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|Image= [[File:Zeta_Psi.jpg|200px]]
|Image= [[File:Zeta_Psi.jpg|200px]]
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1993|12|04}}
|Founded= {{start date and years ago|1993|12|04}}
|College= [https://www.wfu.edu/ Wake Forest University]
|College= [http://www.wfu.edu/ Wake Forest University]
|Location= Winston Salem, NC
|Location= Winston Salem, NC
|Homepage= [https://wfu.kappa.org/ Zeta Psi Homepage]
|Homepage= [http://groups.wfu.edu/kkg/Kappa_Kappa_Gamma/Welcome.html Zeta Psi Homepage]
|Media= [https://wiki.kkg.org/index.php?title=Category:Zeta_Psi Media related to Zeta Psi Chapter]}}
|Media= [http://wiki.kappakappagamma.org/index.php?title=Category:Zeta_Psi Media related to Zeta Psi Chapter]}}
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'''1,272 initiates (as of June 2018)'''
'''1,218 initiates (as of June 2017)'''
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In conclusion, Zeta Psi  is proud of the improvements our chapter has made this year. We are looking forward to continuing this progress in 2018.
In conclusion, Zeta Psi  is proud of the improvements our chapter has made this year. We are looking forward to continuing this progress in 2018.
==Highlights of 2018==
==Highlights of 2020s:==
2018 was a great year for the Zeta Psi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Wake Forest University. Not only were we able to grow as a chapter, we also made impacts on Panhellenic at Wake Forest overall. Throughout the year we set a lot of goals, and with hard work we were able to achieve many of them. We had two very productive LC visits this year with Emily Quirk. We learned a lot about how to maintain our good standing with nationals and become a more cohesive Chapter Council. After meeting with each member of chapter council during each visit and various members, she helped us set goals to continue growing as a chapter.
The beginning of 2018 was an exciting time for Zeta Psi as we gained 57 unique, passionate, bright, and kind new members, bringing our chapter total to 151 girls. Because we reached quota, we were not able to hold fall recruitment. We look forward to recruitment in 2019, which will be January 9th to January 13th.
Zeta Psi’s education chair worked hard to put on impactful events for the chapter. Some of these events included a gender-based violence workshop hosted by two safe house directors, a guest lecture by Veronica Butler who spoke about becoming an alumnae, and a talk by local Village Juice owners who spoke about healthy eating happens and cost efficient ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, seniors were able to attend a fun painting event. The seniors also received a senior cookbook for graduation, which is a new Zeta Psi tradition. The cookbook includes all of the seniors’ favorite recipes and serves as a meaningful memory post graduation. Our Vice President of Standards also hosted a pre-exam movie day at the local theater to help members destress before finals.
Additionally, our members have shown great academic improvement. This year we moved up from ranked fifth out of eight for GPA among all sororities to number two. We are so excited about this progress and know our members worked really hard to achieve this. Additionally, our Vice President of Academic Excellence has started incorporating more career planning programming such as Career Trek announcements and helping to connect younger members with OPCD resources. Moving forward, we hope to continue incorporating more events like these because members have found them very informative and maintaining our GPA.
2018 was also a great year for Zeta Psi in terms of our philanthropy. Even though our Kappa Kaddies event had to be cancelled due to weather, we still raised $7500 for Brenners Children’s Hospital in Winston Salem. Additionally, we raised $800 for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation through our yearly Kappa Kisses philanthropy event and collected hundreds of books for local elementary schools for Reading is Fundamental. Our members were involved in a wide variety of other campus philanthropic events too, including, Wake n’ Shake, DESK, Breast Cancer Fashion Show, Hydrating Humanitate, Hit the Bricks, and Project Pumpkin to name just a few.
Zeta Psi also hosted various fun date function events. The standards committee created documents for Kappa Krew and overall date function expectations that helped the events run smoothly. We are also excited because we have been approved to redo our Kappa lounge in Dogwood Residence Hall, so our house chair has been working on that. Public Relations has been working on maintaining our various social media platforms and has also been sending out chapter newsletters.
