Delta Omega

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Delta Omega
Delta Omega.jpg
FoundedNovember 5, 1954 (1954-11-05) (70 years ago)
CollegeFresno State
LocationFresno, CA
HomepageDelta Omega Homepage
Media related to Delta Omega Chapter

California State University at Fresno (formerly Fresno State College) established in 1911 in Fresno, California

Delta Omega founded November 5, 1954, 23 charter members

1,499 initiates (as of June 2015)

Charter Members: Monyeen Apperson, Dorothy Arenman, Mary Blaisdell, Vivienne Briglia, Dorothy Reinold Broderson, Patricia Carter, Suzanne Cowan, Bernadette Fries, Dora Jean Glenn, Margaret Good, Leah Jean Gorton, Kay Keim, Marian Loewe, Diane Medoff, Margaret Joan Meyling, Ina Mae Nicholes, Sally O'Neal, Patricia Ruth Sommers, Dian Spencer, Grace Swanson, Elizabeth Wacaser, Myra Zahlis, Clarice Zwetzig.

Some of Delta Omega’s Outstanding Alumnae: (If you have chapter alumnae who have received recognition in any of these three categories, please list them with the date(s) of recognition.)

Fraternity Council Officers:

Fraternity Loyalty Award Recipients:

Fraternity Alumnae Achievement Award Recipients:

Jeanne Falk Adams, 1998, CEO of The Ansel Adams Galleries, community volunteer

Additional Outstanding Delta Omega Alumnae:

Linda Hulsey (Bianco), Graduate Counselor 1962-1963; Chanda Bornemann (Williams), Chapter Consultant 1994-1995

The Early Years (From The History of Kappa Kappa Gamma 1870–1976)

Fresno, California, in 1910 was a prosperous young community that had begun to feel the desirability of an institution of higher education. A junior college was established that year. The following year, a state normal school was authorized and the two institutions were administered together. The formed the basis on which Fresno State College was founded, although this did not occur until 1921 when the two schools were permanently united and the college was expanded to a four-year institution with authority to grant the B.A. degree.

Delta Kappa, the first local sorority formed at Fresno State College, was the last to become a chapter of a national fraternity, an indication that these girls showed a constancy of spirit in knowing that they wanted and being willing to wait for it. The history of Delta Kappa is a varied one. It was first organized in 1917 as an off-campus group. Shortly after, in January of 1918, the group was officially named Delta Kappa and in December it was recognized as a campus group by the college administration.

Change in Status

This happy state of affairs continued until June of 1919 when the administration rescinded approval of any Greek-letter names on the campus. Not daunted by this decree and determined to keep together, the Delta Kappas renamed themselves “Da Kapo,” which name they retained until May 22, 1923, when they were permitted to reassume their original Greek letters, Delta Kappa.

The first formal charter petition to Kappa by the Delta Kappas was made at the 1952 General Convention. It was then felt that further Kappa expansion in California was not justified. The Delta Kappas were only slightly discouraged by this negative response. They were joined in this feeling by the local Kappa alumnae.

In 1953, Fraternity President Edith Reese Crabtree, Wooster, in San Jose for Province Meeting, consented to come to Fresno for an unofficial visit. After seeing the campus and the town, meeting the Kappa alumnae and the Delta Kappas she felt there could be a fine, representative Kappa chapter at Fresno State. The following November, the inspection committee visited the campus and voted unanimously in favor of allowing Delta Kappa to petition for a charter.

And so, the Delta Kappa petition went to the 1954 General Convention. Margaret Schaaf Rees, Utah, President and delegate of the Fresno Alumnae Association, and Elizabeth Wilson Buehler, Whitman, former association President, went to answer questions that Convention delegates might have concerning the Fresno group and to act as sort of a “friend at court.” The petition was unanimously approved by the Convention delegates.

