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FoundedApril 21, 1880 (1880-04-21) (144 years ago)
CollegeUniversity of Minnesota
LocationMinneapolis, MN
HomepageChi Website
Media related to Chi Chapter

University of Minnesota established in 1851, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Founded April 21, 1880

2,708 initiates (as of June 2017)

Charter Members:

Adaline Louise Camp, Grace Webster Curtis, Mary Ellen Goodrich, Augusta Marie Perkins, Addie Eva Pillsbury, Addie Anna Tidd, Lillian Wilber, Sarah Adelaide Wyman

Some of Chapter’s Outstanding Alumnae:

Fraternity Council Officers:

Fraternity Loyalty Award Recipients:

Fraternity Alumnae Achievement Award Recipients:

Cleora Wheeler, 1952; Artist/illustrator; expert in steel die stamping (created insignia on 1930 History of Kappa Kappa Gamma) Patty Berg, 1956; Golfer, author Mary Durey Poole, 1976; Civic leader, served on national committees, Association of Junior Leagues president Catherine Olson Anderson, 1986; Attorney, special assistant to the U.S. Attorney General, White House liaison

Additional Outstanding Chi Alumnae:


The Early Years (Excerpted from The History of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity: 1870 to 1976)

Minnesota Territory was created in 1849 and the university chartered by the Territorial Legislature. The population of the area, scarcely 6000, not including an estimated 5000 Chippewa and Sioux, hardly warranted this move, but the redoubtable Yankee settlers who forged Minnesota statehood were determined to establish a university second to none.

In 1856, two years before statehood, a fine building was contracted for, known as "Old Main" until it burned to the ground in 1904. In this three story building a school of sorts was conducted, but the panic of 1857, the Civil War, and the Sioux Wars took their toll. Old Main, overlooking the Falls of St. Anthony, was turned into apartments, used as a barn, and was not restored until fall, 1867, when it became a preparatory school with a faculty of three. Students had to be at least 13 years old and were required to pass exams in basic subjects. They paid $6 per term- three terms a year, $2 per term room rent, and $1 per term fuel charge. Female students had to find rooms with nearby families.

In 1869, the Collegiate Department was opened. Until 1890, when the preparatory school was phased out, both departments were served in the same building, by the same faculty. The necessity of preparing students for college while striving to establish a university directed the growth of both the university and Chi Chapter. For, when the Collegiate Department was opened, it could not deny entrance to the girls who had been preparatory students. It was common to find among Chi initiates young ladies not yet qualified for the university.

Chi Psi, the first Greek organization on campus, was established in 1874. Kappa was the second -and the first female fraternity- in 1880. Between 1881 and 1904, six more women's and seventeen men's fraternities were chartered on campus - all of which remain active. Fewer than half of the 40 fraternities and sororities established since that time have survived.

During Chi's first decade, membership ranged each year from 5 to 20. The chapter met generally every week or so in the homes of members. Periodically, attempts were made to afford and locate a suitable chapter room, but this was not finally accomplished until the winter of 1889, when a room was rented near the school. It was furnished by the girls and alumnae with low benches upholstered in Kappa blue denim, a table, hanging bookshelves, a rug, and, of course, the ubiquitous owl in the corner. The girls thought it a snug and enticing retreat. Meetings were now held weekly, alternately in the afternoons and evenings. In the afternoon, lunches were brought for a "picnic" in the room before the business meeting; evening meetings were reserved for social and literary concerns.

And what social concerns they had! Although the original bylaws specified that "literary exercises" be held at regular meetings, the record books disclaimed this. The tabularius of 1886 indicated that to be ostensibly a literary society was, in fact, very useful when it came to persuading one's parents to permit one to pledge Kappa!

In that same year the "new practice" was instituted of having each member answer roll call with a literary quotation. Throughout the early years such authors as Shakespeare, Macaulay, Hawthorne, and Browning were read aloud at meetings. In later years this pursuit gave way to the sponsoring of public lectures. In 1889, the historian wrote that the literary work was "much the same as last year...reading of light essays and reviews,-pleasant,-not too profitable, perhaps- but as much as can be done." Other comments give an insight to contemporary attitudes: "...literary exercises postponed...adjourned into a 'social'." (1886) "...The Literary (?) (God Save Them) Exercises!" (1886) "Our literary work...has been, it must be confessed, a failure;...our time has been so filled." (1889).

