Delta Mu

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Delta Mu
Delta Mu.jpeg
FoundedDecember 4, 1942 (1942-12-04) (82 years ago)
CollegeUniversity of Connecticut
LocationStorrs, CT
Homepage[Delta Mu Homepage]
Media related to Delta Mu Chapter

University of Connecticut established in 1881, Storrs, Connecticut

Delta Mu founded December 5, 1942 - 16 charter members.

1,858 initiates (as of June 2016)

Charter Members: Louise Frances Bradford, Grace Frances Chapman, Jean Russell Clarke, Margaret Josephine Dykstra, Betty Jeanne Gray, Jeanne Isabelle Hinman, Norma Dorothy Johnson, Mary Dilys Rees Jones, Carolyn Elise Moe, Shirley Ida Mullins, Helen Virginia Rogers, Helen Margaret Safin, Bettina Maria Siegel, Leslie Chandler Terani, Jane Shirley Washburn, Edith Elizabeth Wollenberg

Some of Delta Mu’s Outstanding Alumnae:

Fraternity Council Members:

Fraternity Loyalty Award:

Fraternity Alumnae Achievement Award Recipients:

Lillian Quinn Stokes, 2010, Ornithologist and author of more than 30 books, hosted a PBS show on birding;

Additional Outstanding Delta Mu Alumnae

Patricia Merriman, Graduate Counselor 1947-1949; Jennifer Willand (Dillard), Chapter Consultant 1992-1993; Andrea Martinez (Frey), Leadership Consultant 2004-2005; Chapter Consultant 2005-2006; Krista Yankowski (Ross), Leadership Consultant 2005-2006;

The Early Years[edit]

It was amidst the gas rationing, sugar and coffee rationing, and the cold winter days of 1942 that Delta Mu was founded at the University of Connecticut in December 1942. To save its guests gas and extra traveling, the new chapter installed extra cots in its dormitories for the girls to use when visiting Kappas stayed overnight. Amid good times and bad, Kappa has remained strong at the University of Connecticut, and Delta Mu’s history is proudly related.

In the winter 1964 issue of The Key, Janet Beroth, DePauw, who was toastmistress at the installation banquet, tells about the chapter’s founding: “On January 14, 1932, a group of girls presented to the administration of the Connecticut Agricultural College a petition to be known as the Delphian Club … . On November 3, 1933, the Delphian Club was recognized as the Delta Chi Omega Sorority … . It was in 1939 that the group first considered national fraternities, when the college was reorganized as a university. They voted to center their attention on Kappa Kappa Gamma … . At the 1942 Seigniory Club Convention, this group was accepted as the future Delta Mu chapter.”

The aims, as stated in the petition, were “to promote good scholastic standing, to promote participation in extra-curricular activities, and to promote a feeling of friendliness to all.” In 1942, when Delta Mu was installed, there were 2,400 students at the University of Connecticut, and the university plant was valued at $6,000,000. In 1974 there are 15,359 students and 85 permanent buildings. The university was founded in 1881 as Storrs Agricultural School, named for Charles and Augustus Storrs who had given money and acreage for the experiment. Priscilla Storrs (Tasker), one of the first Delta Mu initiates, and Cynthia Storrs Morehouse, initiated as an alumna, were descendants of Samuel Storrs, founder of the American branch of the family.

“In 1893,” writes Janet Beroth, “the Connecticut General Assembly changed the name to Storrs Agricultural College and declared it the Connecticut Land-Grant institution. Women were admitted and the curriculum enlarged. In 1933, it became the Connecticut State College, and by 1939 … the Governor signed a bill changing the name to the University of Connecticut. Since that date the university has experienced a spectacular growth. It has always been dedicated to providing equal opportunity for all students, covering a broad range of social and economic backgrounds.”

Sisters of Delta Mu have distinguished themselves in such diversified campus activities as the Dolphinettes, a swimming team; Pershing Rifles; Block and Bridle Club; Horticulture Club; Glee Club; Nutmeg, the yearbook; Connecticut Daily Campus staff; and various clubs, including the Commuters. There has been membership on the university’s Board of Governors, and there have been up to seven cheerleaders at one time. Delta Mus also have been involved in the Peace Corps.

