
Juliana Fraser Wales

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(1948- )
As did Sally Nitschke, Juliana Fraser Wales started her Fraternity career as a leader of Beta Nu Chapter. “J.J.,” as friends know her, served as President of her pledge class, member of the Rush Committee, Second Vice President and President of Beta Nu; and her Fraternity service has continued uninterrupted since.
After graduation with a B.S. in Education, J.J. served as Field Secretary (1970-1972), followed by two terms as Chairman of Fraternity Education (1972-1976). She went on to serve as Gamma Province Director of Chapters (1976-1980), Director of Membership (1980-1984), Director of Chapters (1984-1988), Director of Field Representatives (1988-1990), and Vice President (1990-1992) before being elected President (1992-1996).