It was the social concerns that filled the pages of the early record books: receptions teas, musicales, rushing, initiations, and parties. In some years, when the chapter roll (or the treasury) was slim, little entertaining was undertaken. In other years, parties proliferated.

Parties resulted in "a charming mixture of school boys and young gentlemen who are full fledged - and in society - about three of this sex to every Kappa!" Obviously, young ladies of those days did not extend personal invitations to young gentlemen; rather, the entire chapter invited a "list" which included any special beaux.

The Yankees from Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, who came west to become financial, milling and lumber barons, built homes for their families on a scale that is scarcely known today. It was the daughters of these men - those who did not go "East" to school- who were members of Chi, and until that magnificent type of home and living went out of style after World War I (when entertainment in private clubs took precedence) Chis always had available ballrooms for dancing, dining halls for banquets, and parlors for musicales. There was little distinction between an alumna and an active. Chis who had either been graduated or left school continued as active participants in chapter functions. It was a close, intimate society which cannot be duplicated in today's world of widening opportunity and interests. And, aside from activities provided by the fraternities and sororities, college did not include the breadth of extracurricular and social opportunity that reached its peak between 1920 and 1950. Before the turn of the century, higher education for women was a rarity and a fully coeducational university was still the exception rather than the rule.

Expenses today preclude the kinds of celebrations the girls of yesteryear held on Founders' Day. Before 1900, banquets were often held in private homes. Menus were elaborate. At Sadie Miller's in 1894, 50 to 60 were present at a catered banquet where the tables were arranged in the shape of a key. The cost was 25 cents each. The following year, 50 were seated in the Brewer's dining room. By this time, however, the chapter roll was becoming so large that it began to be necessary to feast in local hotels, and, later, in private clubs.

Considering the difficulty of transportation, it is astonishing that early Chis traveled as much as they did. Most of the girls lived or boarded in the area near the university, but at least one hardy member in the 1880s traveled several miles by horseback each day to reach the school in time for the 8 a.m. chapel service. Strong bands of sisterhood were felt between Chi and other Kappa chapters; the girls always eagerly awaited the tales of those who had returned from conventions. With the advent of football as an intercollegiate sport and more efficient train travel in the mid-1890s, chapter members began to visit each other on game weekends. In the fall of 1901, 21 Kappas from Lincoln arrived for the Nebraska-Minnesota game. They came in a private Pullman car- adorned with a white canvas banner emblazoned "Sigma of KKG." That same year, Beta Zeta members came to Minnesota and several Chis visited Eta. Always, parties honoring the visiting sisters were de rigueur.

It became customary for the chapter to entertain friends in their rooms after the football games. After the chapter house was built in 1916, these small gatherings developed into large open houses, with music, dancing and refreshment. This post-game practice was maintained generally - with the exception of the years of the two Great Wars - until the end of the 1950s.

Another traditional open house took place on New Year's Day. First held in the homes of alumnae or parents, later in the chapter house, this tradition persisted for 25 years after the turn of the century. Members of all Greek societies, the alumnae, the faculty, and special friends were usually invited to this reception. Often well over 200 arrived. It was a formal occasion, replete with orchestra, dancing, receiving line - most of which today's students would find very strange, indeed.

Another custom foreign to Chis of today was the German, or all-girl cotillion. Such occasions were usually reserved for rushing parties, for they entailed considerable preparation and planning. They took place in the ballrooms of members' homes, with music and dancing and refreshments served downstairs at intermission time. The girls spent weeks preparing favors, usually splendid tissue-paper contrivances, as gifts to their guests. The passing of the German after 1910 marked the end of an era.

Halloween parties and the Senior Picnic in the spring seem to be the only occasions that remain virtually unchanged from Chi's founding to this day. The chapter still celebrates Halloween, although the entertainment has altered in 90 years. The Senior Picnic seems not to have changed much at all, for the girls still enjoy skits, singing, baseball games, and occasional fortune-telling as their predecessors did. The picnic has customarily been held at the lake home of one of the active members, so from the earliest days, swimming and boating were enjoyed.

