Gamma Iota

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Gamma Iota
Gamma Iota.jpg
FoundedSeptember 10, 1921 (1921-09-10) (103 years ago)
CollegeWashington University
LocationSt. Louis, MO
HomepageGamma Iota Homepage
Media related to Gamma Iota Chapter

Washington University (St. Louis), established February 22, 1853

Gamma Iota founded September 10, 1921

2,370 initiates (as of June 2018)

Charter Members:

Grace Shafer Able, Marceline Emma Alexander, Katherine Marshall Atwood, Eleanor Ann Becker, Deborah Catlin, Marion Octavia Gerhart, Martha Lillian Gerhart, Elizabeth Hart, Louise Landers, Mary Louise McRoberts, Mildred Udell Michaels, Bernice Amanda Read, Anita Page Weakley.

Fraternity Council Members:

Katie De Nourie (Moussouri), Traveling Consultant 1990-1992

Fraternity Loyalty Award Recipients:

Fraternity Alumnae Achievement Award Recipients:

Carolyn Smith Roehm, 1988, Fashion designer;

Additional Outstanding Gamma Iota Alumnae

The Early Years (From The History of Kappa Gamma 1870-1976)

When, in the spring of 1903, six Kappas representing five chapters, organized the St. Louis Alumnae Association, it was with the idea that organization at that time might be the means of bringing about pleasant meetings between resident and visiting Kappas during the months of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The Kappa corner in the “Anchorage” on the exposition grounds proved a convenient meeting place. The 1904 Convention, entertained by Theta Chapter from the University of Missouri, brought Kappa enthusiasm to a white heat.

It was impossible to see the beautiful—but obtrusively new-looking—Administration Building of Washington University built on the edge of the city, without feeling a desire to mother a Kappa chapter there. But those were conservative days. No fraternity for women had yet entered the University and Kappa seemed to have lost her pioneering spirit. So the St. Louis Kappas merely wished and hoped. Then in 1906, Kappa Alpha Theta entered, and a year later Pi Beta Phi, and it seemed too late. But there were girls at the University who wanted Kappa. The 1906–08 Grand President’s Report, records that on October 10, 1907, a formal petition was received, signed by five girls. This was refused by a unanimous negative vote of the Grand Council, because of its proximity to Theta Chapter at the University of Missouri, and the lack of material to support another chapter at the University. It is interesting to note that while this petition was in the hands of the Grand Council, an informal petition had been received on February 11, 1908, from an entirely different group.

Apparently the attitude of succeeding administrations was not favorable to Washington University as a field for extension. The year 1914 saw Delta Gamma enter and two years later came Gamma Phi Beta. The St. Louis Alumnae Association began to bestir itself. There must be materials for a chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma there. What followed has erroneously been called “colonization.” It was not that, but rather “selection,” an interesting and novel piece of work undertaken by an alumnae association for the good of the Fraternity.

Highlights of the 1920s

In the spring of 1920, the St. Louis Alumnae Association decided to take steps to establish a chapter at Washington University. Eight girls were selected and pledged. In July of the same year, at the Convention on Mackinac Island, an alumna representing the St. Louis Alumnae Association told what had been done and pleaded for interest in the University and the group. In the fall, the Alumnae Association, with the aid of the group of eight girls, rushed and pledged seven more girls. The group was inspected on February 11, 1921, by the Grand Secretary, Della Lawrence (Burt), Beta Xi, Texas, after which petition booklets were sent out. On May 27, 1921, a charter was granted by the unanimous consent of the active chapters and one dissenting vote of the alumnae associations. Each member of the group was formally pledged to Kappa Kappa Gamma on June 6, 1921.

On September 10, 1921, Gamma Iota was installed by Grand President Sarah B. Harris (Rowe), Upsilon, Northwestern, and Theta, Missouri. At a banquet the same evening, the Alumnae Association presented the chapter with a beautiful silver service and Theta Chapter gave a Book of Ritual. On November 19, Gamma Iota was introduced to the faculty and friends of Washington University at a reception given by the Alumnae Association.

During this first year the honor of having the only Phi Beta Kappa member among fraternity girls belonged to Kappa. As yet there were no fraternity houses and the girls lived chiefly in their own homes, though a few resided at McMillan Hall, the women’s dormitory.

However, Washington University was indeed expanding and broadening. In 1923-24 a campaign was started for a Woman’s Building. Fraternity women were especially interested in this project because the building was to include attractive living rooms and comfortably large sorority rooms. In the following fall the campaign was begun with renewed vigor under Kappa leadership. The future for such a building seemed bright for the women on the campus pledged more than $25,000 after which the campaign was taken off the campus.

Perhaps Gamma Iota’s greatest honor came in the fall of 1924 when it won Washington University’s Panhellenic Scholarship Cup for the previous year. This was the first time Kappa had held the cup and the St. Louis Alumnae Association was so delighted that it presented the chapter with two silver sandwich trays. Besides this great honor, a member was president of the Athletic Association (WSGA), and elected to Mortar Board the same year. In every university organization Kappa were well represented.

During 1926–1927, Gamma Iota excelled in campus activities, scholarship, leadership and athletics, going so far as to win the silver loving cup for its prowess in baseball. One member who excelled in athletics was elected president of the Athletic Association (WSGA), selected for Mortar Board, and held offices in several other campus organizations in two succeeding years. The Kappa Kappa Gamma Mothers Club was formed that same year, and through the years helped in every conceivable way, including the establishment of a loan fund for members of Gamma Iota in financial need.

An unusual event in 1927 was a 50th anniversary Founders Day program presented by Gamma Iota over radio station KMOX, which drew telegrams and messages from Kappas in various parts of the country. The program featured musical numbers by university singing groups, and a short address by Fraternity President Georgia Hayden Lloyd-Jones, Eta, Wisconsin. Also appearing on the program were two University of Missouri Kappas who were popular singers on the Keith and Orpheum circuits. They wrote Kappa Blues which was sung in almost every Kappa house in the country. In the fall of 1928, the Women’s Building was completed. Gamma Iota was quite prepared to move from its cramped quarters in McMillan Hall. The chapter was the first in the building, and had the most desirable room. Soon the suite was well and handsomely furnished, thanks to the Mothers Club, which had a large and successful bridge benefit to raise money for furnishings. The Zeta Province Meeting was held in St. Louis in the spring of 1929, and most of the meetings were conducted in the Kappa section of the Women’s Building.

