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Epsilon Delta

43,888 bytes added, 18:16, 17 December 2021
|Image= [[File:Epsilon_Delta.JPG|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1959|04|24}}
|College= [http Arizona State University]
|Location= Tempe, AZ
|Homepage= http[ Epsilon Delta Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Epsilon Delta Chapter]}}
'''_______ 2,210 initiates (as of 2012June 2018).'''
'''Charter Members:'''
Sharron Lynn Arnoldy, Laura-Donna Ashley, Sandra Lee Baker, Miriam Virginia Barton, Betsey Jane Beaugureau, Alice Catherine Bedford, Cornelia Lavinia Buck, Patricia Leona Caldwell, Roxanne Chamberlain, Nancy Lee Cooper, Linda Lou DeWitt, Lynda Sue Diedrich, Christiana Margaret Georgas, Karen Kay Greene, Ann Hoyer, Paula Diane Lux, Lynneah Maloy, Mari Lynne McAndrew, Jacquelynn Lucille O'Hern, Doris Ann Parisek, Karen Pender, Judith Ann Peterson, Janet Gwynne Phillips, Diane Mary Read, Patricia Ann Tamblyn, Jenta Lynn Taylor, Barbara Jean Tucker, Patricia Gail West.
'''Some of Epsilon Delta’s Outstanding Alumnae:''' (If you have chapter alumnae who have received recognition in any of these three categories, please list them with the date(s) of recognition.)
------------------'''Fraternity Council Members'''
'''Some of Chapter’s Outstanding Alumnae:''' Katherine Goodyear (Grismore), Field Secretary 1982-1984;Carolyn Bliss, Leadership Consultant 2010-2011
'''Fraternity Officers:'''
'''Fraternity Loyalty Award Recipients:'''
'''Fraternity Alumnae Achievement Award Recipients:'''
Denise Dreiseszun Resnik, 2008, Co-founded Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center
'''Additional Outstanding Epsilon Delta Alumnae'''
Martha Helm (Pendleton), Graduate Counselor 1974-1976;
Katherine Goodyear (Grismore), Graduate Counselor 1981-1983
'''==The Early Years (From The History of Kappa Kappa Gamma 1870–1976)'''==
On April 24, 1959 Epsilon Delta Chapter at Arizona State University became the first Kappa chapter to be installed at a Province Convention.
'''==Highlights of the 1980s:'''==
In 1984 Epsilon Delta was ranked #1 for GPA among the sororities. The chapter participated in many campus-wide events celebrating ASU's 100th. The chapter goal in 1985 was to perfect the flow of information within the chapter. An emphasis was also placed on ritual, and efforts were made to increase member awareness about the foundation of Kappa's history.
 '''==Highlights of the 1990s'''==
The chapter was a strong sorority on the campus of in the 1990s. Members were involved in many campus organizations, and they continued to participate in campus-wide activities including student foundation, Panhellenic, homecoming committee, dance line, Fiesta Bowl Court, and Devil Darlings.
'''==Highlights of 2000-2010'''==
The members of Epsilon Delta continued their strong legacy at Arizona State University. In 2004 with a campus of more than 50,000 students and 11 sororities, the Kappas maintained strong bonds among its 113 members. In 2005, the chapter had 115 members.
In 2010 Epsilon Delta won the Standards award.
==Highlights of 2011-2019==
==Highlights of 2011==
2011 was a very memorable year for Epsilon Delta. Throughout the year we participated in numerous events and philanthropies. In January for our first date party of the year, we went to a Phoenix Suns game. In February, we held our annual semi-formal dance, Kappa Krush.
In March we participated in the Greek olympics at ASU and held our second annual Mother's weekend. In April, we participated in ASU Greek Week and Greek Sing, held our annual philanthropy Kappa Kick-off, and our annual fomal, Sapphire Ball. Greek week was a lot of fun because we got to pair up with Sigma Nu and Delta Tau Delta and compete in various competitions and make up a dance routine to perform at the Greek Sing competition. Kappa Kick-off was very successful, we raised money for RIF and received a lot of book donations.
Saphire Ball was a very neat event this year because our event chairman decided to require formal wear such as long gowns and suits and it was held at a very nice hotel in Phoenix. In September, we had a very successful recruitment, gaining 77 new members. During September we also cleaned up our street that we adopted. In October, we held our annual parent's weekend, our annual philanthropy Kappa Klassic benefiting the Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center, our annual semi-formal Kappa Presents, Founder''Highlights s Day brunch and Race for the Cure. We also held two sisterhood events; we went to a haunted house and saw the movie Footloose on Big-Little reveal night. In November, we initiated 64 new members and won the More for Mankind competition put on by Seven jeans. In winning the More for Mankind competition, we were recognized nationally, Seven gave us $2,500 to give to the philanthropy of 2011-2019'''our choice, and even threw an event for us at their local store in Scottsdale. We ended the year with Holiday dinner party at the Cheesecake factory.
