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Gamma Mu

8,286 bytes added, 22:36, 22 February 2014
(Information from chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:
==Highlights of 2012==
The past year for the Gamma Mu chapter of Kappa Gamma has been a busy one as usual. It is nice that a majority of our girls are involved in Kappas but also in a lot of other organizations in the community. It helps bring a lot of diversity and knowledge into the house.In winter 2012, we welcomed a new chapter council and that had a lot of goals. Hilary Drake and Maddie Kaufman made up or President and vice president of standards. Some of the goals that our chapter excelled in was incorporating carpooling to chapter meetings for the new members, enforcing our 5 hour per term community service requirement and changing our communication throughout the house to a blackboard page.
Another big thing that happened in September was that a new University student success center opened on campus which serves OSU students with study rooms, tutoring as well as many other academic advantages. Oregon State also passed a bill in March of 2012 that is going to allow them to build a new residence hall that will open as early as 2014.
==Highlights of 2013==
The ladies of the Gamma Nu chapter were thoroughly engaged in Greek life and Registered Student Organizations on the University of Arkansas campus, as well as several community events in the 2013 year. Kappa Kappa Gamma kick started our year off winning the “Pure Charity” campus-wide competition in January. The chapter was awarded $500.00 to donate to any cause listed on the nonprofit’s webpage. Kappas also took part in a walk in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. in partnership with the Associated Student Government.
As February came along, members attended a mandatory ritual review in order to brush up on our fraternity history. We held a committee night, where members were placed into new committees for the calendar year. Our new members took part in their New Member Sleepover and had the opportunity to further their bond with one another through various games and activities. On the last day in February, members put on a surprise birthday party for our beloved house mother, Mom Shanks, in appreciation for all that she does for our chapter. March approached, and Kappa took home 3rd place in the annual “Greek Sing” competition put on by the University of Arkansas’ New Greek Council. On the 8th, we held our yearly “Reading is Key” event at Grace Hill Elementary School in Rogers, AR. Every child received 3 brand new books to take home. We held our second committee night of the semester and held a sisterhood function at Pratt Place Barn. At the end of the month Kappa’s own Julia Gardner, a freshman, represented our chapter in Kappa Delta’s Shamrock Talent Show and won 3rd place.
The Kappa Alpha Psi Stroll competition rounded out the month. Kappa’s routine impressed all, and we took home 3rd place. In April, Kappa participated in the Lambda Chi Alpha Pledge Queen contest. Our representative, Morgan Farmer, a freshman, won 1st Runner-Up. The next day Kappa held our Monmouth Formal with Pi Beta Phi. On the 18th of April, Mallori Sando, a sophomore, was crowned “Miss Razorback” at the inaugural Razorback Ball which was organized by Amy May West, a sophomore Kappa for the University of Arkansas’ Associated Student Government.
The Order of Omega Awards Ceremony was held the 22nd. Kelly Hudnall, a sophomore, won the award for “Most Outstanding Sophomore”, and Amy May West, a sophomore, won the award for “Model Initiate”, and Brittany Brunson, a freshman won the award for “Most Outstanding Member of New Greek Council”. Kappa Kappa Gamma also won the Gold Level Achievement Award for our chapter’s accomplishments in academics, involvement, risk management, leadership, and philanthropy. Kappa Klassic, our chapter’s signature philanthropy event, was held at Stonebridge Meadows Golf Club on April 27th. We had a record-breaking 140 participants, and raised over $24,000 for Reading is Fundamental. Seniors enjoyed one of their last events as active Kappas at the Senior Picnic on April 28th, and officially became Kappa alumna. On the last day of the month, the chapter held a fundraiser at Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt benefiting our philanthropy. As the semester winded down in May, Kappa held our semesterly “Kappa Acts of Kindness” event on campus. Members passed out scantrons and pencils to students on their way to take finals on campus.