Local alumnae enthusiastically aided in the plans and arrangements for a gala Installation. Numerous committees were set up and functioned with efficiency and creativity to make this Installation a beautiful and impressive one. Mary Lou Maurhoff (Ladell), Carnegie Mellon, the graduate counselor for the new chapter, arrived early in the fall to assist with all of the arrangements. Edith Reese Crabtree and four other Council members assisted. They were Mary Turner Whitney, Cincinnati, Vice President; Clara O. Pierce, Ohio State; Executive Secretary; Eleanor Goodridge Campbell, Colorado, Director of Membership; and Ruth Armstrong Harris, Pi UC Berkeley, Director of Philanthropies. They shared the honors of initiating 115 members of Delta Kappa into the new chapter, Delta Omega. This number included 23 charter members, 7 actives and 85 alumnae. Actives from Pi Deuteron served as the sponsoring chapter and also helped.


By 1957, the college had experienced a tremendous growth as the population expansion hit the western states. A new campus area was started for Fresno, and fraternities and sororities sought housing sites. Through the vigilant efforts of local alumnae, a 14-room mansion, once the home of a private school for girls, was rented near the new campus for the chapter. Much renovation and hard work was necessary. Everyone, and especially the new members of the newly created House Board, contributed to its readiness with used furniture, rugs, linens, and china. It was ready for fall.

The Delta Omega members enjoyed this home until 1963 when they were able to build their own house on Greek Row, along with six other Greek-letter groups. A lovely contemporary home was built, designed to meet the needs of the chapter. The house was arranged to accommodate 40 members with dining facilities for 100 so that the town girls and nonresidents could be served too.

The formal dedication of the house took place on April 28, 1963, with Mary Turner Whitney, Fraternity President, doing the honors. Chapter officers assisted in the ceremonies and welcomed the 200 guests to inspect the new house and enjoy tea. Once again the devoted alumnae had aided the chapter in this venture. Recognition was given to Carol Mehrer Wilde, Washington State, architectural chairman; and to Delta Omega’s Clarice Buttner Bradshaw, decorations chairman; Caroline Madden Prunty, House Board President; and Carolou Bruce Oneto, finance chairman, for their part in the development of the house.

Delta Omegas have earned many honors and awards. Their work with the Pinedale Golden Key Club has contributed much to the welfare of underprivileged eighth-grade girls in Fresno who are seeking to improve themselves for the social and emotional adjustment necessary for success in high school and community activities.

In the spring of 1975, Delta Omega hosted the Pi Province Meeting. In many ways and along many avenues or progress, Delta Omega Chapter has opened the doors to a success and happiness in their individual lives and in the history of their chapter.

The previous information was excerpted from The History of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 1870-1976. The information that follows has been gleaned from available resources including Chapter History Reports, chapter meeting minutes, letters and comments from chapter members and alumnae, the Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Archives, and The Key. Each chapter is expected to update its history record annually. Contact Fraternity Headquarters at with questions.

Highlights of the 1980s:

(Information from chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.)

Delta Omega chapter had a lot of Greek spirit, and to prove it, they continually won the Panhellenic Spirit Award. Improving their Greek relationships with other groups on campus was another focus area, and they teamed up with a sister sorority each year. In 1985, a Delta Omega member was selected as Homecoming Queen. However, Greek Week was cancelled that fall due to lack of organization. In April 1989, Delta Omega hosted the Pi Province Meeting, and much time was speint in planning for this special event. The chapter was very successful during Recruitment by continually achieving quota. Scholarship continued to be important to the chapter members and they ranked second in G.P.A. A new alcohol policy for social events went into effect, and a change in the live-in policy helped with expenses.


Delta Omega welcomed a new House Director in the mid-1980s. Many areas of the chapter house were redecorated, including the phone booths. However, in 1985, individual private phone lines were installed in the chapter house. The Mothers’ Club gave the chapter a new video cassette player. In 1989, the bathroom was redone, the parking lot was repaved, and a new speed bump was added. By the end of the 1980s, there were more Delta Omegas who wanted to live in the chapter house than could be accommodated.


Delta Omega participated in many philanthropic activities including a pizza philanthropy, the Easter Seals Telethon and a Balloon Derby.

