Zeta Gamma

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Zeta Gamma
Zeta Gamma.jpg
FoundedOctober 4, 1980 (1980-10-04) (44 years ago)
CollegeCentre College
LocationDanville, KY
HomepageZeta Gamma Homepage
Media related to Zeta Gamma Chapter

858 initiates (as of June 2015)

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Highlights of 2011

This was the first year our chapter held the Date Auction for our campus. It was a huge success, in which we raised thousands of dollars for philanthropy. Due to how well it was received by the public, we plan to hold it again next year in the spring. One of our philanthropy events this past year was for the local humane society. It involved a lemonade stand, in which students that donated two dollars received cookies and lemonade.

Earlier in the fall, we hosted a BBQ for Books event. Students donated either five dollars or a children’s book. The books and the money raised benefited United Through Reading, a program that films soldiers overseas reading children’s books. The recordings are sent home to the soldiers’ families, so that their children can once again hear their mother or father read them a bedtime story. In the spring and fall we co-hosted a carnival for the children at Sunrise Children’s Services with the men of Sigma Chi. The carnival included games, food, caramel apple making, and a petting zoo sponsored by the humane society for the kids to enjoy. During Homecoming weekend, our standards committee hosted the sisterhood event Kappas at Keeneland for alumni as wells as current members.

In August, we sent one of our members, Hillary Botts, to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Leadership Academy. Once again we had Kappa Kristmas. We also hosted our annual formal in the spring. On September 11th, the chapter wrote letters for soldiers, local veterans, and local firefighters to let them know that they are appreciated. At the end of the fall semester we hosted a fundraiser with the Tri Delta chapter on our campus for a local boy that was admitted to St. Jude Hospital. One of our chapter’s alumni, Annie Obrien, was featured in an article of the winter issue of The Key for her past involvement with Leadership Academy. In both the spring and the fall our chapter won 1st place in the campus dance competition, Air Guitar. In January 2011, Kappa Kappa Gamma placed 1st among the other sororities on campus in a dodgeball tournament that was hosted by the women of Alpha Delta Pi and the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Campus: This past year, our campus has seen many new housing developments. The ground breaking of our newest science building, Young Hall, took place in the fall, and one of our chapter’s members, Annie Roessler, was asked to give the dedication speech at the ceremony. Two new fraternities were added to the current four that were already present on campus. Our chapter helped support and promote these two fraternities, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi, while they were getting accustomed to Greek life on campus.

Chapter: In the spring we welcomed twenty-four new members to our chapter after formal recruitment. We also held fall recruitment this year and added two new members into our chapter. Our House Board purchased and installed a large flat screen television in the basement on behalf of the chapter. This has proven to be extremely helpful to our chapter, and has made all meetings proceed more smoothly. It has provided a way to enhance presentations because it is now possible to connect a computer to the screen.

Our chapter had a very small senior class this year, due to the unusual number of girls in that pledge class that had graduated early or transferred. As a result, we had many younger officers. Transitioning officers this year was very overwhelming, but we had a very competent junior class that helped in overcoming this challenge. Throughout the year we invited a series of Leadership Consultants to aid our officers in their new duties. Through great leadership, our philanthropy and service was extremely strong this year, and we had an amazing recruitment experience. Another big challenge our chapter faced this past year involved academics. Kappa Kappa Gamma ranked last in GPA among the four sororities present on our campus for the past two semesters. To remedy this, our chapter incorporated a series of academic programs this year in which we documented study hours for each class and reserved study rooms for our chapter.

Highlights of 2012

Awards: Best Publicity Award Nu Province, Nashville TN Signature Event Nu Province, Nashville TN Laurel Standing for Membership Recruitment

After School ESL Program Service Event The Warehouse After School ESL Program meets Tuesdays and Thursdays on the second floor of the Warehouse from3:00-5:30. The program serves K-12 students in the Danville/Boyle County area. These younger students are paired with a Centre tutor for the semester in the hopes of improving their English and helping them academically. Kappa provided a snack for the children and also games at the beginning and end of their tutoring session.

