter having the second-highest GPA was one of our highest/main honors this year. However, we also had 18 members receive a 4.0 GPA in the Spring of 2020.  Kappa Convention wasn’t held this year, therefore, we didn’t receive any awards. However, some of our members did have the opportunity to attend the Kappa Leadership Conference in January to interact with other chapters and gain insight on how to better our chapter. Our members recognized this as a great interactive opportunity and learned a lot about your how to motivate our members, deal with difficult conversations and attend workshops on sisterhoods and burnout.  Our chapter continued to remember, learn and honor our traditions throughout the year by participating in rituals reviews, celebrating founders day in October, and initiating our newest members. This fall we successfully initiated 29 members into our chapter, spearheaded by our Marshal Lauren Price. We adapted to performing a Combined Service due to COVID-19 restrictions but did everything to make it special and memorable for each and every member. I-Week, or our inspiration period, was another great way to make our new members feel special and involve our initiated members through gift-giving and sisterhoods.  Our chapteralso held and participated in a variety of special events this year such as Initiation, Recruitment, Greek Week, Homecoming Week, sisterhoods, socials, and a fall formal. Please double check your work Greek Week in the spring and Homecoming Week in the fall is a great way for our chapter to get more involved in the Panhellenic community and the Sorority and Fraternity community by being paired up with different chapters and competing in events, raising money for accuracycharities, and supporting one another. Contact We had multiple leaders step forward during these times to serve our chapter and the communities at large.  Recruitment in August was another special time for our chapter Advisory or House Board as we were able to come together a week before to prepare and bond and then successfully recruit 29 members thanks to our Membership Chairman, Sidney Scott. We continued to uphold our valued-based recruitment and hold each other to a higher standard while bonding and meeting hundreds of amazing young women.  We also held multiple sisterhoods throughout the years to come together, boost morale and support each other. These sisterhoods included coffee trucks, trips to the pumpkin patch, DIY spay days, Easter egg dying and so much more courtesy of our VPS Emma Ver Steeg and her committee.  Hosting and attending socials with other sororities and fraternities and formals was reinstated this year after a brief hiatus because of COVID-19. All of these events were fun and engaging thanks to our Events Chairman, Natalie Rock, and executed safely and within all guidelines and restrictions thanks to our Risk Chairman Grace Stepanek and Cameron Quance.  At the beginning of 2021, our Chapter Council established goals of boosting morale, engaging the committees, and getting membersmore involved in and out of the house. After another successful year in Delta Omicron, I am happy to share we have accomplished that and are excited for years to come in this amazing chapter. What local Alumnae Association organization does the chapter support and why? Children’s Miracle Network. We support this organization because it helps many families and children in need who are going through difficult times. The money we raise for this foundation goes towards Iowa Stead Family Hospital where many children and families stay for treatment. We raised money for this foundation through our event Kakes for Kids in the spring. This event looked a little different this year due to COVID-19 but we were able to host a successful cupcake drive-through to raise funds. How did the chapter support Kappa’s philanthropy? Our chapter supported Kappa’s philanthropy by hosting a philanthropy event in the fall called Chips, Cheese & KKG’s where we raised over $5,000. We donated that money to Mental Health America as well as the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. How did your chapter include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in your programming this year?Our chapter included DEI initiatives throughout the year in our social justice programming provided to our sorority by our Social Justice Chair, Brianna Nelsen. A survey was sent out to all of our membersto ask what specific topics we are all interested in learning about/what we’re striving to be more educated on. This allowed us to narrow our educational programming and dig deeper into issues we all deal with. Our chair Brianna Nelsen also brought in a speaker from nationals to discuss Diversity, or Equity and Inclusion specifically and how we can be better sisters and members of society. How did your Province Director chapter operations change due to COVID-19 Our chapter’s operations looked different this year due to COVID-19 but were improved from the previous year. For example, every member of our chapter and the Panhellenic community was required to wear a mask during recruitment and respect the boundaries of Chapters for assistanceothers. Regarding initiation, we didn’t invite our new members to sleepover at the house and adapted to a Combined Service to avoid the close quarters of red rooms to make ensure everyone felt comfortable and to do our part in keeping everyone healthy. [[File:Delta Omicron 1.png|thumb|fall 2021]][[File:Delta Omicron 6.png|thumb|fall 2021]][[File:Delta Omicron 3.png|thumb|fall 2021]][[File:Delta Omicron 4.png|thumb|9-2021]][[File:Delta Omicron 5. png|thumb|9-2021]]
Your efforts will ensure a complete and accurate history ==Highlights of your chapter for future generations to enjoy!2022==

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