Highlights of the 1910s

For 60 years - through the 1930s - an annual houseparty was the highlight of each year. During the heyday of the hosueparty (1900-1920), it became a full week's sojourn at a resort near Prior Lake. One of the cottages was even named "Fleur-de-lis," honoring Chi's annual pilgrimage. Originally, both alumnae and actives (and chaperone, of course) went together for days of hiking, baseball, tennis, boating, bathing, and fun. The girls welcomed the arrival of their beaux for the final weekend, which was capped by dancing and hilarity. Alice Trimble (de Veau) recorded in 1908: "Chi has been an entrepreneur throughout the years. In 1890, the entire community was roused to support Kappa in its sponsor ship of Locke Richardson's readings of Shakespeare- in that time quite an unprecedented undertaking for a small group of young ladies. But the astonishing profit of $80 was realized, so well-patronized was the event. In 1891, Mr. Richardson's success was repeated, and in 1894 Chi sponsored a lecture by Swami Vive Kanadi, Member of the Parliament."

In 1914, a joint alumnae-active venture, the Kappa Christmas Bazaar, netted $200 for the fund to begin a chapter house. The next year, a vaudeville was presented by the actives. This grew into a combination of the two: the Kappa Fair, with items for sale, vaudeville presentation in the afternoon, and dancing in the evening. In 1920, the fair netted $1200, but by this time it was sponsored completely by the alumnae. The vaudeville, however, continued under chapter auspices. The 1924 version of these Follies was held at the Women's Club of Minneapolis. University men supported the Kappas in the production: "Martin Koon Bovey and his choristers were deluged with cabbage and tomatoes in the first act, but the audience behaved nicely after that."

In 1916, Chi members were performing their skits before children at settlement houses, but by the mid-twenties chapter social service was assuming a more personal relationship. Chis participated in the Panhellenic-sponsored project of sewing flannel pajamas for "poor little boys and girls." The traditional Chi Christmas party became a party for children with gifts of toys, along with warm clothing collected from their families. The Depression years of the 1930s intensified these efforts: items for Christmas baskets were gathered and presented to needy families, along with gift bags of coal. Always, during these years, children were entertained at the chapter house at the Christmas party.

During both wars, Chis "pitched in" to the war effort. In 1917, favors given to rushees were items for a "Comfort Kit," and each freshman was asked to send hers to a soldier.

The chapter was asked to catalogue the cards for all nurses in Minnesota, a task which they accomplished with pride in just three weeks. They contributed to the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Fund for French war orphans; and they sewed chemises for those same orphans in the attic, which had been converted to a sewing room.

World War II Era

World War II brought similar emergency activities to the chapter, along with some more tangible necessities. Each girl was required to bring one cup of sugar to the house per month. Town girls were asked to eat at the house only twice weekly, due to the food shortage. Members were to bring fat and tin cans to the house for collections. Every Kappa signed up as a blood donor. Chis sold "warsages" (war stamp corsages) at the Homecoming football games.

After World War II, public awareness increased on campus, as it did across the nation. The university, itself, was bursting with new students, returning veterans, and new buildings. Organized activity reached its peak. There was Greek Week, during which all the Greek societies performed some sort of social service as well as had fun and entertainment. Homecoming activities greatly expanded, along with the university-sponsored Snow Week in the winter and Campus Carnival in the spring. "Formals," the housemother's tea, the dads' brunch and the mothers' tea were, by now, traditional. Annual chapter membership had grown during the war years to around 60. No longer were even the actives acquainted with each other in the intimate way that was possible earlier.

Highlights of the 1960s

The chapter house was nearly 50 years old by the 1960s. Its capacity had been stretched to the limit. Strict rules of seniority determined which actives could live in. In 1962, a large house on an adjacent lot was purchased and remodeled for use as an annex, so that nearly half the chapter could be housed in the two buildings.

In the late 1960s, came the unrest caused by the Vietnam conflict and the drastically changing attitudes of students. This affected Chi, as it did the entire university community. Many students preferred to share an apartment off-campus than to live under the rules of the chapter house. It became difficult for the chapter to make ends meet financially. Not only had the influence of sororities and fraternities on the campus waned almost to the zero point over the past ten years, but those actives who remained faithful seemed to wish to conceal their loyalty. Keys were no longer worn as badges of honor and chapter rules were stretched in order to keep the chapter alive. Alumnae, puzzled and distressed by the turn of events, watched and waited while other sororities were forced to rent their rooms to non-members - or disband altogether. There simply were not enough interested girls on the campus of 40,000 students to sustain 20 sororities. By 1972 only 14 remained.