August came quickly, and members were eager to get a look at our brand new chapter house that was finalized over the summer. Fall Recruitment at the University of Arkansas was held August 18th-24th. On Bid Day, August 25th, Gamma Nu welcomed 107 new members into the 2013 pledge class. Shortly after bid day, Kappa’s new members won the Freshman Pep Rally, starting the school year with a bang. In September, Chapter Council members hosted and served a House Warming dinner at our new chapter house for Greek life Chapter Presidents, the Greek Life Office Staff, and council executive members. Our 107 new Kappas headed to their first New Member Retreat on September 20th. With such a large pledge class, many of the new members got to become more familiar and begin to bond more with their pledge sisters. September 26th was Bingo Night at the Kappa House. Our sisterhood chairs put on a spectacular sisterhood event that drew in several members for some rousing rounds of Bingo, grandma attire not required. In the month of September, Gamma Nu also held the first Committee Night of the school year. Kappas participated in Lambda Chi Alpha’s Watermelon Bust on September 20th, raising over 34,000 canned foods for Northwest Arkansas food banks, and winning 1st place! Gamma Nu was busy in October, preparing for the Gamma Nu House Dedication ceremony put on by members of our Renovation Team and House Board. Hundreds of Gamma Nu Kappas from all walks of life came to celebrate and tour the new chapter house and dedicate it to the many who helped fund the tremendous project.
October also saw our “Key Sis” reveal. After weeks of guessing, each new member finally got to find out which older member would be their “Big Sis”. On October 7th, the chapter celebrated Founder’s Day and invited many alumni to join the celebration. The week of October 7th-12th was University of Arkansas Homecoming week. Gamma Nu was thrilled when Maggie Jo Pruitt, a senior, was the 4th Kappa in a row to be crowned Homecoming Queen. October ended with a Kappa win in the Sigma Phi Epsilon Kickball Tournament benefiting Autism Speaks. November came, and the Gamma Nu chapter held a Scholarship Banquet with many faculty members, professors, and campus officials in attendance. On November 9th, Gamma Nu held Initiation for the first time in our new house. Committee Night was held on November 11th, and Freshman were added to committees. “Kappa Con Queso”, Gamma Nu’s signature philanthropy dinner, was held on November 13th at the chapter house. Kappa had an outstanding turnout and raised $6,851.00 for Reading is Fundamental and our local philanthropy, Washington Elementary School. Kappa won 1st place in the National Pan-Hellenic Council “Unity Step Show” competition in mid November. December came and the University of Arkansas experienced what many students were calling “Snowmageddon 2013”, classes were cancelled for 5 days in a row. Kappas braved the cold and ended up winning 1st place in the University of Arkansas’ soccer intramurals. It was then time for Phi Gamma Delta’s “Carol of the Greeks” where Kappa’s lovely singers earned 1st place for their performance. On December 12th, Kappas relaxed a bit before finals and celebrated “Kappa Kissmas”, our yearly semi-formal, with our sisters and dates.
2013 was an incredible year for the Gamma Nu chapter at the University of Arkansas. We saw many changes and grew substantially. Our members are excited for the year ahead and cannot wait to see what it entails.
Describe the recent changes on your campus and describe the overall nature of your chapter.
The University of Arkansas’ campus as a whole has been undergoing several of changes this year with the construction of 6 new buildings. The campus saw a 6.7% increase in enrollment during the Spring of 2013, and a 3.2% increase in the Fall of 2013. The most exciting change at the University of Arkansas is undoubtedly the addition of a brand new Kappa Kappa Gamma house. The renovation of the Gamma Nu chapter house was completed in the summer of 2013. Unveiled to members in early August, the Gamma Nu chapter house now boasts 41,000 square feet, plenty of room for our 400+ members to enjoy each other’s company, study, and hold meetings.
With a chapter as large as Gamma Nu’s, it is impossible to have every member live in-house, however, the new house allows as many as 90 members to live in. The addition of our new house has allowed our chapter to flourish, we now have a chapter room large enough to host chapter meetings every Monday at our house. Members are able to bond better with one another with a general meeting area that has plenty of space for everyone to come over throughout the week. Exciting things have been happening for the Gamma Nu chapter. Our morale and spirits are very high as we look forward to the intriguing future ahead.
==Highlights of 2020s:==

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