As Washington University has grown and prospered, so Gamma Iota Chapter has developed, and in so doing hopes to maintain her standard in Kappa Kappa Gamma Highlights of the 1940s

Gamma Iota celebrated its 25th anniversary the year of Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Diamond Jubilee in 1946. By happy chance, the Initiation banquet that year coincided with a visit from Nora Waln, Beta Iota, Swarthmore, on a lecture tour. She appeared as guest speaker as more than 160 Kappas assembled in the main dining room of the University Club to celebrate Gamma Iota’s 25th and Kappa’s 75th birthdays. Miss Waln talked about her experiences in Europe during World War II—experiences that led to the establishment of the Nora Waln Fund for Refugee Children. At the conclusion of the banquet, the actives sang a song which had been written for Gamma Iota at the time of its Installation.


Washington University sororities did not have houses. Instead, each chapter had a living-room- style suite in the Ann Olin Women's Building. These non-residential suites provided a place on the main campus for members to hang out, conduct study groups, and hold chapter business meetings. Most fraternities resided in University-owned houses.

Highlights of the 1950s

The Vietnam War fought from November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975, had a great influence on campus life as students discussed the pros and cons, and young men went off to war.


Washington University sororities did not have houses. Instead, each chapter had a living-room- style suite in the Ann Olin Women's Building. These non-residential suites provided a place on the main campus for members to hang out, conduct study groups, and hold chapter business meetings. Most of the fraternities resided in University-owned houses.

Highlights of the 1960s

Gamma Iota’s contributions and interests extended beyond sorority and university activities. During the Vietnam War, the chapter subscribed to a newsletter distributed periodically by the Friends of the Children of Vietnam, an organization which provided food and clothing for needy Vietnamese children. The chapter sent donations to the Providence Orphanage in Sa Deo.

During the initiation luncheon in 1962, another tradition was started. The recipient of the outstanding pledge award presented the chapter with a special ruby key which became known as the Friendship Key. That year an active voted by the chapter as the friendliest on campus became the first to wear it.

Gamma Iota was 42 years old when Washington University celebrated its 100th birthday in 1963. On the occasion of the Centennial Celebration, Thomas H. Eliot, Chancellor, said, “The sorority or fraternity that enthusiastically encourages the spirit of learning is playing a valuable part on the college campus. I am glad that the Gamma Iota Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma appears, from the record, to be taking this seriously and thus contributing to the life of the university.”

On Halloween, the pledge class often “trick-or-treated” for UNICEF. The chapter participated in a phone-a-thon sponsored by the Student Alumni Relations Committee to raise money for the university, and helped with Christmas parties for children from the Evangelical Children’s Home in St. Louis.


Washington University sororities did not have houses. Instead, each chapter had a living-room- style suite in the Ann Olin Women's Building. These non-residential suites provided a place on the main campus for members to hang out, conduct study groups, and hold chapter business meetings. Most of the fraternities resided in University-owned houses.

Highlights of the 1970s

The Vietnam War finally came to a close. National attention focused on alcohol policies. The Legal Drinking Age (LDA) for beer was lowered from 21 to 18. LDA for wine and liquor remained at 21 years old. This had an effect upon the social lives of Greek members. Throughout the latter part of this decade, the percentage of students involved in Greek Life increased from 10% to 25%.


Washington University sororities did not have houses. Instead, each chapter had a living-room- style suite in the Ann Olin Women's Building. These non-residential suites provided a place on the main campus for members to hang out, conduct study groups, and hold chapter business meetings. During this time, the House Board was formed and more long-term planning was instituted for the Kappa room.

Most fraternities resided in University-owned houses. The fraternity houses entered into an arrangement with the University that allowed their houses to be renovated in exchange for closer ties with WU.

Chapter Convention Awards:

1974 Best Chapter Advisory Board Relations; 1974 The Efficiency Award for Unhoused Chapters; There have been many awards and accomplishments for Gamma Iota Chapter through the years and for the hard-working St. Louis Alumnae Association. During the General Convention of 1974, the active and alumna delegates of Gamma Iota were very pleasantly surprised. The association was recognized for its fine programs and fundraising events

The previous information was excerpted from The History of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 1870-1976. The information that follows has been gleaned from available resources including Chapter History Reports, chapter meeting minutes, letters and comments from chapter members and alumnae, the Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Archives, and The Key. Each chapter is expected to update its history record annually. Contact Fraternity Headquarters at with questions.

Highlights of the 1980s

Impacting the college social life were changes in the Legal Drinking Age. In 1981 the LDA for beer remained at 18 for on-premises consumption but was raised to 19 for off-premises consumption. In 1983 LDA was raised to 19 years old for all sales of beer. In 1985 those born on or after July 1, 1966 were able to purchase beer, wine and liquor on and after their 21st birthday. Persons born before July 1, 1966 retained the privilege of purchasing, possessing and consuming beer.

In 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded killing seven crew members and sobering a nation. Greek life was active on the Washington University campus during this period. Gamma Iota’s biggest rival for members was Pi Beta Phi. Membership numbers of most Greek chapters rose. Chapters commonly held events together and used Greek life as an escape from the tough college academic pressures.

Attendance and the payment of dues were challenges faced by the chapter and led to the inactivation of several members. Encouragement and promotion of events helped to lessen these problems.

Awards received by the chapter included the Friendship Key, the Spirit Key, and the highest GPA award.


Washington University sororities did not have houses. Instead, each chapter had a living-room- style suite in the Ann Olin Women's Building. These non-residential suites provided a place on the main campus for members to hang out, conduct study groups, and hold chapter business meetings. Most of the fraternities resided in University-owned houses.


Kappa was well represented at all Greek philanthropy events winning Beta 4-Square, Sigma Chi Derby Days and the Chi Omega Volleyball Classic. Gamma Iota participated in the Thurtene Carnival as well as other events with Sigma Alpha Mu, Theta Xi, and Sigma Nu.

Chapter Convention Awards:

Highlights of the 1990s

Greek life has played an important role for undergraduate students for more than 100 years at Washington University. Approximately 2,000 students were members of Greek organizations equaling 25 to 30% of the undergraduate population. The Greek community at Washington University was comprised of seven international sororities, 12 international fraternities, and nine city-wide National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Greek organizations.

In addition to developing peer relationships, students who choose to commit to the Greek community had the opportunity to serve in leadership positions, participate in service programs, attend social events, and compete in team intramurals while maintaining the high academic standards demanded by each fraternity and sorority.


Washington University sororities did not have houses. Instead, each chapter had a living room- style-suite in the Ann Olin Women's Building. These non-residential suites provided a place on the main campus for members to hang out, conduct study groups, and hold chapter business meetings. Most of the fraternities resided in University-owned houses.

