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Delta Gamma

188 bytes removed, 16:14, 17 December 2021
Highlights of 2021
==Highlights of 2021==
Summarize the previous calendar year, scholarships, group honors/awards, Convention awards, traditions, special events, philanthropic involvement, chapter goals. Starting in January 2021, the new council of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gamma Chapter took on their new roles. Our
chapter was put on probation in December, so it was a big transition in beginning our journey towards
creating a stronger chapter and getting off of probation. Our council had zoom meetings with
the council prepared for the slating of the new council where applications were filled out by chapter
members for each position. The New council was slated.
Chapter PhilanthropyWhat local organization does the chapter support and why? .Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, The Kiefer Foundation, Mental Health America. The chapter chose to support these organizations
because we support all three philanthropies throughout the year in different ways. Our chapter loves
supporting multiple philanthropies because we believe there is a lot that we can do and help create
events have been held in person which has made attendance numbers very high. We have followed

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