
Eta Xi

1,320 bytes added, 03:07, 20 February 2017
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On the 1st of November marks the beginning of initiation week with Sigma Within a Delta. We also elected our nomination chair for the chapter on the day of 1st as well. As we sent of the best wishes from the bigs to littles at Blue and Blue on the day of November 3rd, we also had our annual philanthropic event Kappa Kup from the 12th to the 14th of November. After a successful thanksgiving event that was hosted by the Event committee, we initiated our new members at Fresno State on the 21st of November. We had election for new officers on the 22nd of November and we also installed the officers on the 30th of November. On the 6th of December, as we said goodbye to our sisters, we had the opportunity to bond with them at the sisterhood event. And the Public Relation Committee decided to give back to the UCM community by hosting our annual Kappa Koffee Break.
==Highlights of 2016==
The previous year was fairly uneventful besides being awarded as blue status for philanthropy and the recent presidential election. As of now the election hasn’t seemed to effect any of the women directly but there is no telling what the future may hold. Other than these two things the chapter has been pretty steady.
Campus: Our campus has just approved the 2020 Project meaning the campus should be completely finished by the year 2020. With this growth in the campus, the chapter begins to grow and adapt to the larger scale. This is especially apparent during philanthropy week-long events when the stakes are higher than ever.
Philanthropy: In our community, we have the Women’s Valley Crisis Center which is a place where women and children that have been domestically abused can go to do seek shelter, food, and any materials they may need to survive. As a chapter, we are not allowed to physically go and donate our time so instead we hold various fundraisers to donate money, clothes, materials, etc. to the center. Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support? As women, we felt that we should support women who do not have the privileges and opportunities that we have. These women are put in situations and helping them find a way out is all we can do.
==Highlights of 2020s:==