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17,452 bytes added, 16:32, 13 December 2021
|Image= [[File:Delta.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1872|10|12}}
|College= [http Indiana University]
|Location= Bloomington, IN
|Province= Delta South
|Homepage= [http org Delta Chapter Website]|Media= [http Media related to Delta Chapter]
'''3,432 654 initiates (as of June 20142018)'''
'''Some of Delta Chapter’s Outstanding AlumnaeFraternity Officers:'''Anna Lucile Moosmiller, Grand Registrar, 1892-1894; Virginia Rodefer (Mrs. Charles A. Harris), Vice President of Delta Province 1917-1919 and 1923-1925, National Vice-President 1924-1928; Lila Brunett Louden, Vice President of Delta Province 1919-1921, President of Delta Province 1921-1923; Edith Hendren Maddock, President of Delta Province 1923-1927; M. Marie Mount, Vice President of Beta Province 1925-1927; Irene Neal Railsback, Vice President of Alpha Province 1927-1929, President of Alpha Province 1929-1933; Ella Brewer Clark, Vice President of Delta Province 1935-1939; Marilyn McDonald Erickson, Gamma Province Director of Alumnae 1955-1957; Helen Hanson Barrett, Delta Province Director of Chapters 1957-1959; Marie Kingdon VandeBunte, Graduate Counselor 1960-1961; Sarah Matthews Kelso, Delta Province Director of Chapters 1965-1969; Barbara Terry Henderson, Gamma Province Director of Alumnae 1967-1971; Jane Tourner Curry, Theta Province Director of Alumnae 1967-1969, Theta Province Director of Chapters 1969-1973; Nancy Currier Bartel, Delta Province Director of Alumnae 1971-1973; Patricia Haddock Biber, Traveling Counselor 1973-1974; Paula Barclay, Field Secretary 1977-1978; Alice Wallace White, Delta Province Director of Alumnae 1981-1983; Jennifer Young, Field Secretary 1982-1983; Gayle Shaw, Graduate Counselor 1983-1984; Marilyn Bosse Whiteside, Theta Province Director of Chapters 1983-1987; Marty Hay Streibig, Lambda Province Director of Alumnae 1983-1985; Valerie Nelson Renner, Omicron Province Director of Chapters 1989-1990, Regional Director of Chapters 1990-1994, Rose McGill Chairman 1994-1997, Foundation Board of Trustees 1997-2008.
'''Fraternity Officers:'''
Anna Lucile Moosmiller, Grand Registrar, 1892-1894; Virginia Rodefer (Mrs. Charles A. Harris), Vice President of Delta Province 1917-1919 and 1923-1925, National Vice-President 1924-1928; Lila Brunett Louden, Vice President of Delta Province 1919-1921, President of Delta Province 1921-1923; Edith Hendren Maddock, President of Delta Province 1923-1927; M. Marie Mount, Vice President of Beta Province 1925-1927; Irene Neal Railsback, Vice President of Alpha Province 1927-1929, President of Alpha Province 1929-1933; Ella Brewer Clark, Vice President of Delta Province 1935-1939; Marilyn McDonald Erickson, Gamma Province Director of Alumnae 1955-1957; Helen Hanson Barrett, Delta Province Director of Chapters 1957-1959; Marie Kingdon VandeBunte, Graduate Counselor 1960-1961; Sarah Matthews Kelso, Delta Province Director of Chapters 1965-1969; Barbara Terry Henderson, Gamma Province Director of Alumnae 1967-1971; Jane Tourner Curry, Theta Province Director of Alumnae 1967-1969, Theta Province Director of Chapters 1969-1973; Nancy Currier Bartel, Delta Province Director of Alumnae 1971-1973; Patricia Haddock Biber, Traveling Counselor 1973-1974; Paula Barclay, Field Secretary 1977-1978; Alice Wallace White, Delta Province Director of Alumnae 1981-1983; Jennifer Young, Field Secretary 1982-1983; Gayle Shaw, Graduate Counselor 1983-1984; Marilyn Bosse Whiteside, Theta Province Director of Chapters 1983-1987; Marty Hay Streibig, Lambda Province Director of Alumnae 1983-1985.