The chapter continued its strong support of sisterhood events, campus-wide events, alumnae events, and parent involvement. Standards and risk management continue to be challenges for the chapter, and the members strived strive to bond through alcohol-free sisterhood events.
Scholarship was improving, and the chapter GPA in 2011 was 3.11. In 2011 the chapter pledged 77 new members.
ASU formed a Greek vision board to focus on the improvement of Greek life in three areas: space and place, self determination, and thriving chapters. It is expected that Sigma Kappa sorority will colonize in 2012.
'''Campus:''' Arizona State University is one of the largest universities in the nation. On the Tempe campus where Epsilon Delta is housed, there are 65,000 students. It was announced that Sigma Kappa sorority will begin colonization at Arizona State in the Spring of 2012. ASU implemented a Greek vision board to improve Greek life that focuses on 3 key areas of Greek life; space and place, self-determination, and thriving chapters. Also, the downtown campus (located in Phoenix) at Arizona State is working on a new Greek housing complex called "First 44."
'''Chapter:''' As a chapter, Epsilon Delta prides itself on diversity. We are one of the most diverse houses on campus. We currently have 180 active members. In the fall, we gained 77 new members after a very successful recruitment. In November, we initiated 64 new members.
In the fall of 2011, our chapter was put on probation by ASU after one of our socials got out of hand. As of right now in the beginning of the spring 2012 semester, we are still on probation but have had some terms released. As a chapter we stood together during this time and saw it as an opportunity to only improve for the better. We have implemented a new risk management plan to make sure that nothing like this will ever happen again. Also, we have been able to strengthen the bonds of our sisterhood through these times by only being allowed to have sisterhood events , alcohol-free. We were also able to turn our chapter around academically in the fall semester with the implementation of mandatory study hours, allowing us to jump from the below all-sorority average to above the all-sorority average, with a 3.11 GPA as a chapter.
==Highlights of 2012==
The Epsilon Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Arizona State University started off the school year with an incredible recruitment over Labor Day weekend and came out with an amazing pledge class of 2012. We all enjoyed bid day at the Lloyd’s house and shared some of our favorite Kappa traditions with our new members.
Our first sisterhood of the year with the new members was a “Kappa Kookie Decorating Day.” We all had the chance to decorate cookies and craft signs for the new members dorm doors with each other. The second sisterhood of the year was a night of broomball. We had pizza and attempted to play the game even though no one really knew what they were doing.
In mid-September it was parents weekend which we enjoyed a tailgate and the ASU v. Utah game with our sisters and parents. That weekend was also our annual golf tournament “Kappa Klassic” where we raised money for The Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARRC).
In October we had “Kappa Presents” date party where the actives presented the new members to all of our friends and dates. That month we also celebrated Big Little reveal, a new member retreat, and of course Founder’s Day! We had a Founder’s Day brunch with some of the alumni from around the state. October was also the month of Homecoming which we participated in.
The month of November started off with our date party called “Barn Dance” and that weekend we also had a Bar-B-Q with the men of Alpha Sigma Phi. Then we moved into Inspiration Week. We had events planned for our soon to be active members such as: “Epsilon Delta Night,” “Campfire Night,” and “Fireside” which led into initiation. To end the month and the semester we had a holiday themed social with the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
To begin spring semester we all went to an ASU basketball game as a sisterhood. The following weekend was our All House Spring Retreat up north. In February we had a jungle themed social with the men of Pi Kappa Phi, which was at the Rainforest Café. Valentine’s day Weekend we participated in Panhellenic’s Dance Marathon and also had our date party “Kappa Krush.” Towards the end of the month we were given the opportunity to participate in Mother’s Weekend with our moms.
Our biggest event of spring semester was our philanthropy for Reading is Fundamental that is “Kappa Kickoff,” a football tournament. We raised money for RIF from the teams that participated as well as many books for children and schools in need. To end the semester we were all invited to the date party “Sapphire” to honor our seniors as well as “Senior Will Night” where seniors passed down things to the chapter. During the school year of 2012 and 2013 we also participated in many philanthropies including: Kappa Sigma’s, Sigma Alpha Mu’s, Pi Kappa Phi’s, Lambda Chi Alpha’s, Delta Zeta’s, and Sigma Kappa’s.
==Highlights of 2013==
2013 was certainly a year to remember for the woman of the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Arizona State University. The year started bonding back together after winter break with an all house retreat to Camp Tonozona. In February we had social with the gentleman of Pi Kappa Phi. Our fraternity as a whole participated in Arizona State University’s first ever Dance Marathon. We then had our annual Kappa Krush, valentines day themed date party. Then Kappa held its third annual mothers weekend in March, which included a spa day and brunch! Philanthropically we had our biennial Kappa Kickoff where we raised money for RIF and held a book drive for local schools. Kappa also participated in the fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha’s Watermelon Bust philanthropy, which helped the United Food Bank of Mesa Arizona.