Date Auction Benefiting Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters The event was held at the Warehouse and was open to the entire campus. Local businesses and restaurants sponsored date packages for each of the 17 males being auctioned off for a date. This event was very popular and was a good opportunity for the community to come together to raise money for a good cause.

S'mores Event with Phi Delta Theta The event was held at the Pearl fire pit for a bonfire with music, s'mores, and friends. Co-hosted by KKG and Phi Delta Theta, the event was open to all members of the campus to provide a study break and opportunity to spend time with friends.

Formal The event was held at the Danville Country Club and had a Derby theme. A photo booth with Derby hats and other props was set up for pictures. A variety of appetizer food was served as attendents enjoyed a wonderful evening of food, dance, and friendship.

Lemonade, Brownies, and Puppy booth Benefitting Organization: Centre and Danville Community The event was hosted by SGA in honor of Centre College hosting the Vice Presidential debate this fall. The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Delta Pi, and Kappa Alpha Theta, all participated by having a booth with free lemonade, brownies, iced tea, and patriotic puppies from the local humane society. In preparation for this event we had members from all of the sororities get involved by making gallons of iced tea and lemonade, baking hundreds of brownies, and help wash and transport puppies from DBCHS.

Sunrise Carnival Benefitting Organization: Sunrise Children’s Services For the third year in a row, we cohosted the Sunrise Carnival with the men of Sigma Chi. We had face painting, a petting zoo (with puppies from the Danville-Boyle County Humane Society), volleyball, cornhole, a pie-eating contest, ring toss, bowling, cupcake decorating, a gumball guessing game, and soccer. The director of Sunrise was extremely appreciative of our continued support. He mentioned that most of the boys do not get to leave the facility to do fun activities, so the fact that we brought the carnival to them really meant a lot to the children. It was also very important that we teamed up with a fellow fraternity because it gave a chance for the boys at Sunrise to interact with older guys that could serve as good role models for them.

Homecoming Description of Event: This is an annual homecoming festivity for our alumni and actives. Food and drinks (non-alcoholic) are provided and active and alumni can mingle throughout the house with sisters. Tours of the house are given to older alumni who graduated before Kappa had a house, and all sisters participate in a short ritual ceremony at the beginning of the gathering. We even decorated the house with individual pictures and chapter portraits that have been taken over the years since the founding of our chapter!

CARE Trick or Treat (festive face painting and candy booth) Benefitting Organization: Centre and Danville Community We once again helped support CARE by participating in this campus event that serves children of the Danville community. We painted Halloween-themed designs on children’s faces and also handed out scrumptious mini candy bars and packets of goldfish.

Krafts with Kappas Benefitting Organization: Toliver, Hogsett, and Jennie Rogers Not only was this a recruitment event, it also helped serve our national philanthropy: Reading is Fundamental. RIF is the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit children’s literacy organization, and it became Kappa Kappa Gamma’s National Philanthropy in 2004. RIF’s highest priority is reaching undeserved children from birth to age 8. In the spirit of RIF, we decorated pet rocks, friendship bracelets, and brown-bag character puppets to donate to the local elementary schools (Toliver, Hogsett, and Jennie Rogers). Our chapter takes learning very seriously, and we hope our donations helped to encourage a fun learning atmosphere at school.

Patriotic Letter Writing ~September 14th, 2012 Benefitting Organization: Danville Fire Department Keeping good relationships with members of the Danville community is very important to our chapter. In honor of the anniversary of September 11th, our chapter wrote “thank you” notes to the local Fire Department for their continued service for the community. We also donated cookies to the firefighters when we delivered the letters. Afterwards we even got to witness the firefighters take a distress call and zoom out in their fire trucks with their sirens.