'''Fraternity Alumnae Achievement Award Recipients:'''
Dr. Doris M. Seward, 1966, Dean of Women at the University of Kentucky, executive assistant to the president of Pennsylvania State University; Madelyn Pugh HendricksMartin, 1960, television and screen writer, recipient of Indiana University’s Distinguished Alumni Award; Mary Elizabeth Hendricks, 1970, manager of public relations services for Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis; Margaret Hillis, 1978, pianist, founder and director of the Chicago Symphony Chorus; Jane Pauley, 1978, television journalist; Lucretia Leonard Romey, 1996; Jamia Jasper Jacobsen, 1990.
'''Additional Outstanding Delta Alumnae:'''
Nellie Showers-Teter, 1888, first woman to be a member of the Board of Trustees of Indiana University, recipient of Indiana University’s Distinguished Alumni Award; Mary Grey Brewer, 1895, reformer, politicia, director of the Anti-Saloon League of New York; Cornelia Vos Christenson, 1921, author; Florence Woods Deems, 1935, Miss Indiana 1933; Catherine Lanham Miller, 1936, author; Margaret Hillis, 1941, conductor and head of the choral department of Northwestern University, honorary graduate of Indiana University; Judy Roberts Morris, member of the United States Olympic Swim Team in 1952; Susan Brannan, 1960, selected as the chairman of the National Student Alumni Council Convention in 1981; Lesley Bush (Hickcox), 1966, member of the United States Olympic Swim Team in 1964 and 1968; Cathy Reiman, first female president of the Student Athletic Board; Lindley Peterson, Big Ten record-holder in the 50 and 100-yard backstroke and 400 medley relay, qualified for the AIAW Nationals for four years; Barbara Stock, 1975, co-host on the television “Midmorning’ program.
In 1933, the chapter received a gavel made from wood from its first owned house; and in December of 1934, oil portraits of charter members Lena Adams Beck and Anna Buskirk Hill were gifts of the House Board.
==Highlights of the 1940s:==
==Highlights of 1950s:==
Delta added 38 new members in the beginning of 1989, bringing the chapter membership to over 100 women. Chapter activities in 1989 included participating in I.U. Sing, the mini 500 tricycle race, the women’s 500 bike race and intramurals. Delta also held two formal scholarship dinners. The 1989 chapter goal was “Appreciation + Involvement = Kappa Sisterhood”. Involvement was evident as chapter members belonged to many campus organizations, such as the Student Athletic Board, Panhellenic, Singing Hoosiers, IU Ballet Theatre, ROTC and the Student Alumni Council.
'''Chapter Convention Awards==Highlights of the 1990s:'''==
==Highlights of the 1990s:==
University-wide reform of Indiana University’s greek system took place during the 1990s. The Dean of Students, Michael Gordon, presented a draft of 19 minimum standards for each greek chapter. The new standards dealt with academics, rush, greek government, racial and cultural diversity, national house policies, local chapter management, and health and safety issues. The new standards were implemented January 1, 1990. The greek community, including Delta chapter, supported the dean’s motion for change.
Delta Chapter was proud to win the Greek Award of Excellence on the IU campus in 2009. In 2009 and 2010 they also continued their participation in the Little 500 bike race and IU Dance Marathon. By the end of this decade, the number of sororities on the IU campus was down to 19 (from 25 at the end of the 1990s). In 2009, the chapter had 156 members, and was ranked second on campus academically in 2010.
2006: Signature Event Honorable Mention, Finance Honorable Mention, Chapter/Advisory Board Relations Honorable Mention
==Highlights of 2011-2020==
From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:
==Highlights of 2011==
2011 was an exciting year for Kappa Kappa Gamma. Under the guidance of a great president, Lauren Wolkhamer, Delta chapter at Indiana University enjoyed a full year of accomplishments and fun. In January we welcomed 33 great girls into our pledge class. One of our most exciting events of this last year was by far the Little 500 race. The team consisted of two seniors, a junior, and one sophomore. The team placed 7th among 32 teams. Delta chapter exceeded academically with eleven 4.0s on our Spring 2011 grade report.
The Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Indiana University is a well-known name around campus. We are known for our diverse group of intelligent, unique, and fun young women. The majority of our members are involved with many organizations outside of the chapter. Many members are involved with the Indiana University Dance Marathon. We have multiple members who are committee directors and who are members of different committees. Also, multiple members are a part of the Indiana University Student Foundation, Women In Business, multiple honor societies, and much more. One major change we have made this past year is to get all of the members of our chapter more involved in other sorority and fraternity philanthropy events.
==Highlights of 2014==
2014 proved to be a very exciting year for the Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. In January, we welcomed 44 new members. The second week of the new members being in the house, we had a cabin retreat in Brown County, Indiana. Here, the new members bonded as a pledge class and also with the house as a whole.