Two years later, however, the tide turned. More quickly than the decline came the beginnings of a "Greek Revival." The desire for the kind of university life that sororities can offer had resurged. Traditional goals of friendship, unity and loyalty within the Fraternity were again actively being espoused.

It would appear that the future course of Chi will be a blending of the traditional and the adaptive. Begun by a small, socially-knit group of friends forming a club on a struggling, intimate campus, Chi must now provide a compatible and congenial fellowship for a comparatively few girls on an enormous campus of 300 buildings and over 41,000 students. Perhaps the Chis of old wanted and needed to establish their place in their world - a male-dominated community in which they, as intelligent women, were demanding an equal foothold. Today the university is a community in itself: its 70,000 students, faculty and personnel nearly equal the entire population of the Twin Cities in the spring of 1880 when Chi was chartered.

It may well be that Chi's existence is more viable today than ever before. It provides a commonality of spirit, a sisterhood, in which each member is able to preserve her individuality while seeking an identity among the multitude.

Highlights of 2011

During the year of 2011, Chi chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma participated in many significant and notable events. In the winter our chapter raised money to help young girls have the opportunity to participate in the Polar Plunge. Also, many of our own members participated in the philanthropy event, Polar Plunge.

In the spring we had two formals, one was held at the St. Paul Depot, and the second formal was held at Modo-I, a sushi restaurant. Kappa hosted the philanthropy event, Breakfast at Kappa. Our chapter was paired with Pi Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Delta Pi for Spring Jam. In the spring we also hosted our mother’s for brunch at Jack’s café. Over the summer of 2011 an HGTV designer redesigned our house. The chapter room, main living room, and the kitchen all had renovations.

In the fall of 2011 our chapter initiated 31 new members. In the fall we participated in homecoming activities and we were paired with Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, and Lambda Delta Phi. Our chapter hosted our philanthropy event Kappa Katch me if you Can 5K, where many of our members and fellow university students participated to raise money. Our fall formal was held at the Minneapolis Grand Hotel. We went gathered and brought over three hundred books to St. Anthony Park Elementary school in St. Paul. We also spent time with our dad’s by hosting them at a Minnesota gopher hockey game in the winter. At the end of the semester, our chapter held a house and advisory board appreciation dinner to recognize and thank the people that help take care of our chapter and our house.

Campus: Over the past fall of 2011 Washington avenue has been under construction. They are renovating the streets and putting in a new light rail, that will connect to the existing light rail system and improve transportation on campus. There also has been a lot of other renovations to various buildings on campus.

Chapter: Over the past year our house has been renovated by an HGTV designer, the main living room, chapter room and kitchen has been renovated. Also our chapter has revised the standing rules and bylaws within each chapter council position and overall chapter council. III. Chapter Challenges: (Describe them and how the chapter met and overcame them.) One of the major challenges of our chapter is maintaining a high enough GPA to compete with the other sororities on campus. But this has become an issue that our chapter has taken very seriously. In order to strive for a high GPA and overall positive academic reputation our chapter has required study tables, and a log book to record and keep track of the hours that each member of the chapter has spent studying.

Highlights of 2012

This past year we Chi chapter participated and hosted numerous philanthropic events, participated in various activities through the University and created strong relationships with other Greek houses on campus. Spring 2012 was an exciting semester for Chi chapter. In February of 2012 we had our Spring Date Party social event at the 508 Restaurant and Bar in Minneapolis. The theme was Kappa Countries. Also, a group of us did the JDRF walk at the Mall of America. In March 2012 it was the first time that Chi participated in Girls Academy. In April 2012 we took part in Spring Jam with a group of other houses on campus. The overall Spring Jam theme was “Through the Decades”. Our pairing chose to do the 90's and our theme was "Saved by the Bid". Our team excelled and had a wonderful time. In May 2012 our Spring formal was held at the Grand Hotel in a banquet room. At the end of the school year, in April we were awarded Chapter of Excellence and the Award for Outstanding Greek Relations at the Greek awards.