Humane Society Test Drive Fundraiser Saturday October 27th at the Stuart Powell Ford car dealership Benefitting Organization: Danville Boyle County Humane Society The DBCHS contacted us to let our chapter know about this great opportunity for them to raise money. By test-driving a car for only 10 minutes, we could raise each individually raise $20 for the humane society. If we brought a partner to share half of the test drive we could even raise $40! Even though this was only an optional event, in total, our support helped raise $180 for DBCHS.

One of the most important changes our campus went through in the fall of 2012 was hosting the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate. To prepare, our campus spruced up and in the weeks prior to the event set up security measures and made accomodations for the media.The “Thrill in the Ville II” offered an opportunity for Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan to address questions on a range of domestic and international issues posed by moderator Martha Raddatz of ABC News. The 2012 VP Debate was the third-most watched debate with 51.4 million viewers. This rocketed our campus's recognition to a global scale.

Highlights of 2013


Outstanding Greek Scholar – Preetha Suresh 5/1/2013 Grand Chapter Fraternal Excellence in Recruitment – Olive 5/1/2013 Grand Chapter Fraternal Excellence in New Member Education – Laurel 5/1/2013 Grand Chapter Fraternal Excellence in Membership Education – Olive 5/1/2013 Grand Chapter Fraternal Excellence in Risk Management – Olive 5/1/2013 Grand Chapter Fraternal Excellence in Community Service and Philanthropy – Laurel 5/1/2013 Grand Chapter Distinguished Greek Leader – Sarah Cramer 5/1/2013 Grand Chapter


Spring 2013

Canned Food Drive February 10, 2013 at the Kappa Kappa Gamma House Benefitting Organization: Harvesting Hope Food Pantry We often see canned food drives around holiday seasons. It is rare that we don’t donate items during the holidays of Thanksgiving or Christmas. However, during non-holiday months, donations lack. Our chapter felt that it was important to give in a time that perhaps other people had stopped giving in order to keep Harvesting Hope Food Pantry thriving. Chapter members had the option of bringing either canned food items or a few dollars on the event day. Both items would be donated. The canned food items would allow immediate use, and the money donated would allow the food pantry to buy items that they needed. Total Dollars Donated for Both Projects: $3,214.67 + 94 no perishable items

Earth Day Flower Planting February 11, 2013 at the Kappa Kappa Gamma House Benefitting Organization: Toliver Elementary Members came to the Kappa house during common hour in order to plant flowers to give to elementary school children on Earth Day. The flowers were planted in small plastic cups so the children can take their plant home with them and possibly plant it outside. We planted many flowers and feel that this will improve the environment. In addition, we wrote small cards with Earth Day facts for the students.

New Member Nursing Home Sock-Hop February 29, 2013 at the Danville Center for Health and Rehabilitation Benefitting Organization: Danville Center for Health and Rehabilitation The new members of Kappa Kappa Gamma did a service event in conjunction with the new members of Phi Delta Theta. The event was held at the Danville Center for Health and Rehabilitation. The new members had many things for the residents of the nursing home to do. Elvis music played the entire time creating a upbeat environment, and the new members danced with the residents if they liked. We also provided root bear and orange soda floats for an old-fashion snack. The new members also made pipe-cleaner three-leafed clovers as a fun craft for the residents. Lastly, a nail painting station was also set up for the female residents to get a pretty manicure!

Service Day at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge March 30, 2013 at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge Benefitting Organization: Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge The Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge was having problems with beavers cutting down newly planted trees for use in their dams. As part of a service work day, members put up 200 plastic barriers in order to protect the new trees from the hungry beavers! The members not only helped out the refuge, but also got to learn more about identifying types of trees and beavers’ ecosystems!

Ice Cream Social April 10, 2013 during common hour the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma and the men of Phi Kappa Tau met and held a campus wide ice cream social by giving away ice cream sandwiches. Luckily, it was one of the warmest and most beautiful days of the year so far, and students were delighted to receive a cool treat on their way out of lunch.

