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Susan Burley Walker

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'''Family:''' Born July 27, 1854, in Cameron, Marshall county, Virginia (now West Virginia). Her family moved to Monmouth in 1862; home was on the corner of Broadway and North C Street. Parents were William Walker, M.D., and Elizabeth Burley.
'''Education:''' Attended Monmouth College 1870-71, most likely as a sub-freshman; only Founder to follow followed the scientific course of study instead of the classical course.
'''Kappa Record:''' Youngest Founder (age 15 when asked to join in March 1870); the first member added to the group of the original four organizers March 1870; listed as Alpha 5. Unable to sign the charter because her mother was giving a formal dinner party and she was needed at home to help. First Alpha initiation for Martha Louisa Stevenson, held in her home on April 1, 1870.
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