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Epsilon Zeta

10,901 bytes added, 21:18, 30 May 2022
Highlights of 2021
|Image= [[File:Epsilon_Zeta.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1961|12|09}}
|College= [http Florida State University]
|Location= Tallahassee, FL
|Homepage= [http Epsilon Zeta Homepage]|Media= [http Media related to Epsilon Zeta Chapter]}}
'''Florida State University established in 1851, Tallahassee, Florida'''
==Highlights of 2018==
In the past year the women of Epsilon Zeta have seen much success. As a chapter, we have accomplished our longstanding goal of having the highest GPA in the Panhellenic community. So, it’s not surprising that our sisters have been invited to join the many prestigious honor societies here at FSU, most notably the Order of Omega Greek Honor Society and Garnet and Gold Key, our historic leadership honor society. Our sisters not only demonstrate excellence at Florida State in academics, but are involved in several organizations campus wide. We love that are sisters are passionate about causes outside of Kappa, and their leadership in these organizations are something we are immensely proud of. There are Kappa’s Kappas serving on almost every executive board on campus, and several of these women have made their mark as president in organizations such as Women in Business and Best Buddies. Internally our chapter council has been working with the Greek community to set expectations for our new normal. This follows the events that took place last year in which fraternity member Andrew Coffey passed away due to hazing here on our Campus. At the moment, the Greek community is evolving, and the Panhellenic leadership has done a great job of promoting this change. Kappa is so excited to see one of our sisters sitting on the Panhellenic Executive board beginning in January, and we know she will do amazing things for our entire community. The women of our chapter have begun to reconsider the way in which we do things, and so many changes have already been made, particularly in regard to our newest Pledge Class. In August of this year we welcomed home these amazing women, and for the first time celebrated with a Blue and Blue Themed Bid Day. PC’ 18 was greeted with the true spirit of Kappa which set them up for a great New Member experience. After struggling to get our New Members initiated due to the arrival of hurricane Michael, we are happy to finally call these women our sisters. What better way to celebrate than laying out on our new sundeck! [[File:Epsilon Zeta Bid Day 2018.jpg|thumb|Epsilon Zeta Bid Day 2018]] In the spring semester, our sisters hosted our annual Kappa Con Queso event benefiting Reading is Fundamental. We love getting the chance to enjoy some Nacho’s with our Florida State community especially when it benefits our philanthropy. Just recently we headed out to the local paintball field to host Kappa Kombat, our tournament style paintball competition. Between the two of these events, Epsilon Zeta has raised over 10,000 dollars for our philanthropy. Not only are we passionate about Kappa’s internal philanthropic efforts, but our sisters work hard all year to support campus wide philanthropies including Light the Night, Relay for Life, and Dance Marathon. Last year at Dance Marathon, Florida State raised over 2 million dollars. Kappa has always prided itself on our involvement with DM and 2018 was no different. With 23 members reaching comma club, Epsilon Zeta placed third overall in our fundraising efforts and had our sister recognized as Delegate of the Year. More recently Kappa just participated in this year’s Light the Night, which raises money to fund research for blood cancer cures. Our chapter women raised more than 10,000 dollars, the most out of all organizations in our category, and hit sponsor status. The Epsilon Zeta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma continues to grow in all that we do, and looks forward to the year to come.   ==Highlights of 2019==  Our sisters are staying as involved as ever representing Florida State University as well as the Panhellenic community. We continue to have involvement by having members who serve in executive positions on all three major philanthropy events: Light the Night, Dance Marathon, and Relay for Life and look forward to continuing to serve as active participants in these organizations; excelling as top fundraisers for all three. In the Panhellenic community we have sisters representing the greatness of Epsilon Zeta through sharing their passion for empowering women as serving in various executive roles through Panhellenic. We have also had an abundance of sisters serving to help potential new members find their homes as Rho Gammas and team leaders.  In the spring we partnered with our sister sorority across the street and "Monmouth Duo", Pi Beta Phi, and held our first carnival themed event called Carnival for a Cause, where we had cotton candy and fair games on Jefferson Street to support our philanthropies that both involve supporting children’s literacy. We also held our annual nacho bar, Chips for Cheese with KKG’s which is always a huge hit. We continue to volunteer in the spring at Gretchen Everhart where we read and play with the special needs students in what we like to call “Owl Read with You.” This past fall, after our hard work and fun during recruitment, we had the honor of initiating 72 new members of PC 19 into our sisterhood and feel so grateful to share our values with them as they begin to grow during their time here in Kappa and at Florida State.  