
Epsilon Rho

19 bytes added, 10:59, 17 June 2013
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{{Infobox Fraternity
|Name= Epilson Epsilon Rho
|GreekSymbol= EP
|Image= [[File:Epsilon_Rho.jpg|200px]]
|College= [ Texas A&M University]
|Location= College Station, TX
|Homepage= [ Epsilon Rho]
|Media= [ Media related to Epsilon_Rho Chapter]}}
January: The Epsilon Rho executive council started out the year 2012 by attending an officer retreat at the home of advisor Carol Gruen. During the retreat goals were made for the new year, decisions were discussed, and a positive attitude was implentedimplemented. Officers were able to strengthen the unity of the Council and get to know eachother each other through team building activities. A profit share was held at Chick Fil A on the 26th and at Red Mango on the 31st. Profit Shares consist of encouraging members and friends to go to a specific place, like a restaurant, and tell the cashier that you are in support of a certain organization, like Kappa. The restaurant then donates a portion of the proceeds raised during that day and it is a win-win situation. The restaurant gets more business because of our marketing and we earn money for our philanthropy. Through these profit shares we raised $300 for the Nehemiah Center of Navasota during the month of January.
February: On February 10th, we enjoyed a sisterhood event where actives were invited to the midnight premiere of The Vow. Our annual philantrophy philanthropy event, Reading is Fundamental, took place on February 11th at the Nehemiah Center of Navasota. RIF included one-on-one reading with the kids, Valentine themed cookie decorating, many arts and crafts activities, a performance by our very own Kappa Pickers, and a book reading by an Aggie football player. Each child was able to choose 2 books to take home and the rest of the books were donated to the Nehemiah Center of Navasota. The LEAD Conference was held in Austin this month. The entire Executive Council attended and gained leadership skills from alumnae and members of other chapters. Our Semi-Formal, themed “Texas Tuxes,” was held on February 16th. Our Events committee organized a fashion show for the Monday meeting before to assist actives and their dates in dressing in the perfect attire. On the 27th, guest speaker Jessica Bowers spoke at our chapter meeting about the harmful effects of alcohol. A profit share was held at Froyoyo on the 28th for the Nehemiah Center of Navasota.
March: On the 3rd, we invited our Dad’s to College Station for lunch at a local favorite, The Dixie Chicken. We then took them to an A&M baseball game at the newly renovated Olsen Field. The 18th marked the beginning of our Senior Programming series with a lesson on Interviewing and Business Professionalism. On the 19th, Dr. Elizabeth Grey spoke at our Monday meeting on the value of saying "I don't know" in both the medical field and in every day life. PC'10 had their own sisterhood event on the 20th with a viewing party of Pretty Little Liars and a plethora of pizza rolls. On the 4th and 25th, a Recruitment workshop was held for our newest members to enhance their understanding of Kappa Recruitment. A profit share was held at Fuddruckers on the 6th and at Spoons on the 22nd to benefit the Nehemiah Center of Navasota. Senior Programming continued on the 25th with helpful insight into Networking and Entrepreneurship. On the 26th, Kelsey Schmidt gave a presentation at our Monday meeting about the history of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The month ended with Parents Weekend, which was hosted at the Kappa house with lunch.
April: We kicked off the month with our annual philanthropy event, Kappa Krawfish! All proceeds were donated to the Nehemiah Center of Navasota. Seniors were prepped on Eating Healthy and leading a Balanced Lifestyle on the 1st. A Recruitment workshop was held on the 15th to help the entire chapter prepare for a sucessful successful Recruitment. Our annual "Monmouth" formal with Pi Beta Phi was held on the 5th, complete with a photo booth, casino, and face painting. PC' 09 had their own Sisterhood Event on the 10th with a Potluck Dinner. Seniors heard about how to manage their money after graduation with a lesson on "I'm Graduating, Now what" on the 15th. On the 17th, the in-house girls participated in a dinner swap with the girls of Alpha Chi Omega. Creative ideas about how to get involved in a community after college were shared with the seniors on the 22nd. Senior Programming ended on the 29th with an Alumna Presentation and Senior Banquet at Alumna Connie Appelt's house, the president of the College Station Alum Association. Our graduating seniors were given the chance to network with and learn from these women in a very unqiue unique and personal way. The Academic Banquet was held on the 30th, where girls were rewarded with gifts for their academic excellence.
