
Delta Sigma

6,279 bytes added, 18:35, 16 December 2015
Highlights of 2014
The Delta Sigma chapter at Oklahoma State has been on campus since April 12, 1947. Our house has moved locations twice, we currently reside at 1212 W. 4th Ave in Stillwater, OK. All of our members have had the chance to live together in our chapter house during their years at Oklahoma State. The Kappa house is chapter owned. The house the we all call home is three stories tall and will house 90 women.
==Highlights of 2015==
The Delta Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma had a very successful 2015-year. To kick the year off we participated in an all-Greek show at Oklahoma State called Varsity Revue. We were paired with the men of Alpha Tau Omega, and the cast took home the Most Philanthropic Cast Award, Best Theme Award, and received 4th place in the show. The women in the fraternity participate in many different events on campus and are apart of many clubs. At Oklahoma State there is a continuous tradition of numerous Kappas being apart of Dance Marathon and holding positions on the executive team, since it was started on campus by a Kappa six years ago. To give back to the community by supporting our philanthropy Reading is Fundamental, Kappas visited local elementary schools reading books to children, and donating books. There was a total of 350 books donated to local elementary schools. During the spring the women of Delta Sigma participated in the Oklahoma State University Relay for Life, where the Delta Sigma chapter received the Highest Fundraising Award and the Best T-Shirt Design Award. One other all-Greek show that Kappa participated in was Spring Sing with the men of Kappa Sigma. For the second annual philanthropy event between the women of Kappa and the men of Delta Kappa Epsilon there was $5,000 raised for Make Promises Happen. Make Promises Happen is a camp that provides outdoor recreational opportunities for individuals that have special needs. After returning from summer break our success and hard work paid off by having such a rewarding recruitment. 62 bids were given out, and all were accepted. Our new member program is very helpful and a great asset to the women who were excited to call Kappa their new home. The chapter welcomed these 62 new members into our sisterhood on October 3rd. Oklahoma State's homecoming was just around the corner, which is the largest homecoming in the nation. Kappa Kappa Gamma was paired with the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. After several months of hard work and dedication, we had a very rewarding and successful homecoming. All of our hard work paid off when we placed second in house decoration and fourth in football frenzy. This past year the women of Delta Sigma were paired with the men on Alpha Tau Omega to compete in an all-Greek house showing called Freshman Follies where only the freshman women and men from the chapters participate. Our philanthropy event, Kappa Con Queso was a big success raising around $11,000 for the Stillwater Medical Center Foundation, JDRF, RIF, and the Kappa Foundation. This amount keeps increasing every year that we do Kappa Con Queso at Oklahoma State. There were numerous benefit nights at restaurants and donations received helped the chapter reach the $11,000 mark, and Kappa Con Queso was the main event. This past year, two of our sisters have held a position on Panhellenic Exectuive council, and two more just got elected to serve for the Spring 2016-Fall 2016 semester. For 3 years in a row, Kappa has been represented on Panhellenic Council and that is such a high honor at Oklahoma State. During this past semester there were 5 Delta Sigma members initiated into Order of Omega and one freshman named to top 10 freshman men and women. These are incredible honors and we are thrilled to have Delta Sigma women be apart of it. The women of Delta Sigma paired with the men of Farmhouse to compete in the all-Greek showing called Varsity Revue. To finish up the year, we had a Christmas event with the men of Kappa Sigma to sponsor purchasing gifts for the local children involved with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. The women of Delta Sigma finished the Spring semester with a 3.41 GPA, which was above the all sorority average. 2015 was such a great year for the Delta Sigma chapter and we are looking forward to seeing what 2016 holds for our sisterhood.
The Delta Sigma chapter is one of the most highly respected chapters on campus with close relationships with every chapter on campus. The Delta Sigma chapter is always willing to go above and beyond for other chapters in time of need. This past semester Panhellenic paired sororities up with each other to make “sister sororities” Alpha Chi Omega was our sister sorority for the fall semester. By being sister sororities we attended their philanthropy event and even hosted a special defense class for both chapters. In the Fall of 2015, the Oklahoma State University and the community of Stillwater, Oklahoma experienced a tragedy that affected everyone in the town. With this tragedy, the Delta Sigma chapter reached out to those in the community that were involved. The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma attended a vigil lighting ceremony for those who lost their lives during the crash. The tragedy did not just affect the town, but the university also.
Chapter Philanthropy:
What organization(s) has your chapter historically/traditionally raised money for, or donated hours to, in your community?
Relay for Life, Kasey Waychoff Foundation, Stillwater Medical Center Foundation, Dance Marathon, Into the Streets, Big Event, Make Promises Happen, Up Till Dawn, Stillwater Food Bank, Reading is Fundamental, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and the Kappa Foundation.
Why did your chapter choose this organization(s) to support?
The Delta Sigma chapter has raised money for these events / donated hours of service to the community for the members are very dedicated to serving others. This year for our annual Kappa Con Queso, a portion of the money went to the Stillwater Medical Center Foundation to help reduce the costs of hospital bills incurred by individuals from the accident. The Delta Sigma chapter felt as if this would be a great benefit for the community or for those individuals in their time of need. Each year there are members that dedicate their self to spending numerous hours serving to the Stillwater Food Bank, Up Till Dawn, and Dance Marathon. These are just a couple of the outreach activities that the chapter makes to help serve the community. With cancer being a prevalent disease in many individuals, some of the members and their families have personally been impacted by cancer and that is why we chose to set up a team for Relay for Life.