Convention Awards:

Highlights of the 1990s:

(Information from chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.)

The 1990s brought many changes to the Delta Omega Chapter at Fresno State. They embraced the new member program, put lots of emphasis on Key Sisters, and successfully incorporated KORE groups to our new member program. By incorporating the two programs it helped both new members and actives continue their strong, sisterly bonds. The chapter also concentrated on their studies, resulting in Kappa Kappa Gamma having the second highest G.P.A. on sorority mall.

In October 1994, the chapter celebrated its 40th anniversary with a banquet attended by hundreds of Kappas ranging from the 1954 pledge class to the 1994 pledge class.

During the 1990s, the chapter struggled with low membership resulting in higher dues. However, by the end of the decade, the chapter had attained full membership.

Many members were active on campus as cheerleaders, campus queens, Greek Woman of the Year, and Panhellenic offices. Delta Omega continued to win the Panhellenic Spirit Banner.


Improvements to the chapter house were made by alumnae to both the inside and outside of the house. The exterior was painted, furniture was refinished and new lamps and floral arrangements were purchased. Also, a bathroom was redone. The chapter welcomed a new House Director and the house was at full capacity.


The chapter held a new philanthropy event titled “Kappasta”, which was a pasta dinner to raise money for local . Another philanthropy event was the Annual Kappa Softball Tournament in which money was raised to benefit the Rape Crisis Center. Other events included the Kids Day newspaper sales.

Convention Awards:

Highlights of 2000-2010:

Maintaining a high level of academic success was of great importance to Delta Omega and the Greek Community. In the fall of 2008, the chapter was ranked first on sorority mall for their grades with a G.P.A. of 3.0! They also received recognition at Kappa Kappa Gamma's 2008 National Convention and won an Honorable Mention for their Standards Program, as well as national recognition for their philanthropic contributions to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation from their 2007 Tri-Tip Dinner. Delta Omega had a very active Parent Club, House Board and Advisory Board during this period. Chapter members were being held responsible for paying their dues in a timely manner.

The following are some of the honorary fraternities, scholarship recognition, social and campus activities that Delta Omega participated in at Fresno: Sigma Alpha Lambda, Phi Kappa Phi, Order of Omega, Panhellenic Council, Greek President of the Year, Dean's List, President's List, PRSSA- Public Relations Student Society of America.


The house was furnished with many Kappa symbols of fleur-de-lis, owls, and keys throughout the house, providing a warm, welcoming feeling that made the house a home away from home. The house also installed fire sprinklers, a new bike rack and ceiling fans.

House amenities include: 16 bedrooms; 12-2 girl and 4-4 girl rooms, big bathroom centrally located upstairs, kitchenette, large kitchen, washers and dryers, drying room with irons, formal living room, chapter room (TV room), study room, dining room, guest room and bathroom.


Kappa Jam was a lip-synching, skit, and dance competition between the fraternities at Fresno State held in the spring and supported the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. The fall philanthropy was an annual Kappa Softball Tournament that benefited preschool children from the local community center, Stone Soup. Delta Omega also supported literacy by reading and working with the children of Stone Soup. They had holiday parties at the chapter house for the kids complete with decorations, snacks, coloring, games, goody bags, and lots of reading. Book drives to collect books for Stone Soup and local elementary schools were successful. In 2010, the chapter volunteered to help with the Extreme Home Makeover house project in Fresno.

Delta Omega not only hosted its own philanthropies, but also participated in other fraternity and sorority philanthropies at Fresno State.

Convention Awards:

2000 – Ritual Honorable Mention 2004 – Greatest Scholarship Improvement Award 2008 – Standards Honorable Mention Academic Excellence Honorable Mention

Highlights of 2011-2019:

(Information from chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.)