Also in the sororities Sigma Kappa and Gamma Phi Beta’s capture the flag philanthropy for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Relay for Life was another Arizona State University event we participated in as a whole chapter, where we had a booth to raise donations. In April we won a free sisterhood from Victory Secret Pink for donating the most articles of clothing. Arizona State University also had its greek week in May where we collected over 2,000 cans for St. Mary’s food bank. The last event of the spring was our annual Sapphire Ball, a formal date party where we showcased seniors and gave our individual chapter awards. Over the summer many members traveled around the world and even visited Fraternity Headquarters in Columbus, Ohio!
Fall came quickly as we prepared for recruitment. The chapter welcomed over 78 new members in the beginning of September! Kappa held our sisterhood for the winning the Pink competition the previous semester, which was filled with food and watching a movie together in our housing lawn. We held our annual parents weekend complete with tickets to a football game at ASU. September concluded with Kappa Klassic, a golf tournament and brunch to help our new local philanthropy, Sounds of Autism. Our first date party of the semester was Kappa Presents, where all new members wore white. We held a founders day brunch with our local Alumni association in October. The new members had a retreat to get to know each other better and learn some of the kappa values. The house participated in three fraternities philanthropy’s in the fall. Phi Gamma Delta’s philanthropy for United Services Organization, Kappa Alpha’s Angles in the Outfield, and Sigma Alpha Mu’s philanthropy for Judy Fund for Alzheimer’s Research.
Kappa hosted a musician for Big and Little reveal. Homecoming week was celebrated with the gentleman of Alpha Sigma Phi. Initiation took place in November where we initiated 73 of our new members! The year ended with a “What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?” social with the men of Alpha Delta Phi. The year was not complete without participation in intramural sports. Kappa played soccer, softball, flag football, and even placed first overall greek team in volleyball over the past year! Challenges our chapter has had include reaching the All Sorority Average for academics and attendance. We are continuing to overcome these struggles with our PDC and incorporated new ideas for increasing both.
The chapter as a whole completed well over 5,600 hours of community service throughout the year! Kappa also holds two members who were elected as Vice President of Member Development and Risk management for Arizona State University’s Panhellenic Council for 2014! Standards won an award from our PDC for best standards minutes. The year ended with a surprise gift for the chapter of sweatshirts with our letters on them! Overall an amazing year for the woman of the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Arizona State University.
There are diverse changes to our campus regarding greek life. There are four campuses, an average 3.47 University GPA, over 70,000 students, and over 58 greek letter organizations. Unfortunately the amount of negative media surrounding our school and greek life has increased in the past year. This poor PR has lead to several Fraternities becoming unaffiliated with Arizona State University. Positive changes have happened with Panhellenic adding a new risk management and philanthropy policies. This allows for having a safer environment for our chapter. Through the struggles we have faced with media, academics, and attendance, Epsilon Delta still “prides itself on diversity of our chapter” (1992 registrar). The nature of our chapter is caring, supportive, acceptable to change, and most importantly we know how to have fun with our sisters. This chapter loves spending time together and knows when it is important to reconnect and focus. The end of 2013 the chapter has re-gained our momentum to continue to be the woman that we are; true, beautiful, and good.
==Highlights of 2014==
2014 was another busy and productive year for the women of the Epsilon Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. In February, we started off the semester with our annual Valentine’s Day themed date party, Kappa Krush on the 15th. At the end of March, leading into the first week of April, we participated in Arizona State Panhellenic’s Greek Week, and were paired up with the fraternities of Phi Gamma Delta, and Sigma Alpha Mu. Greek Sing had the theme of the Hunger Games, and each team was assigned a District. We were so proud to come in 2nd overall in Greek Week, and to take 3rd place in Greek Sing!
The 26th of April is when Sapphire Ball fell, our classiest event of the year, at which girls can be found wearing both long prom type dresses, as well as short formal dresses as well. On April 27th, our chapter held our yearly tradition of Senior Will Night, where we got together at the restaurant Grimaldi’s, and the Seniors had speeches read by some of their dearest Kappa sisters, and then they “willed” down some of their Kappa items, ranging from tee shirts to painted canvases and letters. The last event of the school year was a sisterhood held at Macayo’s, a Mexican restaurant, where girls were able to come and eat lunch with their sisters, and everyone received a tank top.
School started back in session on August 21st, and August 28th marked the beginning of formal recruitment. After the long weekend of countless hours of recruiting and voting, finally on Tuesday, September 2nd, we had Bid Day, which was America themed. We welcomed 86 New Members into our chapter. After all of the festivities at Old Main, we took our new members to the Chandler Ice Den to enjoy ice-skating and to have a chance to meet more actives, as well as get to know some of their pledge class. On September 19th, we had a social with the gentlemen of Phi Gamma Delta, which was themed “Hall of Fame”.
On the 27th of September, we had our first ever Golden Key Gala, instead of our traditional theme of Kappa Presents, where Actives used to wear black and New Members wore white. In October, our New Members had their retreat the weekend of the 3rd, and then later in the month on the 15th we celebrated Big/Little reveal! The first week in November was I-week, and on November 8th we initiated 77 women into our chapter. The weekend after, on the 15th of November, we had our annual Barn Dance date party, which is Western themed. It was held at the Rockin R Ranch, which looks like an old Western town!