In February, one of our new members participated in Miss Greek IU. Miss Greek IU is Delta Chi’s philanthropy on campus that raises money for the V Foundation. Most of our chapter showed up to cheer Abby on and she made us very proud! Also, in February we had our mom’s weekend! Our mom’s came for the entire weekend in which we had dinner, an auction, a night out on the town, painting class, cooking class, and many more fun activities!
We initiated 41 new members in early March. This was an incredible and amazing experience for everyone involved. Also, towards the end of March were the annual qualifications for Little 500 and we had 4 girls participate, and we qualified for Little 500!
The Little 500 race was in late April and we had an amazing time cheering on our dedicated bike team.
In May of 2014, we said goodbye to our seniors who graduated. We are so proud of them and everything they’ve accomplished!
Our summer months were spent constantly missing each and every one of our sisters. There wasn’t a day that went by without us sending each other a text or leaving a voicemail about how excited we were all to head back to Bloomington. At the end of August we were all reunited once again and our new pledge class moved into the house for their first time.
==Highlights of 2015==
In January 2015 the Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma welcomed 50 new members. The following week, we had various sisterhood events at the house such as painting paddles, cookie decorating, and formal dinners. These events helped the new members bond as a pledge class and become more incorporated with the existing members.
The first week of February was a very important event for the new members, the new member retreat. It was held at the house of one of the new members in Bloomington, Hannah Walker. The new members bonded as a pledge class and this proved to be an important weekend for them. The following week, each new member had a new member conference with the president or VP of standards. Each new member got to express her concerns and share what the Delta chapter has done to make each of us feel important. The following weekend, we had our annual Kappa Kapture formal. It was an exciting time for the new members, as it was their first formal. The weekend of the 20th was our Mom’s Weekend! Our mom’s came for the whole weekend and we had dinner, an auction, and many other fun activities for the moms and daughters.
In early March, we initiated our 50 new members. It was an incredible and memorable experience for all of those involved. We had a brunch the following Sunday. Towards the end of March, we participated in the annual qualifications for the Little 500 race! We had 4 girls participate, and qualified for the race!
In late April, the Little 500 race took place and we all had an amazing time cheering on our bike team and dedicated sisters.
In early May, we had a senior barbecue and said farewell to our wonderful seniors who graduated. We are very proud of all they have accomplished and look forward to seeing what they accomplish in the future!
Our summer months were spent missing each other and traveling to visit each other. We were constantly texting or calling each other and catching up on our experiences. At the end of August our sisters moved back in to the house and welcomed the new pledge class into the house for their first time. The weekend after move in, we held our Fall Retreat and introduced the girls who had been abroad the previous semester. Our advisors went over their duties and our duties within the Delta Chapter.
Beginning in September, classes were in full swing and our members were busy with classes. At the end of September, we held our annual Scholarship Dinner and some of our sisters received scholarships in recognition for their hard work and accomplishments. We also held our annual Kappasta event in which we raised over $10,000 for Reading is Fundamental, the American Cancer Society, and the I'm For Ash fund.
In October, we had our annual barn dance date party! The girls had an amazing time and are already looking forward to the next one. The following weekend, we held our annual Alumni Brunch, and many Alumnae came and our members had a wonderful time hearing stories of their experiences. Over Halloween weekend, every one of our new members and dedicated older members participated in the annual Indiana University Dance Marathon. This is a 36 hour dance marathon with no sitting or sleeping that helps raise money for the Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. As a chapter, we raised over $30,000 and the grand total of the marathon $3,880,025.22 all for the kids at Riley! Kappa has always been extremely involved in IUDM and many of our girls have joined committees. The Delta Chapter received an award, The Miracle Maker Award, in recognition of the dancer group who has shown the most outstanding passion and dedication to the kids at Riley Hospital and IUDM in all of their efforts this year. This was the first year the award was granted and the Delta Chapter is extremely proud and thankful for this award.
The first weekend in November was our Annual Dad’s weekend. We took our dads to a tailgate and football game. We had a brunch on Sunday and we all had an amazing time and appreciated the time we had to bond with our dads and the time we had to spend with them!
The first weekend in December we had our annual Winter Formal. It went very well, and all of the girls had an amazing time. After that began the preparation for finals and Winter Break.
