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Beta Chi

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'''Additional Outstanding Beta Chi Alumnae:'''
 Mary E. Sweeny, 1910, Dean of the University of Kentucky's Department of Home Economics, former President of the National Home Economics Association, teaching nutrition and doing research work in Merrill Palmer School, Detroit, Michigan; . Aubyn Chinn (Mrs. James Watson), 1910, Educational Director, National Dairy Council, Head of the Department of Domestic Science at the University of Kentucky; . Mary McEachin Rodes, 1910, Grand Secretary of Kappa Kappa Gamma, President of the Alumnae Club of Kentucky State University. Helen Bullitt Lowry (Mrs. Glenn Allison), 1910, writer of newspaper and magazine articles and of short stories; .  Sarah Gibson Blanding, 1920, President Emeritus of Vassar College, Dean of Women and Professor of Political Science, University of Kentucky, President of Kentucky Association of Deans; .  Nancy Duke Lewis, 1929, Dean of Pembroke College and Director of the National Merit Scholarship Program;  Anne Rush, Kentucky State Amateur Champion, 1978; .  Ashley Judd, 1987, actress and political activist.

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