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5,536 bytes added, 17:19, 21 December 2020
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2019 was a year full of many blessings for Kappa Chapter. The chapter is very proud of the new Alumni Officer Chairman position, their philanthropic endeavors, and academic success. The sisters grew in sisterhood and strive to live out the ideals of our beloved fraternity and home.
==Highlights of 2020==
In January, we formally rushed 22 women into the Kappa Chapter with a “Honey, I’m Home” bee theme. The girls were formally pledged soon after. We also had three women recieve the Sally Giaque scholarship, a local Kappa scholarship funded and run by our house board. February brought our Date Party with a Barbie theme. The girls were respectful and had a truly magnificent time. We also had our annual Valentine’s Day Sisterhood where we make cards for all of our sisters. Philanthropy was excited to introduce our Send-a-Rose fundraiser for
Valentine’s Day as well. Big/Little reveal happened right before Spring break. Hillsdale College, like most colleges, did not return after spring break. March meant we were having Zoom chapter council meetings and trying to figure out how to adjust our chapter safely.
Eventually, we found Zoom meetings to be somewhat effective and even managed to do a Zoom senior send off where we bid farewell to our graduating sisters. In May, we were finally able to initiate our 22 New Members and welcome them as fully initiated Kappa sisters. Over
the summer, our chapter council continued to hold Zoom meetings so that we would be able to be prepared when we returned to campus. Thankfully, Hillsdale College was able to return to campus for the Fall semester. We welcomed 5 wonderful women into our sisterhood and held a virtual initiation for them on December 5th. Though their New Member period looked very different than those of the year's past- everything concerning them was done virtually- they were optimistic and took everything in stride. We were also able to welcome a transfer from a Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter in Nebraska. Many ritual reviews were conducted between the Marshal and individual members so that sisters would not be meeting in large groups indoors, and masks were always worn if medical issues permitted them. The Archives were reorganized and the chapter council also held a strengthsquest meeting to figure out how to best work with each other and our natural leading abilities. Meetings were done outside and in person for as long as the weather allowed and until the 30 day moratorium was put in place. Prior to the 30 day pause, we were able to host a 5k Color Run fundraiser raising money for Wounded Warriors. After and during the hold, we conducted all meetings on Zoom. This proved difficult for voting, but we were able to persevere. While we are all attempting to be optimistic, it is clear that the chapter feels burnt out on all things virtual. Thankfully, with classes still being in
person, many girls would get together in small groups for movies and studying, as well as making care packages for sisters in quarantine. The chapter as a whole was forced to be more intentional with how we pursue one another, and we were able to find more ways to show
love. Our Standards chairwoman created an “Affirmation Board” where sisters could write notes on their way to class and leave for others to read. Prepackaged snacks would occasionally be bought and left out in places where sisters frequently study together. Overall,
Kappa chapter strove for the best in a time that was difficult and anything but easy. In November, we held an officer speed dating event to get to know the officer positions. Our Nominating Committee slated a wonderful Chapter Council which was voted on 2 weeks after.
We are ecstatic for them to lead this chapter through the next year and we wish them the best.
What organization does the chapter support? Reading is Fundamental, Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, Wounded Warriors
Why did the chapter choose this organization? We supported all three philanthropies throughout different efforts during the year. We
support the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation because it helps our sisters who are in need of financial support, or affected by natural disasters, including COVID-19. Reading is Fundamental holds a special place in our heart because it provides kids with access to books.
Locally, we raise money to give books to kids in Domestic Harmony and local preschools. Furthermore, we the Wounded Warriors Project this year through a 5k color run. This is near and dear to many girls in our chapter as we have many girls either entering the military, or
have family members serving.
How did your chapter include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in your programming this year? (e.g., adding a DEI officer, philanthropy events, social media awareness campaign, chapter training, etc.). Our diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives were run by our education and risk chairwomen who partnered for programs for the chapter. Our public relations chairwoman was also
outstanding at making sure every girl was featured on our Instagram so that every girl could truly shine in our little chapter.
How did your chapter celebrate Kappa's 150th anniversary? Share what you have done this year.
For our 150th anniversary, the Kappa chapter held an outdoor Founders Ceremony. We also had online options for all of the girls at home, and we sent the Zoom link to our Alumnae. Prepackaged shortbread cookies were also offered, and each girl received a special invitation
to the event.
[[File:Kappa chapter 2020 1.PNG|thumb|Kappa chapter 2020 1]]
[[File:Kappa chapter 2020 2.PNG|thumb|Kappa chapter 2020 2]]
[[File:Kappa chapter 2020 3.JPG|thumb|Kappa chapter 2020 3]]
[[File:Kappa chapter 2020 4.JPG|thumb|Kappa chapter 2020 4]]
[[File:Kappa chapter 2020 5.JPG|thumb|Kappa chapter 2020 5]]

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