Epsilon Upsilon

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Epsilon Upsilon
Epsilon Upsilon.jpg
FoundedSeptember 22, 1977 (1977-09-22) (47 years ago)
CollegeBaylor University
LocationWaco, TX
Media related to Epsilon Upsilon Chapter

2,827 initiates (as of June 2015)

Highlights of 2012

Two Thousand Twelve was an outstanding year for the Epsilon Upsilon chapter. Last January, we had another successful recruitment and were blessed with an incredible new member class. Our Sing chairs created a breath-taking first place masquerade act, which will now appear in Pigskin Review.

The event chairs planned date dashes, the annual Sapphire Ball, pledge dance, and a take-a-date. There was our spring Swing-a-thon and afternoons spent at Parkdale Elementary School serving as mentors to second graders. The chapter participated in established traditions, such as organizing the 62nd Annual All-University Baylor Beauty Style Show and arranging an Easter egg hunt for children of faculty, but we created new traditions as well.

To celebrate our founding sisterhood, we hosted the first Late Night at Monmouth Pancake Breakfast with the ladies of Pi Beta Phi. Together, we raised $2,960 for charity water, a non-profit organization that seeks to bring clean and safe drinking water to those in developing countries.

Spring finals arrived too quickly, but summer did not bring the end to Epsilon Upsilon’s involvement. A few members of our Chapter Council participated in the Fraternity’s 69th Biennial Convention in Jacksonville, Florida. We attended seminars, workshops, and educational events, as well as enjoyed spending time with alumnae, advisers, and Kappas from around the world. Together, members studied abroad, interned across the country, and took summer classes. Regardless if we are meeting each week, it is never hard to find a Kappa!

Before we knew it, August arrived, and summer came to an end. We started the year with Greek Week events, intramurals, and an All-American themed crush. Even amidst the chaos that fall semester brings, it is truly wonderful to see our chapter come together to celebrate both Kappa and Baylor traditions. The seniors have enjoyed “seniors only” social events, while our new members have continued to learn pledge songs for recruitment.

We honored Founders Day with our Waco Alumnae Association. Partaking in our ritual together was a great reminder that Kappa truly is for a lifetime. We got to know each other’s families at our lovely Parents’ Weekend luncheon. Epsilon Upsilon has continued to volunteer weekly at Parkdale, held the fall Swing-a-thon, hosted a Kendra Scott Jewelry Trunk Show benefiting Reading is Fundamental, organized a Halloween carnival at Compassion Ministries, and kicked off our annual book drive. Nights have been spent with the men of Alpha Tau Omega at our float site and dancing with the Kappa Sigmas at Pigskin practice. Both of these ventures were very successful by winning Judge’s Choice Award for float and performing our First Place act in Pigskin.

We are gearing up for another exciting recruitment, getting to know many potential new members and legacies. We ended the semester with the Kappa Pickers performing at multiple functions. Our final Kappa event for the semester was Kappa Kountry in which we two-stepped the night away!

There have been many recent changes on the Baylor campus during this year. Baylor University is building a new stadium that will be on campus. The stadium will not be completed until the 2014 season. Baylor is also building a new dormitory that should be ready for for the incoming freshman. Multiple projects are going on around Baylor University at all time.

Highlights of 2013

Two Thousand Thirteen was another great year for the Epsilon Upsilon chapter. In January, we had a wonderful recruitment and were able to take an incredible new member class. The new member class was initiated and has been a blessing to the whole chapter. Our Sing chairs created an imaginative act called Topsy Turvy which was performed for Baylor University. The social chairs planned date dashes, our Sapphire Ball, pledge dance, and a take-a-date. Our spring Swing-a-thon and afternoons spent at Parkdale Elementary School allowed our chapter to give back to our community. The chapter participated in many established traditions, such as the 63rd Annual All-University Baylor Beauty Style Show and an Easter egg hunt for children of faculty. Late Night at Monmouth Pancake Breakfast was a success for the second year where we raised money for charity water, a non-profit organization that seeks to bring clean and safe drinking water to those in developing countries.