Highlights of 2011

The year of 2011 was without a doubt, a very memorable one for the Delta Omega Chapter. We had a very successful recruitment, and were able to introduce twenty two amazing girls to our sisterhood. Our chapter also hosted Pi Province, which was an unforgettable event where we were able to meet many sisters from other chapters. The Delta Omega Chapter conducted two successful philanthropies as well, Kappa Softball and Kappa Kombat. We also participated in fraternity philanthropies as well, and even won Phi Delta Theta's "Phi Time." Another huge accomplishment was winning Greek Week this year. As achapter, Delta Omega participated in the Panhellenic Ice Cream Scoop, Stone Soup parties, and served the homeless at the Povarello house.

Campus: A recent change at Fresno State has been the transition from Pat Hill as head coach of the football team, to Tim DeRuyter, the previous coach at Texas A&M. It was announced that Hill had been fired on December 5, 2011, and DeRuyter was announced as the new head coach on December 14, 2011. Another change to our campus, has been the increase of budget cuts, which Fresno State has faced in detrimental numbers from an economic stand point.

Chapter: The overall nature of our chapter is professional, caring, and sisterly. Delta Omega has always proven to be charitable and willing to help the community, but this year this seemed to be exceptionally true. Our sisterhood even held a relief fund for the survivors of the earthquake disaster of Japan, by having a coin drive.

A major challenge that our chapter was faced with during this year, was attendance. In order to solve this problem, the former president of the National Kappa Kappa Gamma organization spoke with our chapter about the importance of attendance during meetings, philanthropies, and events. Grades were also a minor problem this year, however the academic committee has instilled many new programs, which have proven to help girls with their study habits.

Highlights of 2013

The year of 2013 was a very successful and rewarding year for the Delta Omega Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. In the Spring of 2013 we expanded our chapter and welcomed three new girls, and in the fall we welcomed 30 more new members into our sisterhood. Our chapter held two philanthropies, Kappa Kombat and Kappacinos, both to raise money for our local charity Stone Soup. Our sorority participated in several fraternity philanthropies, and excelled in several of them. As a chapter, we won first place in Sigma Chi’s Derby Days that benefits Children’s Hospital. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Nu, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon were paired together for Greek Week and we won first place.

Our chapter held dry holiday Panhellenic exchanges, Halloween party, for the other sororities on our campus. In addition we participated in Stone Soup holiday parties, served the homeless at Poverello house, and helped donate pajamas for Naomi’s house. As a chapter we had several sisterhood events that included going to Christmas Tree Lane, Nail painting parites, and activities put on by our Standard’s committee to better unify our chapter. Some members represented Kappa Kappa Gamma at the Susan G. Komen walk for breast cancer as well as selling newspapers for Kid’s Day here in Fresno. Kelli Kennedy was lucky enough to attend Kappa Kappa Gamma’s 10th anniversary Leadership Academy. Shelise Hatfield, Stevie Smelski, and Erica Martinez all received the Founder’s Day scholarship awarded at our Founder’s Day luncheon. At the same luncheon, Kelsey Smith won the Outstanding Delta Omega award. The Delta Omega received a philanthropy award at Pi Provence, an award for excellence on community service and philanthropy, and for excellence in school enhancement. Our chapter has been through a very successful year of award, volunteering, and participating.

Campus: After last year’s devastating loss of a young man to excessive drinking while pledging, the University is strongly enforcing Risk Management. As a Greek community, we attended a guest speaker on campus who talked about risk management and our image to others. The campus is doing a lot to prevent a situation ever happening like this again and providing the Greek community with great resources to share with our chapters on how prevention and awareness.


