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Highlights of 2016
We support these different organizations because our chapter sees the importance of supporting organizations that serve our local city as well as the broader community. We believe that much strength and impact is possible through our sisterhood and that it is our duty and privilege to use our unity for a greater good.
==Highlights of 2017==
The year of 2017 has been wonderful for the Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. During 2017, the women of Kappa Chapter excelled in academics, sisterhood, and honoring ritual. The women have helped each other grow through serving the community and Kappa’s national philanthropy, promoting high standards, and strengthening friendships with their sisters.
Returning from winter break in early January 2017, the Chapter Council participated in a Leadership Retreat. Each officer read the book "Destination Unstoppable" by Maureen Monte. The officers then took a Gallup Strengthsfinder test. Lastly, they met with Mrs. Monte on how to best utilize each individual’s strengths and develop goals for Chapter Council throughout 2017.
Soon after the Leadership Retreat, Kappa chapter enjoyed a successful formal spring recruitment in January where we welcomed 20 new members into the fraternity. The new members put on a successful date party themed “Kappa Kappa 90s Kids” where the couples loved dressing up as their favorite 90s characters. Big-Little pickup followed shortly after and provided the entire chapter with a fun-filled evening.
During the beginning of the semester, our sisters were busy with philanthropy events, sisterhoods, and Kappa Chapter functions. A few philanthropic events included partnering with a men's residence to host a blood drive on campus and selling movie packages with proceeds profiting different organizations. The chapter also began a new philanthropy event where the students on campus could fill out a quick note and have a home baked cookie delivered to their friend on Valentine’s Day; the event resulted in $100 donated to Reading is Fundamental.
In February, the chapter participated in a Valentine's Day Sisterhood where our sisters did a positive affirmations activity and wrote cards for senior citizens and Kappa Chapter’s sisters who were away from Hillsdale for the semester. As February was also Academic Excellence month, the chapter participated in a week-long social media campaign spotlighting Kappademics. In addition, the chapter enjoyed a formal dinner, along with three attending professors, to celebrate the academic success of many of our sisters. The chapter had another formal dinner during February which was an Etiquette dinner that provided the chapter with lifelong professional skills.
In the middle of the semester, the sisters enjoyed a Parent’s Weekend Brunch, giving our sisters time to enjoy a meal with their families. After this event, the sisters participated in an educational Self Defense session which taught the chapter more about the importance of situational awareness. Mid-semester ended with a beautiful Inspiration Week which rejuvenated the sisterhood and initiated 19 excited new sisters. After this, our sisters looked forward to their Formal dance called “A Night in the Garden” which was a magnificent evening filled with dinner and dancing. Our sisters also had fun with the Faculty Easter Egg Hunt where they entertained many faculty members and their children with snacks, coloring, pin the tail on the bunny, outdoor activities, and two Easter egg hunts.
The spring also had the Kappa Leadership Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Five sisters partook in the event and enjoyed presentations on leadership. They learned how to better our chapter, as well as meeting members of other chapters and brainstorming new ideas to implement in the upcoming semester.
At spring convocation, the Kappa Chapter welcomed back the Scholarship Cup after achieving the highest house GPA of the campus sororities for Fall 2016. Soon after, the sisters participated in Greek Week, enjoying the spirit of house unity and competitiveness. The chapter also provided a Relay for Life team and were able to donate $1,000 for the team, in honor of a current sister with cancer. The chapter hosted Kupcake Wars as well, raising nearly $400 for Reading is Fundamental. Furthering the chapter’s philanthropic purpose, a sister orchestrated a meal packing event, for which the chapter helped raise hundreds of dollars and assisted in packing 22,000 meals for children in Haiti. Later in the month, Kappa Chapter had a stress-management program night, at which a sister's mother--a psychiatrist--helped provide tips for managing stress levels during finals. Lastly, the chapter had Senior Week, at which our women honored the 22 seniors for their time at Hillsdale and in Kappa.
In May our chapter said goodbye to our senior sisters. On graduation day, the house served a Senior brunch for the senior sisters and their families.
Over the summer our sisters traveled, studied, and interned in many exciting places from Washington D.C to New York to Oxford. The sisters each had a unique and exciting summer be it at home with family and friends, traveling with a sports team, or landing a major internship. Throughout the summer, our PR was kept up to date on all of the wonderful opportunities our sisters experienced.
In the fall our sisters came back to school excited to start another school year and to grow in sisterhood. September was a busy month for our house not only because of chapter events, but many of our sisters are active on our college’s Student Activities Board and spend time throwing fabulous events for the college. One event was The Source, a campus fair highlighting student clubs. Kappa participated in promoting Greek Life in a PanHellenic booth at The Source.
Also in September, we had an excited Homecoming Week where the chapter actively participated in the events and especially enjoyed the Wing Eating Contest and the annual Mock Rock dance competition. The chapter also hosted alumnae at an open house during homecoming weekend and loved getting to connect with past sisters and hear stories about their experiences in Kappa. In the midst of the campus excitement, our house was happy to welcome home three new sisters and engage in a fun Bid Night. The chapter also hosted the Boys' Ice Cream Social, where men from campus can tour the house, eat ice cream, and socialize with the women. We ended the month with our Scholarship Dinner to honor our academically successful sisters and had well-known professors and their spouses attended.
Soon after, the chapter celebrated Founders Day with a formal dinner, heritage exhibit, and beautiful reading from one of our advisers. At the same time, the sisters were also participating in Sigma Chi’s annual Derby Days Fundraiser. Kappa won the competitive aspect of this event and proudly raised over $6,000 pledged for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, with a portion of this money going towards a sister whose family endured a tragic event over the past year. During this month the house also became busier with campus events and selling Boo Bags which raised $100 for Reading is Fundamental and money for books for a local elementary school. Lastly, the house had fun passing out candy to community and professors’ children who came to the house for trick-or-treat on Halloween.
November was a busy month for the Kappa Chapter as it began with a fun football tailgate recruitment event. The excitement continued on that same night with date party put on by Kappa’s new members themed “Set Sail with a Kappa” where couples loved dressing up with water-inspired costumes. The month became even more exciting when Kappa won the Scholarship Cup for another semester with a 3.449 Chapter average GPA which was higher than the All-Sorority and All-Women averages. Soon after, our sisters enjoyed another beautiful Inspiration Week which welcomed three new sisters. The week was soon followed by a relaxing Thanksgiving Break which allowed the chapter to find dresses for the upcoming Informal Dance themed “Winter Wonderland” which got the whole house in a glorious Christmas spirit.
Towards the end of the semester, the house participated in philanthropic activities such as bell ringing for Salvation Army and donating canned goods to a local food pantry called The King’s Cupboard. The house also held a Christmas party for professors and their families to come have warm tea and cocoa and decorate cookies. The house also loved the Christmas sisterhood party that included a Secret Santa gift exchange.
The semester ended with the induction of new Chapter Council members, marking a new time of transition and growth in our chapter. This was a remarkable year for Kappa that was filled with academic excellence, sisterly support, and the further growth of our cherished house.