The spring semester came to an end, but summer did not bring a pause to Epsilon Upsilon’s involvement. Our chapter was able to organize a mission trip to Antigua, Guatemala, which a handful of members participated in. Those members served the people of Guatemala with loving hearts and were able to contribute much more than time and money during their stay there. We attended seminars, workshops, and educational events, as well as enjoyed spending time with alumnae, advisors, and Kappas from around the world. Together, members studied abroad, interned across the country, went on mission trips and took summer classes at Baylor.

Before we knew it, August arrived, and summer came to an end. We started the year with Greek Week events, Welcome Week events, a take-a-date, and intramurals. Our chapter found the time to celebrate Baylor and Kappa traditions in the fall semester despite our busy schedules. The seniors enjoyed “seniors only” social events, while our new members continued to learn pledge songs for recruitment. We honored Founders Day with our Waco Alumnae Association. Partaking in our ritual together was a great reminder that Kappa truly is for a lifetime. We paired with several fraternities at football games to have tailgates before the games. We got to know each other’s families at our lovely Parents’ Weekend brunch.

Epsilon Upsilon has continued to volunteer weekly at Parkdale Elementary School, hosted a Kendra Scott Jewelry Trunk Show benefiting Reading is Fundamental, and organized a Halloween carnival at Compassion Ministries. Our chapter created a new event on campus, Kappa Karnival, which was a great success. Nights were spent working with the men of Alpha Tau Omega at our float site for the homecoming parade. The Kappa Pickers performed at many events including Christmas on 5th. We just had another successful recruitment and are preparing to initiate our 89 new members!       Baylor University’s new football stadium is close to being finished. There is construction on it constantly and it should be open for the fall 2014 football season. The new dormitories that opened this past fall on campus have been a great blessing to the freshmen this year. Baylor is also currently preparing to build a new business school on campus.

Highlights of 2014

Two Thousand Fourteen was an outstanding year for the Epsilon Upsilon chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Last January, we had another successful recruitment and were blessed with an incredible new member class. Our Sing chairs worked really hard to create a great Sing Act called “Running Wild”, which was shown in Pigskin Review in the Fall of 2014. The social chairs planned date dashes, the annual Sapphire Ball, pledge dance, and a take-a-date. There was our Spring Swing-a-thon where we raised and donated money to a local halfway house in Waco, Compassion Ministries. Last Spring was also full of many afternoons spent at Parkdale Elementary School serving as mentors to second graders. The chapter participated in established traditions, such as organizing the Annual All-University Baylor Beauty Style Show and arranging an Easter egg hunt for children of faculty, but we created new traditions as well.

Spring finals arrived too quickly, but summer did not bring the end to Epsilon Upsilon’s involvement. A few members of our Chapter Council participated in the Fraternity’s Convention in Houston, Texas. We attended seminars, workshops, and educational events, as well as enjoyed spending time with alumnae, advisors, and Kappas from around the world. Together, members studied abroad, interned across the country, and took summer classes. Regardless if we are meeting each week, it is never hard to find a Kappa!

Before we knew it, August arrived, and summer came to an end. We started the year with Greek Week events, intramurals, and a dodgeball crush event. Even amidst the chaos that Fall semester brings, it is truly wonderful to see our chapter come together to celebrate both Kappa and Baylor traditions. The seniors have enjoyed “seniors only” social events, while our new members have continued to learn pledge songs for recruitment. We honored Founders Day at a local country club with our Waco Alumnae Association. Partaking in our ritual together was a great reminder that Kappa truly is for a lifetime. We got to know each other’s families at our lovely Family Weekend luncheon. Epsilon Upsilon has continued to volunteer weekly at Parkdale, held the Fall Swing-a-thon benefitting a local animal shelter in Waco, Texas; Fuzzy Friends, organized a Halloween carnival at Compassion Ministries, volunteered at the Parkdale Halloween carnival and kicked off our annual book drive. Nights have been spent with the men of Phi Kappa Chi at our float site, where we ending up winning 1st place out of all the Homecoming Floats. We also performed “Running Wild” in Pigskin Review. We also hosted our second Kappa Karnival this year, it was very successful. Throughout the Fall we spent time gearing up for another exciting recruitment, getting to know many potential new members and legacies. We ended the semester with the Kappa Pickers performing at multiple functions.