Highlights of 2000-2010

On September 11, 2001, there was a series of suicide attacks on the United States which killed nearly 3,000 people. Terrorists from the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets, crashed two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City, and one into the Pentagon. The fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

At Washington University, in the middle of the country, Greek life was enjoying steady growth, with new ideas, solutions to problems, and enthusiasm about the Greek community. The University worked to promote a more positive view of the Greek community and to highlight the philanthropic and scholastic achievements of all chapters on campus. Commuter students were increasing making night meetings inconvenient for many sorority members.

Gamma Iota’s diverse membership brought many opportunities and personalities to the table, providing a place for every person within the chapter to build strong bonds and lasting memories. Gamma Iota was respected and well-received across campus, and consistently had strong retention rates during recruitment. It was the largest sorority on campus and an active participant in Greek life. Sisters were involved across many disciplines and student groups including student theater, residential advising, religious groups, student government, and multiple school and intramural sports. The Kappa volleyball team won the 2010 championship. One of the chapter’s proudest achievements this decade was winning the D.E.F.I.N.E. Award given to the student organization with the most outstanding leadership.

Gamma Iota also had many fun and learning experiences. Each year it had a retreat over Labor Day weekend to promote sisterhood - Kappa Kampout. One year it was a day spent in the beautiful park in front of the school. Members went paddle boating, had a picnic, played icebreaker games and got to know one another while relaxing in the sun. Other times members spent the day grilling and relaxing in Shaw Park and Forest Park. Throughout the year there were many memorable events - formals, theme parties, float trips, etc.


Washington University sororities did not have houses. Instead, each chapter had a living-room- style suite in the Ann Olin Women's Building. These non-residential suites provided a place on the main campus for members to hang out, conduct study groups, and hold chapter business meetings. Most of the fraternities resided in University-owned houses.


Gamma Iota Chapter distinguished itself for many years with its academic and campus prowess. However, during this period of time it also excelled in its involvement in philanthropic events. The St. Louis, Washington University, and Kappa communities all benefited.

Kappa Karaoke was the chapter’s primary focus. It was the most widely attended philanthropy event on the Washington University’s campus. Each year more than 500 people crowded the Athletic Complex for this phenomenal week-long karaoke competition. It culminated in an evening of Karaoke performances by more than 15 student groups. Members of every Greek fraternity and sorority on campus competed throughout the week to accumulate the most points.

There were three primary goals for this event: To raise funds for Lydia’s House, a transitional housing program for battered women and their children; To collect children’s books for the library of the after-school program at Lydia’s House; To promote positive relations among the Greek chapters on campus.

Chapters participated in “Penny Wars” throughout the week, continually contributing silver coins to a jar for their respective team and pennies to the jars of other teams. In working to promote positive interactions, points were given on “Kiss Me I’m A Kappa“ Day. Participants had to approach a Kappa (clearly identified) and ask for a Hershey’s chocolate kiss to receive a spirit point. One year Kappa Karaoke donated more than $1,200 and collected some 300 children’s books for Lydia’s House. Kappas also volunteered weekly with its after-school and child care programs.

“To the Arch” was another favorite event. At the start of the fall term, members walked eight miles to the St. Louis Arch to benefit the Rose McGill Fund. More than $500 was donated each year.

Thurtene, a Greek-wide annual spring carnival, paired fraternity and sororities to build a facade, produce and act in a play, and fund raise for the community. Gamma Iota was very proud of winning the award twice for best construction of its facade, and the first prize Burmeister trophy. Themes included Venice, the Cresent Key Record Store, and New Orleans. Gamma Iota's participation in the Thurtene Carnival was always one of its proudest accomplishments. All proceeds from ticket sales and contributions were donated to a St. Louis charity.

Greek Week provided another opportunity to be involved in charitable causes. During the Week, members volunteered their time at St. Patrick’s, a homeless shelter for men and women trying to reintegrate themselves into the workforce. In 2005, Greek Week changed its name to Greeks in Motion, and beneficiary to University City East, which ran a summer program for underprivileged children. The Week celebrated Greek life on campus and culminated with a parade, Loop in Motion, with Greek floats and local high school marching bands. In addition sorority and fraternities ran food and games booths. Kappa was Greek Week champion three consecutive years, and Kappas were crowned Greek Week Queen two years.

Some of the other philanthropies that Kappas participated in included the SAM-E-PHI trotters basketball tournament, Chi Omega’s Bowl for Wishes, Delta Gamma's Anchor Splash; Alpha Phi’s Phi Ball Kickball Tournament; Pi Beta Phi’s Down and Dirty Flag Football Tournament; Beta 4-Square; Sigma Chi Derby Days; and Chi Omega's Volleyball Classic.

Kappa won the award for “Most Spirited Greek Team”of Dance Marathon, a benefit for local children's hospitals. Participation in the twelve-hour dance-a-thon was a tradition of which chapter members were very proud.

Kappas participated in Give Thanks Give Back, a campus wide initiative to adopt families for the holidays through the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s 100 Neediest Cases. They raised $1,400 in one week and purchased a refrigerator, washer, dryer, clothing, and presents for a family of five. On Valentine's Day the Kappas spent the afternoon at a nursing home constructing Valentine's Day cards and decorating the home along with the residents.

Another year Gamma Iota Chapter collected more blood than any other student group for the Campus Blood Drive. There also were other charities that Kappas assisted during this decade.

Chapter Convention Awards:

2004 Most Improved GPA award 2004 Honorable Mention in Finance 2004 Honorable Mention Risk Management .

Highlights of 2011-2019

From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:


The Gamma Iota chapter continues to be involved across the Washington University campus through athletics, philanthropy, greek life, and many other campus organizations, We were honored to receive the Scholarship Award from the Zeta Provence in recognition of our academic achievements. In the spring our philanthropy event, Kappa Karaoke, had a remarkable turnout when students filled the athletic center to watch and participate in the event. The proceeding week's fundraising and book drives provided donations to Lydia's House, a St Louis area program that provides transitional housing for battered women and their children. Books donated to the children at Lydia's House help promote literacy awareness as per the Reading is Fundamental campaign.

We continue to be involved in other philanthropy events and intramural sports across campus. Our chapter participates in Thurtene Carnival, the oldest and largest student-run carnival in the United States. Pairing up with Kappa Sigma fraternity, we once more orchestrated a successful facade and 45 minute performance. The months we spent preparing paid off when we won Best Production. Additionally, our chapter continues to run successful sisterhood events. Kappa Kookout and the Thanksgiving potluck were two popular opportunities we took to bond over a delicious meal. "Walk to the Arch" continues to be a popular event in our chapter, for which we walk 8 miles downtown to the St Louis Arch decked out in Kappa gear. The proceeds from the merchandise we sell for this fundraising event are donated to the Kappa Foundation and the Rose McGill Fund.