The chapter has been known for scholastic achievement since its founding. There have been Mortar Board members, a University Scholar, and a number of scholarship awards, the last at the 1972 Convention. There has been a Chapter Loyalty Award, and an honorable mention for gracious living in 1962 and 1964.

The true spirit of Delta Mu is not found in awards but in the individual personality of each member who has given some of herself to Kappa and to her chapter. In some of the songs and traditions can be found the spirit which kept Delta Mu alive through some difficult times on the University of Connecticut campus.

Problems to do with wartime and rationing and the cold weather, faced at the time of the chapter’s installation were overcome, and many Kappa executives and officers, as well as actives from the installing chapters, Adelphi College and Boston University, made the ceremonies at the Congregational Community House and the Sunday tea for students and faculty, happy and successful.

A housing problem was imminent. The chapter realized that with university expansion a move would have to be made from the old house on Mirror Lake which had been theirs since 1936. The university initiated a plan for fraternity housing. This plan consisted of buildings, university-owned and furnished, treated as dormitories and identical to the dormitory buildings for independent students. Only the lounges were to be unfurnished, a job undertaken by the Hartford Kappa alumnae for the Delta Mu quarters. Each unit held 66 girls, and non-members were to be moved in in case fewer than that number needed accommodation. Besides the Hartford alumnae, the chapter was helped by Eastern Connecticut Club and the Fairfield County Association.

The men’s fraternities had similar campus arrangements and during the 1960s abuse of campus housing privileges, and conflict with the administration, caused Greek organizations on the campus to be banned. Kappa, along with the other sororities and fraternities, lost the official, centrally located campus site, and slowly the interest in Greek organizations began to decline. Membership slackened and many groups disbanded under social and financial pressure.

Delta Mu has had to change its address several times, with its present (1973–74) base in Merrow, a few miles from the campus. It has survived the trauma of this decline because of Kappa-spirited, dedicated members. Membership is small, but recent encouraging rush periods show a renewal of interest in sororities at the University of Connecticut. In fact the 1973–74 rush was so successful that the chapter was asked to present a program at the 1974 Convention, a request that made Delta Mu very proud.

The large, old, three-story house in Merrow is painted in appropriate colors, but there is no blue mood in the present chapter and its loyal members, who hope to keep the history of Kappa at a continuing, vital force for friendship.

The previous information was excerpted from The History of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 1870-1976. The information that follows has been gleaned from available resources including Chapter History Reports, chapter meeting minutes, letters and comments from chapter members and alumnae, the Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Archives, and The Key. Each chapter is expected to update its history record annually. Contact Fraternity Headquarters at with questions.

Highlights of the 1980s[edit]

This decade saw the following: election of President Ronald Reagan; Sandra Day O’Connor selected as the first woman justice to the Supreme Court; Beirut barracks bombing occurred killing American and French servicemen; Lockerbie disaster when terrorists blew up plane over Scotland; Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine filled much of the world with radioactive debris; Challenger disaster left six astronauts and one woman school teach dead; protestors at Tiananmen Square were crushed by Chinese Army; fall of the Berlin Wall was the most momentous event of the decade; oil tanker Exxon Valdez caused one of the worst ecological disasters ever; War on Drugs accelerated; worldwide the beginning of the AIDS pandemic; rejection of smoking based on health issues; and personal computers experienced massive growth.

Delta Mu was one of five sororities on campus. The others were Delta Zeta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Pi Beta Phi. During this decade, UCONN was known well for being a party school. Sports during this period were gaining national recognition. In1985 Women’s Field Hockey won the National Championship. The basketball program was highly acclaimed. The Greek system began to flourish with increasing numbers seeking membership. In1986 the Reverend Jesse Jackson visited the campus and was quite controversial.

Throughout the 1970s, Delta Mu was challenged with the struggle of low numbers. In the 1980s, they tripled their membership. As a result, morale was at an all time high and they sought to continue to improve and perfect their image on campus. Chapter goals centered around increased philanthropic activities, emphasis on scholarship, better communications within the chapter, and better relations with their alumnae. They even began to form an Advisory Board with the hope for their guidance and support.

For the fourth straight year in 1989 the chapter made its quota and was awarded the highest achievement possible, the Most Outstanding Chapter award at UCONN.