Fall semester was another great semester for Chi chapter. Homecoming in October was an extremely exciting time for our House. Our theme was “Legends of the Wild Wild West” and after being paired with three other fraternities our team went on to battle it out and won the overall title of 2012 Homecoming champs! Later, in November we put on a 5K run “Kappa Katch Me if you Can” on campus and took part in a fight against starvation with a number of other houses at “Feed My Starving Children” outings. In December we celebrated Dad’s day where we attended a gopher hockey game and held a Date party at Brothers Bar in downtown Minneapolis with a Halloween theme. Finally, a goal our chapter has set this year was increasing the chapter GPA goal to 3.4. To help us work towards this goal we have set weekly study table at the house and study table sessions with other houses.

Recently there have been a lot of changes on our campus physically. The university is constantly looking for ways to improve the school and one way they are choosing to do so is building a few new things around campus. Currently they are working on building a light rail system through campus for fast and convenient transportation along with installing designated bike lanes on busy streets. In addition the new Rec center and Northrup Auditorium undergoing reconstruction and will be done in fall 2013. Finally, our campus is installing a number of new apartment buildings and even a new dorm for student housing on 17th Avenue. This new dorm will be filled for the most part with Greek students.

Highlights of 2013

Within the last year Chi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma has hosted and participated in many philanthropic events around campus and strengthened our bonds with other Greek chapters.

During the spring semester, Chi chapter hosted Breakfast at Kappa with all proceeds going to Girls Academy. This was a very successful philanthropy that gave Chi Chapter an opportunity to bond with other Greek communities who attended and always was a great opportunity for us to bond as a chapter. Breakfast at Kappa was great way to share with others and promote our philanthropy, Girls Academy, and raise money for the foundation. Chi Chapter also participated in Relay for Life, which raises money to help kids fight cancer. Besides Chi’s philanthropies, as a chapter we also attended and participated in many other Fraternity and Sorority’s philanthropies. Finally, Chi Chapter participated in Spring Jam. An annual weekend at the University of Minnesota that encourages participation in a cheer and dance competition as well as flag football game.

During the fall of 2013, Chi Chapter brought Something of Value to the University of Minnesota for the very first time. Something of Value is a national program that encourages discussion of high-risk behavior that Greek communities partake in. The day included a mock trial, discussion of our values, and an opportunity to create an action plan in order to decrease and eliminate high-risk behavior. Chi Chapter invited two members from each pledge class to participate in this event. It was very influential for our chapter as well as the other sororities that participated. Also, Chi Chapter participated in a weekend-retreat for Girls Academy, having the opportunity to attend Northeast Middle school and empower young women. Overall, it was a very influential and impactful year for Chi Chapter. We feel as though we grew strong bonds within our chapter and with other Greek communities through our active participation in philanthropies.

The University of Minnesota is constantly evolving. Currently, the University is building a light rail that runs through the campus that will connect downtown Minneapolis to downtown St Paul. The light rail has been under construction for four years and will be running in the fall of 2014; which is a very exciting event for all the students and faculty at the University of Minnesota. Also, the University of Minnesota has recently updated Northrop Memorial Auditorium. Northrop Memorial Auditorium is an enduring symbol of the University and the focal point of the Twin Cities campus. It has been under construction since 2011 and opening April 2014.

Finally, this fall Insomnia Cookies opened in Dinkytown. Insomnia Cookies delivers fresh and warm cookies to students doorsteps until 2 am. Insomnia Cookies has been a very fun and happening business on campus this fall. The University of Minnesota, Chi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma is a very friendly, sisterly, fun, and hard working chapter. As we close this year, Chi Chapter has a lot to be proud of. However, looking back we will always remember the strong philanthropic year we had and the meaningful bonds we’ve made that will last a lifetime.

Highlights of 2014

This year has been a year filled with fun events. We have held many different types of philanthropy events one of the first being Kappa Carnations. It's usually one of our annaul philanthropy events and happens around Valentines Day where people will pay to have carnations sent to whoever they want. We also raised money for relay for life by hosting a event called "Queso for a Cure". Another annual event which involves the University of Minnesota Campus is what we call Breakfeast at Kappa. This is where we offer breakfast to all students to raise money for our main Philanthropy called Girls Academy and RIF, reading is fundamental, which is the nation's largest nonprofit children's literacy organization. We used this money to send some of our girls to a weekend at Girls Academy where they were able to hang out, play, and get to know girls in this academy and help them with reading and much more. This year we were also given the Kappa Kappa Gamma Academic Excellence Award which is given out by Kappa Kappa Gamma Headquaters to one chapter each year. One challenge that we faced this year was that we were put on warning of probation after our spring formal. We took this very seriously and drafted a new risk management policy to help future situations.