Greek Life continues to have a strong presence on our campus as its dynamic and enthusiastic members explore their interests and contribute their talents throughout the Washington University community. As more young women turn to Sororities as a way to branch out socially and formulate life-long friendships, the influx of girls entering Recruitment each year has steadily grown in size. This past fall the Panhellenic Association opted to invite another sorority to our Greek community, settling upon Kappa Delta after an extensive selection process. Kappa Delta's first Recruitment will occur Spring Semester in 2013. Washington University's Greek Life continues to hold the community to a high standard, honoring the Arete mission statement adopted nearly five years ago. Members of Greek Life uphold values of integrity, individuality, nobility in character, intellectual success, and social responsibility. The women's Panhellenic Association and the men's Interfraternity Council continue to coordinate initiatives to improve the new member period and affirm a comfortable transition as initiated chapter members. Additionally, Greek women continue to have a strong presence pursuing academics and social progress. Many are involved in writing for feminist college publications, and our teacher appreciation event is always a big hit.

Our chapter continues to have a strong presence on campus and even stronger bonds as sisters. After a large portion of our junior members studied abroad in Spring 2011, we recognized a need to reacquaint members of our chapter. Bonding events in Fall 2011 to get to know the diverse body of smart, accomplished women in our chapter strengthened our sisterhood, preparing us for an incredibly successful Spring Recruitment in 2012. Our sisters are heavily involved throughout campus, dedicating their time to theater groups, student government, Dance marathon, Relay for Life, athletics, honors societies, student publications, Indian dance teams, and a variety of community service groups. We are very proud of the women of our chapter for the respect they garner within the Washington University community.

We continue to struggle to define the best way to design our committee system. It is sometimes difficult to make sure everyone can be as involved as they want to be in such a large chapter. After reorganizing our chapter into three broad committees, we realized that this increased member confusion as to where their responsibilities were aligned. This Fall we voted to change back to subcomittees specific to the responsibilities of each chapter council position.

Highlights of 2012

Kappa Kappa Gamma's Gamma Iota chapter at Washington University is enthusiastically involved in all aspects of campus life: extracurricular clubs and organizations, athletics, and academics. Our annual philanthropic event, Kappa Karaoke was exceptionally successful and attracted a remarkable number of spectators and participants who helped us reach our our philanthropic goals.

After a week of fundraising and our culminating karaoke event, out efforts produced hundreds of books that we donated to local organizations in need. This furthered out commitment to our chapters charitable campaign Reading is Fundamental. the Gamma Iota chapter continues to support the philanthropic efforts of other chapters on WashUs campus and came in first place in AOPis Strikout Arthritis event in the spring. We also participated again in the annual Thurtene Carnival, the first and largest student run carnival in the United States, with Kappa Sigma as our fraternity partner. Our facade this year was a refrigerator which housed our 45 minute long skit that was performed many times throughout the carnival weekend to entertain the children of St. Louis.

The carnival's profits go to charities that serve the St. Louis community. In the past year our chapter has also had many sisterhood events that were of a philanthropic nature. Our annual Walk to the Arch event was a success yet again as we marched the 8 miles to the St. Louis arch together in the fall sporting all of our Kappa gear to promote literacy awareness. Kappa's also went together to a local safehouse for women to watch the children so their mothers could enjoy their holiday party and feel supported. In addition our chapter had sisterhood events to promote our unity such as the Kappa Kookout and our chapters potluck Thanksgiving dinner.


Greek Life at WashU continues to be a supportive and dynamic community that expands each year. The number women going through Recruitment is continuously growing and the chapters continue to thrive. The new addition to our Greek Community, Kappa Delta, will be joining us next year. The Arete mission, adopted by Washington University's Greek Life nearly 6 years ago, continues to be a standard that every member of the community is expected to uphold. Every member of Greek Life is expected to honor their commitment to academic excellence and integrity, individuality, and social responsibility. Greek women on our chapter continue to have a large presence in our campuses women's health organizations and feminist publications.


Our chapter continues to take pride in our commitment to sisterhood. Our sisters are dedicated to one and other and are also passionate about their other commitments on campus. Throughout all that we do with each other and otherwise we are cognoscente of proudly representing our chapter and and exercising the values of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sisterhood. We have sisters involved in campus wide events such as Relay for Life, dance marathon, Washington University Athletics, and various honors societies and clubs. We had sisters who were very involved in the Presidential Election in November and who enthusiastically educated our chapter and our campus on the issues and ensured that we all took part and voted. The Gamma Iota chapter values every sister's individuality and forms a salient support system for each member throughout any of their endeavors. Our chapter is well respected across campus and continues to have strong retention rates throughout recruitment.

Chapter Challenges

Our chapter continues to struggle with making use of the committees we create to aid our chapter council with its organization and events. Our new chapter council looks forward to organizing a system involving various forms of reminders and rewards to ensure that each committee member is aware of its responsibility. The new system that we look forward to enforcing will also hopefully encourage our attendance at even more of the other fraternities and sororities events on campus.

Highlights of 2013

Throughout 2013, the Gamma Iota chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma has been involved in philanthropy, academics, athletics, Greek life, and numerous other campus clubs and activities. Our main philanthropy event, Kappa Karaoke, was a week long event consisting of fundraising through spirit wear and penny wars, school supply drives, and literacy facts. The week culminated with a dance competition between fraternities and sororities, which was the most widely attended Greek philanthropy event of the year! The proceeds from this week benefited Reading is Fundamental and Books and Basketball, a WashU based outreach program at schools in St. Louis.

Kappa also participated in other fraternity and sorority philanthropy events, showing our support for our friends and their causes. The chapter’s involvement in Thurtene Carnival with the Kappa Sigma fraternity was a great accomplishment. Our theme, “House of Dreams—Thrift Shop” was complete with a hilarious 45-minute play and adorable blue on blue cottage. Our façade won Best Construction, and we hope to continue the tradition of a strong presence at Thurtene in the future. Our chapter had many sisterhood events this year as well. We had the Kappa Kookout with Pappy’s Barbecue at the start of school, Apple picking as we moved into fall, and a Thanksgiving feast where each pledge family brought a dish to share! Kappa members also participated in Greek Week on Team Hades, which won the entire competition! In the spirit of bonding and philanthropy, Gamma Iota walked 7 miles to the St. Louis Arch downtown to raise literacy awareness. We concluded the year preparing for recruitment, celebrating our sisterhood, and being thankful for the gift that is membership in Kappa!

