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Zeta Phi

13,628 bytes added, 15:52, 21 December 2021
|Image= [[File:Zeta_Phi.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1992|04|11}}
|College= [http Princeton University]
|Location= Princeton, NJ
|Homepage= [http Zeta Phi Chapter]|Media= [http Media related to Zeta Phi Chapter]}}
'''709 880 initiates (as of June 20142018)'''
Increased philanthropic involvement, successful leadership, and a variety of meaningful sisterly social activities are just several indicators of growth that Zeta Phi has seen throughout 2013. Overall, the future of Zeta Phi looks very promising, and the Chapter Council is very optimistic about the direction in which Zeta Phi is heading.
==Highlights of 2014==
Zeta Phi members collected a large number of achievements both on- and off-campus during 2014. Stephanie Rigizadeh was awared the Sue Fream Scholarship, an award that covers one member's dues for an entire year. Other members were involved in a variety of other activities: Katherine Pogrebniak '14 was selected as valedictorian of the Princeton University Class of 2014; Joan Cannon '15 won an Ivy League Championship as a member of the Princeton Women's Tennis Team and was elected president of the Princeton University Geosciences Society; Miranda Rehaut '16 helped to campaign for Wendy Davis in Texas; Sofia Suarez '16 was project leader on two trips to Kenya to implement a rain water cachement system at a primary school in Muchebe village; Arianna Lanz '17 was awarded the Bell-Burnell prize in Physics; Samantha Lee '15 was elected president of the Princeton Student Chapter of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers; Divya Krishnan '16 was elected president of the campus dance group Naacho; Sophia Robertson-Lavalle '16 was named an American Chemical Society Scholar.
Our chapter goal of continuing philanthropic involvement also continued. Staying true to Kappa Kappa Gamma's emphasis on literacy, one philanthropic project was aiding in a Read Record Replay project. Read Record Replay is a group whose focus is on teaching English overseas. Members also participated in a panhellenic Powder Puff game, the proceeds of which were given to charity. In addition, a charity night was held at a local Lilly Pulitzer retailer, where a portion of all purchases was donated to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. The chapter also beta tested a polling app, which raised money for philanthropic causes.
Recently the panhellenic community has become much more unified, as evidenced by the increase in panhellenic events. A panhellenic Powder Puff football game was held among all the sororities, the proceeds of which were donated to charity. Another panehellenic unity event was held at a local ice cream shop, where a portion of purchases made by Greek community members was donated to charity. There has also been promising discussion of adding another chapter to the Greek community, as the high interest in recruitment has indicated there might be enough women to sustain another Greek organization.
Zeta Phi continued to hold their meetings in rooms rented from the University, as they have in past years. The Zeta Phi chapter has never owned a house, lodge, apartment or suite. An off-campus storage unit is rented and maintained by the House Chair. Members may live together in University housing if they so choose.
==Highlights of 2015==
Zeta Phi members, as usual, have collected many awards, scholarships, and other achievements
this year. Vivian Mo '18 won 3rd place Hardware, Facebook's Favorite Hack at HackPrinceton this
fall. Regina Zeng'18 was awarded "Outstanding work by a Freshman in Theater" by the Princeton
University Department of Theater, Lewis Center for the Arts. Nicole Neville '18 was awarded the
Cape Cod Association Scholarship. Kate Maffey '16 was awarded the John Page Award for
leadership excellence in ROTC, Iron Mike Award for best physical fitness score in the battalion,
82nd Airborne Division Scholarship, ASIS Chapter Scholarship, and an FSPA Scholarship. Summer
Ramsay-Burrough '17 was awarded the Leach Summer Scholars Fellowship to fund her summer
chemistry research on nickel catalysts. Samone Blair '18 received the Judith Laffan Memorial Prize
from the NES department for exemplary work in elementary Arabic. Sophia Robertson-Lavelle '16
was named an American Chemical Society Scholar. Allyson Brown '18 was awarded a scholarship
by the Santa Barbara Scholarship Foundation and while working as a camp counselor this summer,
was also awarded the Rookie of the Year for teaching new subjects and dealing with tough
situations. Caroline Tucker '17 served as President of the Princeton Glee Club and Opera
Company. Valerie Wilson '18 received a $4600 grant to intern at an arts organization in Kampala,
Uganda over the summer; she also presented her writing seminar research at the Quin Morton '36
Freshman Research Conference. Kat Giordano '18 was elected the tour chair and events chair of the
Princeton University Wildcats. Clare Jeong '18 won Junior National Championships and competed
in Poland in the Junior World Championships for speed skating. Safeeyah Quereshi '16 was named
Arthur Liman Public Interest Undergraduate Summer Fellow , which funded her internship at the
Midwestern Office of the US Commission on Civil Rights; she is also a Center for the Study of
Religion Fellow and was awarded the Henrietta S. Treen Scholarship.
