Beta Delta

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Beta Delta
Beta Delta.jpg
FoundedOctober 2, 1890 (1890-10-02) (134 years ago)
CollegeUniversity of Michigan
LocationAnn Arbor, MI
HomepageBeta Delta Homepage
Media related to Beta Delta Chapter

Beta Delta Chapter, University of Michigan

Founded October 2, 1890

University of Michigan established in 1817, Ann Arbor, Michigan

2,970 initiates (as of June 2014)

Highlights of 2012

During the previous calender year, the Beta Delta chapter has excelled in many aspects. Academically, our chapter received an academic excellence award for schools with fifteen or more sorority houses at Convention of 2012. Kappa also had the highest GPA on the University of Michigan campus for this past year with a 3.5 average GPA.

In addition, many sisters of our chapter were recognized for their outstanding work. Hannah Okonow was nominated for the position of Junior of the Year, our chapter's previous president, Megan Miller, was voted President of the Year by the Panhellenic Association, our current president, Emily Long, was voted Junior Panhel Representative of the term, and Emily Goor was voted to be Panhellenic President for 2013 year.

For Michigan's annual Greek Week competition, Kappa placed top three in both Variety and Sing competitions and placed top five over all. Kappa also participated in Relay for Life in 2012 and was one of the top three teams in raising money for the cause.

Kappa was extremely involved in philanthropy this past year. Our chapter's annual "Kappasta" event, a pasta dinner created to raise money for our national philanthropy, Reading is Fundamental, was unbelievably successful. We also partnered with the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity for our Home for the Holidays event, where we buy gifts for children from a less fortunate elementary school in Detroit and invite them to our house to open their gifts and celebrate the holidays with all of us. Our chapter also put on a lemonaide stand in order to raise money to send children from Mott Children's Hospital to summer camp. Lastly, in the fall we had our first ever concert at Kappa given by our own Hannah Gross, where the money we raised for admissions also went towards our philanthropy, Reading Is Fundamental.

During the past year, both the University of Michigan and the Beta Delta chapter have developed major changes and improvements. On a campus-wide scale, Michigan has created large social media connections. By means of various social networks, including websites like Facebook and Twitter, students can connect with one another as well as with Michigan alumni by joining group pages pertaining to anything from campus clubs to general interests. An example of a group formed by the University of Michigan is called "Hail it Forward." This page proactively connects students with Michigan alumni by means of Facebook and Linked-In and provides various career opportunities to students. In addition, Michigan has implemented an ambassador program, where students volunteer as ambassadors to help run and promote safety at campus wide events, including football games. Lastly, the University of Michigan created a campaign known as "Beyond the Diag," which created a group of students who live off campus to support one another and promote safety within the community.

Our chapter is comprised of caring, welcoming, hard-working, and selfless women. As a chapter, every sister is bonded to one another through our diversity, abundant sisterhood and philanthropy events, and our strong connections with Kappa traditions. The most recent addition to our chapter, the 2102 pledge class of 57 girls, brings many unique qualities to our chapter. With recruitment numbers growing every year, our chapter was allowed a bigger intake of new members. Accordingly, our chapter is proud to declare that the 2012 pledge class is larger than ever before, and we hope to continue our growth for years to come.

Highlights of 2014

Last spring we had a very successful Greek Week, our overall Greek Life raised a little more than $13,000 to donate to various charities and foundations. We are proud to say our chapter placed third in the Greek Week Variety show, and we had a great turnout once again for Kappa Kickball. Our former president, Madison Romney, and current president Justine Miller attended the 2014 KKG national convention and received Honorable Mentions. In the fall, Recruitment went very well and we gained 65 new freshmen sisters. We worked with Pi Beta Phi and Alpha Epsilon Phi to practice and support them as well. We also threw a very successful new philanthropy event called Hungry Hungry Kappapillar, in which teams competed in a pie-eating contest and donated children's books for our Reading is Key philanthropy. Our next philanthropy event, Kappasta, went very smoothly and we were pleased with the turnout. This year, we've been getting more involved with the overall Greek community and have attended various other philanthropy events and charities hosted by other houses. Additionally, we held our annual Home for the Holidays event with Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, when we host children from an elementary school in Detroit to open gifts and celebrate the holiday season.

This fall Michigan added a new sorority to campus, Gamma Phi Beta, who is our sister sorority. We're looking forward to getting to know our new Greek Life sisters and hope to organize a joint-council dinner with their council soon within the next week or so. Our chapter has grown more involved in Greek Life and we're very supportive of other philanthropic events thrown by our fellow Greek Life members. As a whole, Michigan's Greek Life is trying to become even more involved in giving back to our community. As a council and a house in general, we're very supportive of each other. Our chapter consists of many hardworking and devoted women. We're strengthened by our diversity and sisterhood, increased by our new fall 2014 pledge class of 65 wonderful young women.

Our chapter holds meetings in our house, usually the dining room for Formal Chapter. Our chapter owns a house on campus. Right now we have about 65 sisters living in it, and the sisters can move in during their sophomore year.