Greek Life at Washington University is growing each year, and with the addition of another sorority on campus in Spring 2013, the Panhellenic community has a larger presence than ever! Each chapter is run by a group of dynamic and spirited individuals who donate substantial time to improving the Greek community's image and contributions to campus life. WashU also hosted another Greek Week this fall which boosted the morale of each chapter as we all came together to serve the St. Louis community.

The Gamma Iota chapter, specifically, has been working on academic support and presence on campus throughout the school year. A new mentor program was started in our chapter that pairs girls with similar majors together to discuss classes, professors, and career opportunities. Our chapter is very proud of its genuine sisterhood. In all events we organize and/or participate in on campus, our integrity and bond as sisters is evident. Our sisters are participating in or leading almost every group on campus, including theater, religious groups, Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, student government, community service clubs, varsity and club athletics, honors societies and so much more!

Gamma Iota's diversity makes us unique and provides so many different personalities and experiences to the table. Our chapter is very well respected on campus, verified by strong retention rates during recruitment.

Highlights of 2014

Over the course of the 2014 school year, Gamma Iota members were involved in a great variety of philanthropic, academic, athletic, Greek and club activities on campus. Our primary philanthropy event, Kappa Karaoke, consists of a week packed full of activities to raise awareness and funds for literacy. We instigate friendly competition between fraternities and sororities, each who have their own team, to incentivize participation. We sell spirit wear, host penny wars, share literacy facts and host a school supply drive. The week culminates in a competition where each team performs a choreographed dance routine - which is the most widely attended philanthropy event on campus! Proceeds from the week go to Reading is Fundamental and Books & Basketball, a WashU run outreach program for kids in St. Louis public schools. This year, we divided our chapter into 3 "kore" groups to attend and participate in other sorority and fraternity philanthropy events. Among others there was SAE's Dodging Depression, Alpha Phi's heart health week and Sigma Chi's Derby Days. Partnered with the gentlemen of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, Gamma Iota's involvement in the famous Thurtene Carnival was another great achievement this year. The theme of our façade was a jazz club, and the "Blue Diamond Soul Club" opened up with its first performance of a 45 minute comedy on stage next to the vintage bar we set up inside. We are very proud to say we won best production for this recital! With three members of our chapter on Thurtene Honorary running the carnival this year, we hope to have another strong presence! Sisterhood events continued to provide great "glue" for our chapter this past year. From pledge-class hikes to float trips and apple picking and of course the traditional Kappa Thanksgiving Dinner, where each pledge family cooks an original dish to share with the chapter, Gamma Iota bonded over food and fun this year. We also walked the almost 8 miles from Brookings Quadrangle on campus to the St. Louis Arch downtown to raise awareness for literacy - it's kind-of hard to miss 150 girls decked out in blue on blue screaming and singing down the streets of St. Louis so I would say we were successful! We concluded our year being thankful for our true and loyal sisters and preparing to welcome a new, glittering pledge class after recruitment 2015!

Our Panhellenic community at Washington University really thrived in 2014! Another sorority, Kappa Delta, was added in 2013 to make a total of eight active, engaged groups of women. Each chapter is run by a group of dynamic and spirited individuals who donate substantial amounts of time to improving the Greek community's image and contributions to campus life. WashU also hosted another Greek Week this fall which boosted the morale of each chapter as we all came together to serve the St. Louis community. Throughout 2014, our Gamma Iota chapter worked hard to improve our academic support system and increase our presence on campus. Our major mentor program that was implemented in 2013 has shown great success, helping many underclassmen pick classes and professors to pursue in their college career. This year we've asked our mentors to also help younger sisters connect with professionals in the working world for summer internships and work after college. Kappa is known across campus at WashU for how genuine our sisterhood is, and of that we are very proud. We bring this true and sisterly bond wherever we go, whether it is a kappa row in a large lecture class or a philanthropy event for another sorority. What we are post proud of, however, I believe is our unwavering spirit. Kappa sisters at WashU are participating in or leading almost every group on campus, including theater, religious groups, Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, student government, community service clubs, varsity and club athletics, honors societies and so much more! The diversity of Gamma Iota gives us a unique presence on campus and allows us to expose our sisters to so many different stories, traditions, and cultures. Our chapter continues to be exceptionally well respected on campus, as evidenced by our strong retention rates during recruitment.

We hold our chapter meetings in a classroom in a university owned building. Our chapter does not have a history of housing, as we have never had a designated house. Many of our members live together in university run housing, but that is self-selected. We have a Kappa Kappa Gamma suite in the university owned Women's Building at Wash U where we hold Standards meetings and Chapter Council meetings. The suite is studio apartment sized and not big enough for any sisters to live there.

Highlights of 2015

Over the course of the 2015 school year, Gamma Iota members were involved in a wonderful variety of philanthropic, academic, athletic, Greek and club activities on campus and off campus. Our primary philanthropy event, Kappa Karaoke, consists of a week packed full of activities to raise awareness and funds for literacy. We instigate friendly competition between fraternities and sororities, each who have their own team, which incentivizes participation and fundraising from both Greek affiliated students and non-Greek affiliated students. We sell spirit wear, host penny wars, share literacy facts with the Wash U community and host a school supply drive. The week culminates in a competition where each team performs a choreographed dance routine - which is the most widely attended philanthropy event on campus! Proceeds from the week go to Reading is Fundamental and Books & Basketball. Books and Basketball is a Wash U run outreach program for kids in St. Louis public schools, that aims to both promote the importance of reading and the importance of exercise.

This year, we continued to divide our chapter into 4 "kore" groups to attend and participate in other sorority and fraternity philanthropy events. Some of these events were AOPi’s Strike Out Arthritis, Pi Phi’s Up and Clean, Alpha Phi's Heart Health Week and Sigma Chi's Derby Days. This past spring, Gamma Iota partnered with the gentlemen of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, and participated in the famous Thurtene Carnival, another great achievement this year. The theme of our façade was a dream factory, and our sisters along with the brothers of Kappa Sigma worked tirelessly on both the façade and the production. With two members of our chapter on Thurtene Honorary running the carnival this year, we hope to have another strong presence!