One of our goals was more active philanthropy work within the chapter. We participated in a
philanthropy event at Fruity Yogurt, a local bubble tea and froyo shop, where a percentage of all of
our orders went to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. We also packed bags of cookies for
TASK, a local food kitchen, for Thanksgiving.
This year, we have faced some financial issues and some problems with member retention. We've
worked hard to ameliorate these problems, and our 2015 recruitment season was very successful
and has renewed the energy in our chapter.
Campus climate has been slightly tenser than usual with protests and discussions centered around
race and diversity, attracting nationwide media coverage. However, the chapter has been a refuge
of comfort, acceptance, and friends. Members have commented on the supportive, positive, and
welcoming environment they find in Kappa. For many, Kappa is a source of light in our campus
community. Our successful recruitment season has reinvigorated our members and brought us
closer together as a chapter. Princeton's rigorous schedule can be stressful but many sisters have
noted that Kappa is a destressing and refreshing aspect of their campus life.
Chapter Philanthropy:
What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in
your community?
Our chapter raises money for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and Reading is Fundamental, our national organizations. Within the community, our philanthropic commitments change as various organizations express their needs. This past year we have donated hours to TASK (Trenton Area Soup Kitchen).
Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?
We chose to support TASK because they needed food and snacks for Thanksgiving. We thought this was the perfect opportunity to give back to our community, give thanks, and show our appreciation for our wonderful community.
==Highlights of 2016==
At convention, Zeta Phi Chapter received an honorable mention for Academic Excellence. In the
spring, the chapter took proactive steps regarding interpersonal and gender based violence by
participating in Princeton University's Public Safety self-defense class and bringing in speakers
from Womanspace. Zeta Phi faced low recruitment numbers, but worked to overcome this
challenge by placing a revitalized emphasis on sisterhood events, boosting morale and improving
member retention.
On December 11, 2016 Zeta Phi held a philanthropy event to stuff bears to
donate to Toys for Tots for the holidays. In the future our goals are to increase membership, to
continue to promote sisterhood by making our chapter a strong emotional and academic support
network and by getting to know our sisters better through more casual sisterhood events.
Describe the recent changes on your campus and describe the overall nature of your chapter.
As a result of increasingly open campus dialogues, the University has made several important
changes this fall.
On campus, some of the eating clubs have begun to have student read consent
pledges upon admittance to parties as part of an effort to address the problem of sexual assault
on college campuses. The University has moved to adopt gender inclusive housing options
beginning next spring. The University has also bent to popular demand and announced that final
exams will be held before winter break rather than in January in the near future.
In the words of our members, Zeta Phi chapter is warm, welcoming, open, smart, caring, laidback, diverse, inclusive, and generally a fabulous group of young women.
==Highlights of 2017==
One of our chapter goals for this year was to establish a strong pledge class of 2017 as part of our
continuous goal of building a stronger tradition of sisterhood and creating a more involved
chapte. To accomplish this, we dedicated a lot of energy and organization to Recruitment,
Continuous Open Bidding, and the New Member process. We made all new members feel
welcome by hosting study sessions and other activities where they could get to know each other
and the old members. We also elected Pledge Class Captains to continue the bonding within a
pledge class. All of the 2017 new members are active chapter members as of the writing of this
Describe the recent changes on your campus and describe the overall nature of your chapter.