Other recognition for the chapter during this decade centered around Homecoming, Greek Week, scholarship recognition, Founders Day, Parents Day cookout, and participating in the campus Safe Rides program. Other activities included fall semi formals, serenading, bowl-a-thons, Senior Banquets, Derby Days, Monmouth Duos, and Kite-and-Key parties. Members were recognized in honor societies, Golden Key, Husky Ambassadors, cheerleading, UC Tour Guides, Order of Omega and Rho Chis.


Throughout the 1980s, discussions took place between members of the University and those in charge of the Greek community regarding plans to form a new “Greek Village.” The plan was for each house to accommodate 35 members of its fraternity or sorority. Members of Delta Mu started shouting, “Goodbye Gilbert Pond! We’re moving.”


Delta Mu has been, throughout its history, extremely active on campus and in service to others. They actively served in the local soup kitchen, volunteered in the Newington Children’s Hospital, participated in the campus wide clean up, raised money for the hungry in the Storrs area and the USA for Africa Project. In 1987 they celebrated an all-time fund raising record at UCONN with its sale of M&Ms.

Convention Awards:

Highlights of the 1990s[edit]

The 1990s was often considered the true dawn of the Information Age. Info-age digital technologies became widely used by the general public. Highlights include: Gulf War with Iraq began in 1991; funeral procession of Diana, Princess of Wales, was mourned worldwide; World Trade Center and the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombings led to awareness of domestic and international terrorism as a real threat; Columbine High School massacre occurred; President William Clinton was a dominant political figure and scarred by the Lewinsky scandal; youth culture embraced environmental issues; record numbers of women were elected to high office in the U.S.

Throughout the decade, Delta Mu worked hard to increase the image of the sororities and fraternities at UCONN. Scholarship was a high priority and maintaining excellence was an integral part of being a sister. They did their best to guard against overprogramming. Changes were seen in growth and policies. They worked on issues such as eliminating the negative stereotype of Greeks, and dealt positively with the FIPG (Fraternal Information & Programming Group) investigation on campus. They were fortunate to have the continuous support of the administration to help maintain positive relations with the entire campus community.

Several times during the decade they were ranked number one in scholarship. In 1995, Delta Mu won the Challenge to Excellence Golden Key award from the Fraternity and they won the Most Improved Chapter on campus.

In 1994, Panhellenic changed to a deferred rush in the spring and informal rush in the fall. Chapters had previously held their rush events in the Student Union. Now they were allowed to have their preference round in their house where everyone felt more comfortable. By the end of the decade, formal rush was moved back to the fall.

In 1996, a Safety First risk management program was held at UCONN. BYOB polices were instituted, membership lists with birthdates were provided at all parties.

Homecoming recognition, Greek Week honors, Derby Day rewards, Parents Day BBQs, Sapphire Balls, Krush parties, PH Faculty Teas, Mother Daughter hunts, Monmouth Duos, Kites & Keys, Yale Bowls, serenades, workshops, semi formals, and retreats headlined the schedules each year. Individuals made the Dean’s List, Golden Key and other honoraries, Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Student Government and PH officers. Delta Mu members felt they were a well respected chapter on campus and maintained strong campus involvement.


Delta Mu started this decade with the housing project still on hold. In 1994, the House Board did some major renovation to the present location. There was new furniture added to the living room and bedrooms, the kitchen and bathrooms were updated, and a new refrigerator, dishwasher, and vacuum cleaners were added. New plans to move Greek housing to the Towers Complex was halted due to student opposition to the project. Pi Beta Phi and Kappa Sigma became Delta Mu’s neighbors.

In 1999, the Greek Village faced opposition from local residents and Kappa’s dream of a new house became a very slow process. All plans for the new Greek Village were finalized but each step along the way led to new problems, whether it is the budget or the Town of Storrs. The drawings to date show 18 houses that form an oval with trees and parking surrounding. Each house was designed to have plenty of recreational space to hold chapter and rush events, a kitchen, lounging areas, study areas, dining room, and two floors of bedrooms to house 40 girls.


Throughout the decade, Delta Mu continued its outstanding philanthropy service. They participated in the local soup kitchen, held their first Haunted House, and their Bowl-a-thon to raise money for the UCONN Disabled Center. In 1994 they joined in the campus wide Jail N Bail which raised a record $21,000for the American Cancer Society. They participated in Derby Days to raise money for the American Red Cross and supported Kappa’s Rose McGill Fund by working the concession stands at Gampel Pavilion

They continued the Safe Rides program; Participated in Kats-n-Bats, established Kamp Kappa and Kappa Karaoke. Toward the end of the decade they started Krusin with Kappa, a three mile walk-a-thon, and Kappa Kares events.