Sisterhood events continued to provide great "glue" for our chapter this past year. From pledge-class hikes to float trips and apple picking and of course the traditional Kappa Thanksgiving Dinner, where each pledge family cooks an original dish to share with the chapter, Gamma Iota bonded over food and fun this year. We also walked the almost 8 miles from Brookings Quadrangle on campus to the St. Louis Arch downtown to raise awareness for literacy - it's kind-of hard to miss 150 girls decked out in blue on blue screaming and singing down the streets of St. Louis so I would say we were successful! We finished this event by celebrating our walk with lunch at the arch. We successfully concluded our year being thankful for our true and loyal sisters and preparing to welcome a new, glittering pledge class after recruitment 2016!

Our Panhellenic community at Washington University yet again thrived in 2015! Following the most recent addition of the sorority, Kappa Delta, in 2013, Gamma Phi Beta will be added in 2016 to make a total of nine active, engaged groups of women. Each chapter is run by a group of dynamic and spirited individuals who donate substantial amounts of time to improving the Greek community's image and contributions to campus life. Wash U also hosted another Greek Week this fall which boosted the morale of each chapter as we all came together to serve the St. Louis community.

Throughout 2015, our Gamma Iota chapter worked hard to improve our academic support system and increase our presence on campus. Our major mentor program that was implemented in 2013 has shown great success, helping many underclassmen pick classes and professors to pursue in their college career. Our major mentor program also allows uncertain sisters to discuss good potential majors with those who have already declared theirs. This year we've also continued to ask our mentors to help younger sisters connect with professionals in the working world for both summer internships and work after college.

Kappa is known across campus at Wash U for how genuine our sisterhood is, and of that we are very proud. We bring this true and sisterly bond wherever we go, whether it is a Kappa row in a large lecture class or a philanthropy event for another sorority. What we are most proud of, however, I believe is our unwavering spirit. Kappa sisters at Wash U are participating in or leading almost every group on campus, including theater, religious groups, Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, student government, community service clubs, varsity and club athletics, academic honors societies and so much more! The diversity of Gamma Iota gives us a special presence on campus and allows us to expose our sisters to so many different stories, traditions, and cultures. Our chapter continues to be exceptionally well respected on campus, as evidenced by our strong retention rates during recruitment. We are looking forward to gaining another class of exceptional individuals who will continue to promote the spirit of Kappa at Wash U!

Chapter Philanthropy

What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?

Traditionally, our chapter’s proceeds from Kappa Karaoke are distributed to Reading is Fundamental and Books & Basketball, which is a local program that is run by Wash U students. This year, our chapter really focused on participation in other fraternity and sorority sponsored philanthropy events, as well as campus-wide and local St. Louis philanthropy events. This year, we had great participate in Washington University’s Dance Marathon. Two of our sisters were on the executive board for Dance Marathon and they got the rest of the chapter excited to participate, resulting in a great turn out! The sisters of Gamma Iota have truly shined in participating and donating time and money to these, but also many other philanthropic organizations tied to our Wash U, Kappa, and St. Louis communities.

Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?

Gamma Iota handpicks the organizations that we choose to support based on the varied and unique interests of our sisters. This year and in the past, many of our sisters have served in leadership roles with Books and Basketball, so donated part of our proceeds from Kappa Karaoke to this organization was a way to show support for both the program, but also our sisters! Additionally, Dance Marathon is currently a growing organization on campus that has a special place in the Wash U community. As well as supporting our sisters, Gamma Iota’s participation in Dance Marathon was a good way to connect with the rest of the Wash U community as well as children who really need our support!

Highlights of 2016

Over the course of the 2016 school year, Gamma Iota members were involved in a wonderful variety of philanthropic, academic, athletic, Greek and club activities on campus and off campus. Our primary philanthropy event, Kappa Karaoke, consists of a week packed full of activities to raise awareness and funds for literacy. We instigate friendly competition between fraternities and sororities, each who have their own team, which incentivizes participation and fundraising from both Greek affiliated students and non-Greek affiliated students. Along with tickets to the event, we sell spirit wear, host penny wars, share literacy facts with the Wash U community and host a school supply drive. The week culminates in a competition where each team performs a choreographed dance routine - which is one of the most widely attended philanthropy events on campus! Proceeds from the week go to Reading is Fundamental.

This year, we continued to divide our chapter into 4 "kore" groups to attend and participate in other sorority and fraternity philanthropy events. Some of these events were AOPi’s Strike Out Arthritis, Pi Phi’s Up and Clean, Alpha Phi's Heart Health Week and Sigma Chi's Derby Days.
Champions of Alpha Phi kickball philanthropy

Throughout the year we created a variety of intramural teams to compete against other Greek affliated and non-Greek affiliated students. We stayed fit, had fun, and met new members of our WashU community.

This past spring, Gamma Iota partnered with the gentlemen of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, and participated in the famous Thurtene Carnival, another great achievement this year. The theme of our façade was a Game Cube, and our sisters along with the brothers of Kappa Sigma worked tirelessly on both the façade and the production. With multiple members of our chapter on Thurtene Honorary running the carnival this year, we hope to have another strong presence! !

Sisterhood events continued to provide great "glue" for our chapter this past year. From pledge-class movie nights and pasta dinners to float trips and pumpkin picking and of course the traditional Kappa Thanksgiving Dinner, where each pledge family cooks an original dish to share with the chapter, Gamma Iota bonded over food and fun this year. This fall we also walked 8 miles from Art Hill in Forest Park to the St. Louis Arch downtown, decked head-to-toe in blue on blue, to raise awareness for literacy.
PC 14 before the Walk to the Arch

This year we raised more money than ever before using an app called Charity Miles to donate for every step we took to Girl Up. Girl Up supports programs promoting health, education, and leadership of girls in developing countries. We also raised money for Reading is Fundamental through selling spirit wear, collecting donations, and working with local restaurants for Reading is Fundamental. We finished this event by celebrating our walk with lunch together with proceeds going towards our cause.

We successfully concluded our year being thankful for our true and loyal sisters and preparing to welcome a new, glittering pledge class after recruitment 2016!

Our Panhellenic community at Washington University yet again thrived in 2016! Following the most recent addition of the sorority, Kappa Delta, in 2013, Gamma Phi Beta was added in 2016 to make a total of nine active, engaged groups of women. Each chapter is run by a group of dynamic and spirited individuals who donate substantial amounts of time to improving the Greek community's image and contributions to campus life. Wash U also hosted another Greek Week this fall which boosted the morale of each chapter as we all came together to serve the St. Louis community.
Gamma Iota promotes Greek Life and KKG to freshman students 2016

Throughout 2016, our Gamma Iota chapter worked hard to improve our academic support system and increase our presence on campus. Our major mentor program that was implemented in 2013 has shown great success, helping many underclassmen pick classes and professors to pursue in their college career. Our major mentor program also allows uncertain sisters to discuss good potential majors with those who have already declared theirs. This year we've also continued to ask our mentors to help younger sisters connect with professionals in the working world for both summer internships and work after college.