In terms of Zeta Psi’s role on campus, we had several members serve on Panhellenic. Alexandra Miller was the Panhellenic VP of Membership, Catherine Seher was the Panhellenic VP of Civic Engagement, and Remi Bohbot served as the Panhellenic VP of Community Development. We were so excited to have so many girls involved, and are proud that Mara Boston will serve as the Panhellenic VP of Operations next year! Our members were very active around campus in many other ways as well.
We were extremely impressed with how smoothly chapter council transitions went last year, and we hope that this year the transitions will go just as well. The previous chapter council worked really hard to create guides for new chapter council members to help guide them through their positions. This year we have been updating the documents with everything we think could help future council members. Transitions are especially important this year, as Corresponding Secretary and Registrar will no longer be their own positions.
This has been a really great year for Zeta Psi, and we are really proud of all of our accomplishments. We look forward to maintaining our good standing with nationals and continuing to grow as a chapter in coming years.
==Highlights of 2020s==
From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:
From chapter’s History Report: Scholarship, group honors/awards, traditions, special events, changes on campus or within chapter, overall nature of the chapter, chapter goals, challenges and how they were overcome, etc.:
'''Housing:''' There has been no recent changes on campus in the previous year.  Something very special about the chapter's overall nature would be the supportive aspect each girl feels when coming into the sorority.  This is through many big/little events, senior sophomore dinner, and each member excited to meet with one another.
The year started out with recruitment.  54 new members joined Kappa Kappa Gamma, Zeta Psi.  The whole chapter enjoyed pizza and went to a local roller skating rink to celebrate the new members.  The next 3 weeks each sophomore was paired with different freshman key sisters and then paired with their bigs and then went to dinner with their family afterward.  The following weekend was initiation where 54 members were initiated into Kappa Kappa Gamma with inspiration weekend.  Alumni parents and siblings came to initiation their family members into Kappa and it was a wonderful event.  Inspiration weekend included ice cream and batchelor in chapter, cupcakes from their big, a letter welcoming them into Kappa and what exciting things to come and finally room trash where they are given their gifts and their rooms decorated in all Kappa things.
Spring 2019 year had 12 Kappas who finished the semester with 4.0 GPAs, and our overall GPA was a 3.539 with an overall GPA of 3.528.
Founders Day:  The chapter celebrated FD in chapter.  There was cookie cake for the chapter provided by the marshal and each member did a fun quiz to find out which founding member they were.  We did the Founders Day ritual for the chapter and celebrated the founding of this amazing sorority.
Sesquicentennial Celebration:  To begin celebrating Kappa's 150th anniversary, we had 4 big cookie cakes for Founders Day and mentioning it to the chapter of the exciting news.  Fun ritual "nuggets" about the founding of each ritual were read to learn about the past 150 years.
'''Philanthropy:'''The chapter philanthropy supports Brenner Children's Hospital.  We wanted to give to children in a hospital that is close enough that we can see the differences that our money makes.  We have reached $50,000 in donations to the Brenner Children's Hospital.  "Kappa Kisses" was our first event of the year where Wake Forest students gave money to the chapter to wrap candies for other students.  This was a week long event and the chapter raised $1,026 for the KKG Foundation and RIF.  "Kappa Kaddies" was an additional philanthropy where each member's family would come into town for the weekend to play 18 hole captain's choice round of golf.  This event raised 14,706 dollars for Brenner Children's Hospital.
The chapter also participated in Derby Days hosted by Sigma Chi which raised 1,948 dollars for Brunner Children's Hospital.  The school had a 12 hour dance marathon in which we raised 20,758.10 dollars for Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund.  We participated in many philanthropic events around campus such as "Hit the Bricks" to help the Brian Piccolo Foundation raising 1,044 dollars, and "Project Pumpkin" where local elementary kids come to celebrate Halloween.  The chapter had its annual "Kappa Kickball"l for Wake Forest students and we raised 360 dollars for RIF.  A challenge in the past was the chapter participating in philanthropy events but our philanthropy chairman has exceeded the past and has had amazing participation raising a total of $39,842.10 for various philanthropies.