This year we have had a couple exciting changes to our campus. The light rail that runs from St. Paul to Minneapolis that they have been working on for a few years is finally up and running. This new an improved light rail doubles the size and scope of the old light rail. This new form of transportation runs through the center of our campus right down Washington Avenue. This gives students another way to get to and from West Bank, East Bank, and St. Paul, and makes our campus connectors (our university's transportation system) occasionally less crowded, especially during the cold winters. This new light rail also gives students easier access to the Twin Cities. We are now able to easily find our way to Mall of America, The Capitol, and everything further and in between. Another addition to our campus this year was having the Vikings play at TCF stadium. This caused major traffic and swarms of people in parking lots cheering and playing music relatively early on Sunday mornings. However, it also brought excitement to campus. It was fun to walk outside our dorms, apartments, and houses to hear the roaring of the crowd and the loud horn. It was weird to think while watching it on TV that the game was happening not even a mile away from you. Although you wanted to avoid being on the roads when the game started and ended, and music was playing outside your dorm on the one day you got to sleep in, hosting the Vikings was a pleasure and a exciting addition to campus. Our chapter is filled with girls of diverse personalities who are friends with all different type of students on campus. Our chapter exhibits many different arrangements of hobbies, passions, and ideas which forms strong relationships between our girls and makes getting together a fun and exciting experience every time.

We hold our chapter meetings in our chapter owned facility. Our chapter owns two houses that give members the opportunity to live together. The first house is what we call the main house. This is where Monday night dinners are held, it is where the kitchen is, and where our chapter meetings are held. The main house is mainly where freshmen and sophomores live, but also occasionally juniors. The second house is what we call the annex. Opposed to the main house which fits 21 members, there are 19 girls who live in the annex. The annex is mostly filled with juniors and occasionally seniors. Both of our houses are owned by our chapter.

Highlights of 2015

Chi Kappa Kappa Gamma has had an exciting year full a new events and challenges. This year Chi chapter was awarded the Chapter Excellence award. We were also very happy to come in with the 3rd highest grade point average out of all the houses here at the University of Minnesota. Our grade point average requirement is a 2.7, and our current grade point average is 3.43. Also, Panhellenic elections were recently held and two members of Kappa Kappa Gamma were voted on to the PanHellenic Executive Council taking the positions of President and Vice President of Recruitment.

Another event that we are very proud of is our recruitment process. This year, the University of Minnesota had the largest number of girls go through recruitment since Greek life began at the University. We, along with other chapters, received our largest pledge classes with 56 girls, and initiated 54 girls. We were also very proud of our recruitment process considering we had 100% retention rate after open house. This year, our recruitment chair started the position of new member recruitment assistant, which has never been done on campus. Our assistant worked along side our recruitment chair to help with any problems, learn the ropes of the process and be the liaison between the members going through recruitment process for the first time, and our recruitment chair.

Our chapter has also had a lot of fun this year putting on and going to philanthropy events. This year we held our second annual Kappa Klassic where family and fraternity gentlemen signed up and gave money to play 18 holes of golf. Along with playing golf, there were raffle prizes donated from local businesses and restaurants. This year we raised over $6,500, which is almost triple the amount of our first Kappa Klassic.

Another big event was Breakfast at Kappa where friends and family bought tickets to come and eat breakfast at the house. All proceeds from both of these events went towards Reading is Fundamental, and Girls Academy. We also participated in smaller events such has Kappa Karnations, Feed My Starving Children with other houses, fundraisers at local restaurants, book drive, food drive, and working with the salvation army.

Girls Academy was also a highlight of our year. Some girls gave up their entire weekend to be small group facilitators for a group of girls, while some took shifts and prepared meals, and others simply donated supplies and food for the weekend. We were lucky enough to be the pilot chapter for this great program and to be continuing it for many years to come.

One change this year on our campus is the bus routes. They installed a bus stop at the bridges apartment, which is very convenient for girls who live in the house going to West Bank. Vikings games are continuing to be played at TCF stadium which makes Sundays here on campus much more fun, exciting, and crowded. The streets fill with Vikings fans and it’s great to be able to hear the roar from the stadium whenever you’re outside.