On the 6th of December, right before finals week, we had our final sisterhood event of the calendar year, and went to Zoolights at the Phoenix Zoo! Girls were able to walk around and see the decorations, and see the exhibits, and all who attended received a long sleeve shirt. After all of our memorable events, 2014 was definitely an amazing year for the Epsilon Delta chapter at Arizona State University.
As Greek Life has come more under fire in recent years, ASU continues to put in place precautions and rules to try to protect the Panhellenic community from potentially damaging it's reputation. Our chapter is full of a bunch of fun loving girls who are genuine and kind. This year we have been focusing more on building up our sisterhood and the relationships between the women in our chapter.
ASU has Adelphi Commons, which are a bunch of dorm clusters for each sorority on our campus. There is enough room for 30 girls to live in each year. In the past, we were located in a smaller cluster at Adelphi, but have since relocated to the cluster which we have resided in for multiple years now. Chapter meetings are held in a classroom on campus.
==Highlights of 2015==
2015 was another busy year full of activities for the women of Epsilon Delta. The semester started in January and we were busy planning for our upcoming Continuous Open Bid recruitment. With the hard work and effort of the entire house we extended bids to 10 outstanding women. On February 7th, we held our Mother’s Weekend brunch at Camelback Golf Club. On February 13th, we held our annual Kappa Krush date party at Blur night club in Old Town Scottsdale. That Sunday, we hosted Kappa Kickoff, our philanthropy event that benefits Reading is Fundamental. Kappa Kickoff is a flag football tournament amongst the participating fraternities, but includes other events through out the week such as t-shirt sales and book donations which helped contribute to the overall point count. In the end the gentlemen of Sigma Phi Epsilon won our flag football tournament, but the gentlemen of Delta Tau Delta were named the overall winners of our philanthropy after all points were tallied. Delta Tau Delta was awarded a trophy as the overall winners and Sigma Phi Epsilon was given a plaque naming them the Kappa Kickoff flag football champions. Both items were presented to the chapters as a way to show our gratitude for their outstanding turn out and tremendous support of out philanthropy. Initiation week for our Spring ’15 new member class began with Epsilon Delta Night on March 23rd followed by Campfire on the 25th, Fireside on the 27th, and Initiation on the morning of March 28th, including adding another Kappa legacy to our sisterhood. During the month we were also able to compete in Lambda Chi Alpha’s philanthropy, Watermelon Bust which involves tossing, smashing, and sliding through watermelons to help benefit Feeding America. April meant that it was time for Greek Week, and this year we were paired with the gentlemen of Delta Chi and Sigma Alpha Mu. Greek Week was an exciting way to become more involved in the Greek community by participating in events such as window painting, attending the activities throughout the week, and competing in the Infamous Greek Sink show, where we performed our dances and skits that aligned with the Gods and Goddesses theme for the year. As a whole, Greek life raised over $72,000 for Valley of the Sun United Way through the participation in Greek Week. In April we hosted Leadership Consultant Alex Von Springer who offered us great advice to end our school year with. In addition, we participated in Kappa Sigma’s philanthropy to benefit the Special Olympics. We competed in various events such as an egg toss, pyramid building competition, and volleyball tournament to accumulate points. In the end we came out on top and were able to leave victorious as the winners of the Kappa Sigma philanthropy. On April 18th, we held our annual Sapphire Ball Formal and honored our seniors at their final formal as an active member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. On April 25th our VP of Standards set up a scavenger hunt throughout campus as a final sisterhood for the school year and the winning team was awarded Starbucks gift cards. We ended the semester in May by holding an all house recruitment workshop before everyone went home for the summer where we practiced door songs, prepared strong conversation topics, and answered any questions asked by the chapter.
The beginning of the Fall ’15 semester began with 30 new sisters moving into our sorority housing in Adelphi Commons. Quickly after move in we began work week to ensure that we were recruitment ready! This year, recruitment was split into two weekends due to the increasing number of PNM’s going through recruitment each year. The first round of recruitment was held on August 29th and 30th as we saw half of the PNM’s one day and the other half the other day. The remaining rounds of recruitment were held September 5th-7th. We were honored to host Leadership Consultant Jess Morin from August 29th through September 8th, as she was a crucial part of our recruitment process. Jess was such an asset to us during the highs and lows of recruitment and helped relay messages back and forth to headquarters and ease tension in the house. On September 8th we welcomed 88 wonderful new members into our chapter and held Bid Day at the roof top pool of the Residence Inn on the north side of campus. Bid Day activities included busting a move on the dance floor with the DJ, swimming, and enjoying the Arizona weather with our new sisters. This fall semester we participated in the Greek flag football league and enjoyed cheering our sisters on to victory. We hosted our parents for Family Weekend September 25th-27th and held Kappa Klassic, our annual fall philanthropy that Sunday at Top Golf in Scottsdale. There was a brunch and golf tournament portion of our philanthropy to raise money for our local philanthropies Sounds of Autism and Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center. On October 3rd we had our fall formal Golden Key Gala which was accompanied by a sit down dinner this year. Later that month, on the 22nd, we had big/little reveal and all of our Kappa families grew! The first week of November was I-week, and we initiated our Fall ’15 New Member Class on Saturday November 7th. The next week was Homecoming and we were paired with the gentlemen of Delta Chi and Delta Tau Delta. Our members enjoyed participating in the week’s events and took home third place overall! On Friday the 20th, we held our Barn Dance date party at Rawhide. On the 22nd we participated in Sigma Alpha Mu’s Paint Splash philanthropy where are sisters were covered in paint support of Alzheimer’s research while claiming the first place spot. In December we closed out the semester by having a holiday themed social with the gentlemen of Sigma Pi at the Hard Rock Café in Downtown Phoenix! We had quite the busy year in 2015 and are ecstatic to see what 2016 has in store for us.