==Highlights of 2021==
Chapter Summary
We were thrilled to have been able to honor the accomplishments of the Class of 2021
somewhat-normally. Luckily, when we returned in the fall we were granted permission to
operate at full capacity, which includes in person date functions, events, and chapters. A
highlight would be our first date function of the semester, as morale and excitement were both
incredibly high since so many members were unable to attend events in the past due to covid
restrictions. We held several fundraisers with local restaurants to raise money for Brenner
Children’s Hospital and the Jed Foundation, and several of our members were on the executive
council for the Panhellenic Breast Cancer Talent Show. Our goals centered around re-engaging
members across grades following the pandemic, as well as fostering deeper in-person
connections and relationships within our chapter and with our chapter’s values after a year of
virtual chapters and events.
[[File:Zeta Psi 2021 a.png|thumb|covid fun!]]
Chapter Philanthropy
Our local organization our chapter supports is the Brenner’s Children’s Hospital.It is a
tradition in our chapter to support this local hospital; we are passionate about financially
contributing to the important work they do for children suffering from various illnesses.
We held several events, including a candy drive called Kappa Candy Canes and a partnership
with a local restaurant; the restaurant donated a percentage of their proceeds to our
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Chair of Zeta Psi was founded to increase the chapter’s
'''Convention Awards'''
overall appreciation for and celebration of the unique identities that contribute to our
community. This year’s efforts have mainly focused on gaining a greater sense of what exactly
our chapter needs to improve, and our efforts of promoting inclusivity and appreciation for
our chapter’s diverse identities. Moving forward, one specific implementation that we will
integrate into our chapter will be a DEI Recruitment workshop, which focuses on
acknowledging and eliminating implicit bias and microaggressions to further improve the
recruitment process for both active and potential new members. We will also implement a
formal DEI committee, dedicated to establishing and upholding the highest standards of
social inclusion regarding all aspects of our unique identities. Individuals within this
committee will explore ways to ensure that our chapter provides a safe space for all members
to know that they can express themselves fully and unapologetically without facing
indifference, discrimination, or intolerance.
Operating in a Pandemic
During the uncertain times of covid-19 our society made sure to take the precautions
necessary to ensure the safety of our members and those around us. For our newest
members of our sorority we made each feel special and welcomed as best as we could due to
the social gathering guidelines. We had each new member receive a gift basket with Kappa
Kappa Gamma stickers and other fun goodies. We wanted to make them feel a part of Kappa
Kappa Gamma and be excited
Unfortunately, covid restrictions did not allow for in person initiation. We did the
best we could to recreate on Zoom the traditions and experience of an in-person experience.
We are hopeful that next year we will be able to gather in-person to celebrate the tradition of
an in person initiation. Despite the lack of intimacy, we had over 200 people gather on our
Zoom initiation. We were able to learn from Nationals how to celebrate being a Kappa.
We were able to come together for Chapter and re-learn the songs and rituals of Kappa.
Covid restrictions definitely made this far from perfect, but with the support of all members
we are rebuilding this special tradition.[[File:Zeta Psi 2021 b.png|thumb|Sisters]]
==Highlights of 2020==
While this semester may look different from others, our efforts to keep Kappa Kappa Gamma a healthy and responsible organization has not stopped our chapter from being a place of sisterhood and community involvement!  We held a socially-distanced sisterhood philanthropy event in mid-October with both Wake Forest University and North Carolina COVID-19 rules.  We also plan to hold distanced sisterhood events, such as small outdoor gatherings amongst our sisters, so that we can continue to get to know each other during this time.  We look forward to continuing to make the Zeta Psi chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma a place of leadership, philanthropy, and sisterhood, while continuing our efforts to remain safe, healthy, and happy.