Convention Awards:

Highlights of the 2000 - 2010[edit]

Globalization continued to influence the world. A prime contributor was the growth of the Internet. Wireless Internet became prominent and email became the standard form of communicating. Highlights included: George W. Bush was elected President; 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centers led the U.S. War on Terrorism at home and abroad; US was once again involved in war with Iraq and limited engagement began in Afghanistan; Mexican Drug War saw armed conflict between rival drug cartels which would eventually dominate the wholesale illicit drug market in the U.S.; Virginia Tech Massacre became the deadliest shooting on a school campus. Climate change and global warming became household words, and population growth skyrocketed. In 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American elected the U.S. President.

UCONN, located in Storrs, Conn., has an undergraduate population of 20,000 students. Delta Mu is one of seven sororities in Panhellenic, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Beta Phi. Fourteen men’s fraternities comprise the IFC. Delta Mu has 108 active members and 29 live in the sorority house in Husky Village.

One Delta Mu president said about her chapter, “Delta Mu is a very strong chapter and the individual talents of each member combine to make us incredibly unified and successful. We pride ourselves in being extremely close, and our sense of loyalty to the chapter shows in everything we do as a chapter. We are very active in both Greek life and other types of community service. Since our campus is so large, we’re able to use that to our advantage and get as involved as possible. As a result, our chapter is highly respected and we pride ourselves on our accomplishments.”

During the decade, the chapter placed first in many of the Greek Week events, such as Greek Sing, Greek Goddess and Greek Games. Homecoming events saw many first place finishes, such as Greek Banner, Greek Lipsync, Greek Alma Mater, President’s Trophy, and first place overall. Greek Life Awards were also impressive, Sorority Chapter of the Year, Outstanding Sorority Academic Achievement, Outstanding Sorority Recruitment and Retention, Outstanding Risk Management and Reduction, Excellence in Ritual and Values, Outstanding Greek Scholars, and Outstanding Chapter President. Members continued to be invited to become members of honoraries. They were elected to Panhellenic offices, Student Government, Order of Omega, and Husky Wow leaders.


The State of Connecticut, as part of its investment in the University of Connecticut, granted $12 million to build new Greek housing. Construction began in the summer of 2002, and eight fraternities and five sororities moved into the new townhouse style units in the fall of 2003. This new Greek housing community, called “Husky Village,” allowed many fraternities to gain campus housing, as well as double the number of beds for the sororities. By the end of the decade, Kappas shared their townhouse unit with Kappa Sigma for the seventh consecutive year.


HuskyTHON is a Greek student fundraising initiative for the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. It is an 18 hour dance marathon. Delta Mu annually raised some of the most dollars with its dance teams. In 2008, HuskyTHON raised $56,000! The chapter continued to raise funds for RIF, participated in SAE’s Paddy Murphy Week, Sigma Chi Derby Days, Pi Beta Phi’s Arrowspoke, Delta Gamma’s Anchorslam, and Delta Mu held their Fourth annual “Kappa walks for the Cure,” a breast cancer awareness walk that netted $4,000. They also participated in a five mile walk/run in Hartford for breast cancer awareness. Later in the decade they held a “Price is Right” fundraiser to benefit RIF.

Convention Awards:

Highlights of 2011-2019[edit]

Highlights of 2011[edit]

During this year, the Chapter Council struggled with unity and leadership. In the face of a rough academic end to 2010, the chapter struggled with reactive programming and the advancement of scholarship. The New Member program was improved to involve a much more comprehensive scholarship program to ensure academic excellence by the New Members. The first semester of 2011 Chapter Council and the VPAE were able to increase the chapter’s overall GPA. The Chapter Council faced the challenge of communication but was able to finally communicate and express/work through our CC problems.

The chapter participated in the National Hazing Prevention Week, won Homecoming, was named Outstanding Sorority Chapter Management, Outstanding Recruitment and Retention, Outstanding Sorority Greek Alumna, and Outstanding Chapter President.

U Conn Basketball 1970s - 2012

Men’s Basketball Coach Jim Calhoun and Women’s Basketball Coach Geno Auriemma were both hired by UConn in the 1970s. Their records since then have been outstanding.

