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Epsilon Delta

3,704 bytes added, 09:56, 28 April 2015
Highlights of 2013
There are diverse changes to our campus regarding greek life. There are four campuses, an average 3.47 University GPA, over 70,000 students, and over 58 greek letter organizations. Unfortunately the amount of negative media surrounding our school and greek life has increased in the past year. This poor PR has lead to several Fraternities becoming unaffiliated with Arizona State University. Positive changes have happened with Panhellenic adding a new risk management and philanthropy policies. This allows for having a safer environment for our chapter. Through the struggles we have faced with media, academics, and attendance, Epsilon Delta still “prides itself on diversity of our chapter” (1992 registrar). The nature of our chapter is caring, supportive, acceptable to change, and most importantly we know how to have fun with our sisters. This chapter loves spending time together and knows when it is important to reconnect and focus. The end of 2013 the chapter has re-gained our momentum to continue to be the woman that we are; true, beautiful, and good.
==Highlights of 2014==
2014 was another busy and productive year for the women of the Epsilon Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. In February, we started off the semester with our annual Valentine’s Day themed date party, Kappa Krush on the 15th. At the end of March, leading into the first week of April, we participated in Arizona State Panhellenic’s Greek Week, and were paired up with the fraternities of Phi Gamma Delta, and Sigma Alpha Mu. Greek Sing had the theme of the Hunger Games, and each team was assigned a District. We were so proud to come in 2nd overall in Greek Week, and to take 3rd place in Greek Sing!
The 26th of April is when Sapphire Ball fell, our classiest event of the year, at which girls can be found wearing both long prom type dresses, as well as short formal dresses as well. On April 27th, our chapter held our yearly tradition of Senior Will Night, where we got together at the restaurant Grimaldi’s, and the Seniors had speeches read by some of their dearest Kappa sisters, and then they “willed” down some of their Kappa items, ranging from tee shirts to painted canvases and letters. The last event of the school year was a sisterhood held at Macayo’s, a Mexican restaurant, where girls were able to come and eat lunch with their sisters, and everyone received a tank top.
School started back in session on August 21st, and August 28th marked the beginning of formal recruitment. After the long weekend of countless hours of recruiting and voting, finally on Tuesday, September 2nd, we had Bid Day, which was America themed. We welcomed 86 New Members into our chapter. After all of the festivities at Old Main, we took our new members to the Chandler Ice Den to enjoy ice-skating and to have a chance to meet more actives, as well as get to know some of their pledge class. On September 19th, we had a social with the gentlemen of Phi Gamma Delta, which was themed “Hall of Fame”.
On the 27th of September, we had our first ever Golden Key Gala, instead of our traditional theme of Kappa Presents, where Actives used to wear black and New Members wore white. In October, our New Members had their retreat the weekend of the 3rd, and then later in the month on the 15th we celebrated Big/Little reveal! The first week in November was I-week, and on November 8th we initiated 77 women into our chapter. The weekend after, on the 15th of November, we had our annual Barn Dance date party, which is Western themed. It was held at the Rockin R Ranch, which looks like an old Western town!
On the 6th of December, right before finals week, we had our final sisterhood event of the calendar year, and went to Zoolights at the Phoenix Zoo! Girls were able to walk around and see the decorations, and see the exhibits, and all who attended received a long sleeve shirt. After all of our memorable events, 2014 was definitely an amazing year for the Epsilon Delta chapter at Arizona State University.
As Greek Life has come more under fire in recent years, ASU continues to put in place precautions and rules to try to protect the Panhellenic community from potentially damaging it's reputation. Our chapter is full of a bunch of fun loving girls who are genuine and kind. This year we have been focusing more on building up our sisterhood and the relationships between the women in our chapter.
ASU has Adelphi Commons, which are a bunch of dorm clusters for each sorority on our campus. There is enough room for 30 girls to live in each year. In the past, we were located in a smaller cluster at Adelphi, but have since relocated to the cluster which we have resided in for multiple years now. Chapter meetings are held in a classroom on campus.
==Highlights of 2020s:==

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