Formal April 20, 2013 This event was held at the Danville Country Club. Formal was an excellent opportunity to bond with sisters and brush up on our dancing.

Kolor Kombat Games April 27, 2013 at Breck Beach Benefitting Organization: Books for Barrios As an update from the paint fight, we raised $262 which will buy about 52 books for Books for the Barrios! That's 52 kids whose lives we're changing by giving them the gift of education!

Reading Picnic at Boyle County Public Library May 9, 2013

Fall 2013

Service Day at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge October 26, 2013 at Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge Benefitting Organization: Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge The Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge has had a problem with an invasive plant species in their forest. Its’ growth is causing damage to the indigenous vegetation. The members cut down the invasive plant with loppers and added pesticide to the invasive plant stumps to prevent future growth. This was a great opportunity to protect the forest and learn more about native plant species.

Formal October 26, 2013 This event was held at the Danville Community Arts Center and had a Great Gatsby theme. A variety of appetizers were provided and the members enjoyed a night of dancing.

Homecoming November 2, 2013 During Homecoming weekend, alumni returned to the Kappa Kappa Gamma House for a morning of activities and fun. All of the active members and alumni participated in a short ritual ceremony. In the afternoon, our chapter participated in a football tailgate.

Date Auction November 16, 2013 at the Warehouse Benefitting Organization: Center for Courageous Kids At this event, there was a live auction for eighteen Centre men and Centre’s president and wife, John and Susie Roush. Dates were donated by local businesses and women who purchased the men were able to choose the date location. We raised $2,680 for the Center for Courageous Kids in Scottsville, KY.

Thanksgiving with the Kappas and SAEs November 22, 2013 at the Warehouse Benefitting Organization: Harvesting Hope Food Bank This event was a Thanksgiving-themed mixer with our chapter and the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The mixer was open to the campus with a $1 admission fee or the option of bringing a canned good. All donations were given to the Harvesting Hope Food Bank. This event was an excellent way to restock the food pantry before the holiday season. There was food, dancing, and even a virgin drink bar!

Spreading Holiday Cheer with Kappa and Beta November 25, 2013 at the Campus Center The holidays can be a difficult time for those serving in the military who will not be able to come home for Christmas. Our chapter along with the men of Beta Theta Pi hosted this campus-wide event to write letters to our troops and nursing home residents. It was a great opportunity to let our troops know how much we appreciate their service and to spread some cheer to the nursing home residents.

This past year, Centre College has had its largest enrollment to date. We are hoping to recruit a large pledge class in the spring due to the increased population on campus. Centre College also has a new Director of Greek Life, Alycia Tidrick. She has improved the Greek Review system by adding deadlines throughout the year and making most of the process electronic. With these new deadlines, Ms. Tidrick hopes to prevent the chapters from filling out everything at the last minute.

Highlights of 2014


Outstanding Rho Gamma- Sarah Cramer 4/30/14 Grand Chapter Outstanding Chapter Program 4/30/14 Grand Chapter Outstanding Greek Athlete-Meghan Holliday 4/30/14 Grand Chapter Order of Omega Interfraternalism Award- Sarah Cramer 4/30/14 Grand Chapter Emerging Leader Award- Emily Ackemann 4/30/14 Grand Chapter


Spring 2014

Karaoke Night January 20, 2014 at Bowlarama Lanes It was a fun night of sisterhood bonding while exercising our vocal cords. The idea for this event was suggested by the junior pledge class. Every Monday night the bowling alley has a free karaoke night and all the members of the chapter who attended sang that night.

Autism Weekend at Center for Courageous Kids January 24-26, 2014 A group of nine women from our chapter visited our local philanthropy, the Center for Courageous Kids in Scottsville, KY. These women served as Den Counselors for the weekend and were assigned to a family attending the camp. This experience was an excellent way to learn more about our local philanthropy and to bond with autistic children and their families.