May: We celebrated our graduating seniors on May 1st with an 80s themed date party and took advantage of the "Kappa Library" while preparing for finals.
June & July: From June 20-24th, five members of our Executive Council were able to attend Kappa Convention. The girls attended several programs throughout the day to gain creativity and insight on how to better lead our chapter. They left inspired after hearing so many great ideas and hearing the national Kappa President speak.
August: The Fall season began with 48 members of PC '11 moving into the house and embarking on Recruitment Work Week. During this week, we held a special night for our parents and friends to preview our “Monopoly” skit that we were to perform for the potential new members during Recruitment. We then kicked off Recruitment with a “Candy Land” day one and finished up with a “Don’t Mess with Kappa” themed Bid Day. Leadership Consultant Jessica Pereira stayed with us the entire week to help us build upon our Recruitment. She was immensely helpful. The new members spent the night at the Kappa House that night and the chapter was thrilled to have a new plege pledge class filled bright young women joining our sorority. The first meeting marked the announcement of our new academic program. The Period of Concern plan called for supervised study hours at either the Kappa Library or an on campus library, and supervision would be provided by the Academics Committee and the officers. With this new system the girls are held to a higher standard and are held accountable. We also required all of the girls on POC to meet with each of their professors and get to know them personally. These new changes were implemented with the hope of seeing an improvement in the Epsilon Rho Academics overall. After much hard work, the new Kappa website was introduced by our Public Relations chair.
September: At our Formal Meeting on the 3rd, Formal Pledging began. Owl Groups were announced, a program that combined New Members with active members, creating a group for girls from different pledge classes to get to know eachothereach other. They were also given the chance to pull tickets for the Florida Football Game as a pledge class with the New Member Executive. During the Monday meeting on the 10th, the new Kappa Kolor points system was announced, requiring girls to get two points for participation in our brand new philanthropy event. PC 11 attended Ritual Review on the 9th and the entire chapter attended Ritual Review on the 16th. We kicked off our socials with the first date party on the 20th. The theme was “Two by two” and it was held at The Tap. Actives revealed themselves to their new little sisters on the 23rd. at the Kappa house in a unique way.
October: October was a big month for our chapter as we initiated our new members! We hosted a profit share at the local burger joint, Grub, to raise money for our philanthropy on the 2nd. One last Ritual Review was held for the entire chapter on the 7th. On the 8th, girls were split up according to their majors and were able to answer questions that the new PC had about professors and classes. On the 9th, a profit share was held at Chick-Fil-A to earn money to support the Nehemiah Center of Navasota. During the week leading up to initiation, the 9th through the 11th, our Marshal committee planned nightly mixers for the pledge classes to get to know each other. After a week of activities, Fireside was held on the 12th and Initiation was held on the 13th. 55 members were initiated. Founders Day was celebrated with a presentation given by the Education committee during the Monday meeting on the 15th. An interesting video was displayed and both cookie cake and sparkling grape juice were served afterwards. The intramural chair organized a discount gym membership for actives at Athletes Prime, which has included many workout classes during the semester. To give members a chance to get more involved with philanthropic activity, girls went to "Lights After School" to help Lincoln Center host a carnival for kids. A group of girls gathered to go to "Trick or TREATs" at a local Animal Shelter on the 26th, , giving animals treats and taking dogs outside to exercise them. On October 27th, we hosted our first annual Kappa Kolor Run. Participants ran a 5k where they had different colored powdered paint thrown on them at each kilometer. The event was a huge success and raised about $11,000 for our local philanthropy, the Nehemiah Center of Navasota. On the 29th, the Academic's Banquet was held at the Monday meeting. Girls were rewarded for their academic excellence. We also raised money to contribute to the family we sponsored with Rose McGill Holiday Sharing through the Kappa Foundation. The chapter celebrated Halloween with Chi Omega at the “Owloween” date party at Hurricane Harry’s on the 30th. Members then passed out candy on sorority row with Kappa Alpha Order to young trick-or-treaters on the 31st.