Highlights of 2014

The year of 2014 was a very successful and rewarding year for the Delta Omega chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. This past spring we welcomed in three new girls and in the fall we welcomed in one of the chapters largest pledge classes with a total of 38 new members. Our chapter held two philanthropies in 2014. In the spring we held Kappacinos, and Kappa Softball in the fall, where we raised money for a local charity Stone Soup. In addition a number of our sisters participated in and supported many of the fraternities philanthropies. As a chapter we excelled in many of these, taking first place in Sigma Phi Epsilon's Queen of Hearts and also Delta Sigma Phi's powder puff. In addition we participated in Pike mud volleyball, Delta Sigma Phi dodge ball, and Sigma Chi Derby Days. The Delta Omega chapter raised over 8000 dollars for Valley Children's hospital during Sigma Chi Derby Days, setting a record for the most money raised by a single Panhellenic organization at Fresno State. In addition many sisters participated in Stone Soup holiday parties, Kid's Day, and the Susan G. Komen walk. To help unify our chapter, our Standard's committee put on several sisterhood events which included pumpkin carving, yoga nights, and tie-dying shirts. Our sisters Madison Prettyman, Kelsey Smith and Kelli Kennedy all attended the biannual national Kappa Kappa Gamma convention last year, bringing home many stories and ideas the better our chapter. Abigail Hudson and Ashley Blomquist both received parent’s club awards. Madison Reiser was awarded the Fresno State Alumni Scholarship and Jillian Bertolucci received the Bo Eriksen Spirit Award for the second time. At the Greek Awards ceremony Stevie Smelski received the Outstanding President award and Natalie Granados received Greek of Distinction. In addition to individual awards, the Delta Omega chapter received an award for Outstanding Interfraternalism and Excellence in Community Service Philanthropy. Overall our chapter had a very successful year filled with volunteering, awards, and sisterhood.

California State University, Fresno has been very concerned with the well being of the students attending throughout the last year. Fresno State has continued to enforce Risk Management and make students aware of the dangers of alcohol. In addition the campus has been informing the students of the high numbers of assault taking place in the area. They are making sure all students are aware of what is going on by requiring the completion of sexual assault orientations. In addition to the campus enforcing Risk Management, our chapter has greatly as well. Our previous Risk Management chair, Madison Prettyman, put on an event where two Police officers came out and spoke on the consequences of alcohol abuse to raise alcohol awareness. This was a very successful event, in which Madison got all panhellenic sororities to attend.

Our chapter holds chapter meetings in our Kappa Kappa Gamma house on campus. This is a facility in which we own. Before Frenso State moved to the current campus, Delta Omega had a 14- room house rented near the previous campus. In 1963 Delta Omega built their own house on Greek row, which we currently own. Our house accommodates for 40 sisters to live in.

The Myra Zahlis Losee Outstanding Delta Omega Award was created to honor an active member who demonstrates the same "outstanding" characteristics that Myra did throughout her collegiate years. The Active Chapter is responsible for nomination three women who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, character, sisterhood, and loyalty. Of these three individuals the Advisory Board selects the recipient, in the year of 2014 this was awarded to our previous Vice President of Academic Excellence, Jeanine Fiser. In addition to wearing Myra's key for the coming year, the active that is chosen as this year's Outstanding Delta Omega receives a gift of $700 from the Losee family.

Highlights of 2015

The year of 2015, was a very exciting, memorable, and successful year for the Delta Omega chapter. In the spring of this year we welcomed in 10 new members, and in the fall we welcomed 37 new members into our chapter. Delta Omega held two extremely successful philanthropies this year, Kappa Kasino in the spring and Kappa Softball this past fall. These two philanthropies resulted in the raising of approximately $7500 for our local charity stone soup, RIF, and the Kappa Foundation. In addition many sisters of the Delta Omega chapter supported and participated in fraternity philanthropies. Delta Omega participated in Delta Sigma Phi Powder-puff, Pike Mud Volleyball, and Sigma Chi Derby Days, where we raised approximately $11,000 for Fresno Valley Children’s Hospital. Any philanthropy Delta Omega did not get the chance to participate in was respectfully donated to. In addition, a number of Delta Omega actives contributed to the philanthropies held by other panhellenic sororities here at Fresno State. We also participated in Kid’s Day to help raise money for the Valley Children’s Hospital. Our sisters Maddy D., Kelli K., Kelsey H., Kameron B., and Hayley M. participated in the PAIN (Prescription Abusers In Need) event, and Jazzmyn O., Kelli K., Kelsey H., and Maddie K. volunteered at an event for the Make-a-Wish foundation. Sister, Maddy D., helped put on the annual Blood Drive on the Fresno State Campus, where many sisters supported her in donating blood. She also put on an event called “Make a Difference Day.”