Zeta Psi chapter supports Reading is Fundamental, Brenner Children's Hospital, and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation.  Although last semester was cut short, we were able to raise over $1,000 for Reading is Fundamental and Brenner Children's Hospital through our annual event Kappa Kisses.  At the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the Zeta Psi chapter banded together to serve the Winston-Salem community from afar by raising over $2,000 for the Second Harvest Food bank of Northwest North Carolina.  Despite the uncertain nature of our fall semester, Kappa Kappa Gamma is as committed as ever to our philanthropic duties.  We hosted a Socially Distanced Sisterhood Brunch at a local favorite, Village Juice Co., And a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation.  Later in the month, KKG hosted a Virtual 5K, "Kappa Kicks" to raise money for Reading is Fundamental and Brenner Children's Hospital. Although these are challenging times, I am so proud to see our members coming together to help others.
'''Note to Chapter Registrar:'''  
While this semester may look different from others, our efforts to keep Kappa Kappa Gamma a healthy and responsible organization has not stopped our chapter from being a place of sisterhood and community involvement!  We held a socially-distanced sisterhood philanthropy event in mid-October with both Wake Forest University and North Carolina COVID-19 rules. We also plan to hold distanced sisterhood events, such as small outdoor gatherings amongst our sisters, so that we can continue to get to know each other during this time. We look forward to continuing to make the Zeta Psi chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma a place of leadership, philanthropy, and sisterhood, while continuing our efforts to remain safe, healthy, and happy.
Please refer to your chapter archives including chapter meeting minutes and back issues of ''The Key'' to fill in any gaps in the above historical highlights. If your chapter archives are not complete, please research your university library, campus newspaper and yearbook archives for newsworthy information about your chapter. Please double check your work for accuracy. Contact chapter Advisory or House Board members, local Alumnae Association members, or your Province Director of Chapters for assistance.  
Zeta Psi chapter supports Reading is Fundamental, Brenner Children's Hospital, and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation.  Although last semester was cut short, we were able to raise over $1,000 for Reading is Fundamental and Brenner Children's Hospital through our annual event Kappa Kisses.  At the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the Zeta Psi chapter banded together to serve the Winston-Salem community from afar by raising over $2,000 for the Second Harvest Food bank of Northwest North Carolina.  Despite the uncertain nature of our fall semester, Kappa Kappa Gamma is as committed as ever to our philanthropic duties.  We hosted a Socially Distanced Sisterhood Brunch at a local favorite, Village Juice Co., And a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Kappa Kappa Gamma foundation.  Later in the month, KKG hosted a Virtual 5K, "Kappa Kicks" to raise money for Reading is Fundamental and Brenner Children's Hospital.  Although these are challenging times, I am so proud to see our members coming together to help others.
Your efforts will ensure a complete and accurate history of your chapter for future generations to enjoy!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Diversity & Inclusion committee of Zeta Psi was founded to increase the chapter's overall knowledge of and sensitivity to issues surrounding our differences and how they shape our individual experiences.  As college-educated women, we must examine our privilege on an institutional, organizational. and individual level so as to better understand how to include and appreciate each member's diverse background.  Founded this academic year, the committee aims to guide members through the education and acknowledgement of historic and systemic racism within the Greek-life system and to examine our current positions within this history.  We will encourage members to reflect upon their own intersectional identities to recognize how we may use our privilege to better our society.  The goal of this committee is to encourage education and to promote the pursuit of justice and equity within the chapter and within the broader context of our society.  Along with the Diversity and Inclusion workshop facilitated by our National Chapter, we will continuously reinforce the importance of our conversations surrounding these themes through more workshops and presentations during chapter.  The implementation and continuation of this committee within Zeta Psi chapter reveals our desire to establish and uphold the highest standards of social inclusion regarding all aspects of our unique identities.  We commit ourselves to providing a safe space for all members to feel as though they can express themselves fully and unapologetically without facing indifference, discrimination, or intolerance.
Sesquicentennial Celebration During two of our virtual chapter meetings, chapter council shared the news of the 150th Founders Day celebration.  We encouraged members to the virtual founders day celebration and listen to the Founders Day message.  In addition, since we are not able to gather in person, I sent members of Zeta Psi organization the materials for award recognitions so members could individually celebrate safely.  Finally, we worked together  as a chapter council to encourage members to reflect on Kappa Kappa Gamma's values and principles on Founders Day.

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