==Highlights of 2016==
In January of 2016, we welcome 57 new members to Delta Kappa! It was so rewarding seeing all of their happy faces on Bid Night. The hard work we put into recruitment paid off and we couldn't be happier to welcome them home! In February, we had our annual Mom's Weekend and it was so much fun for everyone! We loved having the moms in town, and they loved being able to relive their college years! We had canvas painting and yoga and a banquet with a silent auction to raise money for our bike team! In March, our Bike Team traveled to California to practice with their bike coach and travel around California. They worked extremely hard and it paid off!
April brought Little 500, where our bike team competed and we came in 14th out of over 30 teams! The GAAP awards were also held this April and the Delta Chapter won the Intellectual Development Excellence Award. May brought about finals and graduation, and we said goodbye to our beloved seniors. We miss them so much and hope they are living it up in the real world! We also said hello to summer this month! In August of 2016, all 106 of us moved back into the house! We visited the Seniors living out and started to get back into the swing of school! In September, we held our annual philanthropy event, Kappasta, and raised over $13,000 for our philanthropies, Reading Is Fundamental, American Cancer Society, and the I’m For Ash Campaign in honor of Ashley Crouse, a Delta Kappa who passed away in 2005.
October brought Halloween, and we participated in a Greek event called Safe Halloween, where we passed out candy to the local Bloomington families. It was so much fun seeing all of the kids in their costumes! October also brought our Scholarship Dinner, where many of our members were awarded with scholarships for their academic excellence! In November, Indiana University Dance Marathon was held, and every single one of our New Members participated, along with many others who are on committees. November also brought our annual Dad's Weekend and it couldn’t have been more fun! Perfect weather, a football game, and some grilling out was all we needed to make the weekend perfect! December began and so did our recruitment workshops! We wanted to be fully prepared for recruitment the following month. The semester ended on a great note, and we were all happy for the break.
There are many changes happening on campus! Multiple new buildings are being created, and many are being converted into dorms! We welcome the change and look forward to seeing them completed! The overall nature of the Delta Chapter is great after recruitment. We always realize how much closer recruitment brings us every year. We create such stronger bonds with each other and they really carry out throughout the entire semester. PC '16 especially enjoyed getting to know PC '14 better and they created friendships that will last a lifetime.
The Delta Chapter donates to three main philanthropies, Reading Is Fundamental, I’m For Ash Campaign, and The American Cancer Society. We also volunteer at the local elementary school, Rogers Elementary School, helping kids learn to read and write. We chose to support Rogers Elementary School because it is so rewarding to see our work play out over a semester. Looking back at where the kids started and how much they have improved is unlike anything else.
==Highlights of 2017==
This year, we welcomed a new pledge class of 62 members. Our chapter provides support, friendships, opportunities for involvement, and learning experiences for all of its members. To encourage this type of environment, we weekly recognize a few people as True Blues if they excel in upholding these Delta chapter standards. One of our goals and challenges this year was to increase our average GPA. Kappa provided support for its members by encouraging a positive outlook on academics through means such as little rewards for academic achievements. At the Scholarship Banquet, people were recognized for outstanding GPAs and on a more regular basis, people could be recognized for their academic work by being highlighted as a Kappa Kappa Genius. Another one of our goals was to raise more money than the previous year for our philanthropy, Kappasta. With dedication and determination, we achieved this goal as a chapter. Another aspiration of ours was to raise money for Indiana University Dance Marathon (IUDM). We accomplished this by being one of the top fundraising Greek organizations on campus.
We participated in Safe Halloween again this year, an event in which we participated with other chapters in the Greek community to pass candy out to children. In September, we held our annual philanthropy, Kappasta, where we raised money for the Indiana University Dance Marathon, American Cancer Society, Reading is Fundamental (our national philanthropy), and new this year, Christopher Reeves Foundation. Out of all the suggestions from members who connected with particular organizations, our chapter voted to add this foundation. This year, again, we had many members participate in Indiana Dance Marathon, raising money to support the Riley's Children Hospital. We also continued our Reading for Rogers program in which Kappa members volunteered for time slots to read to children who attend the local Rogers Elementary School. This is a way to incorporate Reading is Fundamental on a more personal level in our community.
Our Chapter chose to donate the money raised from our philanthropy to four causes. Reading is Fundamental, Kappa's national philanthropy and something we all hold very important in our chapter. IUDM, a sacred tradition locally and on our campus. American Cancer Society, which we have donated to for the past few years and is something very important to many of our members. New this year, the Christopher Reeves Foundation was suggested to us by one of our new members as they helped her dad in recovery from a spinal cord injury, preventing his paralysis. We had our chapter vote on which new organization we would donate to this year, so that members felt connected and included in what the money they worked hard to raise supported.