We are proud of our involvement outside our chapter as well, serving in leadership positions and being active members in other clubs and organizations that fuel our passions. To mention a couple: Student Government Association, Best Buddies, Global Scholars, Big Bend, Florida State Alternative Breaks, Design for America, American Sign Language Association, Stryke Magazine, Clutch Magazine, and Garnet and Gold Scholars Society. Panhellenic also now has a magazine called Philia that offers articles on all things happening within our chapters at Florida State and we are proud to read the issues that for which our own sisters have contributed.  We celebrated Kappa’s 149th birthday and are excitedly waiting to honor our sesquicentennial in October 2020. Sisters have participated in celebratory social media contests and the songwriting competition for the “On the Road to 2020” to ring in Kappa’s 150th birthday.  In the fall, we switched up our philanthropy event to goat yoga! We went to Goat House Farm here in Tallahassee and invited friends to come “Relax for Reading” benefiting our philanthropy, Reading is Fundamental. This event was a true success, as we graciously surpassed our fundraising efforts from years past. Speaking of success, Kappa was given the honor of being placed as Florida State’s Homecoming award winner. Through our sisters partaking in school-spirited events throughout the week, the points we earned led us to first place where we were recognized with a trophy.
This upcoming Spring as we transition into our new Chapter Council, we will be following a new organized layout of executive positions. Our chapter has been chosen by the Fraternity to pilot this new executive board structure that will offer more opportunities to get involved in leadership positions. We are excited for the chance to have more support from our sisters!
==Highlights Our passion for one another and our own individual interests is the driver for our success and we could not have done it without the support of the 2020s== our sisters. We look forward to another incredible year being able to showcase our inspiring sisters.
(Information from chapter history reports, scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.)
==Highlights of 2020==
2020 was full of change, not only for our sisters at FSU, but around the world. COVID-19 brought a global pandemic that completely changed how we interacted with one another. We were encouraged by the resilience and adaptability of our sisters as they learned to navigate a virtual world. Classes, sisterhood events, recruitment, chapter meetings, etc. were all moved to a virtual platform starting in March. Although this was challenging to not see our sisters face-to-face, we were thankful that we still had the opportunity to engage and encourage one another through this challenging time. Prior to lock down, our sisters welcomed spring PC20 and attended a disco-themed date function called KKGroovy. Throughout 2020, our sisters involved in Dance Marathon and Light the Night at FSU, climbed to the top 3 fundraising team in both organizations. Our sister, Taylor Williams, was awarded the 2020 Miracle Network Dance Marathon Distinguished Leadership Award. The resilience of Epsilon Zeta in the classroom gleamed brightly as we were in the top 5 for highest GPA among the 17 Panhellenic chapters on campus. We began the fall semester with our first-ever virtual Recruitment. Our Recruitment Team tackled the challenges of zoom with grace. We had the honor of initiating 72 new members in a completely virtual initiation. The passion of our members extends beyond our chapter. Our sisters continued their involvement on campus serving in leadership positions and as active members. A few of these organizations include: Autism Speaks U, Student Government Association, Strike Magazine, Best Buddies, American Sign Language Association, and the Garnet and Gold Scholars Society. Despite the challenges and change that 2020 brought, our sisters at Epsilon Zeta we able to persevere and encourage one another.
Kappa at FSU supports Reading is Fundamental (RIF) and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. This year we were able to host our annual Chips and Cheese with KKGs fundraiser. This event consists of a giant nacho bar in the backyard of the house. We were grateful to have been able to host this event in the spring before the shut down because of COVID-19. In the fall, our Philanthropy Director conducted our first-ever virtual philanthropy event. She created a virtual scavenger hunt through Facebook to raise money for both RIF and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. Her creativity and adaptability helped Kappa to find ways to fund raise despite being in a global pandemic.
During 2020, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become the forefront of our focus to foster inclusiveness, awareness, and growth in our members. Over the summer, our sisters Hollyn and Ally facilitated a virtual “Do the Work” training for our sisters to attend. This course was designed to be an eye-opener and call to action for those who seek to be allies to black women. After completing the 30-day course, our sisters had a group discussion and Q&A on how to be better allies on campus and in Greek life. We are happy to announce that we have added a new officer to our Chapter Council Board. Our DEI Director will be responsible for working closely with the Executive Board to ensure that all activities and operations consider diversity, equity, and inclusion. She will encourage DEI education for members by cultivating programming to help open conversation and lead to growth within members, the chapter, and the community.