Big/Little Crafting Sisterhood Event March 6, 2014 at the Kappa Kappa Gamma House Art supplies were provided at the house for members to create crafts for their littles. Many women painted beautiful canvases for the new members.

Kappacino March 9th and March 16th, 2014 at Centre College’s Library Our chapter sold coffee and hot chocolate in the library during midterms. A local coffee shop donated the coffee and all proceeds were donated to our local philanthropy, The Center for Courageous Kids.

Service Day at Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge March 15, 2014 All members of our chapter went to the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge to help remove invasive honeysuckle from native trees. This event was not only a great opportunity to help preserve the wildlife but also bond with the new members of our chapter.

Cook out with Phi Kappa Tau April 11, 2014 at Centre College Brockman Commons Grill This event was the perfect opportunity to enjoy the warm spring weather and bond with the men of Phi Kappa Tau. Hamburgers and hot dogs were prepared along with a side of chips and other snacks.

Sapphire Ball Spring Formal April 12, 2014 at Danville Community Arts Center Everyone enjoyed a night full of dancing and fun. Dinner and dessert were provided.

Fall 2014

Kappa Kappa Gamma- Beta Theta Pi See Saw a Thon October 10-11, 2014 at Centre College Campus Center The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma and the men of Beta Theta Pi participated in a twenty-four hour See Saw a Thon to raise money for the Center for Courageous Kids. One member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and one member of Beta Theta Pi were on the see saw at all times.

Fall Homecoming October 25, 2014 at the Kappa Kappa Gamma House Homecoming provides the opportunity for Kappa alumni to come back to the house and visit with old friends and other members of the chapter. Sandwiches and snacks were provided.

Fall Formal November 1, 2014 at Pioneer Playhouse This event was full of dancing and delicious food. A local deli, Melton’s, provided sandwiches and other treats.

Kappa Krush November 14, 2014 at Centre College’s Warehouse In a 60's themed Krush, the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma were able to enjoy a night full of dancing and fun with their sisters.

Date Auction November 21, 2014 at Centre College’s Warehouse In our annual date auction, dates with twelve men were sold. Dates were donated by local businesses and all proceeds went to the Center for Courageous Kids.

Thanksgiving with Sigma Alpha Epsilon November 22, 2014 at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon House The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma and the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrated Thanksgiving together by eating Qdoba. This event is a great opportunity to get to know the men of SAE and enjoy delicious food.

Christmas Craft Night at the Danville Presbyterian Church December 3, 2014 The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma volunteered at the Christmas Craft Night at a local Presbyterian Church. Some women helped the children make crafts while others assisted with dinner preparations. This event was a fun way to spread Christmas cheer in the Danville community.

Centre College continues to increase in size. Our chapter is very involved in many different organizations on campus. One of our greatest strengths is our philanthropy. We have raised over $7,000.00 for the Center for Courageous Kids.

Our chapter meetings are held in the basement of the Kappa Kappa Gamma house on Centre College's campus. Our chapter has had one university owned house for several years. Ten women are able to live in the house each year. Seven of the positions are selected on a first come first serve basis. The house manager, the president, and the president's roommate also live in the house.

Highlights of 2015


New Member Education Award Centre College Greek Awards

Chapter Advisor Award Centre College Greek Awards


Spring 2015

Retirement Rave with Phi Kappa Tau

January 24, 2015 at Centre College’s Warehouse This event was put together for the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma and the men of Phi Kappa Tau to dance and mingle at the warehouse. The mixer’s theme was “Retirement Rave”. Dressing up as senior citizens, many of the men and women embodied the elderly with their costumes and dance moves.


March 15 and 17, 2015 at Centre College’s Grace Doherty Library Our chapter sold coffee and hot chocolate in the library during midterms. A local coffee shop donated the coffee. The proceeds, $314.41, was raised for Relay for Life.

