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Pi Deuteron

2,939 bytes added, 15:20, 15 December 2021
|Image= [[File:Pi.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1880|05|22}}
|College= [http University of California at Berkeley]
|Location= Berkeley, CA
|Homepage= [http Pi Website]|Media= [http Media related to Pi Deuteron Chapter]
'''2,748 785 initiates (as of June 20172018)'''
Kappa chose Reading is Fundamental as a key part of our philanthropic work because it is a part of our national organization and allows us to see the immediate impact our service has on students in the community. Further, Jog for Jill is our Chapter's own charity that we chose to create and support because it is in honor of Jill Costello who was a Kappa and rower here at UC Berkeley who unfortunately passed away from lung cancer. As a way to honor her, the Pi Deuteron chapter and her roommate in Kappa chose to create the Jill Costello foundation, which donates money to the Bonnie J. Addario lung cancer foundation for lung cancer research to have her legacy live on.
==Highlights of 20202018:==
This year Pi Deuteron was lucky enough to win the Academic Excellence Award at convention. At Jog for Jill, this year we raised over $17,000 for the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation. We also created the Jill Costello Award that gives 5% of the proceeds to the Cal Greek community member who most embodies Jill’s spirit by standing up to face adversity and inspiring others in the process and this was awarded to Bryanna Kaufmann a member of Delta Delta Delta. Each year, PHC gives each chapter scholarship money to give to a new member and this year we gave it to Erin Atkinson because she has brought a fun radiance to this house as well as done a fantastic job showing what it means to be a kappa. On January 20th in San Francisco, many of our members walked in the Women's March to support women's rights. At Kappa Karaoke this year we raised $2,018 for Reading is Fundamental, after transaction fees $1,965 will be donated!
'''Describe the recent changes on campus and describe the chapter’s overall nature.'''
Our chapter along with Panhellenic has decided to become more active regarding sexual assault on our campus. In order to limit sexual assault, our Risk Manager has been giving the fraternities Consent Talks before our exchanges with them, to ensure the safety of our members. In addition, we have had whole chapter discussions about how we can inform more people about the seriousness of consent and what we can do to prevent sexual assault. In order to do this, we have implemented the "Event Team" who at each event, their job is to look out for their sisters and make sure their sisters are safe, although every member of this chapter also watches out for their sisters.
'''Chapter Philanthropy'''
'''What organization does the chapter support?'''
Our chapter supports Reading is Fundamental by going to the local elementary school twice a week to read with children. Further, Jog for Jill is our Chapter's own charity that we chose to create and support. Jog for Jill is a 5k run around the UC Berkeley campus and this year after, we had a lunch at the house with live music. In addition, we support the other houses in Greek Life by attending their philanthrophy events.
'''Why did the chapter choose this organization?'''
Pi Deuteron chose Reading is Fundamental because not only is it one of the national organizations, it allows us to see the immediate impact our service has on students in the community. Jog for Jill is in honor of Jill Costello who was a Kappa and rower here at UC Berkeley who unfortunately passed away from lung cancer. As a way to honor her, the Pi Deuteron chapter and her roommate in Kappa chose to create the Jill Costello foundation, which donates money to the Bonnie J. Addario lung cancer foundation for lung cancer research to have her legacy live on.
'''Chapter Facility'''
'''Where does the chapter meet?'''
The Chapter meets in a room in our house that we call the "Chapter Room."

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