Campus is talking a lot about sexual misconduct, especially in light of national allegations
against high-profile figures like Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, and more. At Princeton, several
graduate students have spoken out about harassment in their departments. According to the
third annual "We Speak" survey, which was distributed to all students in the spring of 2017 to
learn more about their knowledge and experiences of sexual misconduct at Princeton and their
awareness of the University’s policies, procedures, and resources, 1 in 5 undergraduate students
experienced sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence or
stalking during the 2016-2017 academic year.
In other news, University President Chris Eisgruber announced that a seventh residential college
would be built in the next 10 years as part of his initiative to expand Princeton's opportunities to
more students, especially students from underrepresented backgrounds. A bigger student body
would most likely increase the amount of women going through recruitment and diversify our
Zeta Phi has seen a surge in sisterhood in the past year. With our 42 new members, we surpassed
our expectations and welcomed an amazing and enthusiastic group of new sisters. Our members
characterize our chapter as chill, supportive, artsy, funny, kind, involved, accommodating,
respectful and considerate.
Our members believe that our chapter cares a lot about supporting each other in achieving our
goals, focusing on developing our academic, professional, and extracurricular interests. They
appreciate how their Kappa sisters are always willing to take time to support each another at
performances and competitions of all kinds. Members also believe that our chapter really values
philanthropy, from Kappa-related events/fundraisers to volunteering on our own time. Samone
Blair '18, Sonia Hashim '18, and Kristy Yeung '18 are Community Service Representatives for
their eating clubs on campus.
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Our members see the purpose of our chapter as fostering a safe and welcoming space for women
of all backgrounds on campus, and standing for positivity and inclusivity under the banner of
sorority tradition. They view our chapter as an unconditional support system that encourages and
supports sisters in their diverse pursuits on and off campus, and alleviates some of the hardships
that can arise at a demanding environment like Princeton's.
Zeta Phi sisters have achieved considerable recognition for their skills and accomplishments. Kat
Giordano '18 is the President of the Princeton University Wildcats, Samone Blair '18 is the Music
Director and Claire Jones '18 is the Performance Chair. Meredith Hooper '20 is the Secretary of
Glee Club and Rosamond van Wingerden '20 is the Alumni Liason. Samone Blair '18 is the
President of the Princeton University Chapel Choir. Shriya Sekhsaria '18 won first place at Ivy
League Championships for archery. Maia Chamberlain '20 finished third place in NCAAs for
fencing. Kat Giordano '18 won the Princeton Silver Choice Award at Princeton Research Day
2017. Ashlyn Lackey '18 and Shriya Sekhsaria '18 entered their third year as TigerChallenge
Fellows. Claire Jones '18 is the Editor in Chief of the Princeton Historical Review.
Chapter Philanthropy:
What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in
your community?
In Spring of 2017, we did a Reading is Fudamental (RIF) event with the Princeton YMCA and we
also volunteered with them afterwards.
In Fall of 2017, we donated money to HomeWorks, an organization working to provide Trenton
girls with housing and academic enrichment.
Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?
We chose to support the Princeton YMCA because they were a local organization who worked
with children. We chose to donate to HomeWorks because they are focused on young women
and the organization is founded and run by a Princeton student. This semester we also
volunteered with the Princeton Disability Awareness organization because a fellow Kappa,
Mayya Velitskaya '18, is president of the group.
The enthusiasm this year is exciting and there seems to be a renewed sense of purpose and spirit among the chapter as a whole.
'''Chapter Philanthropy:'''
Reading is fundamental is Kappa's national philanthropy.
We held meetings in lecture halls. This year, we moved our meeting to the campus art museum's
McCormick Hall to make the chapter feel more comfortable and homey.
==Highlights of 2020s==

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