==Highlights of 2018==
In January, we welcomed 53 new amazing members. Over the past year, we've had many extraordinary events at our chapter. In February, we had our annual Mom's Weekend. It was so much fun for everyone, especially our new members who got to experience this for the first time. In September, we had Kappasta which had a great turnout and made the chapter get closer. We raised numerous amounts of donations for IUDM, Reading is Fundamental (our national philanthophy), Camp Kessem, and The Lupus Foundation. We chose Camp Kessem and The Lupus Foundation since two of our new members were directly impacted by these foundations in the past.
In October, we participated in Safe Halloween again, which consists of chapters in the Greek Community passing candy out to children. In November, we participated in IUDM and were nominated top fundraising sorority at IU. This was an incredible honor as we all worked so hard to get as many donations as possible. We also continued our Reading for Rogers program which new members were especially excited about as most of them signed up right away. Along with Reading for Rogers, we continued to encourage the growth of our average GPA, and we recognized outstanding GPA's at our Scholarship Banquet and at Formal Dinners.
==Highlights of 2020==
Chapter Summary
Summarize the previous calendar year, scholarships, group honors/awards, Convention awards, traditions, special events, philanthropic involvement, chapter goals, and how your chapter operations changed because of COVID-19 (e.g., how did it affect recruitment, initiation, etc. Were events/activities held virtually?). Fortunately our initiation occurred the weekend before we went on spring break and shortly after got sent home for the semester, so it was done as usual. During the Academic Year Kappa Kappa Gamma - Delta Chapter improved its GPA as well as rank among all Panhellenic Sororities at Indiana University. Additionally, one of our sisters was awarded with a Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation scholarship for her leadership and involvement within Kappa Kappa Gamma. Additionally, we awarded the Frances Murphy Award to one of our outstanding Junior who is very active in society and our chapter. The Dobbins scholarship was awarded to a dedicated senior who showed contribution to our chapter and GPA Excellence. The Jerilyn Jones Kennedy award to a new member who was active in their major and our chapter! Due to the pandemic, recruitment is completely different than it ever has been before. Normally, the four rounds are in person with a total of around 1700 girls signed up. This year it has been moved completely online with only about 950 girls signed up. “Bumping” is now jumping in and out of zoom breakout rooms instead of tapping a sister on the shoulder. Bid day is also online. Though this year is completely different, the excitement of welcoming a new pledge class is still the same.
Chapter Philanthropy
What organization does the chapter support? Reading is Fundamental
Why did the chapter choose this organization? We are dedicated to raising money to help children who are struggling with their curriculum and we are so grateful to be able to do this!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
How did your chapter include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in your programming this year? (e.g., adding a DEI officer, philanthropy events, social media awareness campaign, chapter training, etc.). This year was not an easy one to say the least, but our goal as a chapter was to promote encouragement, positivity, and guidance for every single one of our members. In regards to the Covid pandemic we were put in a position that we all had to be sent home from school. However, through our social media accounts we made sure to post about the bright sides the pandemic proposed to our lives and to find the little things that makes life that much more special. Also, we acknowledged a previous member of ours who started a business in relation to the black matters movement. We firmly posted about the importance of including all individuals and specific programs that were available to get involved in and make a difference. This method was very successful and I believe was an impactful stance to our sorority and others. Overall, this year we took initiative to mark all aspects of diversity, inclusion, environmental complications, and others that our sorority valued as members of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Sesquicentennial Celebration
How did your chapter celebrate Kappa's 150th anniversary? Share what you have done this year. For Kappas 150th anniversary this year we decided to have a presentation on the history of our sisterhood. This included what it meant to be a kappa, public figures that are a kappa sister, and how it all started back at Monmouth College. In our COVID world, we did this all over zoom with my screen shared. We also played a Kahoot at the end so that it was more interactive like it would have been in person
Are there any interesting photos from this year to share? e.g., screen shots of virtual meetings, pictures of chapter events that followed all public health guidelines (mask wearing, physical distancing, etc), pictures of masks, drive-thru bid days, etc.
[[File:Delta 1.png|thumb|zoom meeting Delta chapter 2020]]
[[File:Delta 2.jpeg|thumb|Delta 2020 face masks]]

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