Service Event at Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge April 11, 2015

All members of our chapter went to the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge to help with small tasks around the refuge. This event was not only a great opportunity to help preserve the wildlife but also bond with the new members of our chapter!

Spring Formal

April 11, 2015 at the Danville Country Club Everyone enjoyed a fun night of dancing. A small buffet with dinner and desserts were provided as well.

Fall 2015

Kappa Kappa Gamma and Beta Theta Pi See Saw a Thon

September 18-19, 2015 in front of the Centre College Campus Center The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma and the men of Beta Theta Pi participated in a twenty-four hour See Saw a Thon to raise money for the Center for Courageous Kids and Wilderness Trace. The seesaw was in front of the campus center and one member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and one member of Beta Theta Pi had to be on the see saw at all times. This was held during family weekend so we had many activities during the day such as snow cones, popcorn, a food truck, and corn hole.

Service Event at Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge

September 26, 2015 All members of our chapter went to the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge to help take down a research area that a Centre Professor was using. The members of our chapter went in two shifts and split into smaller groups to help carry out different tasks.

Fall Homecoming

October 10, 2015 Homecoming provides the opportunity for Kappa alumni to come back to the house and visit with old friends and other members of the chapter. Sandwiches from a local deli called Melton’s were provided along with other snacks and drinks.

Cardiac Weekend at the Center for Courageous Kids

October 23-25, 2015 A group of twelve women from our chapter visited our local philanthropy, the Center for Courageous Kids in Scottsville, KY. These women served as den counselors for the weekend and were assigned to a family attending the camp. This experience was an excellent way to learn more about our local philanthropy and to bond with children with cardiac conditions and their families. For many of our twelve women this was their first time at CCK. A few had volunteered other weekends or even worked full time over the summer.

Koloring With the Kappas at the CARE Halloween Event

October 29, 2015 in the Hazelrigg gym at Centre College The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma took turns working a booth at the CARE Halloween event put on by CARE at Centre College. This event gave children from the community the chance to get candy and play games inside the Hazelrigg Gym. Many organizations on campus had booths, and even a haunted house, for the children to visit. At the Kappa Kappa Gamma table Halloween themed coloring sheets along with crayons were provided and candy was distributed.

Fall Semi-Formal

November 7, 2015 at the Pioneer Playhouse in Danville, KY This event was full of dancing and delicious food. Jimmy John’s sandwiches were provided along with other snacks and drinks.

Ugly Holiday Sweater Party with Delta Kappa Epsilon

November 20, 2015 at the Delta Kappa Epsilon House This event was full of dancing and ugly holiday sweaters with the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma and the men of Delta Kappa Epsilon.

Christmas Craft Night at the Danville Presbyterian Church

December 2, 2015 A handful of women from our chapter volunteered at the Christmas Craft Night at a local Presbyterian Church. Our women helped the children make holiday inspired crafts. This event was a fun way to spread Christmas cheer in the Danville community.

Centre College continues to increase in size. Our chapter includes many girls who are involved with several other organizations on campus. Our involvement on campus and our involvement with our local philanthropy are two of our chapter’s greatest strengths.

Chapter Philanthropy:

What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?

Our chapter traditionally raises the most money for our local philanthropy, the Center for Courageous Kids. CCK is a not for profit Medical Camping Facility located in Scottsville, Ky. It is a place where children living with life threatening illnesses and their families can come free of charge and have fun, find respite, feel normal and forget about their everyday struggles. For one of our chapter’s biggest events, the See Saw a Thon, we raised around $4,500 for the Center for Courageous Kids!

Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?

Our chapter chooses to support the Center for Courageous Kids because we believe they are an organization that provides great services for children with illnesses. The camp is free of charge for all families so donations to CCK go a long way. Many women of our chapter have volunteered during family weekends or even worked the full summer at CCK. It is a place very special to many of our members.