
Eta Kappa

137 bytes added, 02:25, 6 February 2019
Highlights of 2018
We wrapped up our fall term by hosting an LC and attending a sexual assault workshop. Elections were again held for the new Exec Board, as Eta Kappa is moving towards the new pilot structure. Transitions will not happen until mid February.
Our chapter has also been very active within the Greek community. Currently, we are represented in Order of Omega, a National Greek Honor Society in which one of our sisters, Megan Koluch, is the President. Eta Kappa prides itself on being very well represented on Panhellenic Council as well. Senior Dani Ellis is the Sophomore Danny Cerna Nunez served as Vice President of Diversity for the Panhellenic Council Diversityduring the Spring and Fall terms, and senior Danielle Ellis is taking over the position for the Winter Term of 2019. Six of our sisters were a part of the Women’s Soccer team that went to the NCAA Tournament for the third consecutive year.
As a chapter that prides ourselves on academics, we were happy to see our term GPA at its best in the fall with an average GPA of 3.34. Seven sisters made Dean’s List and three of those sisters had 4.0s. Our average term GPA was 0.16 points better than the all-Greek average.
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