Our Campus has a new football stadium, McLane stadium. It is beautifully designed. Baylor is currently building a new Business School, which will be opening in Fall 2015. There are also many other changes going on in the growing Baylor community. The nature of our chapter is very positive, growing, graceful, friendly, loyal, and loving. There is a strong focus on RIF, supporting other chapters, including all Kappa chapter members, and University related events (SING, Homecoming Float, Steppin Out, Pigskin etc.).

We hold chapter meetings in our Kappa suite in the Stacy Riddle Panhellenic Forum. This suite is rented.

Highlights of 2015

Two Thousand Fifteen was an outstanding year for the Epsilon Upsilon chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Last January, we had another successful recruitment and were blessed with an incredible new member class. Our Sing chairs worked really hard to create a great Sing Act called “Weird Science”, which was shown in Pigskin Review in the Fall of 2015. The social chairs planned date dashes, the annual Sapphire Ball, pledge dance, and a take-a-date. There was our Spring Swing-a-thon where we raised and donated money to the Waco Humane Society Last Spring was also full of many afternoons spent at Parkdale Elementary School serving as mentors to second graders. In the Spring of 2015, our chapter won an award for partner of the year (2014-2015) for Waco ISD. The chapter participated in established traditions, such as organizing the Annual All-University Baylor Beauty Style Show and arranging an Easter egg hunt for children of faculty. Spring finals arrived too quickly, but summer did not bring the end to Epsilon Upsilon’s involvement. Together, members studied abroad, interned across the country, and took summer classes. Regardless if we are meeting each week, it is never hard to find a Kappa! Before we knew it, August arrived, and summer came to an end. We started the year with Greek Week events, intramurals, and a dodgeball crush event on campus. Even amidst the chaos that Fall semester brings, it is truly wonderful to see our chapter come together to celebrate both Kappa and Baylor traditions. The seniors have enjoyed “seniors only” social events, while our new members have continued to learn pledge songs for recruitment. We honored Founders Day at McLane Stadium with our Waco Alumnae Association. Our chapter was so excited to celebrate the 145th year. Partaking in our ritual together was a great reminder that Kappa truly is for a lifetime. Epsilon Upsilon has continued to volunteer weekly at Parkdale, held the Fall Swing-a-thon benefitting the Waco Humane Society, volunteered at the Parkdale Halloween carnival and kicked off our annual book drive. Nights approaching Homecoming weekend were spent with the men of Phi Kappa Chi at our float site. We also performed “Weird Science” in Pigskin Review Homecoming weekend. We hosted our third Kappa Karnival this year, it was very successful. Throughout the Fall we spent time gearing up for another exciting recruitment, getting to know many potential new members and legacies. We ended the semester with the Kappa Pickers performing at multiple functions. Describe the recent changes on your campus and describe the overall nature of your chapter. Baylor built a new Business School, which opened Fall 2015, it is very nice. There are also many other changes going on in the growing Baylor community. The nature of our chapter is very positive, growing, graceful, friendly, loyal, and loving. There is a strong focus on RIF, supporting other chapters, including all Kappa chapter members, and University related events (SING, Homecoming Float, Steppin Out, Pigskin etc.).

Chapter Philanthropy:

What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?

Our chapter supports RIF, Kappa Foundation, Parkdale Elementary, Compassion Ministries, Waco Humane Society, and Hannah’s House.

Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?

We have supported and worked with Parkdale Elementary and Compassion ministries in years past and want to continue that relationship with both of them. We started supporting Waco Humane Society and Hannah’s House more recently. There is a huge stray animal problem in Waco and our local humane society helps curb that issue. Our chapter thinks it’s really important to help the community of Waco in that aspect. Hannah’s House is a nonprofit organization created to raise funds to build a children’s village with 8 homes in Zambia through Family Legacy in honor of Hannah Butler, a member of our chapter who recently passed. She was such a joy and so loving, and the village will be built in her honor once the funds are received.