The men’s basketball team won NCAA National Championships in 1999, 2004 and 2011. The women’s basketball team won seven NCAA Championships and in 2009-2010 recorded a perfect record, 39-0. Basketball and U Conn go hand-in-hand.

In addition to all of the chapter’s traditional philanthropic activities, it held its annual Breast Cancer Walk which netted $6,568, an all time high for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research.

Highlights of 2012[edit]

The Delta Mu chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma started off the year promising. In February, Kappa participated in one of the top ten dance marathons in the country, HuskyTHON, to benefit Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Kappa was one of the top ten fundraising teams and raised $15,642!

We spoiled our miracle child, Abbie with lots of presents and attention! In March our Activities Chairman, Chloe Cipriani, helped Kappa and our teammates, Zeta Beta Tau, during Greek Week. On March 30th our previous philanthropy chair, Aly Foster organized Delta Mu's first "Kappa Kappa Gamma Doger-a-Rama", a kickball tournament that raised $810 for RIF. In April, Aly also organized Late Night Kappa Kupcakes which raised another $200 for RIF. At the Greek Life Awards, OFSL awarded our senior, Breanna Gabriel with "Outstanding Council Officer".

For the first time, Delta Mu was acknowledged at the June 2012 convention! We were awarded with 100% participation in the Kappa Foundation Challenge, Philanthropic Efforts and honorable mention for Chapter Advisor Board relations.

During the third week of August, 30 Kappas moved into our Greek Village abode that we share with Kappa Sigma for the 8th year. Sisters happily moved into the house early to help our past membership chairman, Nicolette Stanise with recruitment festivities. As Recruitment began in September 2012, Kappa received 0 infractions and on September 6th we gave bids to 45 exceptional young ladies. On the morning of October 27th Delta Mu initiated and welcomed 42 new sisters! On September 2nd Kappa held our annual event, "Kappa Walks for the Kure". Not only did we raise $4,000 for "Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test" but we also hosted a family BBQ. Our previous Registrar, Samantha Faragalli displayed Delta Mu's archives such as our recruitment scrapbooks, paddles, pictures and composite for families to admire. On October 7th Kappa, Sigma Chi and Zeta Psi joined together for homecoming and won 1st place banner , 2nd place lipsync and 1st place in overall Greek! This title was truly deserved and showed how well the women in our chapter can cooperate and succeed!

Our previous Vice President of Standards, Christine Parla organized a pumpkin decorating sisterhood event where we celebrated Founders Day with a ceremony and cake! On October 13th Kappa gathered at the Homecoming football game where we held an alumnae event to honor and thank Kappa's graduates. In 2012 Delta Mu increased by over 5 points in OFSL's accreditation program by receiving a 97.7% and being deemed a gold chapter. We are looking forward to the upcoming weeks where we will receive the results from the awards given by OFSL for 2012.

Delta Mu's average GPA for Fall and Spring 2012 semesters ranked higher than overall UCONN undergraduate, overall UCONN women, overall sorority and overall Greek Life! As November came to a close, it became time to begin the process of electing a new Chapter Council to lead and guide the Delta Mu Chapter. This is always a bittersweet time for the chapter because we are eager to welcome emerging leaders but we are saddened to see the old council dissemble. We began the process by electing our most trustworthy sisters to the nomination committee. The committee revealed the new slate in chapter where it was unanimously voted on and approved by the sisters of Delta Mu. The new chapter council was excited to receive such an outstanding honor and thankful that the transition process began in the Fall rather than the Spring. This ensured a smooth and efficient change.

The women in Delta Mu are resilient and united. Through campus involvement and daily actions, each of our members has made Kappa something to be overwhelmingly proud of. We are growing more and more each day, both as individuals and as a unit.

Our campus is home to 22,301 undergraduates. The University of Connecticut is growing in many ways and has just admitted their highest achieving freshman class. A new sorority, Gamma Phi Beta was just added to our campus in the fall of 2012 becoming the 8th sorority to enter UCONN. The 123 members of Delta Mu are a great asset to the Storrs campus. The overall nature of our chapter is close knit and lovable. Every sister shares a special relationship with one another. No matter what problem we may have to face, we conquer it together.