Our chapter can be described as a diverse group of girls who have different personalities and interests, yet form one cohesive group that makes for a funny, caring, intelligent, goal-driven, friendly and diligent chapter. The differences between every individual are what make our chapter unique yet exciting.

Chapter Philanthropy: What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?

Locally, we have done book drives for Marcy Open Homes School and for a semester girls would visit this school during an after school program and hang out with the kids, play games and do crafts. We also used a large amount of the money we raised to help us put on the weekend for Girls Academy.

Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?

Marcy open homes is a school very close to our campus, therefore the Chapter feels as though it is our responsibility to help this school reach it’s full potential. We hope to be able to supply this school with the tools and supplies they need to give these kids the education that they deserve.

Highlights of 2016

2016 was a year full of growth and prosperity for Kappa Kappa Gamma's Chi Chapter located here at the University of Minnesota. The women of Chi Chapter were rewarded for their dedication to their academics, leadership and philanthropy. Academically, Chi Chapter excelled by being recognized as the number one GPA out of the fourteen PanHellenic chapters on campus. Not only was that an amazing accomplishment in itself but Chi Chapter was able to achieve and maintain such a status for the second semester in a row with a GPA chapter average of 3.43.

Our Chapter has also been able to extend its success in the PanHellenic community by maintaining a presence on the executive board. This past November, the PanHellenic community elected two members of Kappa Kappa Gamma onto the University of Minnesota's PanHellenic Executive Council - taking the positions of Vice President of Public Relations and Vice President of Recruitment. Chi Chapter is composed of individuals who strive to better themselves and those around them which has allowed our Chapter to achieve all that we have. The individuals of Chi Chapter have built up such a chapter by being dedicated to their studies, developing their leadership qualities, giving back to the community and recruiting individuals who show promise in such areas. By living and practicing by such standards and rules expected from being a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma we were very fortunate to receive Honorable Mention for Recruitment, Public Relations, Finance, Gracious Living, House Board and Academic Excellence at the 2016 Chapter Convention. In addition our Chapter also achieved Adelphe Society Status for our cumulative donations being over $10,000.

Chi Chapter is proud of such honors but even prouder of the work that went into receiving them. This year, the University of Minnesota had its largest amount of girls go through recruitment thus far. As Greek life continues to grow and expand here on our campus so does our chapter. We were very fortunate to receive a pledge class of 48 wonderful girls in September and were able to initiate 47 girls into our sisterhood in November. Chi Chapter is not only proud of the women that encompass it but also the work that they do to better the community. This year our chapter put on the philanthropic events Breakfast at Kappa, Girls Academy and Kappa Karnations while also participating in various external philanthropies. Breakfast at Kappa is an event where family and friends purchased tickets to come and eat breakfast at our chapter's house. All the proceeds of ticket sales went to "Reading is Fundamental" and our other event Girls Academy. Our chapter holds Girls Academy extremely dear to our hearts because we are able to see the direct impact we have on the community. During Girls Academy members of our chapter set up a weekend long workshop to help develop girls into the strong, confident, ambitious individuals that they are. As a chapter we continue to overcome challenges presented and prosper while also living by the expectations set upon us by the women that have come before us so that we can create a better sisterhood, campus and world for the women to come.

One thing that has changed on campus since our last report is that the Minnesota Vikings no longer play in TCF Stadium. Last year, the Minnesota Vikings new home, US Bank stadium, was under construction but has since been completed. This change has decreased the amount of traffic coming in and out of campus on Sundays. Although the energy created by Viking fans will be missed it has made Sundays on campus more peaceful/quiet and thus easier to complete weekend assignments.

The University of Minnesota had the largest voter turnout across all Big 10 schools for the Presidential election between President-Elect Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in November.

Our chapter continues to partner with the Chanhassen Feed My Starving Children location. We have volunteered at this local Feed My Starving Children for as long as our oldest members can remember through large and small group exchanges. We have continued to work with such an organization due to the local and global impact. Locals come together in order to better the lives thousands of miles away. Our Chapter strives to push our members to make an impact on all scales and this specific philanthropy allows us to do so. Our chapter continues to meet on Monday nights in the main house living room. Although our chapter is continuing to grow,we have been able to keep up such a tradition.