Kappa is known across campus at Wash U for how genuine our sisterhood is, and of that we are very proud. We bring this true and sisterly bond wherever we go, whether it is a Kappa row in a large lecture class or a philanthropy event for another sorority. What we are most proud of, however, I believe is our unwavering spirit. Kappa sisters at Wash U are participating in or leading almost every group on campus, including theater, religious groups, Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, student government, community service clubs, comedy groups, chess teams, varsity and club athletics, academic honors societies and so much more! The diversity of Gamma Iota gives us a special presence on campus and allows us to expose our sisters to so many different stories, traditions, and cultures. Our chapter continues to be exceptionally well respected on campus, as evidenced by our strong retention rates during recruitment. We are looking forward to gaining another class of exceptional individuals who will continue to promote the spirit of Kappa at Wash U!

Traditionally, our chapter’s proceeds from Kappa Karaoke are distributed to Reading is Fundamental, which inspires children to read and helps them improve their reading skills. This year, our chapter really focused on participation in other fraternity and sorority sponsored philanthropy events, as well as campus-wide and local St. Louis philanthropy events. This year, we had great participate in Washington University’s Dance Marathon. Two of our sisters were on the executive board for Dance Marathon and they got the rest of the chapter excited to participate, resulting in a great turn out! We fundraised and danced for 12 hours straight to raise funds and awareness for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals of Greater St. Louis. The sisters of Gamma Iota have truly shined in participating and donating time and money to these, but also many other philanthropic organizations tied to our Wash U, Kappa, and St. Louis communities.

Dance Marathon with Kappa legacy and her mom

Gamma Iota handpicks the organizations that we choose to support based on the varied and unique interests of our sisters. We feel extremely passionate about supproting Reading is Fundamental because we are thankful for our opportunity to puruse our educations and want the same for all children. Additionally, Dance Marathon is currently a growing organization on campus that has a special place in the Wash U community. As well as supporting our sisters, Gamma Iota’s participation in Dance Marathon was a good way to connect with the rest of the Wash U community as well as children who really need our support. Kappa empowers us all to be the brightest, kindest, truest versions of ourselves, so we chose to support Girl Up this year to help girls around the world become empowered as well.

Highlights of 2017

Throughout the 2017 school year, the Gamma Iota Chapter of Washington University in St Louis was involved in numerous activities both on campus and off. On campus the members took part in the philanthropy weeks of other sororities and fraternities as well as putting much time into their own philanthropy to raise funds and awareness for Reading is Fundamental. In order to make sure that our chapter was present to help and support all the other Greek Life philanthropies, we continued the use of our “kore” groups. All the members of Gamma Iota were split into 5 different “kore” groups that were assigned to attend and participate in the different philanthropy events held by other sororities and fraternities. Kappa Kappa Gamma took part in Alpha Phi’s Heart Health Week, Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Defeating Depression, Gamma Phi Beta’s Girls on the Run, Alpha Omicron Pi’s Strike Out Arthritis, Pi Beta Phi’s Up and Clean, and Sigma Chi’s Derby Days, as well as much more. For our own philanthropy, Reading is Fundamental, we run a series of events over a week in the Spring semester to raise money and awareness for the cause.

Outside of Greek philanthropies, we are also greatly involved in Relay for Life and Dance Marathon, with some of our girls even holding positions in these organizations. Two of our members held the titles of “Director of Campus and Community Fundraising” and “Director of Morale Committee”of Dance Marathon, further displaying their clear devotion to humanitarianism and giving back to the community. Together they worked to get many members of Gamma Iota excited to particpate in the Dance Marathon, where a team of Kappa Kappa Gamma’s danced for part of the 24 hour event to help raise money and awareness for the cause.

Of course, Gamma Iota takes much pride in our own philanthropy, Reading is Fundamental. It is a program that is committed to spreading literacy throughout America to children of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds. Just like other sororities and fraternities, we dedicate an entire week to our cause. One of our main events is our annual Kappa Karaoke in the spring semester. It is always a highlight for the sororities and fraternities who take part in this event by creating and performing a lip-sync dance, and all proceeds go towards our total donation for our philanthropy. With a variety of other events, both with other students and by ourselves as a sorority, we help spread insight into what Reading is Fundamental is. We also get together groups and reach out to schools in the greater St. Louis area so that we can interact with the children, read to them, and donate books so that each child has access to their own book.

Kappa Kappa Gamma is known across campus for having girls that are dedicated and involved in numerous programs and organizations. There is no stereotype to these girls as they are a diverse group who come together to create a true and supportive sisterhood for each other and all the people that surround them. Numerous members are involved in organizing the Blood Drives for the Red Cross, visiting animal shelters, membership and leadership positions in Books and Basketball, and many other tutor groups such as Each One Teach One, and Money Think.

As we do each year, we make sure to educate our members on sexual health and interpersonal violence. However, this year we had very active members who worked and trained countless hours so that they could best teach and facilitate a conversation with the members of our sorority to talk about these serious matters. Our chapter has made incredible strides in the last year to further create a safe environment and community for all our members. With Greek Live, 2 members of our sorority underwent 36 hours of training in interpersonal violence to teach the rest of the chapter through an interactive conversation.

This past spring, we were grateful to have Lindsay and Hannah, two Leadership Consultants, join us during Greek Life Recruitment and soon after to help with initiation of our new members, respectively. In the fall, we most recently had Megan, our third Leadership Consultant visit of the year. All of the Leadership Consultants were pleased with how the chapter was being run and the direction it was going in. On November 5 of this past year, we had our leadership training day which we were pleased went very well.

Of course, fostering relationships between our members is a very important part of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Washu. In the fall, we completed our annual “Walk to the Arch”, a bonding activity where we walk from our campus to the St. Louis Arch. At just over 8 miles, the girls were able to spend hours together followed by a relaxing brunch to strengthen their bonds and relationships. Overall, the Gamma Iota Chapter had a wonderful year and is looking forward with excitement and delight for the expansion of their community this coming spring.

