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Eta Mu

1,824 bytes added, 02:55, 20 February 2017
Highlights of the 2016
==Highlights of the 2016==
This year was another exciting year for Kappa Kappa Gamma at Santa Cruz. In the winter of 2016 we
were involved in clothing drives to help donate clothes to the homeless shelter. We also had a
magical night at semi-formal where we dressed up and danced the night away. This same theme
was continued into spring with our formal dance which was a throw back to the 90's. We had fun
dressing up for this blast to the past! We also took time to honor our graduating sisters and
celebrate their time as Kappa and undergraduate students at UCSC. There was a senior tea, a
and special moment at meeting where they gave our chapter adivce for the future. At the end of
the year we watched so many amazing sisters graduate and wished them well as they start their
next chapter.
Over the summer a few of our sisters were able to attend convention down in San Diego. They
came back with a wealth of new knowledge that they shared with all of us through stories and a
presentation during meeting. The Fall was an exciting season for our chapter. We welcomed a
new panhellenic sorority to our campus as well as went thorugh our own rush events. Many of
our sisters were involved in the selection, and establishment of Alpha Kappa Theta and our
sisters were excited to expand Greek life at Santa Cruz. Our own Fall rush went extremely well.
We welcomed 60 new sisters to our chapter. Through the remainder of the year we have been
involved in teaching our new sisters kappa history and beliefes. This class has eagerly learned
and embraced Kappa which makes our memebers excited for their contribution in the years to
come. We also put on a breast cancer bowling philanthropy that we do yearly with the boys of
Sigma Pi and our annual fall date dash event. Overal this year has been a year of growth and
strengthen for our chapter.
==Highlights of the 2020s==

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