The Epsilon Delta chapter is an extremely genuine and supportive group of women. Over the past year we have worked to strengthen our bonds within the Kappa ritual as well as with each other to ensure that we are living out Kappa’s ideals daily. Our chapter is striving to become one of the most involved organizations on campus by participating in as many events as we can, including Panhellenic, Greek life, and University events alike. We would like to have a large presence on campus as a group of exceptional individuals.
Our chapter holds our chapter meetings in classrooms on campus that we reserve at the before the start of each semester. We have experimented with different locations on campus to try to find a centrally located classroom so as to accommodate as many girls in the chapter as we can to allow for easy commuting to chapter as it is a crucial part of our sisterhood.
Adelphi Commons is a University dormitory facility that houses all of our Panhellenic Sororities. Each sorority has a “cluster” that is set up similar to a dorm, but is more private to each house. Our cluster houses 30 girls, with most girls living in a double room and sharing a bathroom with the adjacent room. We also have a full kitchen, study room/loft, and a chapter room that is utilized as a living room. We were very excited to have our chapter room redecorated at the end the summer (thanks to our House Board) before the next group of sisters moved in for the 2015-2016 school year. Members that live in Adelphi enjoy House Dinners monthly which provides another way to connect with sisters and build our sisterhood.
==Highlights of 2016==
This year the Epsilon Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma has been hard at work. Our spring semester began in January with an all house retreat at a local mansion to help us strengthen our bonds in Kappa before beginning our Continuous Open Bidding process the following week. On January 31st, we had the delight of hosting Lesly Stern for a Risk Management workshop. In February we held our annual Kappa Krush date party, followed by hiking and lunch for Dad’s Weekend the next week. Our Vice President of Standards organized a sisterhood at a Phoenix Suns game that included unlimited food and time spent on the court post-game with our sisters. Spring big/little reveal and initiation was held in March along with Greek Week to close out the month. April was an exciting month as we held our spring philanthropy, Kappa Kickoff, which raises money and books for RIF. This year we included “Kappa Con Queso” where we raised money through sales of Nachos and Quesadillas from a local food truck. We also raised funds through apparel sales and penny wars throughout the week, concluding in our final event of a flag football tournament between participating fraternities. Next, we participated in Lambda Chi Alpha’s annual Watermelon Bust Philanthropy, benefitting Feeding America. We closed off the semester with a couple of events honoring our seniors: Senior Will Night and our annual Sapphire Ball.
Preparation for recruitment began in summer as our Membership Chairman, members of her committee and her adviser put in many hours to make recruitment run as smoothly as possible. This culminated in the beginning of August when work week began to help prepare the rest of the chapter for the recruitment process. Recruitment was a huge success and resulted in welcoming home 91 new members on bid day! We held a pool party bid day activity to celebrate our wonderful new members that was catered by Auntie Ann’s Pretzels and Rita’s Italian Ice. We held a Social Event with Sigma Tau Gamma where we dressed up as our favorite decade for the “Throwback Thursday” theme. Our annual Barn Dance took place on October 15th, and our final date party of the semester will be “Kappa Kappa Gatsby” on November 19th. We were thrilled to welcome the new members into our Kappa families on October 27th and are looking forward to Initiation on November 12th.