Overall, the Panhellenic Community has continued to flourish and grow in numbers! One change we were excited to experience was the introduction of our new Assistant Director of Fraternity/Sorority Life, Austin Sandoval-Sweeney. He took charge in working to create the safest environment possible for all students, both in Greek life and out. He has worked with students and members of each sorority and fraternity to better implement education of sexual assault and harassment, spreading the importance of safety and health. Our chapter has been beyond receptive in trying to make sure all students feel secure, and comfortable with any and all of our members. I am proud to say that the Kappa Kappa Gamma members on campus are know for the genuine personalities and the care they are happy to offer for all students. Our bond with each other is also strong, that we make sure all our member are always supported by each other. Our constant presence on campus shows our love for all activities, such as philanthropies, plays that members are in, classes, presentations, and more. Our diverse group of girls are not afraid to be their authentic selves, as we have members involved in almost all groups on campus including, theater, religious groups, Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, student groups/associations, community service clubs, sports teams (varsity and club), comedy groups, chess teams, and academic honors societies. We take pride in each of our members are excited for all that is going to happen in the coming year.

Historically, we have raised money for Reading is Fundamental, a program that inspires children to learn to read and improve their reading skills. Our chapter believes that all children, no matter what their situation is, should have the right to be able to read. Through various fundraisers and Kappa Karaoke, we were able to raise a large sum of funds for this program. However, our chapter places high priority on all philanthropies, not just our own. That led us to increased involvement in all of the philanthropies on campus. We showed our presence and particiapted in a variety of philanthropy weeks, as well as taking part in Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, and many other programs. We are proud participators, and we put a lot of time time into helping further these programs and help raise donations for all charities.

Our Gamma Iota Chapter realizes the importance of supporting organizations, therefore we make sure to advocate for a variety of organizations that our sisters work together to choose. Historically we have supproted Reading is Fundamental, a program that is still close to our heart. We have continued to raise donations and awareness for this program. In the recent years, we have gotten more involved with Dance Marathon on campus. Our passionate members have spent countless hours preparing for the events as well as spending time at the events. We love to support our sisters in all their activities, and we show our support by attending events and helping to raise donations for the philanthropies. Kappa Kappa Gamma has helped shape our community to prioritize supporting numerous organizations to make the world a better place.

Without a sorority house, our chapter gathers and spends our free time in our suite in the Women's Building on campus. With couches, tables, glittery decorations, and open doors, the suite is a perfect spot for us to do homework, relax, talk, and bond together. We hold Chapter in various lecture halls on campus.

Highlights of 2018

This year, the Gamma Iota chapter at Washington University in St. Louis was involved with our philanthropic organization, Reading is Fundamental, which is a nonprofit organization that promotes child literacy and improving educational opportunities for all. We were able to support this philanthropy by holding different events each semester. In the spring, we had Kappa Karaoke, where we invited all other fraternities and sororities to create and perform a dance to compete for first place. All proceeds went to our philanthropy and it was a great way to bring all of the different chapters of life together. Our members were able to get involved by being coaches to each of the teams and helping them figure out music, choreography. This was a great way to bring our chapter members closer to members of other Greek organizations. In the fall, we had Walk to the Arch, where we used the app CharityMiles to raise money by walking from our campus all the way to the St. Louis arch. Even though 8 miles is a very long walk, it was an enjoyable way to spend uninterrupted quality time with our sisters. We also participated in the philanthropy events of other Greek organizations on campus, such as Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash, Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Defeating Depression, Kappa Delta’s Color Run, Pi Beta Phi’s Hoops and Halos, Sigma Chi’s Derby Days, Sigma Nu’s 5 Days of Fox for Parkinson’s Research and more.

We made it! Gamma Iota Walk to the Arch philanthropy event

Besides Greek philanthropy, our chapter members are highly involved in philanthropic events across campus. Events like Relay for Life and Dance Marathon have a lot of participation from our chapter and even have many sisters serving in executive positions to help organize and promote the cause. Leaders in Interpersonal Violence, also known as LIVE, is an organization that educates our student body about interpersonal violence. Many of our chapter members participate in the organization, and our sisters who are involved in the specific branch that does outreach in Greek life were able to give us an informative and important presentation about sexual harassment and assault during chapter. Some other philanthropy that our chapter members are leaders in are volunteering with children through Books and Basketball, City Faces, and Each One Teach One. as It is obvious that our chapter members are dedicated to various humanitarian causes and want to get involved in our community.

Our chapter was lucky to have the opportunity this fall to initiate the Theta Alpha chapter at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. It is a rare occasion to see the installation of a new chapter and we felt very fortunate to be a part of the experience. Thirty members of our chapter traveled to SIUE’s campus for formal pledging and also took an overnight trip in St. Louis for initiation. We were fortunate to learn ritual from leaders of the Zeta district and bond with current members of the Theta chapter at University of Missouri who helped with initiation as well. It was exciting to spend time with Kappa alumnae, current members from a different chapter, and new members of a new chapter all in one place.

The Gamma Iota chapter is passionate about our organization, Reading is Fundamental. Books and literacy are essential to a child’s development, and we wanted to raise donations as well as awareness about their cause. Reading is Fundamental not only provides new books, but also has various literacy programs. This organization works to change communities by promoting a culture of literacy and partnering with different organizations within the local community to create a greater impact. They even have digital resources for parents, teachers and children so that they can be accessible remotely. As an academically driven group of women, we find this cause to align with our values and we enjoy dedicating an entire week to promoting Reading is Fundamental and their efforts.

This year, an independent survey of all of the sororities and women’s fraternities at Washington University was conducted about sexual harassment and assault. The Women’s Panhellenic Association commissioned the survey after recent complaints of the school’s Title IX coordinator and issues about how sexual harassment and assault cases are handled by campus life. Our chapter supports all survivors and has worked to spread awareness about the issue. Our members are a part of many organizations that have worked to educate their peers about sexual violence on campus, such as Title Mine, LIVE Greek, RSVP center, SARAH, and more. Our Chapter Council, especially our President, VP of Standards, and Risk Management Chair have worked hard with our chapter and other chapters to create an environment in the Greek community that is safe from sexual violence. We have held multiple meetings about the climate survey and what we as a chapter want to see happen going forward in order to make sure everyone’s voices are heard. We have worked hard to ensure that any decisions made by Chapter Council going forward are representative of our chapter’s interests. Our sisters have come together during this difficult time and are working hard to create positive change in our campus community, especially within the Greek community.

Highlights of 2019

Highlights of 2020s:

From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:



Chapter Convention Awards:

Note to Chapter Registrar: Please refer to your chapter archives including chapter meeting minutes and back issues of The Key to fill in any gaps in the above historical highlights. If your chapter archives are not complete, please research your university library, campus newspaper and yearbook archives for newsworthy information about your chapter. Please double check your work for accuracy. Contact chapter Advisory or House Board members, local Alumnae Association members, or your Province Director of Chapters for assistance.

Your efforts will ensure a complete and accurate history of your chapter for future generations to enjoy!