Faith M. attended the Kappa Leadership Academy in Ohio where she learned different leadership skills to bring back to the Delta Omega Chapter. Sisters Jazzmyn O. and Kennedy C. had the opportunity to participate in a Chapter Leadership camp hosted by Fresno State with the other sororities and fraternities on campus. It is amazing to see how much our sisters were involved on the Fresno State campus this past year. Three Delta Omegas hold positions on ASI, Associated Students Inc., Madi P. and Kelli K. are Senators at Large and our very own Abigail H. is the ASI President. With ASI Madison P. put on a Halloween Carnival at El Dorado Park near our chapter. Many of our sisters went out to support her and ASI. It is important for Delta Omega to be involved with panhellenic as well. Abigail H. held the panhellenic position of VP Programs this past year. In the recent elections, Maddy D. was elected VP Programs, Lisa T. was elected VP Recruitment, and Emma Z. was elected VP Administration.

Delta Omega has maintained a 3.21 GPA for the past two semesters. We are so proud to have the highest GPA out of all panhellenic sororities at Fresno State for two consecutive semesters. Ashley Blomquist was awarded the Fresno State Alumnae Scholarship, Kappa Kappa Gamma Undergraduate Scholarship and the Bo Ericksen Kappa Spirit Award. Abigail H. received the Maybethe Rhodes Buck Scholarship for grace and achievement, and Heather G. received the Myra Zahlis Losee Scholarship. Our VP standards did an excellent job in maintaining our sisterhood by putting on multiple sisterhood events, which included pumpkin carving, gingerbread house making and sister bonding. We also had panhellenic sorority Phi Mu for a Zumba workout class in our very own house. Overall Delta Omega had an extremely successful year filled with academics, scholarships, volunteering and sisterhood. We are so proud of all that we have accomplished!

As Fresno State has continued to enforce Risk Management throughout this year, we have seen a rise in campus safety in regards to violence. Each student at Fresno State was required to complete a violence-training workshop which warned and prepared students of possible risks they are under. This training was very helpful in preparing us for situations we would not always expect to be in. Fresno State experienced a threat from a student, which caused a huge scare to all students and faculty. Thankfully this was taken under control, however, Fresno State has implemented safety courses and encourages students to attend them in order to be prepared for life threatening situations. Delta Omega’s risk management, along with standards and the rest of chapter council ensured all members were safe and aware of these situations. Delta Omega hosted a police officer that educated us on safety precautions we should take in order to stay safe. He also touched on the subject of drug and alcohol awareness.

Chapter Philanthropy:

What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?

Delta Omega is committed to raising money for the local charity we are lucky to have near by called Stone Soup. Stone Soup is a pre-school to help individuals learn and grow to become successful in the future. Each year we donate a portion from our two philanthropies along with hundreds of books for the kids to read at Stone Soup. In addition, many sisters throughout the year donate their time to volunteer at the pre-school. This past month, a number of actives presented the pre-school with a $2000 check and spent time hanging out and reading to the kids. They loved it!

Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?

Delta Omega chose this organization to support because it coincides with our national philanthropy RIF. It is great to provide the kids with books to read, and to volunteer our time to better their ability to read.

Highlights of 2020s:

(Information from chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.)



Convention Awards:

Note to Chapter Registrar: Please refer to your chapter archives including chapter meeting minutes and back issues of The Key to fill in any gaps in the above historical highlights. If your chapter archives are not complete, please research your university library, campus newspaper and yearbook archives for newsworthy information about your chapter. Please double check your work for accuracy. Contact chapter Advisory or House Board members, local Alumnae Association members, or your Province Director of Chapters for assistance.

Your efforts will ensure a complete and accurate history of your chapter for future generations to enjoy!