For the 150th anniversary of Kappa, we celebrated by having a Kappa themed dinner decked out in keys and fleur-de-lis’. Our sisters dressed up in their blue and blue, and some even came dressed as their favorite Founder. We had Kappa themed dessert made by our lovely Chef Katie. Later in the night, we held a Zoom Trivia Night on Kappa History. Our sisters were able to participate and learn about what was accomplished in the 150 years of Kappa. There were fun prizes for those on the leader board to add some incentive to the competition.
2020 has been nothing short of challenging, but the support of our sisters has been there through it all. We are excited for another year of encouragement, inclusivity, and growth as we take our passion for sisterhood into 2021.
'''Housing[[File:'''Bid day.jpg|thumb|house and sisters]]
==Highlights of 2021==
Chapter Summary
Summarize the previous calendar year, scholarships, group honors/awards, Convention awards, traditions, special events, philanthropic involvement, chapter goals. In the year of 2021, the Epsilon Zeta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma implemented a few new things. One of these includes the Kappa Key system. This is an incentive program that encourages sisters to be involved in Kappa and display our values of loyalty, friendship, and love. Sisters can get points for things like living in the chapter house, being involved in another organization, or getting an A on an exam. Members who have the most points will get rewarded throughout the year. We keep track of this through the Omega One app, which we have implemented as well this year. We also use Omega One for attendance at chapter meetings and for various announcements. In addition, Chapter Council was fortunate enough to take an Executive Board retreat to bond more and prepare for the upcoming year! The chapter has continued to keep members involved while adjusting back to normal after the past year.
'''Convention Awards:''' Chapter PhilanthropyWhat local organization does the chapter support and why? As a chapter we decided to support the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for our philanthropy. NAMI is a great organization that focuses on education and advocacy. NAMI offers many services such as support groups for different mental illness diagnoses or groups such as AA.
How did the chapter support Kappa’s philanthropy? Our chapter was able to raise over $4,000 with our event, “Kickin’ it with the Kappas.” The event was a kickball tournament. For our service event we assembled mental health goodie bags. The goodie bags included journals, an acupuncture sensory ring, a mental health tip card, and advice about mental health during the holidays. We passed these bags out around campus to anyone who wanted one.
------Diversity, Equity, and InclusionHow did your chapter include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in your programming this year? (e.g., adding a DEI officer, philanthropy events, social media awareness campaign, chapter training, etc.) Our chapter included diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives throughout this past year through the addition of the DEI officer, hosting events that were geared to educate members about various social identities, and by doing research prior to picking themes / names for sisterhood, philanthropy, and date function events. We also approached recruitment through a new lens in hopes of making the experience more inclusive for both active members and potential new members. Some steps we took to achieve this were removing any preference of heat requiring hairstyles for recruitment and using inclusive language in order to accommodate for conversation where one party may identify with different pronouns or have other preferences regarding varying social identities.
'''Note to Chapter Registrar:'''
Please refer to your chapter archives including chapter meeting minutes and back issues of The Key to fill in any gaps in the above historical highlights. If your chapter archives are not complete, please research your university library, campus newspaper and yearbook archives for newsworthy information about your chapter. Please double check your work for accuracy. Contact chapter Advisory or House Board members, local Alumnae Association members, or your Province Director of Chapters for assistance.
Your efforts will Operating in a PandemicHow did your chapter operations change due to COVID-19 (e.g., how did it affect recruitment, initiation, etc. Were events/activities held virtually?). Share what you have done this year. This year, Initiation was held in person! The ceremony was held in two groups to ensure each ceremony was small enough. In the Fall semester, our chapter evolved to allow a complete virtual option for chapter on Sundays. Over the summer, recruitment had a few rounds online, but was mostly conducted in person at our chapter house. Founders Day was an in-person event as well. For date functions and accurate history of your events, an alternate virtual option was always offered. Our chapter has been able to offer both virtual and in-person ways for future generations members to enjoy!get involved in all our activities and events.[[File:EZ sisters.jpg|thumb|sisterhood in masks]]

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