In addition to the fun social aspects of this fall semester, we have been working very hard on revamping our fall philanthropy and working closely with both our local and national philanthropies. Our new fall philanthropy is called “Key to Kappa”, which will continue to raise money for our local philanthropy, Sounds of Autism. A member from each participating fraternity will work to raise as much as they can through fundraising, apparel sales and percentage nights at Dave and Busters and Summits Yoga. Winners will be crowned on November 17th after participating in Sounds of Autism trivia, a Kappa apparel fashion show and a talent competition. On October 28th, we will be holding a RIF event at Vector Prep and Arts School where members will volunteer reading, face painting and crafting bookmarks with the kids. We are ecstatic about what we have accomplished this semester and are looking forward to our plans for next semester. Inspiration Week took place November 7th-12th where we initiated our new members and bonded over our beautiful ritual. We closed out the semester with electing our 2017 Chapter Council and are ecstatic to see them excel in the coming year. ==Highlights of 2017== The Epsilon Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma kicked off the new year with our first sisterhood event on January 27th, which was held in our housing facility; Adelphi. We had a pretzel truck come to supply snacks while we all watched a movie in our chapter room with our sisters! Our annual formal event, Kappa Krush, on February 10th was also a major success. Our sisters got to craft matching paper hearts for themand their dates to wear for the night. Shortly following Krush, we had an amazing philanthropy event with the East Valley alumnae association on the 27th. We worked with UMOM, an organization that provides shelter for homeless families and individuals in the Phoenix area. At this event our girls and the alumnae were able to read to the children staying with UMOM, to help take their mind off the stressors and struggles that are associated with being homeless. On March 18th, we had our Annual Phired Up workshop with KJ, who is an amazing speaker and mentor. Our girls absolutely adore her and it is always a joy to watch her speak about sororities and the way we can continually grow within our chapters. The next day our chapter participated in Lambda Chi Alpha’s Philanthropy, Watermelon Bust! On March 22nd we held our 2nd annual Kappa Con Queso event alongside our annual philanthropy, Kappa Kickoff. Both events were greatly successful! March was Jam packed with philanthropic events, as we also participated in Pi Kappa Phi’s Bikeathon from March 28th to the 30th in support of The Ability Experience. Our sisters signed up for time slots to ride stationary bikes throughout the day, and well into the night! We also bought tickets to see one of our own participate in the “Ability Queen” Pageant. We started the month of April off right with Mom’s Weekend! Our ladies were able to spend the weekend bonding with their moms and sisters over some lunch and bowling. The week following mom’s weekend was ASU’s greek week; where all the ASU organizations compete in events to raise money for Valley of the Sun United Way. We were paired with Sigma Tau Gamma and Sigma Pi fraternities. We participated in window paintings, a book drive, and a Greek sing competition! While we didn’t place in Greek Sing, we are proud to announce that our chapter raised the most money in raw donations; over $7,000! On April 22nd, we participated in the Kappa Sigma Splashdown Philanthropy on April 22nd that we WON for the third year in a row! That evening we had our annual Sapphire Ball; our event that honors the graduating class each year. This year's sapphire was absolutely wonderful. The evening started with a catered dinner, then allowed our guests to enjoy some time on the dance floor, and then ended the evening with senior awards to honor all of our amazing seniors. During the first week of may standards held multiple study sessions at Hayden library and Adelphi for finals before sending our sisters off for summer! So then summer came along! And although our Kappa sisters were not all together, Epsilon Delta did some amazing things individually. Many of our girls spent the summer abroad, either studying in Prague, backpacking through Europe or hiking glaciers in Iceland. Others, spent their summer interning all over the country. Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, CA, Aloha Medical Supply in Hawaii, the St Louis Zoo in St.Louis, Missouri, just to name a few. This summer we were also offered a spot in the new Greek Leadership Village that is coming in Fall of 2018 to ASU’s campus. We accepted that offer and are thrilled to move in with the other Greek organizations next fall! On August 7th sisters moved into Adelphi Commons; our sorority housing! Class Council also had their first meeting of the new semester that evening. During 9-11th of August we had our “polish week” to put finishing touches on the upcoming recruitment! On the 18 of August we had our Greek Block Party, where we got to meet tons of new PNMs and represent Kappa! The 25, 26, 27 of August marked our first week ofrecruitment. During the first week of September we finished off our second week of recruitment. Tuesday September 5th was our bid day where we welcomed 80 new amazing new members into our chapter! The reveal was at Adelphi Commons, and our bid day celebration was held at a private pool; where we went swimming, ate dinner and bonded with our new sisters! September 21st we held our first social with the members of Sigma Pi Fraternity, where we dressed in our best thrift shop outfits and spent the night skating and eating pizza with our sisters and friends. On September 30th we participated in Chi Phi’s Philanthropy which was a capture the flag tournament! On October 11th we had a fundraiser at Chipotle for our Golden Key Gala Supporting Ryan’s house; a local organization that provides respite care to children with life-altering disabilities. That same night we had our big little “speed dating” event; where active members got to know a bunch of new members in leu of ourbig little pairing week! That Friday, October 13, Parent’s weekend commenced! We kicked off the weekend with our brand new fundraising event; the Golden Key Gala, supporting our brand new Charity, Ryan’s house. The event was a huge success and we are happy to announce that we raised over $5,900 for Ryan House that evening. This night was made even more special because sisters were able to share