Highlights of 2013[edit]

The Delta Mu chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma started off the year positively. In February, Kappa participated in one of the top ten dance marathons in the country, HuskyThon, to benefit The Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. Kappa was one of the top ten fundraising teams and raised $18,276.75! We adored and spoiled our miracle children, Aedan and Aubree, with tons of attention.

In March our Activities Chairman, Colleen Barnhart guided Kappa and our teammates Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Lambda Upsilon during Greek Week. We won fourth and won Greek sing! On April 11th our Philanthropy Chair, Taylor Whiting, organized a Late Night Kappa Karnival, which raised $285 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. On April 14th,Taylor also organized Delta Mu’s 2nd “Kappa Kappa Gamma Doger-a-rama”, a dodgeball tournament that raised $755 for Reading is Fundamental. At the Greek Life Awards, OFSL awarded Courtney Anglin with “Outstanding New Member Program” and we also won “Outstanding Advisor”. Lastly, for 2013 Rho Province Delta Mu won a Fraternity Education Award!

During the 3rd week of August, 30 Kappa’s moved into our Greek Village house that we share with Kappa Sigma for the 9th year. Sisters were excited to move into the house early so that they could help our past membership chairman, Cheri Hamilton to prepare for recruitment. Fall recruitment began in September 2013 and Kappa was praised for 0 infractions. On September 4th we gave bids to 55 outstanding young ladies. On the morning of October 26th Delta Mu initiated and greeted 48 new sisters! On September 29th Kappa held our annual philanthropy event “Kappa Walks for the Kure”. We raised $5,295.70 and also hosted a family BBQ for our families who supported us. This was a great way to show our family members what we do as a chapter as well as give a tour of our beautiful house.

On October 10th Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Delta Phi joined together for homecoming and we won 2nd place for our banner, 2nd place for Lipsync and 3rd place overall Greek! This title was definitely deserved and how our chapter and teammates really worked together to show the school our Greek pride! Our previous Vice President of Standards, Samantha Faragalli organized an apple picking sisterhood event where we celebrated Founders Day with a ceremony. This was a perfect way to celebrate fall and our Founders Day while becoming even closer with our fellow sisters. On October 12th Kappa gathered at the homecoming football game where we held an alumnae event to honor and thank Kappa’s graduates. In 2013 Delta Mu scored 95% and gold chapter in OSL’s accreditation program. We are looking forward to receiving the results from the awards given by OFSL for 2013 in the next upcoming weeks. Delta Mu’s average GPA for fall and spring 2013 was a 3.222, which is above All-Sorority.

As the end of Delta Mu’s semester came closer in November, it became time to start the process of electing a new Chapter Council to lead and guide the Delta Mu Chapter. This is always a bittersweet time for our chapter because we are excited to welcome emerging leaders but we are also saddened to see the old council dissemble. We began the process by electing our most trustworthy and loyal sisters to the nomination committee. The committee revealed the new slate in chapter where it was unanimously voted on and approved by the sisters of Delta Mu. The new chapter council was thrilled to receive such an outstanding honor and thankful that the transition process began in the fall rather than the Spring. The winter break was a perfect time for the new council chairs to organize and begin to prepare for the next semester. This ensured a smooth and efficient transition.

The women of Delta Mu are resilient and united. Through campus involvement, Kappa pride and our everyday activities, each of our members has made Kappa something to be something to be extremely honored of. We are growing more and more each day, both as individuals and as a chapter.

Our campus continues to grow larger and larger and with 17, 528 undergraduates just at our Storrs Campus. With that Greek Life at UConn continues to grow as well. The 141 members of Delta Mu are a great asset to the Storrs Campus and the Greek community. Our chapter is very close and passionate. Overall, our chapter is very passionate and positive. Every sister shares a special relationship with one another. No matter what problem we may have to face, we conquer it together.

Highlights of the 2020s[edit]

(Information from chapter history reports, scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.)



Convention Awards:

Note to Chapter Registrar: Please refer to your chapter archives including chapter meeting minutes and back issues of The Key to fill in any gaps in the above historical highlights. If your chapter archives are not complete, please research your university library, campus newspaper and yearbook archives for newsworthy information about your chapter. Please double check your work for accuracy. Contact chapter Advisory or House Board members, local Alumnae Association members, or your Province Director of Chapters for assistance.

Your efforts will ensure a complete and accurate history of your chapter for future generations to enjoy!