Chairman's Corner

Revision as of 12:18, 19 April 2016 by (talk) (April 19, 2016)


April 19, 2016

Check out the newest issue of Historically Speaking! It offers insight into the history of our beautiful key...

History of the Badge

February 22, 2016

Thank you to all of the Chapter Registrars who turned in their Chapter History Report for the 2015 school year. With a new deadline (December rather than February) it seemed that you all had an easier time working on the report while you were still in office. Almost all of the reports have been uploaded, so please check out your own chapter's page and see that it's there. And remember, anyone can edit any page - so if you see corrections or want to add anything of interest, please feel free to do so! Any questions, just let us know...

Kelly - Fraternity History Chair
Kylie - Archivist/Museums Director

November 13, 2014

Welcome! My name is Kelly Fowler Nylund and I am the Fraternity History Chairman for the 2014-2016 biennium.

The Chairman's Corner is a place to chat about all things history. Have a question? Ask it in the discussion forum (up at the top left), and I will do my best to answer it.

We are still working on completing all the chapter histories on Kappapedia. Please take a look at your own chapter’s history, and if it's not complete, maybe you could help us finish it up.

As of November 2014, there are about 3 dozen chapter histories to complete. Please contact me ( if you are willing to help write a chapter history.

April 2, 2014

Ahhhh! We have a new column! We envision the Chairman's Corner to be a place where we can chat about all things history. Have a question? Ask it in the discussion forum (up at the top left). I'll also give you updates on how we're coming with chapter histories. Take a look for your own chapter and if it's empty, maybe you could help us get something up there!

Oh, details. I'm Denise, I was Fraternity President from 2006 -2010 and currently, I'm the Fraternity History Chairman. What does that mean? I take care of everything old! Stay tuned and check back often so you can see what's new - I mean old :o)

We still need help writing the histories for 35 chapters. Please let me know in the discussion section if you are willing to help.