the chapters’ activities and our love for Ryan’s house with our families. Family weekend continued on the 14 & 15th and sisters continued to bond with their families! The next week was a ton of fun as we began the process of matching big and littles. Reveal was held on the 19th at Old Maine; a beautiful historical building on ASU’s campus. After the reveal and many, many pictures later, members went off to celebrate their new fams with pizza, ice cream, and the like! On the 21st we celebrated our Founders Day with the Phoenix Alumnae association, the East Valley, and the Scottsdale Alumnae associations with a lovely brunch. We also got to witness alumnae receiving their 50, 60, and 70 year pins! On the week of the 23rd, homecoming began! It was a week jam packed with events like window painting, dodgeball, a lantern walk, and a parade- all benefitting Valley of The Sun United Way. We were paired with Kappa Alpha Order and Kappa Sigma. We all had so much fun participating and showing our Sun Devil spirit for the homecoming football game that Saturday. On Friday the 27th we also had our “Reading is Key” event, where sisters volunteered to read to Students at Vector Prep School! On October 29th a pumpkin carving sisterhood event was held in our Chapter room! Afterwards we decorated our entire housing facility with Kappa Pumpkins. We started off November with attending, “Pansgiving”; a thanksgiving meal provided by Panhellenic for all sororities, in the Adelphi Common Area, on the 1st. On Friday, November 3rd, Kappa’s Class of 2017 was able to reconnect with their awesome rho gams at the Rho gam Pajama Jam event! The following weekend we participated in Kappa Alpha’s philanthropy in support of Nikki Beaudoin; a greek woman who lost her life in the battle with cancer. Monday, November 6th, marked the beginning of the inspirational period and Initiation week for the new members! On the 8th a campfire was held at an active member’s home where the entire chapter was welcomed to s’mores, hot chocolate, and stories from seniors about their amazing time in Kappa. As always, the evening was a major success! On the morning of Friday the 10th, our fireside service was held. Thefollowing morning was initiation, where we initiated 80 outstanding members into our chapter! On November 14, our chapter attended an informative talk with Dr. Lori Bednarchik about sexual consent assault on college campuses. On the 15th we rented out a movie theatre to see a special screening of Bad Moms''Housing:''' Christmas for a sisterhood! Everyone got free popcorn and drinks, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. On our last Chapter of 2017, we held elections for our 2018 Class Council, and then went off for Thanksgiving break! Upon return, the sisters who lived in Greek housing held their own late thanksgiving meal! Everyone helped cook and then sat down to watch the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show together. Then, preparation for finals began. Before heading off for winter break, a Finals breakfast was held at Adelphi onMonday, December 4th to wish all of our sisters good luck and to enjoy one last meal together. ==Highlights of 2018==
In 2011The Epsilon Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma started off the year of 2018 strong with a Chapter Council Retreat on January 7th. During this retreat, members of council created a business plan to focus the Phoenix campus direction of ASU began working the chapter. The plan included various tactics for improving academics, strengthening Greek relationships, and increasing involvement. We then had the pleasure of meeting with the national fraternity president of Kappa, Beth Black, at our cluster in Adelphi Commons on January 11th. We discussed our new business plan as well as our exciting semester ahead. We had a downtown housing complex called "First 44great visit and absolutely loved having her! Our first sisterhood of the year was held in Adelphi on January 30th, where girls got together to exchange Kappa tee shirts and eat pizza."
On February 3rd, the chapter attended the Behind Happy faces seminar held on campus. It was a very eye opening and informative seminar on mental health awareness. On Sunday, February 11th, Kappa’s seniors got their very own sisterhood; attending a pure barre work out class together! Later that night we had a joint potluck with the women of Kappa Delta, which was a major success. The following week we participated in Sigma Tau Gamma’s philanthropy, benefitting the Special Olympics. On February 24th, we had our annual Dad’s weekend. Girls and their dads spent the morning eating donuts and coffee, and then attended a Diamondback’s game together! The next week our Panhellenic Delegate began rehearsals for Greek sing in the upcoming Greek Week Competition, benefiting Valley of The Sun United way.
'''After a relaxing spring break, March was jam packed with recruitment workshops and more Greek sing rehearsals. We also participated in two philanthropies this month; Lambda Chi Alpha’s watermelon bust, benefitting Feeding America, And Pi Kappa Phi’s Bikeathon, benefitting the Ability Experience. March 19th Marked the first event for our own Philanthropy:''', Kappa Kick off! We had an ice cream social in the Adelphi Common room, where people could purchase an ice cream sundae with all the fixings. We also had our Kappa Con Queso event later that week, with five dollar all-you-can-eat nachos! Both events had great turnout and were a lot of fun. We concluded the week with our main event, Kappa Kick off, on Saturday March 24th. It was a flag football tournament at Meyer Park. We had an absolute blast this week, all while raising $6,300 for RIF!
Epsilon Delta continued We had yet another successful sisterhood during the second week of April. It was held at a sister’s home, where girls got together to support a wide variety of charities through their involvement in Panhellenic swim, enjoy lunch, and Intrafraternity fundraiserssimply relax for the busy week ahead.The chapter following Monday, April 9th, was recognized nationally through Seven Jeans company by winning the "More for Mankind" philanthropy first day of Greek Week! This massive “Netflix” themed Greek wide competitioninvolved window painting, athletic events, public speakers, and our Greek Sing Event. We were paired with Theta Xi, Acacia, and Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternities.We placed third in Greek Sing and SECOND overall! We raised nearly seventy thousand dollars as a Greek community for Valley of The Sun United Way, and had a fun time doing so!
We continued the month of April with more events! On Saturday the 14th we paired up with Kendra Scott in Chandler Fashion Square Mall, where twenty percent of sales for that day went to our philanthropy. During the week of the 16th we held Big/Little Appreciation. Bigs and Littles exchanged gifts, wrote thoughtful letters, and made sure to spend quality time together. We even had an Instagram contest for the “best big/lil duo”! It was a great week where everyone in the chapter felt the love of fellow sisters. The following Saturday, we held our last and best major event of the semester- Sapphire! The formal was held at The Duce in downtown Phoenix. The evening involved a sit-down dinner, dancing, and Senior Awards! We wrapped up the last week of classes on a positive note with its success. On April 29th we had our Senior Will Brunch. We ate a tasty meal, and heard seniors reminisce and give heart felt speeches. It was a bittersweet moment, and a great last send off! Then came finals week, and off we went for summer.
August of 2018 was one for the books as we moved into our Brand-New housing facility, the Greek Leadership Village. It includes a four story, 40 bed house with a gym, large common area and kitchen, and custom furnishings. It is gorgeous, and we were so excited to begin the year here! Not long after getting settled, our Polish Week for recruitment preparation began. Starting from the 11th to the 15th, girls met up at the GLV to brush up and practice recruiting in our new space. We also snuck a few sisterhood activities in between, like pajama day and twin day. The first day of classes began on August 16th. The following evening was the Greek Block Party in the GLV. It felt great meeting PNMs and representing Kappa! We had our first formal chapter meeting on August 20th. Later that week PNM’s toured the inside of our houses in preparation for recruitment.
Official recruitment began on August 25th. This first week was held in various rooms on campus. However, the second week all sororities moved into their houses for the remainder of recruitment. It was SO exciting showing PNM’s who we are and what we represent; and what better way to do that than in our new home! Bid day was September 4th, in the GLV. We welcomed 84 amazing new members into our chapter. Our Bid Day Event was held at an incredibly generous Alumni’s house in Scottsdale, where we had food, music, and a fortune teller! On September 6th we held our first ever movie night sisterhood event with PC 18 at the GLV. The following week we had a lovely visit from the Phoenix Alumni Association! We chatted, ate snacks, and gave them a tour of the space. Parent’s Weekend Commenced on September 28th. During this time Kappa families got together for Our annual Golden Key Gala, in support of our local Philanthropy- Ryan House. The next day we had a joint BBQ with Chi Phi, our neighbors in the GLV. Parents came and enjoyed grilled burgers and dogs before the big game!
On Wednesday, October 3rd, we held a movie night with Acacia Fraternity in our GLV cluster. People enjoyed a ton of snacks, games, and the movie, Shrek. The following day we attended a social with the gentlemen of Sigma Nu. The theme was Rock N’ Roll, and we had an absolute blast! After a short fall break, we jumped into a Philanthropy event for the Members of Delta Sigma Phi. On the 13th of October we celebrated Founders day with the Phoenix, East Valley, and Scottsdale Alumnae associations. A lovely brunch was held where girls got to mingle with alumni. We were also able to witness some women receive their 50, 60, and 70 year pins! Our next Event was our Barn Dance Social, held on October 20th. We had an amazing venue with food, a DJ, and a flip book photobooth! The event was a success. The following Monday we participated in yet another Philanthropy event; Delta Tau Delta’s Deltworld, in support of JDRF. On October 27th Our new members had a PC retreat where girls ate dinner, played games, and had a sleep over at the GLV. Soon after that homecoming week started! We were paired with Chi Phi and Theta Xi. We participated in a teddy bear drive, blood donations, percentage nights, a lantern walk, and more! The theme was Carnival, and we also had a great time making signs, banners, and a themed float for the parade.
'''Highlights November 5th marked the beginning of 2020s:'''the inspirational period and initiation week for the new members. We also participated in Phi Gamma Delta’s Philanthropy during this week, which we won! On the 7th a campfire was held at an active member’s home; where the entire chapter was welcomed to s’mores, hot chocolate, and stories from seniors about their amazing time in Kappa! As always, the evening was a major success. On the morning of Friday the 9th, our fireside service was held. The following morning was initiation, where we initiated 74 outstanding members into our chapter! The next week we participated in yet another philanthropy event. Pi kappa Phi’s war of the Roses flag football tournament was held on Saturday, November 17th, where we came in second place! We held our last Sisterhood of the semester on November 27th at AMC theatre on Mill, where we rented out a theatre to watch Bridesmaids. We all wore matching Pj’s and had a great time. The next week finals commenced and marked the end of the semester. That wraps up Epsilon Delta’s 2018!
From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:
'''Housing:''' ==Highlights of 2020==
==Highlights of 2021==
'''Chapter Convention Awards:'''

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